
By Leo_Lucky

112K 3.6K 342

Solenne is a girl trying to kill the Vampire Queen out of pure hatred. But will she be able to? Or will she e... More

Part 33
part 34
part 35
Chapter 37
part 36
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40


1.2K 55 6
By Leo_Lucky

"Long time no see" lara said smirking at me. "I had some business to take care of in the town" I said moving aside to let her in.

"I can't" I raised an eyebrow at this. "Your Majesty has asked for you" she added and I sighed.

"Okay, let's go" I said walking out of my room. I walked to Vierra's room and walked in. Vierra was leaning against her desk. She was wearing her night robe and looked extremely beautiful. She looked up at me and put the file on the desk beside her.

She walked up to me while I looked around her room. "You're here" she said looking at me. "Yes, why did you call me here?" I asked.

"Why didn't you come to meet me after coming to palace?" She counter questioned. "Because I was out due to personal reasons not because of some task I had to report to you" I answered and she fell silent.

"I want you to be careful around Evelyn. Don't make a move on her. I want to get rid of her but in a way that will wipe the entire rebellion away" she said. "Okay" I said.

"Anything else?" I asked. "No, you can leave" she said and I left her room. After that I went to meet with Valerie. She was in the training grounds.

"Hey, stranger" I said and she turned to me and immediately engulfed me in a big hug. "Thank God, you're here. I was so much worried".

"Well, now I'm here" I said and she nodded. "Duel?" She asked teasing and I smirked "You're on" I said and unsheathed my sword.

We got in a starting position and were about to start when a voice said "A spar! Wonderful" I looked at the source of voice and it was Evelyn.

I didn't say anything and Valerie said "Your grace". Evelyn turned to me and said "let's have duel" I raised an eyebrow at this.

"I don't think that's a good idea, your grace" I said without a hint of respect. "I don't think it was a suggestion" she said holding a hand out for the sword from Valerie.

Valerie looked at me with worry in her eyes and handed her the sword bowing politely. We got in a starting position. I saw Valerie saying something to a soldier from the corner of my eye.

I raised my sword and Evelyn attacked me. It was a hard blow which I was barely able to block. 'This is bad' I thought and she jumped at me with another attack.

Vierra's POV.

I was in the courtroom. Going over some state business. When the door to the courtroom burst open I looked up and it was Lara.

She was breathing heavily. "What is it?" I asked with my brows furrowed. "You-Your Majesty, Solenne.... She.."

"What happened? Is she okay?" I asked worried. "Evelyn forced her for a duel. They're in the training groun.."

Before she could finish, I was out of the room and towards the training grounds. As I reached near the training grounds I could hear the sound of swords clashing, heavy breathing of Solenne and the fast beating of her heart.

I reached the grounds and as i feared solenne was barely hanging on and was badly injured. I was still far enough for anyone to see me. As I thought of the best way to get Solenne out without rising Evelyn's suspicion.

As I was thinking, I looked at solenne. Evelyn hit a heavy blow and solenne fell down. Side of her lip was bleeding. And now I'm pretty sure Evelyn is certain that something is not right because of how long solenne held up against her.

Solenne was down while Evelyn raised her sword at Solenne. My eyes widened and I immediately went towards them and caught the sword before it could hit Solenne.

I forcefully took the sword from Evelyn and said "That's enough. All of you get back to your training and you" I said turning towards solenne. "Get your injuries treated" I said before throwing the sword away and going away from training grounds.

Solenne's POV

After Vierra left, Valerie helped me to get up. "You're quite something for a human" Evelyn snickered while I tried my best to ignore her.

Valerie led me to my room and helped me to get on the bed. "Let me get some medicines for you". Valerie said turning towards the door.

Which opened and Vierra said "No need. You can go" looking at Valerie. She nodded and left.

Vierra walked up to me sat near me on the bed. She leaned closer and looked at my bleeding lip.

It feels strange. This the first time we're this close since we kissed. My eyes met hers and we continued looking at each other till she picked up the medicine and carefully applied it to my lip.

Her eyes were red again and I was confused. She started lifting my shirt and I asked "what are you doing?"

"I know your ribs are bruised" she said completely lifting my shirt exposing my ribs. She started to apply medicine on the bruise and I hissed when she pressed a little harder.

"Sorry" she said concerned looking at me. "I-its okay" I said as I blushed a little. She completed applying the medicine and we sat there in awkward silence.

"Why are you here?" I asked. She looked at me and said "Honestly....... I don't know" and again both of us fell silent.

After a while Vierra said "I should get going" getting up. I didn't say anything and she left.

Next morning,

Arina's POV

I walked up to Vierra room and knocked on the door. "Come in" she said and I walked in. She looked at me expectantly, waiting for me speak.

"Why don't you tell solenne that you didn't kill her parents?" I asked and she raised an eyebrow at this.

"What difference would it make?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. "Do you seriously don't know?" I asked.

"No, I don't" she said stubbornly and I sighed. "I know you like Solenne and she likes you too. The only reason she's stopping herself is because she thinks you killed her parents".

"Arina, don't be stupid. A huntress cannot become the Queen of vampires" she said.

"Are you trying to make me believe or yourself?" I asked. She looked me dead in the eye and said "let's discuss it at some other time" before turning back to some file.

"Then turn her" I said and she looked at me shocked. After a few seconds she said "and why would I do that?"

"Because you know whatever happened yesterday, wouldn't have if only she was a huntress" I said sternly.

"I'll think about it" she said. "Vierra, it was because of your shit that she got in that situation. And you damn know that Evelyn's intention was to kill her" I said angrily.

"But I stopped her" she said with brows furrowed in anger. "And now, she will definitely come after solenne. And you know this damn well" I said and she walked out of the room.

I looked at Valerie and we both walked to the farthest corner from the palace. "I hope this will knock some sense into her" I said.

"Really hope so" Valerie replied.

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