Side Story 1 : Rimuru visits...

بواسطة okawari1991

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This is a side story from the main book, but it got to long so I made it a book of its own. Please read the m... المزيد

Rimuru visits Tbate (1)
Rimuru visits Tbate (2)
Rimuru visits Tbate (3)
Rimuru visits Tbate (4)
Rimuru visits Tbate (5)
Rimuru visits Tbate (6)
Rimuru visits Tbate (7)
Rimuru visits Tbate (8)
Rimuru visits Tbate (9)
Rimuru visits Tbate (10)
Rimuru visits Tbate (11)
Rimuru visits Tbate (12)
Rimuru visits Tbate (13)
Rimuru visits Tbate (14)
Rimuru visits Tbate (16)
Rimuru visits Tbate (Rimuru's house in Tbate World)
Rimuru visits Tbate (17)
Rimuru visits Tbate (18)
Rimuru visits Tbate (19)
Rimuru visits Tbate (20)
Do you want lemon Tess x art?
🍋 Lemon 🍋

Rimuru visits Tbate (15)

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بواسطة okawari1991

Arthur pov:

I'm probably the happiest man to ever exist.
Tess accepted my marriage proposal and is now sleeping on top of me, the night might be a little cold, but it's nothing a little fire magic can't solve.
I've noticed changes in our body's as well, silver-green scales made a necklace around my neck and white-golden scales made a necklace around Tess's neck, the necklace can't be removed.
Our mana core is also starting to link, I can feel my mana core dropping a little and Tess her mana core rising and meeting at a standpoint of progression, my aether core has fortunately not carried over, because the pain of that would shake her very being, I managed to get through it because of Grey's memories, but Tess doesn't have those.
(Morning 7 hours later)

Tess is stirring awake and opening her eyes a little, as she notices me, she landed a kiss on my lips and pulled my shirt with her hands as she deepens the kiss, she pushes her tongue on my mouth as I let her in and we start making out. Just as Tess was about to remover her jacket, Rimuru came up from behind her and picked her up by the scruff of her jacket.
"I told you, no funny business before marriage and those necklaces don't count as being married."
Tess and I were slightly disappointed by the sudden interruption before Rimuru said "Don't be disappointed, you're only 7 and 8, that's too young for funny business. I know the accelerated growth is enhancing your hormones, but don't give into them." I know what she means, but it's getting increasingly harder and harder to control myself.
"I guess the accelerated growth isn't doing to much good right now and you two getting those necklaces increases your hormones even more, but it does ensure no cheating as the necklace will tighten if you cheat, and if you by some miracle survive, the necklace will have lost color, the same thing happens when emotions of love have disappeared, the necklace will remain as a constant reminder of this relationship."
I was taken aback by the notion of one of us cheating on the other and imagining Tess with another man caused me to lose a bit of control over my aura as aether started shaking the surrounding clearing and rippling the water in the lake.
"Calm down Arthur, it's not real, and be careful, emotions and thoughts can be leaked into the necklace." Rimuru said as I went stiff at those words, that would mean that Tess can feel my emotions and hear my thoughts?
But I'm not hearing hers right now, how does that work? As if reading my mind, Rimuru continued "The necklace only works that way when you lose control over your emotions, like you just did for a second. It can also be used as a way of telepathy or long distance communication by willingly sending her your thoughts and emotions, vice versa works as well." She said looking at me.
"Sensei, do you have a necklace?" Tessia asked with curiosity, I was only interested, but acting as if the conversation just now didn't exist was kinda weird.
Rimuru didn't reply and instead lowered her collar to show a bright white-red necklace practically shining as bright as the sun. We were both almost blinded by the brightness it emitted, I was shocked to know that someone loved her so much, Rimuru took a mirror to look at the necklace and a rare smile formed on her face that could've left most men drooling, but I didn't for some reason.
"The necklace also serves to dampen any love blooming for another person." She explained.
Rimuru pulled up her collar again and lead us into the dining room. Tess her parents were staring at our necks with a little bit of interest before Virion looks down to her forearm where the bracelet resides and started laughing with a very happy tone, as if he just won the lottery before shouting out "I knew you were gonna be my grandson-in-law.
Tess her parents looked over confused before seeing the bracelet on her arm, they immediately smile the most bright smile I've seen them make since my arrival. Alduin broke the mood and said
"Sorry but can't marry yet, you're too young for that, but before you say anything, engagement is possible within a month if you're willing to wait that long, I looked over at the beaming Tess and nodded my head towards the family.

After breakfast we went back to the training grounds where we resumed training, I could that my second stage beast will was about to awaken and asked Rimuru for a spar in order to push myself into the second stage, she nodded her head and Wilkes towards the center of the field before stamping down her foot and lifting a 20 by 20 meters section and creating some stairs for me to walk up.
I pulled out my sword which was a thin iron sword.
Tess counted down "3...2...1...GO!" She yelled and started the match. I lunged towards Rimuru, but she just side stepped, I reacted by readjusting my arms and swinging the sword horizontally, I watched as it phased through Rimuru and seeing her crumbling down. (0.3 seconds have passed)
She appeared at the other side of the platform before holding out her hand and creating a fireball the size of my fist, the fireball started growing until it eventually grew to the size of carriage, she threw it in my direction. I jumped out of the way and created a wind swirl which I threw towards Rimuru, she looked at it before it burst apart into a hundred wind bullets that flew at her at nearly the speed of sound, she efficiently casted a water barrier that negated the wind impact and started spreading until it covered half the platform.
(3 seconds passed)
I created a fireball myself and instead of throwing it, I fused it into the sword and slashed down splitting the water barrier and creating steam.
I realized that I couldn't even land a single blow on her and activated my first beast stage, my body started glowing form the golden runes and my eyes became an amethyst purple, I activated static void and approached Rimuru.
In the split second I reached out my sword to her neck, she used two fingers to snap the sword in two before pushing me backwards, I deactivated static void but remained in first beast will mode in order to strengthen myself. I suddenly felt a pull from my beast will, the pull only got stronger as I gave in to the pull. My hair grew longer and white with golden edges, my eyes remained an amethyst purple as the golden runes glowed brighter than before.
I saw mana particles as well as aether particles dancing around me as if awaiting my command, I saw Rimuru forming a spell with a lot of earth particles, I tried it and canceled the spell by imbuing more mana than necessary into it.
Rimuru looked at me in amusement as she held up her hand and augmented it with mana, I could see the air around her hand twisting as if being torn apart by the force of her mana, she moved her hands downwards as I noticed the lack of my right arm, the ground behind the platform was split for about 20 meters before stopping.
I saw Tess in the corner of my eye stopping the match, I faded out of the second stage and my arm recovered near instantaneously from the former stump. Tess looked in awe and faced Rimuru with a vicious glare before yelling "Why did you have to cut his arm off!?" Rimuru replied "For draining his aether reserves a bit." She looked at me and I ran up to my room and showed Tess why I had ran.
She send back her agreement and I could feel the excitement coming from her voice.
She suddenly barged into the room and sat down next to me, the egg in my hands started to crack before the shells exploded outwards wrecking my room. I looked at the used-to be egg and now tiny black lizard with two little horns and spikes running down her spine as well as the tiny wings that had yet to form.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed it.

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