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It had been 2 weeks since me and gavi spent the night together.

we haven't talked a lot, and when we did we where fighting like cats and dogs.

i had been on 3 more dates with pablo torre

and i liked him alot

yet i couldn't forget about the night me and gavi had, i also felt sort of bad for seeing pablo, and going home to make love with the other pablo the same night.

But what really was the icing on the cake of the full 2 weeks, is that now pablo gavi was dating the brunette girl he was with the day after.

i felt like punching her everytime i saw her in my apartment.

It was one thing having gavi around nevermind a girl who's wrapped around his finger.

i was sitting on the sofa eating strawberrys watching the new outerbanks season, it was 1:00pm.

Pedro was also sitting on the sofa on his phone.

it was peaceful

my thoughts where destroyed as i heard 2 people barge through the door, and ofcourse it was them.

"Mini gonzalez!!!!" nina screamed running over to me and sitting next to me hugging me

she seems nice but only when people are around

"Nina, nice to see you" i forced a smile on my face

"And Big gonzalez!!!!" she screamed waving at pepi who gave her a smile

i made eyecontact with him
we both disliked her
maybe it's a cousin thing ?

"What are you watching?" Pablo said sitting next to nina who was next to me

"Obx" pedro said

"What is it about?" Gavi said

"Hard to explain, but we are only watching it because of the boy Maria has a fat crush on" pedri said laughing

i instantly knew who he was referring too

"Who?" gavi said turning to the screen

Rafe Cameron appeared on screen

"Him." i said smiling at the screen

"I didn't think you where into boys like that."

"Boys like what?" i said snapping my head to him

"Aggressive and angry" he smirked as i was looking at him

Rafe was screaming and victimising himself at the moment in time on the screen.

"I'm not, i'm into tall guys." i said lying

i knew he would get butthurt if i commented on height, as he is not that tall himself.

i glanced over to him to see him rolling his eyes
i smiled softly

lucia sent a text to the groupchat we have


Lucia: We are going out tonight

Ana: Where?

Lucia: Club



"Pepi i'm going to stay at Anas tonight, so i won't be back until tomorrow"

I lied, ofcourse i knew that. Pedri is just overprotective of alcohol and me, but that's what makes him pedro gonzalez and i love him for it.

he smiled at me in return

"Goodbye rafe cameron, i'll see you later" i said to the screen before walking away

Pablo gavis pov

Maria had left to go to her room and we where watching the show still.

"What's so special about this guy, he's so angry all the time" i said leaning back into the sofa

for some reason it felt like i was watching myself

"Maria says all women like angry men" Pedro said with a smile

"Not only that, look at him." Nina, my girlfriend, says leaning foward staring at the screen

i rolled my eyes once again before hearing another voice speak up from behind me

then she walked infront of me and looked straight at me

"Keep doing that, and they will get stuck back there." Maria said laughing obnoxiously and grabbing the strawberries from the small table infront of the sofa

What is her problem?

"Pablo, Ale asked if you wanted to go clubbing tonight?"  Pedri said looking over towards me waiting for an answer

"Please can we go pablo please" Nina said looking at me with begging eyes

here's the thing about nina

she's hot, ofcourse

But i didn't like her, I disliked her if anything, i didn't like the way she looked at me, the way she likes me too much, how she is too clingy, the baby voice she does when she wants something

I didn't like her

Every girl i've dated has fallen at my feet

except her.

I hated her

I hated her perfect brunette hair and the way it moved in the wind
I hated her plump lips which always seem to be slightly parted instead of closed
I hated her pretty smile she does when she's happy
I hated how her eyes glistened at every angle
i hated how she made it look like she was the only person in the world for me.
I hate it how she makes it impossible for me to hate her.

I hated everything about her, from the attitude to the face, i hated this girl, although i never want to take my eyes off her when she is around.

I always find myself looking for her in everything i do, And she is always on my mind

I like Maria Gonzalez that much i hate her.

"Hello?" Nina said shaking me out of the million thoughts running through my head

"Sorry, yeah let's go." i said with a fake smile

I hope this night takes my mind off her.

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