Vampire Ninja -Rory Keaner x...

By yuhgettintooit

16.5K 326 217

A RORY KEANER X READER STORY Moving In with your Cousin Ethan and Experiencing a crazy first day between a we... More

Info/ Intro


1.5K 34 7
By yuhgettintooit

"Think about it dude, anything we want! Cash, cars, candy!" I overhead Benny say as I'm walking into school. I sped up my pace wanting to be involved in their conversation. " So you only use magic spells that start with 'C'?" I hear Ethan question.  Benny continues on his rant, "Once we were high school noobs, Now we're vampire killing, spell-casting rockstars.The world is our oyster". Finally deciding to include myself in the conversation I say, " Dude have you ever even had oysters?".

Ethan chimes in, "Not something you wanna swallow, More like something you'd wanna cough up".  I laugh at Benny's reaction to that and I leave their side to meet up with Sarah.

"Do you have 20 dollars I could borrow?" Sarah Immediately asks me. "Hello, to you too Sarah." I say back jokingly. "It's for a good cause!" She says trying to make the request sound more enticing. " I can't, I'm sorry. I'm saving up to buy some new clothes". I feel bad about not being able to give her anything but then I remember I have my cousin who's basically in love with her. "Why don't you try Ethan? He might have 20 bucks". She perks up at the sound of that and is already halfway there when I go to point Ethan out.

Looking further past Ethan I see Benny making some poor girl cry with a massive bouquet of flowers in her hands. When Benny turns around to go back to Ethan I overhear Benny say to Ethan,"Awesome news, Della's dog died." Oh! I think to myself. I'd rather not involve myself in whatever shenanigans they are going to most likely get up to so I turn around but am met with a brick wall. Well, what felt like a brick wall. Turning my head to look up I see Rory.

"Sorry about that Rory, I must've not been paying attention to where I was going" Rory just shrugs and moves out of the way. "It's alright Y/n, Wanna hang out sometime tomorrow? I just got a new game from GamerTown and have yet to find a player two!". I smile at the thought and take him up on that offer.

"So when am I coming over?" I ask, Implying that I agree to hang out with him.

"How about after school tomorrow ?"

----- The next day---

Walking out of my last class, I keep my eyes on the floor. Benny's grandma had been giving me blood supplements as a means of me not feeding on people. But the blood supplements don't scratch the itch for blood like it used to.

Approaching my locker and looking up to enter the code, I see Rory leaning next to my locker waiting for me.

Or so I thought. As soon as he saw Erica he jumped up from my locker area and followed her out of the school.
I'm not even surprised, Just disappointed. I'm most confused about the pair because Erica doesn't even like Rory! Right?

I'm just gonna forget about Rory! I decided to just head home instead of going to Rory's house. I'll ask Rory what happened later. I still think communication is important, even in friendships.

Arriving back home after a 10 minute bus ride, I walk into Ethan and Rory speaking. Rory? I thought Rory was busy with Erica?

"Don't do that!" Ethan screams at Rory.

"I was working on my ninja skills! Check out my new card!" Rory exclaimed, pulling out the card I had helped him make previously.

Ethan grabbed the card, "What does that mean?"

"Rory, Vampire-Ninja" Rory says, reaching and grabbing the card.

"Look, Benny's gone to Della's and I don't know where she lives, You?" Ethan asks, Most likely as a last attempt into finding Benny's location.

"No," Rory's face hardens "But I know a sure way to find out, air Rory."

I look along as Rory smirks while taking off with my cousin in his arms.

I decided that was enough action for me and I made my way into the house. Arriving into the house I see Jane at the table doing her homework. My aunt and uncle were nowhere to be seen, meaning they were either out on a date or still at work. I grab some chips from the kitchen and head upstairs to relax and finish up my leftover homework.

-- Later that night--

I heard movement in the garage which was strange because we didn't keep anything in there besides bikes. I don't know how the rest of my family didn't hear anything. I get up from my bed and move downstairs.

Outside, I see my cousin Ethan shoving a blanket into the pantry. What the fuck?

"Ethan? What the hell are you doing?" I ask warily.

"Agh" Ethan jumps back in surprise "Fuck, Y/n what are you doing downhere ?"

I roll my eyes. "I heard some noise and came downstairs. I can't believe the whole neighborhood has not heard all this noise."

Ethan shifted uncomfortably.

"Look Ethan you have to understand how this looks. Just explain it to me and I'll forget the whole 'my-cousin-stuffing-an-animal-into-the-pantry' Scene."

Ethan takes me inside after shutting the pantry door and sits me down to explain everything.

After about 2 hours of explaining and Ethan blaming this all on Benny, I go upstairs and sleep.

--At school the next morning--

Walking into school with Ethan was embarrassing to say the least. He had a big ass box containing the poor "Magic-science-experiment dog". After Ethan gets sight of Benny, He immediately shoves the box into Benny's hands.

"Man, I'm telling you, this feels wrong," Ethan says. " I agree with Ethan, Animals die. It's the sad truth. Della needs to mourn, not see her dead dog zombified." I say.

"That dog isn't just undead, he's Evil! He tried to eat my hand this morning" Ethan explains to Benny, but it falls on deaf ears.

"Why? Did you feed him?" Benny asks. I laugh at this, which causes both of them to look at me. "Benny, Do you seriously think that we have dead dog food lying around the house?".

Benny looks down the hall and sees Della.

"There's Della. When she sees Puffles she will be all OVER me" Benny says. I give Ethan a 'yeah right' and Ethan returns it. "Wish me luck" Benny finishes before running down the hall.

"Well I'm getting out of here and going to class, I do not want to stick around to find out what happens because of his idiocracy" I say to Ethan. He nods, Understanding.

As I'm walking to my first class of the day I hear an announcement coming from the PA.


Obviously I knew who was behind it. Raising one dog from the dead was too simple for dumb and dumber. Ethan and Benny somehow manage to screw up again.I grab my backpack and speed home.

I think this was the only time I benefited from being a vampire, Because animals were biting and lunging at me left and right on my way home from school. Slamming the door shut behind me after getting back to my house safely. I see Benny and Ethan panting on the couch, watching the television.

Making my way I sit on the floor and focus my attention on the TV. The news anchor had gotten attacked by Ethans old pet turtle, Tiberius.

"That can't be possible, He died like forever ago." I state.

"No he ran away when we were like eight." Benny corrects me.

I look away not wanting to continue on how I knew he was dead. Ethan had forgotten to feed him and my aunt and uncle did not have the heart to tell him that his beloved pet was dead.

"Benny, we have to talk to your grandma" Ethan and I demand.

"Can't we just email her?" Benny questioned, Only to turn over and her be there. Arms crossed vial in hand and all, waiting for an explanation.

"Awhh, Hi Grandma" Benny says in surprise. "Something you twits wanna tell me?" Benny's badass grandma asks, Holding up the 'potion'.


Benny's Grandma had put me and Ethan to the task of getting the Flute to Rory. The flute's purpose was to lure the undead animals so we could kill them with a potion/ remedy. Which is what Benny and his grandma are brewing right now.  Benny and Ethan had agreed that the flute was  a job for a Vampire-NInja.

So while Ethan and I are helping out with the dinner the Morgan's are hosting, Rory is playing the flute and Benny is making potions.

"Sarah! What are you doing here?" Ethan and I questioned walking into the kitchen.

"You're mom called me in a panic and offered me double my babysitting rate, Totally rocking the sweater vest mister. Stylish yet, stupid" Sarah explains herself.

"There goes your tip," Ethan jokes. Correction, Tries to joke.

Sarah looks at me and rolls her eyes. I walk up to her and give her a hug, Excited to see her again so soon. Me and Sarah separate when we hear a bang and see Benny move into the room.

"Alright, We are locked and loaded with anti-potion. Rory is on his way" Benny explains, Setting water guns full of anti-potion.

"Good, When he leads those critters back, we'll take position in your backyard and let him have it." Ethan says, Sounding even dorkier than he looks. Benny eyes him up and down, Getting a good look at Ethan. "Alright, and uh sweater vest will you tell the waitress I want a decaf mocha latte." Benny finishes, "No foam." He giggles.

Sarah, Looking absolutely over his shit reaches for the frying pan about to hit him. But Benny gets saved when my aunt walks in asking for Ethan and I's help.

Sitting down across from Della was really awkward. I almost felt bad for her. She wasn't the nicest girl in school but she didn't deserve her dog dying and then she has to see it reborn. It didn't help that her parents thought that she was crazy with grief.

At any small noise, Della's head would shoot up, hoping that her beloved dog had returned.

About halfway through dinner I heard the sound of the flute playing. Everybody at the table looked around in confusion as to where the sound was coming from. Ethan and I look at eachother wide-eyed.

Running into the kitchen, Rory is standing there with a smile on his face.

"Rory, What are you doing here? How is there still music?" Ethan asked.

Rory explains his bright idea of recording the music, but dropping the recording down our chimney.

I face my palm.

"Hey, Relax! I have an idea. When Santa comes.." Rory tries to explain innocently.

"Shut up! You know nothing about plans involving santa." Ethan cuts Rory off.

"So now that the music is in the house that means.." Ethan trails on until he gets cut off by a scream.

While Ethan left the kitchen, It was filled up with all sorts of undead animals. Grabbing a water gun Benny and I are back to back fighting off the animals, until Sarah comes in to take my place while I go to Rory.

"Rory what are you doing? You either need to leave or help!" I say grabbing his hand to pull him aside.

"This is awesome!" Rory sniffs an animal, "Y/n try some!"

Rory drags me upstairs into my bedroom.

"Rory, we need to go back downstairs to help them out!" I explain, trying to open the door.

"Y/n, wait" I didn't take you up here to just eat dead animals." He looks me dead in the eyes. " I'm sorry about ditching you earlier, I completely forgot. Erica had gotten some information about some blood drive coming into town soon so I just wanted to hear some more about it."

"Can we talk more about this later Rory? My cousin and friends are in trouble, Now is not the time to be talking about vampire stuff" I explained.

When I opened the door to make my way back downstairs, Rory was already gone. I'll talk more about it later with him.

Arriving back into the kitchen, Ethan had just been hit by what I think is Puffles. When my aunt walked in to grab the sauce, Puffles disintegrated into the sauce.

My aunt turned around and ran into Della, dropping the sauce and what was leftover of Puffels on the floor.

"Puffles?" Della questioned, "Yeah that's him, Kinda" Benny said to Della. Della, clearly upset, ran away.Benny tailed after her.

My aunt glared back at me and Ethan demanding an explanation. Obviously not wanting to tell her we just all agreed to clean the house instead.


Word count: 2171

Hey y'all!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I tried to make this one as close to the episode as possible while trying to include Y/n. Let me know if you liked or disliked this. I'm open to criticism.

I still dont know if this is moving too fast? Im trying to make the relationship slow but idk how to incorporate/ start an actual relationship between Rory and Y/n, Suggestions are much appreciated!!!

Enjoy your day!!

Love, Vee

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Also available on my AO3 account YellowGumalls For the fellow he/him havers, but anyone can enjoy 😉