The Wilted Rose

By Zach42799

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Y/N Rose was the son of Qrow Branwen and Summer Rose, and the oldest child of the Rose family. Due to Qrows'... More

Character Bio
Prologue: Beyond Repair
Chapter 1: One tiny problem
Chapter 2: Forehand or Backhand?
Chapter 3: Not without a fight
Chapter 4: Revival
Chapter 5: Initiation
# FUCKIN 3!!!
Roy Winchester/Arsenal Bio
Chapter 7: Indebted
Chapter 8: Welcome to Mantle
Chapter 9: Uncovered
Chapter 10: The Rescue
Chapter 11: Outlaws At Last
Chapter 12: Tremors
Chapter 13: Trust
Chapter 14: Sticks And Stones
1K! Thank You Guys
Chapter 15: The Foundry
Chapter 16: Premonitions
Chapter 17: Death
Chapter 18: Rebirth
Chapter 19: Too Far Gone (Vol.0 Finale)
Chapter 20: Train Ride (Vol. 1 Prologue)
Chapter 21: Sisters
Chapter 22: The Lucky Ones
Chapter 23: Ghost
Chapter 24: Quiet Night
Chapter 25: Protector
Chapter 26: Calm...
Chapter 27: ...Before The Storm
Chapter 28: Lifeline
Chapter 29: Who I Am (Vol. 1 Finale)
Chapter 30: Costly Mistakes (Vol. 1.5 Prologue)
Chapter 31: Critical Care
5K reads!!!
Chapter 32: Testing
Chapter 33: Your Greatest Failure
Chapter 34: Guess Who's Back
Chapter 35: Progress
Chapter 36: Fix Me
Chapter 37: A Silver Bullet
Chapter 38: Should've Known Better
Chapter 39: The Road To Hell Is Paved In Good Intentions....
Chapter 40: Closeness
Chapter 41: Back In School
Next Red Hood Outfit Vote/Closed
Chapter 42: The Much Needed Talk
Chapter 43: The Company We Keep
Chapter 44: Prophecies (Vol. 1.5 finale)
Chapter 45: The Bookstore (Vol. 2 Prologue)
Chapter 46: You Atlesian Joker
Thank you Wattapad....
Chapter 47: Keep It Simple
Chapter 48: What's the plan?
Chapter 49: Fatherly Love
Chapter 50: Something I Cant Let Go Of
Chapter 51: I Hate When I'm Right....
Chapter 52: Takedown
Chapter 53: Goodnight Princess
Chapter 54: Too Much To Lose....
Chapter 55: Between Wants And Needs
Chapter 56: Concept Of Subtilty
Chapter 57: End Of The Line
Chapter 58: Nothing I Wont Do
Chapter 59: You Have Achieved Nothing
Chapter 60: Three Simple Words (Vol. 2 Finale)
Bonus Chapter: Your Scars Are Beautiful *Lemon*
Chapter 61: Demon (Vol. 3 Prologue)
Chapter 62: Round One
Chapter 63: I've Got Nothing For You
Chapter 64: Round Two
Chapter 65: We're Talking Aren't We?
Chapter 66: The Vault
Chapter 67: Breaking Point
Important Notice/updated
Chapter 68: Firing Squad
Chapter 69: Nightmare
Chapter 70: Better Tomorrow
Important Notice Pt. 2
Chapter 71: The Easy Part
Chapter 72: Do Or Die
Chapter 73: Failure
Chapter 74: Two Options
Chapter 75: Bad Joke
Chapter 76: House Of Cards
Chapter 77: Bid Farewell
Chapter 78: Everything That Came Before
Chapter 79: Recovery
Chapter 80: Someone's Got To Stay (Book 1 Finale)
Book 2 is out now!

Chapter 6: Lonesome Road

1.5K 36 8
By Zach42799

Eastern Vale

9:37 pm

3 years until the fall

(I'm putting a warning for this chapter. The subject that I touch on is extremely dark and fucked up. So much so that I almost scrapped the idea. But I felt like I had already planted the seeds to this scene in the previous chapter, so I had to see it through. I'm including the scene specifically because it has a effect in this chapter and WILL play a role when we get to Canon events. Think of it as the spark that starts Y/n journey to become the Red Hood.

I will warn you before and have a disclaimer for when it's over. )

Y/n pov

Its been 4 months since my initiation. In that time, we had a issue with the local Huntsmen. After that, Raven thought it prudent to break camp and move. I mean, we're nomads. That's our thing. What I don't understand is why the hell she decided to make camp a stones throw away from the kingdom of Vale. We're trying to avoid the Huntsmen, not go to them! Tensions around the camp have been getting higher with every passing day. We have Raymond and Vash to thank for that mostly.

I suspect that they were the reason the Huntsmen from the border came down on top of us. I couldn't prove that though so we were stuck with them. I didn't like being so close to Vale. It brought back good and bad memories alike. I had thought about going into Vale. It should be fine since I look nothing like I did when I was a child. The thing was, I didn't know if my fake ID would fool detection systems if for some reason I came in contact with the local law enforcement. I figured I shouldn't test my luck until I knew the ID would hold up to scrutiny. 

I was sitting in my tent tinkering with the sword that Raven passed down to me. I had come to learn that my grandfather called it "Dust Breaker". I liked the name but I wanted to personalize it. To put my touch on it, if you will. I had decided to name it "Withered Rose" and repainted the grip and barrel black. Then my final touches on it was a crimson red rose on the barrel just above the cylinder. It went without saying that I modified the cylinder to take both .357 Magnum, and 3 inch magnum shotgun shells interchangeably. Oum bless being a gun-nutt.

My mask was kept pretty much the same with only one small tweak. The masks lenses were replaced with Atlas smart-lenses curtesy of one of the Huntsmen who attacked our camp. Hey, he didn't need them anymore. The lenses were capable of nightvision, which had a red tint to it. The lenses were also flash suppressant so I didn't have to worry about popping one of my flashbangs and accidently blinding myself. I was confident that I would never have a accident with one, but better to be prepared.

It was late, and there was a raid tomorrow morning. I needed to get to bed but I just didn't feel like it. Since being so close to Vale, I continuously thought of Yang and Ruby. I wondered how much they had grown. Where were they now? Did they manage to move past me?

Those were the thoughts I had constantly since coming back. I wanted nothing more than to go back to my sisters but I couldn't. How was I supposed to just come back into their lives after being dead to them for 7 years? I also had the whole "Being a bandit" thing that kept me from going. They would only see a criminal, not their brother. 

I managed to push those thoughts aside and laid down in my cot. I had to get at least a little sleep before tomorrow. Last thing I needed was to be run through because I wasn't at top form. I already died once, I'd like to avoid doing it again.

Weiss Pov

I had once again found myself in a foggy void as I slept. For several years I have had this reoccurring dream. I didn't know why I would see some random boy in my dreams or the significance he holds. The way the dream always played out was that the boy would appear before me, sitting with his back turned to me and crying. I would move to try to find out why he was crying and he would just fade away. I never was a able to reach him before then. 

Then he would reappear looking much older than before. I realized that he was at least a year and a half older than me. The man before me was tall, standing at 6'3 and well built for how old he looked. His stature was intimidating but I found a strange comfort when I looked at him. He had black hair with a white puff sitting in the forefront of his head, and beautiful, piercing silver color eyes. He would look at me calm with a playful smirk that would make my heart race. 

I don't know why I felt connected to this mysterious man or why I've dreamed of him all these years. He was certainly handsome, but I saw something darker in him. It was like there was something inside of him that wanted out. Not something physical, no. Something instinctual and primal. He would then walk closer and hold out his hand to me. 

I would gently reach out and take his hand and try to speak only to realize I couldn't. He would smile bright and genuine as if his purpose in life had just been fulfilled. But before long he would begin to fade away, just like before. It would sadden me to see him disappear. In the last few years, I have come to be enamored by the man. But I still feared that he would turn out to be just like my father. I prayed to whoever would would listen that he wouldn't be.

 The colors around me would then begin to swirl and be replaced with a deep crimson. This was the part of the dream that would confuse me. I then saw him again, but this time he wore black tactical pants with knee-pads and a black shirt with a red hood and mask. His hands were covered by steel gauntlets with red cloth wrapped around the forearms. I also took note of all the weapons he had, it was like he was a walking arsenal. 

As I took in his appearance, he would begin to walk toward me just like before. But instead of feeling warm and welcoming. He felt cold and distant. It was jarring to see such a change in him. What was worse is that dark, instinctual urge seemed to completely rule over him. It was like he was not in control of himself. I wanted to help him but before I could attempt anything, the ground gave out from beneath me. 

I would then awaken to find myself in my large room and think-

Weiss: 'I hope one day I can meet the boy in the Red Hood.'

Y/n pov

The following day

4:30 am


I was awoken by the blaring of that accursed alarm. It took everything I had not to shoot the damn thing. I quickly got up and ready for the raid that. Raven had planned to hit the village at the crack of dawn so we could catch them as they were sleeping. In the few months that I was on the raid team, I had found that I absolutely hated being on it. Raven and Roy were the only two that I could stand to be around. They were arrogant, bloodthirsty, and they didn't give a damn who they killed. Roy had to stop me from going after one of them as they stomped a elderly womans head in just because she had mildly sassed them. 

Roy did his best to put the brutality out of his mind and do his job, but after every raid we pulled, he would always beeline it back to his tent and uncork a bottle. He always drank, but this put things in perspective. I finished getting ready and was about to step out of my tent when my eyes fell on something I had been working on.

I had decided that using my semblance out in the open was a bad idea. Y/n Rose was supposed to be dead. So how was this random bandit using a dead kids semblance? That was a question I didn't want being asked. As I stated before, Y/n Rose was gone. I was Y/n Todd, cant let someone make the connection between the two. So to make up for the loss of mobility my semblance granted me, I had made this. Today was going to be its field test.

I left and made my way to the designated bullhead. On the way there, I noticed the Tweddle assholes getting aboard the bullhead for the people who weren't on the team. I don't know why, but I got a sinking feeling that them being there was going to be trouble. Raven and Roy were already on the bullhead waiting. Raven was dressed the same as usual, the only difference being the white and red helmet she had on her head that was reminiscent of a Grimm skull. Roy however was in a new and improved combat suit and upgraded bow.

(A/n: I do not own this picture. Props to whoever did though, it looks awesome!)

Roy: Morning. Got everything you need? 

Y/n: Yeah. I've been doing this for half a year now, I should have this down already!

Roy: True.... But there was that one time where you forgot to load your-


Raven: Just double check. Having everything you need is key to survival. 

Roy: Yeah, what she said.

I sighed in defeat as the two continued in on me as everyone made their way into the bullhead. After about 30 minutes of waiting, we began to head south along the eastern coast. I turned to Roy and decided to screw with him a bit.

Y/n: So what's with the new outfit? You trying to steal my whole red schtick?

Roy: What, You the only one who can wear red?

Y/n: Nooo, but you have more red on you than I do... And you all call me Red!

Roy just started laughing.

Roy: Yeah, it is a little fucked up isn't it? People call me Arsenal when I only use a bow and your called Red when you ARE a literal walking arsenal!

Y/n: Thats another thing, who the hell uses a bow and arrow to fight in this day and age!?

Roy: Who the hell uses a glorified vibrator to fight in this day and age!?

The bullhead erupted into laughter as he said that. It was something that they all gave me shit for but I didn't mind that. I mean, it WAS funny. Raven then turned to face us in the bullhead.

Raven: We're 60 seconds out. Get ready.

The laughter died down immediately as we all got our weapons ready to go. I got up and walked up beside Raven near the door, Roy followed closely behind. Me and him when we fought together was a devastating combination. Between my ability to drop one target after another and his ability to cover me from any threats that come at me while I was occupied and the accuracy in which he accomplished this was a sight to behold. We were both capable of operating independently from each other, but we truly shined together. We were almost considered to be our own team with how good we were.

Roy: You ready, Red?

Y/n: More than ready, Arsenal! Lets get this show on the road! 

We were still about 40 foot in the air when I jumped, I figured I should test the grappling hook early. I didn't stop to think about the sudden stop if the hook malfunctioned but I was in too deep now. I maneuvered in the air and looked back to see Roy looking scared shitless for me and Raven stunned that I just jumped out the bullhead with no regard whatsoever. I found it funny and I was sure I would pay for it later.

I pulled the Grappling hook from my belt and aimed it at bottom of the bullhead and pulled the trigger. The line burst out of the barrel as it recoiled from the pneumatic pressure. As it travelled, I began to hear screams and shouts below me. The villagers knew we were here and began to scramble either for weapons or to get home to lock their doors. I felt the line go taut as my descent was slowed. As my feet touched the ground, I retracted the line back into the grappling gun and drew my Withered Rose and crowbar just in time to see a farmer try to spear me with a pitchfork.

Obviously I wasn't going to kill this guy, or anyone else here for that matter. I felt bad enough about stealing away their livelihoods but the camp needed food and medicine, amongst other resources. Growing food doesn't really work out when we're forced to pack up and go every couple of months. The man lunged forward with the pitchfork outstretched when I hooked my crowbar around the top of the handle and redirected the points away from me as I then slammed the flat of my blade into his face, knocking him out. 

I then heard a very painful sounding impact from my right side and turned just in time to see a older gentleman crumpling after taking a blunted arrow to the forehead. It was a good thing he was dropped when he was too. He had a 20 gauge shotgun laid out beside him. That would have damaged my aura severely if he had been able to fire it at this range. I raised my crowbar up for a second as a thanks to Roy before charging further into the village. 

The village was a decent size. it had a well situated in the middle of the town, businesses surrounded the square with a few trees sprinkled around. Past the square was the town folks homes. The village was pretty well off as most of the structures around were actually made fully of wood instead of sticks and thatch. Then finally, on the outer perimeter was the farmland. There was the odd barn here and there but otherwise, it wasn't noteworthy. 

By the time I made it to the towns center, both bullheads had touched down and got to work suppressing the townsfolk. Arsenal and Raven linked up with Vernal and began to follow my path of unconscious villagers. 

Arsenal took a few shots to suppress two guys that were coming up behind me. I turned just as another dashed from a building he was using for cover from Arsenals blunt arrows. Raven used her semblance to create a portal between me and him. The poor guy couldn't stop fast enough and went through the portal and right onto Ravens outstretched sword, impaling him. This is why I hated the raiding so much. Raven and the others on the team were completely fine with killing innocents. 

Roy was a exception as he used blunt tips but me and him were the only two who went out of their way not to have to kill. Vernal would attack to wound mostly, but that didn't always work. At least she was trying. The others however seemed to get off on the killing. like they got some sick satisfaction from killing those weaker than them. Raven was different as she just didn't give a damn who you were. If you got in her way, you were dead, end of story.

Y/n: ...You didn't have to do that...

Raven: I disagree, little sparrow.

Raven and I locked eyes through our masks. I was completely against the killing unless it was someone who deserved it. With that said, I seriously doubt he did. My evidence lay with the small child who was now wailing where the man had dashed from. The child was being cradled by who I assume to be her mother, who also had tears in her eyes. I felt the guilt rising in me as I looked at the scene before me. I didn't get to long of a look though as a bullet whizzed beside my head. I rolled to the side and took aim with the Withered Rose.

Y/n: Hey! Didn't anyone ever tell you not to shoot guns at people!? Its awfully inconsiderate, you know!

Huntsman 1: Burning down a village is also pretty inconsiderate, kid!

Huntsman 2: Your all gonna fucking pay for this! 

The first Huntsman who spoke was a guy who was maybe 24 with short blond hair and blue eyes. He looked like he's been on the job for a while now. He wore dark colored suit and a blue tie. He looked more like a businessman then a huntsman. His weapon of choice seemed to be a cane. If there was one thing I've come to expect with Huntsman weaponry, there's always a trick or two waiting to be used. He was standing on the roof of a building that looked like a store of some kind.

The other one, the one who nearly shot me, was about 19 and had a shaved head and dark green eyes. He wore dark colored khakis and a basic white undershirt with a thin chain necklace resting on his chest. His weapon of choice was interesting. It was a small warhammer whos head split open to reveal a gun barrel. On the handle rested a repeater like lever. Judging by the crack of the bullet. I would guess that it was chambered in 30-06. That would completely decimate my aura if it hit me and then some. I would need to avoid that at all cost if I wanted to live to see tomorrow.

3rd person pov

Y/n stared down the Huntsman with the warhammer. He was analyzing how the Huntsman, who he has now dubbed Chain due to the necklace, for any weaknesses in his form. Y/n knew he had to be cautious of Chain. The Huntsman, who he also renamed Suit, was also watching him. Chain was the one to take initiative. He fired another shot at Y/n and dashed forward, hoping to catch him while he's dodging the bullet. Instead of dodging, Y/n shifted his sword to deflect the bullet while simultaneously keeping it at a angle to fire at Chain. 

Suit decided to let Chain deal with Y/n and jumped from his perch to attack Vernal. His cane then split and segmented as he fell and upon landing swung the cane revealing it to be a chain sword. Raven saw this and moved to use her odachi to entangle the sword. This did not work however because upon suit noticing what she was trying to tie their weapons, he hit a trigger at the grip. The chain retracted away from the two women and back into a simple cane. 

Arsenal took a shot at Chain to break his stride. The blunt arrow made contact with his knee and Y/n moved to capitalize by sending a .357 magnum round at him, Chain swung his warhammer and swatted the bullet out of the air. He realized that Arsenal was going to need to be taken out if he wanted to win. If Chain didn't, he would be sniped the whole time he was engaged with Y/n. Y/n continued the attack by sprinting at Chain and swinging his Withered Rose in a upward arc hoping to hit the weapon from his hands. While this was happening Raven was trying to close the distance with Suit, having some success.

The group had the advantage of being able to fight two vs one. Vernal was trying to flank Suit to get into close combat with him. If either Raven or Vernal got in close enough, their fight would be over in a flash. Raven continued to advance while dodging and deflecting Suits attacks. Her time as a Huntsman had allowed her to familiarize herself with all kinds of weaponry. While chain swords were not common, they were unique and interesting enough for Raven to take interest in combating them. Vernal managed to get pretty close when Y/n was thrown into her. 

Y/n quickly jumped to his feet and helped Vernal up.

Y/n: Sorry about that! I think that guys semblance uses some kind of recoil against people!

Vernal: Then finish it in one go so he cant use it!

Y/n smiled under his mask and took a potshot at Suit, forcing him to dodge the incoming projectile. Chain, having knocked Y/n out of the way advanced on Arsenal. Arsenal quickly yanked out 3 throwing knives and threw them. The idea wasn't to hit him. As Chain slid under the knives, Arsenal activated his semblance. As Chain jumped back to his feet from the slide, he then slammed into a red barrier. 

Chains: Uuug... What the fuck man!?

Arsenal simply smiled as he then notched an arrow. As that happened, Y/n rejoined Arsenal against Chain. Arsenal loosed the arrow and it struck the barrier. Chain was confused why he didn't drop the wall before shooting. Then he realized the ticking coming from the arrow. At the last possible second, Arsenal dropped the barrier as the arrow exploded and sent lightning dust everywhere. Chains was paralyzed and in pain with his aura beginning to flicker. Y/n then followed it up by hitting the trigger on the handle. While him and Roy laugh at it, the reason the sword vibrates was to turn the already sharp blade into a weapon that can destroy aura in a single swipe.

Just before Y/n attack connected, Raven and Vernal both managed to close the distance with Suit who was now looking a little panicked. He brought his cane up to defend from Ravens downward slash. His cane was cut in two but missed him. Vernal however slashed him across the back with both of her weapons. He yelped in pain and tried to create distance away from Vernal only to reel back into Raven who then swiped her sword from left to right. Suits aura didn't stand a chance against Ravens sword. As his aura shattered, Vernal then landed a roundhouse kick to the side of his head, knocking him out.


Y/n raised his sword up above his head and slashed downward. The blade demolished Chain's aura. 

Chain: AAAAHHH!!!

As the blade made its way through his aura, Chain's chest began to bleed heavily. The wound wasn't fatal so long as he staunched the bleeding fast. Chain was on his knees and breathing heavily. Y/n sheathed his sword and took out a small first aid kit that he always carried with him. He walked up to Chains and gently tapped the first aid kit on his head. 

Chain was confused as to why the red hooded man was helping him when he should be trying to kill him, but he couldn't afford to say no to the help. Chain reached out and took hold of the kit. He was waiting for the shoe to drop and this act of kindness be a ruse. But to his surprise, nothing happened. He then heard the red hooded man speak.

Y/n: I'm sorry...

He then turned and walked away.

Y/n pov

His wound was grave but I believe he would survive it. So long as he got proper help the second this was over. Roy walked over to me, still running on a high from the adrenaline. I took a quick glance over at Vernal and Raven to see them doing alright.

Roy: Hell yeah, Red! That was great!

Y/n: Absolutely! It looks like we finished just in time too.

Vernal: It looks like the village has surrendered.

Vernal and Raven walked up to us. Roy and I dragged Suit to where the rest of the townsfolk were being held, while Vernal helped Chain. Raven moved on to check on the progress of the raid as Roy and I dropped Suit.

I took a look around to see if anyone from camp had died. So far, the answer was no, but I did notice that Raymond and Vash were absent. I didn't really care but something bothered me. I couldn't place why so I decided to look around the now ruined village. Roy stayed behind to keep a eye on the townsfolk.

As I was walking, I was listening out for their voices as well as villagers. I didn't want to get jumped by a random guy. When I got back to the square were my fight took place, I found something I really didn't want to find.

The little girl from before was nowhere to be found.... but her mother was still their. Her head detached from her shoulders. I immediately started looking for the young girl. I wasn't about to just leave the newly orphaned girl.

I was sprinting around, looking and listening for any sign of the girl. I mind began to run through scenarios. None of them were pretty. I was very aware of Raymond and Vash being absent from the rest of the raid group. That, and their previous attempt at fooling around with someone who was to young was only adding fuel to the fire.

I continued running around looking. I was taking entirely to long. It was at that moment that I heard a quick scream that was then muffled. I looked around the area and saw movement in a window.

(Warning - what happens next is not for the feint of heart. I wont go to far into detail, but it won't take a detective to realize what is happening. You have been warned)

I didn't even register anything else past the movement. I completely forgot about the grapple gun and my semblance. I just sprinted into the building. I clenched my teeth, hoping I wasn't about to barge in on what I thought I was.

I reached the door and heard even more screams. I wasted no time kicking the door off its hinges.

Vash: The fuck do you want, runt?

Raymond: Hehe, can't you see were busy relieving some stress?

I shattered in that moment. I dare not even try to articulate what it was I was looking at. The sight burned itself into my mind. This happened because I wasn't fast enough.

The young girl was screaming and sobbing. Bruises littered her nude body. Both Raymond and Vash was enjoying the torment they were inflicting on the poor girl. But the thing that really got me. She looked just like Ruby, all the way down to how old they looked.

Raymond: What? You want a turn? Well your gonna have to wait, hehehe!

He and Vash turned their backs to me. I wasn't fully conscious of what I was doing. I slowly pulled the crowbar from its holster on my back. Flashbacks to the night I died replayed on repeat in my head. What I had done to Tai specifically.

I raised the crowbar above my head with the hook facing downward. Vash turned back to look at me as I brought down the crowbar. The hook embedded itself into the top of his skull with a loud crack.

He started moaning and gurgling as his brains were scrambled. He fell on one knee. He was twitching like he had Parkinsons disease. Raymond looked back in horror as I wrenched the crowbar free, completely destroying his skull. Blood splattered all across my masked face.

Raymond tried to run but I caught him in the kneecap with the crowbar. I must have hit him pretty hard for it to completely bypass his aura, or maybe it was so fragile, I don't know. He screamed in agony and stumbled a bit before he continued limping away. I grabbed a blanket and covered the girl and told her to wait for ten minutes before coming out. She barely acknowledged me but there wasn't anything I could do for her now.

I calmly walked through the hall and down the stairs. Raymond was struggling to escape. He was screaming for help. He continued to run until I holstered the crowbar and pulled out Black and White. As he was getting closer to his perceived safety, I fired a round, obliterating his other leg.

Raymond screamed and continued to crawl. By now, we had a audience. I noticed Roy and Vernal were flabbergasted that I was attacking Raymond. They knew what the consequences of this were and tried to stop me.

To all of our surprise, Raven stopped them.

Raven: Do not interfere. He knows what happens to those who kill family...

Raven looked genuinely upset that I had gone this far. But frankly, I didn't give a damn. She held just as much responsibility for this happening. Raymond and Vash have been nuisances since day one. Always causing trouble in one way or another.

Raven also knew how I was when it came to right and wrong. It doesn't matter what line you may have. You don't fucking cross MY line. Especially when a child is harmed in any way.

Raven enabled it by not taking the appropriate steps to prevent it. Am I saying that they should have been killed for being assholes? No. Am I saying that after all the trouble they caused that they should have been dealt with well before it could escalate to something like this? Absolutely.

Raymond continued screaming for help. No one moved. I don't know if it's because they didn't give a damn or if it was Raven holding their leash. It didn't matter. I was totally zeroed in on this sick son of a bitch.

I walked beside him as he crawled and placed my boot under his arm and kicked, rolling him over. I then placed that same boot on his chest to prevent any squirming. He looked up pleadingly, silently begging for mercy. He would find none in me.

I raised White and shot 3 rounds around his genital region. He screeched in complete agony and began to fight against my hold on him. He did manage to get my boot off his chest.... only for it to come down on his frozen bits. The scream that came from him was haunting. Vernal looked like she wanted to faint and Roy was blown away by my cruelty. Raven continued to watch, knowing what the end result would be. She should have thought about that before letting a couple of pedophiles into the tribe.


His pained stuttering made it hard to understand what he was saying, but I heard, and saw, enough. I holstered Black and White and pulled the crowbar back out. Without any fanfare, I began to smash his head in. Every hit made me relive the abuse from Tai. Every hit made me remember what it felt like to be on the receiving end of the crowbar.

The more I bashed, the more I saw in my scarred mind. I was emotionally devastated. Seeing that poor young girl like that broke something in me. Seeing her looking like Ruby shattered me. I couldn't unsee it. I continued to smash away until finally Roy yanked me off of him. I swung at Roy but he blocked it and came in close.

But he didn't attack....

He hugged me.

(Bad stuffs over now)

I don't know how or why that worked but it did. Having the man I looked to as a older brother comfort me made everything better.... well almost everything. I looked over to see Vernal flinch away from me. Hell even Raven took a step back.

I swung the crowbar to shake of the blood and brains covering it. I was a little shocked at my own actions as I calmed down. But he deserved it completely. And oh, boy did he earn it.

Raven: Why?

Y/n: Because they're a bunch of fucking pedos, Raven!

Raven: We don't kill family.

Y/n: ....How did you know I was in the house that night?

Raven was taken aback by the sudden question about that night. We never really talked about it. All she said was she pulled me from the fire and revived me. That's all that mattered. Thing is though, I always wondered how, and I think I already know.

Raven: What does that have to do with this.


Raven took a step back and placed a hand on her sword. I only just realized that I still had the crowbar in my hand. It didn't matter though. I was only going to use it if she made me.

Raven: I had decided to visit Tai and Ya-

Y/n: Bullshit.

Raven narrowed her eyes as Roy moved beside me and Vernal to her. Raven spoke in a threatening low tone.

Raven: Excuse me?

Y/n: That's bullshit. You ran away from Tai and abandoned your daughter. Why the hell would you choose that night to come back. Why the hell would you come back at all. Last but certainly not least, how the hell did you know what happened before I even told you?

Raven went quiet as she glared at me. She was playing tough but I knew I was hurting her. Good.

Raven: It was that experience that made you strong...

And there it was. I thought she would deny it even if she knew I had caught her. But nope, she just admitted to it. Roy looked pissed while Vernal looked at Raven with a strange mix of emotions that I couldn't pick out.


Vernal held her silence. I could see this didn't sit well with her, but what else was she going to do. This was her family. Even if her family was backstabbers, and murderers.

Y/n: Your no better than Raymond or Vash. You left abandoned your daughter then let us be tortured by Tai! Then you sat there and protected a couple of fucking pedophiles. You don't know what family is Raven.

She didn't have a chance to respond as I then began to walk off, leaving nothing but a group of traumatized townsfolk, a bandit tribe and my only family that I had anymore.

I didn't care about anything at that moment. I Ripped the mask from my face and dropped it as I continued walking. Thing about that, I still had someone following behind me. I drew White and pointed it at the guy.

Roy was standing in front of me with my mask that I had just dropped. I kinda hoped it would be Raven but I should have known better than that. Roy slowly raised his hands with a small smile.

Roy: Whoa there, Red.

Y/n: What do you want Roy?

Roy: Well I wasn't about to just leave you on your own after all that. Besides, you really think that I'd stay with them after that?

Y/n: That still doesn't explain why your following me.

Roy: Oh that? Well someone has to keep you out of trouble.

Roy clearly wasn't going to take no for an answer. I wasn't opposed to traveling with Roy. In fact, I was more than happy to have him along. I just wasn't sure where to go now. I didn't want him to follow me around aimlessly as I'm just wandering.

Roy: You know, I hear Atlas is nice this time of year. Why don't we see what all we can get up to there.

Y/n: Perfect timing Roy because I didn't know where to go.

Roy: Anywhere, little brother. We aren't bound to the camp anymore so we got the reins.

Atlas. It was a military state so we'd have to tread carefully if we go. I don't know what's there but at least I got Roy to ride this out with. It would have been a very lonesome road without him....

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