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It was a week after and i was currently on another date with Vinicius, we became really good friends over the time we had spent together.

We also agreed it would be good to stay just friends as the loving vibe was not there, although he didn't know i didn't want that vibe to be present with him.

"So how have things been with everyone?" He said smiling at me as we where in a restaurant on a pasta date as friends.

"I mean Lucia and Pedri i'm sure are close to making it official, He's really happy with her and she's really happy with him, it's nice to see that." i smile

"And you? Your telling me there's not a secret lover in your life, because i don't believe it." He said wiggling his eyebrows at me

i smile

"It's gavi, it can't be anyone else." he spoke quietly so no one around could hear

"I mean, kind off, sort off, he has a girlfriend, and he is my cousins bestfriend. It just wouldn't work." I smile

"If you both put in work, it will work, everything happens for a reason Maria" he smiled

Everything happens for a reason.

I smile at his advice

He got a notification on his phone

"Hey i am really sorry but i need to leave, i can drop you at your apartment?" he smiled softly with an apologetic look in his eyes

"It's fine don't worry about it, and i need some fresh air i will walk it's not that for anyway." i smile at him

"Are you sure, my family always taught me never to leave a woman unattended" He smiled

"It's okay i promise"

"If you need me, you don't hesitate to call me okay?" He said getting up and grabbing the jacket that was on the back of his chair

"I will v" i smiled as he smiled back and walked out of the restaurant

I finished my food and also left as Vinicius had payed before we had eaten, he's a lovely man

I was walking down the road, it was dark outside
the breeze was blowing my hair back and it made it easy to breathe.

It was peaceful

That was until i heard a car beeping next to me

I turned around thinking i was going to get kidnapped

It was pablo gavi, Driving?!

"What the fuck are you doing pull over right now?!" i shouted as he pulled over next to me

"Why are you driving you don't have your licence, get our right now?!" i said to him through the passenger window

"Maria why are you walking alone get in."

"No i don't want to die today, you can't even drive what are you doing?" I said to him as he argued his way out of it

"Maria get in the fucking car" he shouted

is he serious? i don't want to get in the car with a man who can't drive

But then again, It's him.

I hesitated and opened the door getting in and putting a seatbelt on

"Goodgirl, where did you come from?" he said before starting up the car again and pulling back out onto the road

Before i got to speak one of his hands where gripping onto my bare thigh, i had a skirt on.

I looked over to him to see him looking straight foward, one hand on the wheel, and his tongue running along his lips

I melted at the look

"I was with vini" i said with a soft smile

i felt his hand tighten on my thigh

"What's so special about him" he said with a scoff

"He's a nice guy really, he payed for my food, and he lets me talk to him" i smiled


"Vin- Gavi." Because we where talking about vinicius i had said his name instead of pablos.

He pulled into a random car park that was empty, as the mall place was shut

"Get in the back of the fucking car now." He said looking at me

I climbed into the backseat
as he done the same

I looked at him and he just smashed his lips onto mine, He wasn't usually this rough

But i wasn't complaining.

He pulled me onto his lap

"I'm going, to fuck, that name, out of you." he said in between each kiss we had shared

My mind and my heart where both going crazy with the touch, not to mention his words

I unzipped his cargo pants and he pulled them down a little

i was straddling him and he had now put his hands under my skirt, pulling the thong i had on aside.

"Your soaking wet"

was the last thing he said before i couldn't concentrate as he was already inside of me

He was holding my hips helping me push myself up and down

"Fuck maria" He said leaning his head on my chest

I had my arms wrapped around his neck

It had went like that for a while until the car was steamed up, thank god he had tinted windows, or else this would've been the next thing all over the news.

Nevermind just him driving when he doesn't have a license.

After that we had driven back to my apartment

My hair was a mess and my makeup was smudged, meanwhile he was still perfect and looked the same as before, just a tired version.

"Come on i'll help you out." he said coming round to the passenger side putting my arm around his shoulders helping me in

I was that focused on the brunette boy, i didn't realise my cousin would be in.

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