
By 0neand0nlyl0l

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What happens when she moves back to barcelona after being gone all winter when she moves back to stay with he... More



4.9K 70 36
By 0neand0nlyl0l

Everyone had left and it was only me and pedro left in the kitchen, he was making food and i was sitting in the kitchen island watching him

"Well it wasn't that bad was it?" he said
"No apart from the fact gavi had his hands all over his girlfriend." i said with a scoff
"I think your jealous." he said with a smile
"Me? jealous? of him?, you must be crazy, only an idiot would be jealous over him." i said laughing at his remark
"Whatever you say maria." pedri said with a giggle
we eat and he told me to go to sleep as i was really tired from the flight.
i got ready for bed and jumped onto my bed looking at my phone one last time seeing the groupchat was active.


Ana: So what do you think of gavis new

Lucia: I think she's nice but something
is off

Ana: What about you maria what do you
think ;)

                                             but I think she's nice             agree somethings off

Lucia: Your only saying that because
your inloveeeee with him

Ana: True loveeeee

why does everyone think i like him?

i turned off my phone and went to sleep wondering why everyone think i like him.
he's a snobby footballer who thinks the world revolves around him.

i drifted to a deep sleep

I woke up in the morning to pedri banging on my door
"Maria get up everyone's here." he said
who would be here at this time are you kidding?
i got up and walked into the kitchen to see Lucia, Ana and gavi.
"What are you doing here." i said rubbing my eyes and sitting down on the kitchen island chairs.
"They have training today, we are going to watch them, so are you." Lucia said with a smile
"Cant i catch a break?" i said setting my head onto the kitchen island
"Besides pablo torre will be there" Ana said wiggling her eye brows
"I don't get it?" pedri said looking between me and ana
"Our little maria has a crush" Lucia said with a grin
"I do not." i said covering my face
"you said and i quote he's so nice and pretty" Ana said with a giggle
"You think he is pretty?" gavi said holding in his laugh
"I could set you up" pedri said with a giggle
"No." i said walking away to get ready

i got my clothes on and we are all getting into pedris car
"Dibs on the front." gavi said knowing the 3 in the back would be squished together
"No i'm his cousin me in the front." i said pushing him out of the way
"I think Lucia should be in the front." ana said

Lucia's always had a crush on my cousin
i think it's cute they would be nice together
for her i will sit in the back

"I agree." i said getting in sitting in the middle back seat

"This is unfair." pablo said taking the last empty seat next to me

the full ride was my 13th reason
Me and gavi argued the whole way there because i was touching his shoulder when pedri made a turn
i couldn't even help it.

we had gotten out and all walked into their training

when we had gotten in they ran off to get changed and we had seen Ansu and Balde
they both ran over to 3 of us and started talking to us

"Your back?!" Ansu screamed like the child that he is
"Yes i'm back, i missed you" i said with a smile
i've always liked ansu he's kind of like a brother
i just feel comfortable with and around him.
"I missed you too" he said with a smile
"So where's your cousin" Balde spoke as he had not seen them leave us
"They went to get changed."
"Oh pablo is here too?" he questioned
"Yeah, why? he's always with pedri" Ana and lucia both looked at me and i looked back
"He wasn't here the past 2 training days, Xavi said he wasn't feeling well?" thats when i heard a familiar girly voice from behind me.
that's when it clicked.
he has been ignoring training for his girlfriend.
"Hey girlies!" she said running over to us

sometimes i feel bad about how judgemental i am, but now that i think about it, i really don't care so too bad

"Hello Carmen" the 5 of us all spoke in sync turning around to face her

"Ana have you seen my Pablo?" she spoke fluttering her eyelashes like she was seeing things

"He went to get changed" Ana said with a smile
as soon as ana said that she turned around and walked to the changing rooms

i giggled at the thought of her getting rejected from going into the changing room and probably standing outside of the doors right now.

"earth to maria?" Alejandro (ALE ALE JANDRO)
spoke waving his hand infront of my face
"Hello?" i said snapping back into my thoughts
"What where you thinking about?" Ansu said with a smile
"Probably one of the two pablos." Lucia said with a smile
"I was not." i widened my eyes at the thought
"I'm going to have a movie night in my garden with the projector tomorrow, you guys wanna come?" Lucia said we used to do that as kids a lot so i would never decline
everyone agreed anyway, and i know pedri would hear about this considering i know they have a crush on eachother

"Ofcourse i wanna come!" we heard from behind us
great carmen
"Yay" i said with a fake smile

Pablo gavis pov-

we where in the car on the way to my training, i was nervous, i have not been for 2 days, and i wasn't even sick i was too busy with carmen.

It didn't last long anyway i couldn't think because Maria was smashing her shoulder and legs into me every turn pedri made.

"Can u stay still" i said to her
"it's a bit hard when i'm in the middle and pedri drives like a crazy man." she spoke softly
i ignored her.
i was so close to her i could smell the perfume she always wears.

i glanced over to hear to see her with her eyes closed
She looked pretty from this angle
but from any other she was certainly not pretty.

although everyone around me disagreed

i started at her shamelessly for a few minutes until she banged into me again

as much as i have to be nice to her as she is my bestfriends cousin, i can't stand her, she's so infuriating and annoying. i hate the woman

we had argued even more and we finally got there
i've never been so relieved to get out of a vehicle ever.

we walked in and we had went to the changing room
that's when i had seen pablo torre.
the second best pablo.

"Pedri i heard your cousins home?" he raised his voice a little bit

What does that have to do with him?

"Yeah she got home yesterday." he said with a smile

Pedri wrong answer ask him why he wants to know

i was getting into the training shirt and i could hear a conversation between Pablo Torre and Ferran

"Are you gonna ask her?"  Ferran said
ask who what?
"I don't know man, pedri might kill me it's his younger cousin after all." he whispered, not quiet enough because i could hear it
And ask her what anyway? does he think he stands a chance with her? Maria is heartless she won't give him the light of day, even If she says he's nice or not.
"Dude you need to hurry before someone else takes her, i've heard so much people talking about her" alejandro said trying to convince him to do something

"Come on bro let's go" i heard pedri speak snapping me out of eavesdropping

i went outside to see my girlfriend standing outside the door, she probably tried to come in and got told to wait

"Pablo!!!" she said coming over to me and hugging me
"Carmen hey." i said but i pulled myself out of her grip
"I can't talk right now i need to go, you can stay and watch though Maria is out there with Lucia and Ana." i said running after pedri who had left me behind.

we where training and i still couldn't get Torre's words out of my head.
"Pedri might kill me, it's his younger cousin after all."

Is he gonna ask her out? on a date?

Pedri will never allow it.

but now that i'm thinking about it pedris words from this morning repeated in my mind

"i could set you up"

so he would allow it ?

i glanced over to the girls at the side and she was laughing at something Lucia said im guessing because she was slapping her shoulder like a crazy lady.

i smiled seeing her laugh like that

"What are you smiling about?" i heard a voice say from infront of me
i snapped my head back around
it was pedri
"Huh? nothing." i said passing the ball

"My cousin? really" he said with a straight face

"Me ? and Maria? Never no, i was smiling at carmen." i said, but i'm a very bad liar

he smiled at me and passed the ball back after juggling it for a while

"Lucia is having a movie night outside, you coming?" pedri said with a smile

"Yeah sure" i said smiling at him back

Little did i know this would've turned into a competition

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