Dramatic Love

By BillioBerry

859 77 808

It was a seemingly normal school life for Sarah. She had good friends, decent grades... and a crush. Duh. How... More

01} Great (?) News!
02} A Little too Close. (Or just being clumsy!)
03} I Just Got a Brand New Job, E-I-E-I-O~
04} A Little Change of Plans...
05} Party, Partice, Partay
07} I Don't Like This Brand New Job, E-I-E-I-Ugh.
08} A Friendly Confession
09} Petty Rehearsals
10} Argument
11} Midnight Scores
12} Cooking Mania
13} Detectives for a Day
14} Visits and Gifts
15} Enchanted Night
16} Unexpected Encounter
17} Lovesick
18} A Hidden Love Story
19} Invitations
20} Disputes
21} Desolate
22} Pool Craze I
23} Pool Craze II
24} Comfy Bed
25} Imperceptibly

06} Advice

26 5 16
By BillioBerry

After a long and eventful weekend, it's finally Monday. That's right, everyone's back to school. The rush from students coming in, their lockers banging, and teachers jogging by, holding coffee in their hands. (A.k.a, the super energy drink made especially for teachers.)

Benjamin was busy (or struggling.) getting his big backpack into his locker, trying to put it in so he can get what he needed for class. Today felt a bit quiet for him. Usually, Isabelle would pop up beside his locker and say how mean her parents were, how her morning went or brag about all the good things that happened in her life. But that wasn't the case today, as her family decided to go on vacation. (That's right, even though they knew she would miss school.) All his friend lockers were far from his, so he basically had no one to talk to. I mean, I guess it was fine, everyone is too busy on not getting late to class that no one has the time to walk down 100 meters to chat with their friend. After Benjamin was getting out the last few things he needed for school, Brandy popped out of nowhere beside Benjamin's locker.

"Hi BennyWenny," He says, smirking at his friend.

"Oh, hey Brandy!" Benjamin excitedly says back, the 2 giving each other a handshake-hug. (Lol wait, giving each other a what?)

A mini silence came after that, Brandy looking intensely at Benjamin, sweat coming off his face. Benjamin noticed this and quickly knew what was up.

"Brandy," Benjamin says, now focusing his attention to Brandy, "Is there something you want to tell me?" He asks.

"WHAT? Uh-urm, n-no, no," Brandy stuttered, his face getting red now. Benjamin, who knew his friend was lying, gave him the 'you better tell me' smirk.

"Ugh, fine," Brandy sighed, bringing his mouth close to Benjamin ears now.

"I," He started, "Have a crush on Maya," He whispered, leaving Benjamin as shocked as ever.

"What?! Didn't you guys technically first meet at the party?"

"I know, I know," Brandy replies, "But you don't get it. The moment my eyes fell on her, she gave me an aroma I never felt before. Her confident voice, her luscious brown hair, her beautiful eyes and those pretty freckles all over her face. Benjamin, I'm in love," He finished, Benjamin eyes nearly popping out due to the fact that he had to say a whole entire essay to confess that.

"So, what exactly do you want me to do about that?" Benjamin asked, Brandy looking at him like he didn't understand his point.

"You have a girlfriend, right?" He asked, Benjamin nodding. "Exactly. You know how to score a girl, so imma need some love advice to get to the girl I want, too," He finished.

"Well," Benjamin started, "Maybe you should get to know her, as in become good friends, before you decide to ask her out. That's what I did before me and Isabelle began dating," He explained, Brandy face brightening up contently.

"Oh, thank you so much!" He exclaimed excitedly, before running off to his class.

Benjamin chuckled at his friend actions before getting the last items out of his locker before locking it. He then gathered all his stuff and headed off to class, wondering what the hell his friend might do now.

After 3 and a half hours of 3 long and boring classes, the bell finally rang for lunch.

RING RING! That's right, students came pouring out of their classrooms, excitedly rushing to their lockers so they can take a break from their stressful classes.

Sarah and her friends, pretty much did what everyone else was doing. Rush. Grab. Go. The group of friends all meeting at the entrance of the school's canteen before going in. As soon as they entered, they heard a familiar voice call out to them.

"GUYS! Come sit over here!" It was Sydney, along with Emilia and Tessy sitting alongside her. The group of 4 quickly went over to the girls, forming a large group afterwards on the table.

"Where's Isabelle?" Bella asked.

"Oh, she went on vacation," Tessy answered.

"DURING THE SCHOOL DAYS," Emilia dramatically added, the group laughing after.

They all quickly got into conversation, talking about Benjamin and Isabelle being 'boyfriend and girlfriend', how annoying their teachers were, complaining about how boring their homes were, and so on. 10 minutes later, Brandy suddenly rushed to the girls table, slamming his hands on the surface. The girls look at him, shocked by his loud entrance.

"Hey guys! Hi Maya," He says, looking at her before he looked at the others. He then seated close to Maya, the girls still looking at him. (Omg, my dude. Why are you being so obvious.)

A awkward silence abrupted, all the friends still looking at Brandy waiting to know why he came to their table so suddenly.

"So, what's up?" Brandy said, finally breaking the silence.

"Uh, not much," Maya replied, Brandy butterflies swirling in his stomach.

"Okay, why are you here?" Bella asked, her tone stern as if she was trying to keep herself from saying that.

"Oh, I just want to hang out with my favourite ladies!" He exclaimed, the girls chuckling after.

"Okay then," Sarah started, "Why don't we continue where we left off?" She asked, and the group went back to their interesting conversation, Brandy listening in, too.

"Hey Maya," Brandy whispered to Maya while the rest were busy talking. Maya turned her head to Brandy to see what was up. "Do you like the Musicas?" He asked, her face immediately lighting up.

"Omg, I LOVE that rock band!" She exclaimed quietly, "I thought I was the only one in this school that liked them," She said.

"Same!" Brandy replied, the 2 giggling after.

"You know, I have some merchandise I wanna show you, it's all in my locker," Maya said, Brandy quickly nodding. "Guys, me and Brandy will be right back," Maya said to the group, who all just looked at her then went back to conversation.

Maya grabbed Brandy's arm and dragged him out fast as if she was super excited. (Wow, she was THAT excited.) Brandy not minding as much as this was how the 2 would easily become best friends. (and then a couple, lol.)

After what seemed like forever, they finally made it to Maya's locker. Maya swung it open and took out a T-shirt with the Musicas on it, Brandy admiring it.

"Geez, it'll definitely look pretty on you," Brandy says after studying the shirt for a while.

'You think?" Maya said, blushing a little, "I think it's embarrassing to wear anywhere in public, so I leave it here," She said hesitantly, Brandy giving a disapproving look.

"Trust me, everyone love a person that's confident in wearing whatever they want," Brandy says, "and I think one of those people should be you," He finished, blushing a little now, too.

"Heh, thanks Brandy," Maya says, before putting the shirt back into her locker. "So... Should we head back to the others?" She asked.

"What?" Brandy says, "We're definitely not just doing that with them gone, follow me," He replied, now the one dragging Maya by the arm outside the school building.

He takes her to a nearby alley, filled heavily with vegetation and graffiti. He finally lets go of her arm, and the 2 walk down slowly. The alley seemed like it had an 'abandoned' feel to it. Tall trees spiked up here and there, the leaves covering most of the sky. The ground was covered in dead leaves and moss, mainly filled with bugs making their home in these areas. Oh, and did the sunlight do it's job perfectly? Yes, yes it did. Many beams came down through the trees, leaving a soft yet scattered sunlight pattern all over. It felt so magical, yet beautiful to see at the same time.

"Uh, where are we going Brandy?" Maya asked Brandy, who looked back at her with a happy grin.

"I come here sometimes by myself, and felt you should come here to," He said, Maya just smiling.

The 2 continue walking, geez this alley seemed long, they wouldn't make it to the end without the bell ringing and them having to go back.

"Have you tried walking all the way to the end of this alley?" Maya asked, the 2 still walking.

"Heheh, nope," He replied, "It's pretty long, so there's a certain point where I decide to stop and turn around," He explained, Maya face now curious.

"You know, maybe we should try going to the end of it," She says, Brandy laughing after.

"And whose going to be the one explaining why were late to go back to class? Not me!" He finished, before laughing with Maya again.

Just like that, the 2 were chatting about random yet fun topics, each one keeping the conversation going well. Once they reached Brandy certain point, the 2 turned around and kept walking, laughing and having fun the whole time, as if they were best friends from the beginning. After a while, the 2 were finally back at the school.

RING RING! The bell ranged just as they entered the school, letting the hallways fill up again like it always did.

"Welp, looks like we'll have to go to our options, now," Maya said, a quiet sigh escaping her mouth. Brandy just chuckled.

"C'mon, it's not like this is the only time we'll do this!" He exclaimed.

The 2 walked until they reached Maya's locker. Brandy was ready to walk off but was then stopped by Maya, who grabbed his arm.

"Brandy," She started, (Ya'll better not start imagining things.) "I had a lot more fun than I thought I would've, in fact that made my day, thank you," She said before turning back to her locker.

Brandy smiled, then walked off to head to his locker. Geez, he thought he would at least get them to talk with each other, but never thought it would go this far. Boy, did that dude smile brighter than he ever did that day, he accomplished his challenge! Become friends with Maya, check.

On the way to his locker, he saw Benjamin walking in his direction, which he quickly stopped.

"Hey Benjamin," He started, Benjamin listening, "You better have more of that love advice ready for me."


The beginning of this part somehow deleted while I was writing, (*sob*) so I had to rewrite the beginning all over again! Anyways, I'd say this is well written and is now probably starting ships. (Is that even possible? It's already obvious who will end up with who. Is it?)

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