By rileysmiley139

120K 4.4K 2.8K

Hyunjin decides to join a dance team after graduating, eager to keep a promise he made to his friend. However... More

warnings/thank you's.
one. (prologue?)
twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two. | final.
EXTRA: fun facts.


3.8K 175 75
By rileysmiley139

A baby

Jisung skips down the halls like a child. I smile as I watch him, walking a bit behind him. I can feel Minho's eyes drilling into me from behind, and I'm trying my best to ignore how it makes me nervous.

Jisung stops abruptly, turning around to look at me with a cheeky smile. "This one's ours." He tilts his head to the door.

He waits a second for a reply, so I make a face of acknowledgement. He smiles, turns to the door again, and opens using the keys Chan gave us. He holds it open for me, and I step inside with a little thanks under my breath.

I step into a small room. It's like a square, with an opening that leads into the main rooms. I turn around, but regret it. Since the room is so small, I am the closest I've ever been to Minho when I turn around. He immediately takes a few steps back, bumping into Jisung— who is eyeing us with a smirk.

"Ouch." He says after Minho bumps him.

Minho stops, and turns to look at Jisung. He looks a bit conflicted until he doesn't, and turns back to me. He gives me the same look he always does. "Move."

I find myself doing what he asks immediately, without even thinking. I turn away from him and step out of the room, into the kitchen. He looks at me for a second more before he starts to walk away. He walks into the living room, and then around the corner.

Jisung comes up next to me. He places his keys down on the counter, and I watch as he does. He then turns around, looking at me. "Go pick a room, and I'll order food. Okay?" He speaks nicely, titling his head.

I nod. "Okay."

I begin to walk, into the living room and then around the corner. Just like Minho did. I enter a hall with three doors, and eye them all. I don't know which one Minho went in, so I have to guess.

I take a deep breath and step to the middle door, opening it and going inside. Surprisingly, there is nobody in the room. It's fully furnished, a white and black theme in the room. The walls are painted white with one black wall for an accent, and the bed is all white— matching with the furniture.

There are two doors in the room, so I walk over to them. I open one, and it leads to a walk in closet. I gasp. This place is better than my own apartment. Yet I knew that right away, from the big and modern main room.

I turn to the other door, opening it. I smile when I realize that I have my own bathroom as well. It's a big modern bathroom. There is a great tub, as well as a walk in shower, and a nice amount of counter space.

However, there are two sinks.

I tilt my head— and then the door opens. Not my door, the other door. The door that Minho comes out of, looking at me with a look of shock. That's why there are two sinks, because the rooms share this bathroom. Me and Minho are supposed to share this bathroom.

"What?" He asks, looking me up and down.

It hits me by surprise, and I just stare at him before i start to chuckle. "This is is just great." I chuckle, looking away from him. "Absolutely great."

I can't even believe this.

I have no problem with sharing a bathroom, but I do not want to share with him. I'm fine with sharing with Jisung, but Minho is a stretch. I already don't think I like this guy. He is just.. not my favorite.

He looks confused, but when his eyes go from me to my bedroom door— he gets this look in his eyes. He looks to me again, and I scoff. He starts to walk, so I do as well. I walk into my bedroom, and out into the kitchen.

I meet Minho in the kitchen, already looking for Jisung. He looks to me, thinking I'm him. When he realizes I am not, he begins to walk again. I'm already ahead of him, but he speeds up. We both crash into Jisung's room at the same time.

"Jisung, give me this room." He says.

"We need to move." I say.

Jisung sits up on the bed, looking at both of us weirdly. "Why? What happened now? Did you guys argue for the third time today?" He asks, in a voice of pure exhaustion.

I agree, Minho and I have fought all day, but it's not that bad. He started it every single time. I don't get what this guys problem with me is. Felix said it would go away, he said to just deal with it— but it's getting harder by the minute.

"No," He speaks up, "it's not that. Just do what I say and move to the other room."

He speaks calmly, but he honestly looks a bit scared. Am I scary? Why is he so rude to me?

Jisung eyes him. "Why would I listen to you?" He looks around the room with a smile. "I like this room, it's nice. It's me."

"You don't get it." He says.

I groan. "Give it a rest. Just share the bathroom with me, quit being a baby about it." I say, and turn to walk out of the room. I don't bother to wait for a reaction, because I'm honestly just done with the whole conversation.

Sharing a bathroom can't be that bad. I was against it at first, but now that I've thought about it it's fine. I can't just avoid him. I like the room I chose anyway, so I can put up with it.

I'm about halfway down the hall before I hear his voice again. "A baby?" He speaks.

I pause, and turn around to face him. He's standing in the doorway of Jisung's room when I meet his eyes, and he has his arms crossed. He starts to slowly approach me. "I'm a baby? Weren't you the one by my side as I rushed into his room to protest it?"

"Yeah," I shrug, crossing my arms as well. I want to seem intimidating as well, since he does as he walks closer to me. "But I'm also the one who realized that it's silly to argue about something like that. We're grown, Minho. We can deal with it."

He stops when he's right in front of me. I can see the look in his eyes, a look of competitiveness for whatever reason. He leans a bit closer. "Look, I don't know what your deal is— but it certainly isn't grown. So I'd shut my mouth if I were you."

My stomach whirls. However, I will not lose in whatever game he's starting. I take a step closer, and raise a brow. "Oh yeah?" I say. "Or what? Are you gonna kick me out?" I tilt my head.

Our bodies are almost touching at this point. We keep intense eye contact, and as much as I hate to admit it— my body is full of butterflies. Maybe it's just the tension in between us, but it's hotter now than it was before.

His eyes squint for a quick second, before he stands up straight and takes a step back. I stand back up with a satisfied smirk, knowing I won this time.

"Know your place, Hwang." He says, before he storms off.


It echoes in my mind, but it stops when I meet eyes with Jisung. He is leaning against his door frame, eyeing me with a sly smile. I feel a feeling of embarrassment wash over me knowing that he just watched that whole thing.

He chuckles when he sees my state. "You have no idea what you just started." He says, before stepping back and closing his door.

I wait a few seconds, before I lift my hands up to my forehead. I take a deep breath and lean my head back as I run my hands through my hair. God, I don't think I will be able to handle whatever else is going to go down in this apartment.

What am I even supposed to do? I have one roommate who absolutely would fight me if I said or did one thing wrong, and I have the other who I'm sure would ask me to sleep with him if he was tipsy enough. Or maybe even if we was sober.

I go back into my room eventually, and start to unpack everything. I'm sure the rooming situation is now set in stone, so I guess I can make my room my own now.

I think I'm going to go to my apartment and pick up some things tomorrow. If this is going to be my room, or a room I will spend a lot of time in, I should make it more home-like. I should also go to the store tomorrow, and pick up a few different things for it.

I am kind of excited for whats to come. Maybe by next year, I can afford to buy my mom something nice. That's the first thing I would do if I got enough money to do anything. My mom is my world.

I also would buy a few of my friends things. I let out a little gasp when Felix crosses my mind. I take my phone out of my pocket, and call Felix. I need to talk to him about today, because it's what we always do. I almost forgot..

"Hyunjin!" He answers, and I can just tell he is smiling.

"Felix." I say, in the same tone.

"How are you doing?" He asks, and you can hear a bit of shuffling from his side of the phone. "Are you liking the dorm so far? Are you getting along with your roommates?"

"I think you forgot who my roommates are." I say, a bit of annoyance in my tone. I take a step over to my bed, and plop down on it. It's comfortable, so I am relieved.

"Who are— Oh. Yeah..."

"Yeah." I say, a chuckle. "Jisung is okay though, he's funny. A bit.. I don't know— but funny." I say. "But Minho... oh my god Minho."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry." I say, shaking my head. "It's just going to be.. a challenge. I'm sure maybe one day I will be able to get past this stage where he absolutely hates everything about me—"

"You make it sound like he's the Grinch or something." I hear him chuckle. "But as I said—"

"It'll pass, I know I know." I say.

I sigh. "I just... it's just a bit scary. I can't help but be worried. If only he doesn't like me, I guess it's okay. But what if nobody else likes me? What if the whole group hates me but they just are hiding it? What if I'm not welcome?"

"I'm sure you are." He says, his reassuring tone. "If it makes you feel any better, the two guys I am living with really like you. Seungmin can't stop talking about you and how nice you were to him today."

I can't hear a groan in the background, before Felix starts to chuckle. "Sorry, forget I said that. Somebody didn't want you to know that— Ow!"

"Oh god." I chuckle. "I'll forget about it then." I say.

A small smile is starting to spread across my face though, and I know I will never forget about it. It makes me feel better knowing that at least one person on this team likes me. I roll over on the bed.

"Well..." I say, after hearing nothing back from Felix. "If you are still there, I'm letting you know that I'm going to go eat dinner. Jisung ordered food and I'm sure it will be here any minute."

"Okay." Felix says, a bit breathless. "I'm sorry for being out of breath, but I just had to run. It's like living with active children over here.."

I chuckle. "I wish you luck then. I hate kids."

"Diddo." He says, before screaming.

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