SGE Oneshots and Stuff

By Japeth_Sader-Mistral

710 25 9

Literally the title. Just a random collection of oneshots. This is mostly stuff about Japeth and Aric, but ot... More

1) Aric- Alone
3) Jaric- I'm not real
4) Rophie- Damaged
5) Japeth- Better off dead
6) Hicola- Breakup

2) Tagatha- Nightmare

105 4 2
By Japeth_Sader-Mistral

Tagatha as a young married couple.

Trigger warning: talk of death, blood
Agatha's P.O.V.
Someone's screaming. Screaming my name. The smell of sweat and blood suffocates me, but I can't see a thing.

The screaming gets louder. Two voices this time. One high and delicate, one low and manly. It's coming from all around me. I try to feel around for the people who are screaming, but I can't move. Something is restricting me.

Then I hear it. Laughter. Cold, cruel laughter, coming from behind me.

"Two victims. One of them will die today. Which one, you ask? That's up to you to decide. You can only save one." A hard voice says.

I know that voice.

Light floods in, like a curtain of darkness is being lifted from over the room. I'm staring down at the marble floor. I lift my head, attempting to get a glimpse at the people screaming my name. Instead, I see a tall, lean teenage boy with snow-white skin, long copper hair, and hateful glacier blue eyes. A boy who is supposed to be dead.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Queen of Camelot. I've got quite the surprise for you," the boy says.

"Aggie! Help us! Please!" One of the voices screams. Sophie. It has to be her.

The boy spins me around to see the two victims, tied to a stone pillar. I was right, it's Sophie. And Tedros. My stomach drops, thinking back to what that cold voice had said: "you can only save one."

I look back at the boy, who is drumming his fingertips on a pillar a short distance away with an amused smirk on his face. I glare hard at him, but he just laughs that cruel laugh and continues to smirk.

"You could kill us all right now. Why play games? Why make me suffer when you could just be rid of me?" I challenge.

"Because," the boy explains, "once upon a time, you and your little friends took everything from me. You destroyed the only person I ever loved. Do you know how it feels, to have everything you loved, taken from you?" He says, hot with emotion. "You don't! You don't know how that feels! You don't know my pain!" He regains his composure. "But soon you will."

I shiver as I look back at Sophie and Tedros. Tears sting my eyes, just at the sight of them. Tedros' eyes are red and he bites his lip, fighting back tears. His arms and legs are covered in scrapes and bruises, but none worse than the massive gash on his right calf, still dripping blood. Sophie's face is wet with tears. I want nothing more than to hug her and wipe her tears, but I can't.

The boy walks up to the prisoners, scims flying off his suit. He pulls a dagger out of his pocket and runs his finger across the blade, checking if it is sharp enough to kill. His scims form a sort of noose that hovers above Tedros' head, preparing to strangle him. My heart stops at the sight of it. The boy walks right up to Sophie, his hand brushing her arm as he draws the dagger to her throat. She lets out a small, petrified whimper. The noose of scims floats down to Tedros' neck, tightening just enough to restrict his breathing.

"Time for you to make your decision. Which one will live... and which one will die?"

The scims limiting my movement lift and I am free to walk around. I immediately bolt for Tedros, who is struggling for breath, practically blue. I undo the scim-noose and he falls to the floor, gasping for breath. But I have no time to check if he was okay. I run towards Sophie. I can save them both.

"Ah. An overachiever, it seems. But rules are rules." The boy gives me a sad smile, as if I've given him no choice.

A scream escapes my mouth as he raises his blade, ready for the kill. My eyes fill with tears as he strikes down one fatal blow and...

I wake up in cold sweat, gasping for air. I feel a stir of movement next to me.

"What's wrong?" Tedros is laying beside me, half awake.

"The Snake... he's back... killed Sophie... you were there..." I mumble uselessly, still mortified by the events I just witnessed.

"Don't worry Agatha. It was just a dream." Tedros places his arm around my back kisses me lightly on the cheek. "I'm right here for you."

I squeeze his hand and lean my head against his chest. Something about being next to him makes me feel safe. It was just a dream. The next thing I know, I'm drifting off to sleep on top of Tedros, safe and loved.
Author's note:
Okaaay... that wasn't really the cute fluffy Tagatha oneshot I was going for, but it worked.

If you haven't already figured it out, I love writing about slitting people's throats open- jk- but I do like writing sad oneshots, so most of these are gonna be sad.

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