The Maze Runner

By IngridLee6

4 1 2

It's about forgotten love, mystery and adventure. More

New Greenie
Second Bonfire
Take a hint
The doors
The girl
The new Runner
Way out
After 3 years

First girl

3 1 2
By IngridLee6

Ingrid wakes up in a box going up, she was freaking out so much. Yelling as loud as she could.
Ingrid: Hello! Anyone help please
Ingrid was banging on the walls.
Ingrid: Let me out, let me the fuck out, please
The box moves which makes Ingrid fall down and cuts her arm.
Ingrid: Shit! Ow, Aris! Harriet! Sonya! Where are you guys?!
Then everything goes black. Ingrid wakes up from the light hitting her face. She sees about 60 boys all around her. One of the boy's jumps down in front of you.
?: It's a girl
She looks around confused and scared.
?: Get her out then
Someone puts his hand out and helps her up and out of the box. Ingrid turns around in a circle trying to take everything in but she pushes past the crowd of boys and runs towards the deadheads.
?: Minho catch up to her, you can run faster than any of us
Minho: On it
Minho starts running as fast as he can to catch Ingrid but she was way faster than him and she run's into the deadheads. Minho runs back to the others.
Minho: Jeses! That girl can run!
?: How the bloody hell did she out run you
Minho: Let's see you trying to outrun her!
?: Stop your figuring out, one of you go find her
?: I'll go
He walked into the deadheads. Meanwhile Ingrid is sitting against a tree throwing stones. He finds her.
?: Hey Greenie
Ingrid: Hey?
Ingrid looked at the guy in confusion of why he called her Greenie.
Ingrid: I don't know your name
?: Call me Newt
Ingrid: I'm Ingrid
Newt: Wow you remember that fast
Ingrid: So, Are you and the other 60 boys gonna kill me or something?
Newt: Kill you? Are you being serious why would we kill you
Ingrid: Well then why the hell am I here, wait where are we exactly?
Newt laughs.
Newt: Come on I'll take you to Alby he will show you around tell you the rules
Ingrid: Um okay? But just to be clear there are girls here right?
Newt: Sorry Greenie, Your the only girl
Newt: Like I said Alby will explain, oh and be warned lots of people will call you Greenie
Ingrid: Do I need to come?
Newt: Just come on
Ingrid: This Maze is very different from the one I was in before
Newt: What was that?
Ingrid: Nothing
Newt leads Ingrid out of the deadheads. Ingrid turns in a circle taking in her surroundings
Ingrid: So this is where I'm trapped with 60 boys!?
Newt: Yep! Oh look here comes Alby
Alby: See you got the Greenie to come out of her hiding spot I see
Newt: I did
Alby turns to face Ingrid.
Alby: So Greenie get your name back yet
Ingrid turns to face Newt.
Ingrid: God you really weren't kidding when you said everyone would call me that
Newt: I did warn you
She turns back to face Alby.
Ingrid: Ingrid, my name is Ingrid
Alby: Wow you remembered fast
Ingrid: Wait isn't that the guy I got away from when he was running after me
She points at Minho. Minho walks over to them.
Minho: Hey Greenie
Ingrid: It's Ingrid
Minho: Nice to meet you Ingrid, I'm Minho the fastest runner in the glade
Ingrid: Fastest? Are you sure about that because you ate my dust earlier
Minho: Okay fine? Race ya to that wall over there
He points to a maze wall.
Ingrid: Fine by me, 3...2...1..go
They both run to the wall and back and Ingrid beats Minho easily. Minho makes it back a minute after you. He is out of breath.
Minho: H-how..
Ingrid shrugs her shoulders.
Ingrid: Okay now that's over with can one of you please tell me where I am
Alby: Come on I'll explain everything
Ingrid and Alby walk's off.
Minho: It...can't
Newt just smiles and slightly shakes his head before walking away from Minho smirking. Meanwhile, Alby explains something to Ingrid.
Alby: Oh and everyone that is here can only remember their names and that's it
Ingrid: Wait so we are ONLY supposed to remember our names, that's it
Alby: Yes? You don't remember anything else right!?
Ingrid: y-yeah course I don't remember
Ingrid said quickly.
Alby: Well that's the tour over Greenie, welcome to the glade
Alby walks off and Ingrid walks in the opposite direction.
Newt: Hey Ingrid, lost I see?
Ingrid: Yeah kinda, Newt do you only remember your name, you're sure you don't remember ANYTHING else?
Newt: Course I don't remember anything else, why'd you ask?
Ingrid: Just...wondering, anyway what do you guys do here
Newt: Pretty much sleep, eat, work, bonfire and yeah that's it
Ingrid: Bonfire?
Newt: Yeah, every once in a while or when a new Greenie comes up we have a bonfire
Ingrid: When's this happening?
Newt: Tonight, and be there because it's pretty much about you and your arrival to the glade
Ingrid: Well there's nothing better to do around here so why not
Ingrid: This must be how Aris feels, him being the only boy in a all girls Maze and now me the only girl in a all boys Maze
She says quietly.
Newt: Did you say something?
Ingrid: No, I didn't say anything
They finish up doing their work for the day then helped set up the Bonfire.

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