3) Jaric- I'm not real

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I won't explain too much about this because I don't want to spoil it, but just know... it's different.

Trigger warning: child abuse, swears, minor blood
Japeth's P.O.V.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" My mother screamed, red in the face with rage.

Rhian came home today with a black eye and a bloody nose, his arms and legs covered in dirt and mud. He was crying his eyes out while mother comforted him. And of course, it was my fault.

"Japeth did it," Rhian had sobbed. "He beat me up."

I clearly hadn't, since I had been here the whole time, but mother believed his insipid alibi.

"I can't believe that you would do this to your own brother!" She slapped me hard across the face, leaving a red mark on my cheek.

Rhian was still sitting in the corner, his eyes red-veined, though he seemed to have miraculously recovered. He watched as mother lashed me till my whole body was bruised and I bit my lip to stop from crying. He didn't even care. Some brother.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Mother repeated. "Do you know why Rhian is so much better than you? Because he isn't a psychopath! You're a monster. You're heartless. No one will ever love you."

"You're wrong."

"Excuse me?"

"You're wrong," I repeated. I'm not sure what gave me the courage to do so, but something made me stand up to her. And about time I did.  "I'm not heartless. Someone does love me. You don't know me. I love someone. I love someone far more than you ever will, with that sad excuse for a heart of yours. You're the one who's a monster."

Mother glared blackly at me and I knew I had gone too far. "Get out." She said, eerily calm.


"Get out!" She thrust a finger at the door.

I ran out of there as fast as I could. I shouldn't have said those things. I should've just taken the punishment, like I always do. Hot tears stung my eyes as I ran, my whole body burning from the beatings. But it wasn't the pain that made me cry- I was used to it by now- it was the fact that my own mother didn't even love me anymore.

After a while of running, I finally made it to the only place where someone gave a shit about me. Aric's house. I didn't even have to knock. Aric was waiting right outside, as if he'd been expecting me.

"What happened?" Aric asked, sounding alarmed. "Was it your mother?"

I nodded. He gave me a sympathetic smile as he pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. His cold skin eased the burning sensation of the bruises.

"She kicked me out. Mother kicked me out of the house," I whispered, my voice slightly shaky. "I've got nowhere else to go."

"Come on, I've got just the place we can go." Aric grabbed my hand and my ivory skin tinted the color of a rose.

He practically dragged me through the village, offering no explanation as to where we were going when I asked. The longer we walked, the farther away we were from the village. The sun was beginning to set and I still had no idea where I was headed.

"It's worth it, I promise." Aric had reassured me when I expressed these concerns to him.

After what felt like an hour, we came upon a small patch of grass and a gorgeous evergreen tree. At the edge of the patch was a cliff that dropped off into the ocean. Aric sat down with his legs hanging off the cliff and motioned for me to take a seat next to him. I obliged, plopping down on the ground and gazing out into the sunset. The sky was a canvas of yellows, oranges, and pinks, all blended together in a brilliant hue of rich colors. It was beautiful, but not nearly as beautiful as the sight right next to me. Aric's spiky black hair was tousled by the slight breeze, his violet eyes fixed ahead with a dreamy gaze. The sight of him alone made me blush. Then I remembered what my mother had said and my smile vanished.

"Aric, am I a psychopath?" I asked warily.

"Why in the world would you ask that?" He questioned.

"Well... it's just... when my mom was yelling at me and... you know," I began, trembling at the memory. "She said that I was a psychopath and- and a heartless monster." I stumbled over my words, still haunted by that moment. "Is that true?"

"Oh, Japeth. You're not heartless." Aric smiled softly at me.

"B-but am I a psycho?"

Aric stared at me with those brilliant violet eyes of his with the most earned of looks. "Maybe. But you're my psycho."

We turned to each other, and without a second thought, our lips collided. It was that feeling I had craved for so long, pain turned into passion. We were two broken boys, two poisoned hearts. But we fixed each other and we made each other whole again.

I wrapped my hands around his head, the sunset providing a whimsical backdrop for this magical moment. Our lips parted and Aric stepped away, smiling shyly. He turned his head, his lips inches from my ear, and whispered softly.

"You know I'm not real, right?"

I gasped and looked down to see a hole opening up beneath me. I was falling and falling, my head pounding as images around me blurred. I felt a painful burning sensation all over my body, as if I had been lit on fire.

I shut my eyes tight, begging for this to end, for this to all be a horrible dream. And when I opened them, I was right back on the cliff. I swiveled back to Aric, but when I looked where he had just been standing... he wasn't there.

He wasn't real. He had never been real. I had imagined it all.

Nobody loved me.
Author's note:
Woo! 1000 words! Woo! Useless achievements! Anyways...

In case you didn't understand, when Japeth was falling, that was also just his imagination.

There is no way this would make sense in the books, since Aric exists and there is a no kissing rule, but it was fun to write.

Hope you enjoyed ;)

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