By sleepytinker__

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"Now since we are done with the introductions I have a question. Are you sure about this marriage?" I nodded... More

CHAPTER 1 : The Beginning.
CHAPTER 2 : The Interview.
CHAPTER 3 : The Desire
CHAPTER 4 : The Proposal
CHAPTER 5 : The Scars
CHAPTER 6 : The Courage
CHAPTER 7 : The Kiss
CHAPTER 8 : The Warning.
CHAPTER 9 : The Spy.
CHAPTER 10 : The Gala.
CHAPTER 11 : The Misunderstanding
CHAPTER 12 : Trust Issues.
CHAPTER 13 : Alessandro D'Angelo
CHAPTER 14 : His Story.
CHAPTER 15 : Damien
CHAPTER 16 : Surprises
CHAPTER 17 : Her Day.
CHAPTER 18 : The Pain
CHAPTER 19 : His Confession
CHAPTER 20 : "We're done, Alessandro."
CHAPTER 22 : We meet Again.
CHAPTER 23 : "Dad."
CHAPTER 24 : His Personal Assistant
CHAPTER 25 : "You Broke Us."
CHAPTER 26 : The List
CHAPTER 27 : The Interview : Part II
CHAPTER 28 : The Pills
CHAPTER 29 : A Family Dinner
CHAPTER 30 : "I have lost you."
CHAPTER 31 : A Brotherly Conversation
CHAPTER 32 : Care
CHAPTER 33 : Cookies!
CHAPTER 34 : Apologies.
CHAPTER 35 : Betraying Aless.
CHAPTER 36 : "You're Playing with Fire, Ariana."
CHAPTER 37 : Broken Promises.
CHAPTER 38 : "It's over Aless, it's all over."
CHAPTER 39 : Falling Apart.
CHAPTER 40 : Broken
CHAPTER 41 : Nightmares.
CHAPTER 42 : Hidden Secrets.
CHAPTER 43 : My Wife.
CHAPTER 44 : Getting Closer
CHAPTER 45 : Forever Us.

CHAPTER 21 : Her Life, His Life.

18.8K 886 270
By sleepytinker__




"Once again! Once again you failed me! I don't know how many more chances you need to prove yourself." My boss yelled at me.

I stood at one place with my head held down taking in whatever he was saying.

I don't know, I just don't feel like working here. In fact working anywhere other than my previous workplace. I just hate every place. I want to work back in Sicily where I could do everything on my own, Bruno used to scold me but he didn't ever stop me from doing what I wanted.

In here, I just don't get the same vibe.

"Any special person you want to work on?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Christ! Ariana I am tired of you! What do you want to do?" Again he started yelling. "In your resume you had so many achievements then why can't I see anything now?"

"I have a story." I answered.

"Other than the people dying from poverty."

That made me shut my mouth.

"See! You don't have anything else."

"But it's a good story, if we share the poor problems with the people, then might be the authorities could see this side and sort their problem."

"Ariana, nobody cares about the poor these days. People are just interested in gossips. They just wanna know about other people."

"We can help the poor-"

"Oh shut up! Clearly you don't have anything interesting once again."

"That's because I am focused on a particular topic."

"Are you really arguing with me on this?"

There was a knock on the door, he answered with a 'come in'. Benjamin entered the room with a wide smile on his lips and in his hand a box.

"Boss! Guess what?" He exclaimed.

Not again.

"I have got the perfect news for you." He smirked at me making me roll my eyes.

"Thank God! I have someone to save me from this helpless situation. You are always the saviour, Benjamin." The boss answered, relief in his tone.

The boss then looked at me "I think you should take some classes from him, I can make you his junior."

"His junior?" I asked in disbelief.

The boss smiled "You like the idea, don't you?"

I slammed my hand on his desk "I'll prefer dying penniless than being his junior." I glared at Benjamin for one last time and muttered "Ape" before leaving the office.

"Hey, what did you say?" Benjamin shouted from the boss's office. "Ariana come back here and say it to my face."

I opened the office door one more time and repeated "Ape! I called you an ape." Again I closed the door, I heard him saying things which I didn't care to pay attention to.

I sat on my seat and pulled my hair in frustration "Bunch of animals!"

I put my head down on the desk "I hate this place. I hate it here. I hate this place so much!"

I don't know why am I even working here when I have nothing in my favor, when I hate everyone, when everyone hates me! There's no point in being here.

I looked up and switched the laptop on.

I will blow that oldie's head off with the next story.

Fine if he wants the affair stories, Ariana Lincoln knows how to get stories just because I don't doesn't mean I don't have gossip stories.

I started looking for some famous person to search a story about him and to blow his mind with my story.

The whole day I spent searching but I was unsuccessful. I did get two to three people but I don't wanna get into these people again. The consequences didn't turn out in my favour the last few times.

So I skipped them.

At the end of the day I was going to head back home from work when the boss stopped me.

"Since you won't be able to get me a story, I'll tell you the person you have to work on and you'll follow my orders."


"I think that's better. Then you won't be disappointed anymore."

"Oh dear, I fear I would still be disappointed."

"You know, I am not that bad at my job."

"We'll see about that. I'll tell you tomorrow who you have to work on, for now you can leave."

"Okay." I left the office. Whoever it is, it's better he gives me the name to work on, and I don't have to do it myself at least.

On my way back home, I went to a grocery shop to get a few things for the preparation of cookies. Once I was done shopping, I headed for home.

I rang the doorbell, Lucia opened the door.

"How was your day?" She asked.

"Hectic af."

She laughed at my comment.

"Hope you didn't have a hectic one."

She sighed but didn't reply. Then she said "Time for me to leave now. See ya on Monday."


She left and I entered the house, closing the door.

"Just so you know, it's not you who always gets scolded." I spoke.

And the reply came sooner than I expected. "But how did you know I was scolded today?"

"Caught ya!" I turned back to see him on the couch sitting stuffing chocolate in his mouth. "Meaning you were scolded again."

He covered his mouth with his hands "Oops!"

I stood with hands on my waist glaring playfully at my little baby.


"What would I do? That lady hates me."

I rolled my eyes, making my way to the bedroom. He got off the couch and followed me inside the room.

"Mommy I promise, this time I just played a bubble gum prank. How would've I known it would get stuck in Mrs. Banks hands."

"No you didn't."

"I promise Mommy, it was for that evil boy Deril."

"Shut up, Ian!"

He shut his mouth and looked down making a guilty face. I kneeled in front of him and pinched his cheek.

"Why do you create problems? Do you like to get scolded?"

He shook his head "But other kids too do these pranks but I always get caught."

"That's because you don't know how to do pranks. Try learning first."

He pouted "But I watch videos on how to prank people."

"You also watched and tried the life hack of pouring coke in a watermelon."

"Okay, I agree that was a stupid one."

"Stupidest!" I extended.

"Okay. Okay, stupidest."

"Will I have to hear the complaint tomorrow?"

He shook his head "Nope. Nope. On Monday." Saying he giggled.


He continued laughing at this joke feeling proud of himself.

I held him, pulling him closer and tickled him. He sat on my lap trying to stop me but I am stronger than him, so he continued laughing.

"Sorry Mommy, sorry. Stop!"

I stopped. He leaned on me breathing heavily trying to catch his breath.

"Tomorrow is the weekend, you promised we would go shopping and eat pizza."

"And I will keep my promise. We'll party this weekend."

"Yes!!!" He got up and kissed my cheek.

"And tomorrow we'll be making cookies! Your favourite cookies!"


I nodded.

"Mommy! I love you! You're the best!"

"I love you too, baby." I hugged him.

After dinner, I made Ian sleep and went to the kitchen to have a cup of coffee since I wasn't sleepy at all. I opened my laptop and searched for the usual thing I always do.

'Alessandro D'Angelo'

The recent news about him flashed which were the normal ones, nothing new. Nothing I should know at least.

I stared at his image.

It's been six years... six years, everything has changed. Six years, I don't know about you but my life has definitely changed. Now I have a son and trust me he is the only reason I am still in my right mind.

When I moved to Chicago, on the very first day I got a pregnancy test and it was positive. He was my only hope to live.

Except for him, my life is a total mess.

I hate my job.

I hate this place I am living in.

I hate this city.

I hate myself.

I hope atleast you are happy, after making my life hell. I hope you are having an exciting life. Afterall you always wished for me to be out of your life.

Never thought I would say this but "I hate you Alessandro."


"Sorry." Antonio's voice broke my thoughts.

We were in some cafe because we had a deal to claim. I was staring out of the window at nothing in particular. It has been years I don't speak too much unless it's work.

Things have changed now.

I stared at Antonio for sometime, asking him 'what' because I didn't hear what he said.

"I said sorry."

After hearing that I went back to staring outside, he says it all the time and I don't want him to apologise to me for anything. It was his fault to kill Sebastian without me knowing but it was on me to take the blame. So I don't blame him.

"Stop apologising all the time."

"I feel guilty."

"Why? You sounded pretty happy when you killed him. You sounded pretty proud when you were killing him."

"I know. If I could reverse the time, I would. I would've never done it again."

"Antonio." I looked at him, this time my voice sounded stern "I do not blame you."

He scoffed "Have you looked at yourself? You look like shit."

"I do not."

"I see you everyday."

"Christ! I take a bath everyday."

"Not like that, 'shit' means you've lost weight, your face looks like a-"

"Okay, stop. I don't wanna know what my face looks like."

"But I am telling you the truth. You look dead."

"Can you stop please? Go through the files rather than commenting on my face or how dead I look."



He took the file and started looking through them.

It's been six years... six years without her. I thought it wouldn't be so difficult to live a life without her. But after she was gone, my life just turned upside down. That made me realise what that woman meant to me and how I never respected her.

I don't know where she is, but I know that she is fine. Diego knows everything about her but I asked him not to tell me about her... Staying away from her is the best I can do to save her from my world.

I know Ari will make her way through this world and if she would have any trouble Diego is being instructed to work accordingly. He will help her without her knowing about it.

When I get drunk and don't have control on myself I go to Diego asking about her but he never tells me. One time I even punched him to tell me where she was, he still didn't. I understand he is trying to protect her.

I know myself, if ever I get to know where she is I would do anything and everything in my power to get her back. And her coming in my life will just make things dangerous again.

It's better the way we are now.

Diego just told me she is fine and happy in her life.

"Why can't you just tell me where the fuck she is?" I yelled at him.

"She is happy Signore."

"She was happier with me."

"Was she safe with you?" He asked back.

I stopped at that point.

"Do you think she was safe? No she wasn't. She is happy now with someone."

My heart stopped at that point.

His words repeated in my head 'with someone'.

She has someone else in her life.

"S-She is happy with someone else in her life?" I asked again wishing he didn't mean that.

"Yes she is. She is really happy with him, if you again go back in her life it will just create more problems for her."

I didn't believe him. I didn't.

My heart didn't let me believe that my Ariana would forget me so soon.

Hope you are living your life happily, Ari. I hope it's not like mine. I want you to live happily even if it means me not being a part of your world.

I hope we never again come across each other because if I see you again, I doubt I'll be able to control myself and let you go.

"They're here." Antonio announced.

I got up from my seat and shook hands with Mr. Lombardi. He took the seat in front of me and smiled.

"How have you been, Alessandro?" he asked.

He is a 60 year old man, we had deals in the past. He is one of our regular clients.

"I'm good. Hope you are doing well?"

"That's the problem. I have been instructed by the doctors to be on rest. You know the aged problems."

I just passed him a light smile.

"So this will probably be my last meeting with you. Next time, my son will be here on my seat. Hope you'll like him."

"Probably. Can we start discussing the agreement?"


I began explaining to him the deal. He listened to me concentrating at each and every word I was saying.

"If you have any doubts you can ask."

"Oh no no. You've already made everything clear. Tell me where I have to sign."

I nodded at Antonio, he extended the papers to Mr. Lombardi and guided him about signing them. When he was done, I got up from my seat and he too rose up. I shook hands with him "I'll see you some other time."

He nodded "Let me know if you have some problem dealing with my son."

I just gave a single nod.

I headed back to my car, Antonio followed me.

"To the mansion." I instructed the driver.

"When was the last time you slept on your bed, at the penthouse?" Antonio decided to speak.

"When was the last time you left me on my own?"

"It's been six years, brother. You need to move on."

I looked out of the window ignoring him.

If these six years didn't let me move on, I doubt I will ever be able to.

As we reached the mansion, I straight away went to the study. While I was going through some emails on my laptop, Diego entered the study.

"Signore. You asked for me."

"I did." I spoke, still looking on the laptop. "I have to be out of Italy."

He nodded.

"I want you to take care of everything in my absence and if you decide to be on any mission, ask me first."

He nodded again.

"And yeah, take Antonio with you."

"Okay. But you'll be going alone?"

I nodded "Yes. It's important Diego, or else I wouldn't have left."

"Is it for the mafia?"

"No. It's for my job."

He nodded "Where to?"

I leaned back against the seat closing my eyes "Chicago."


a/n : 6 years leap... Now ig things will get more exciting.
This update is for the requests I got after the last chapter. Next one will be after two days.

Hope you liked the chapter.

See ya in the next one.


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