Wrecked [Johnny Depp]

By righteousbandit

2.8K 70 4

One night changes everything, for Johanna it's meeting Johnny Depp. More

Depp residence.
Weed, drugs & cocaine.
It's finally kicking in.
Depp residence II
The hangover.
A little more muchness.
You will be missed.
The band of misfits.
The "rebound guy".
Baby be civil.
A merrily conclusion.

It's been a while.

127 3 0
By righteousbandit

After I told the boys everything, they immediately packed up everything and took me to Johnny's as fast as they could. They now knew I was in pain and was nervous as hell to confront Johnny. What do I even say? I miss you? Let's team up again? How've ya been? You as sad as I am?

Geez, calm down.

The van came to a holt and we were in front of Johnny's penthouse, Joey turned around and faced me who was sitting in the backseat.

"Good luck, and don't worry, you're there for closure. Nothing else matters", he reminded, giving me a good luck smile and a thumbs up.

I smiled and thanked him again, I got out of the van and closed the door. I fiddled with my fingers as I got on the elevator to his penthouse. I was so damn nervous, I thought of every possible thing that would and could go wrong.

Lord be with me.

I rang the doorbell and waited there nervously, what do I even say to him, why am I even here? I got cold feet and tried running away but my body didn't allow me to, I just stood there, frozen. I tried moving again but it was too late because the door opened and Johnny stood there, shocked to see me in front of his large penthouse.

He said nothing, he was too shocked to speak. So I spoke first.

"The money you sent wasn't enough", I began, looking up at him as my heart pounded in my chest. I always forgot how tall he was.

"What?" He asked, clearly confused at my statement.

"It wasn't enough for all the heartbreak you caused me", I explained, tears were threatening to escape but I had to keep it together.

"Johanna, I-"

"Why couldn't you just tell me it was our last concert together? Why are you such a goddamn coward Johnny!?" I yelled, pushing him all the way into his apartment.

I looked around and saw that there were so many different types of drugs and alcohol on his table, there wasn't even space to put a book on there.
I looked at him and felt nothing but sorry for the man, I wanted to give him a hug but I came here for closure, nothing less.

"You were the one who told me you wanted to be friends, you caused me heartbreak too, Johanna", he said,looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"W-why would that even be a problem?" I asked, utterly confused. I caused him heartbreak?

"You wouldn't understand", he said, making his way to the table and snorting more cocaine in a panic. Like he was trying to block everything he possibly could.

"Then help me understand Johnny!" I yelled, following him.

He began massaging his forehead is in pure stress and heaved a sigh of annoyance.

"At least give me closure, I tried forgetting about you but I just couldn't. I need to know why you drove me away like that, literally".

"You want some fucking closure!?" He yelled, coming up to me, he gabbed my face and kissed me roughly, the kiss deepened and became more sweeter when I kissed back.

"You have your closure, now leave my fucking house", he ordered, sitting back down and snorting another line.

I stood there in shock, this isn't the Johnny I know. He was never like this, he was joyless, salty and bitter. He loved nothing and no one, his house was cold and deserted. His presence no longer felt safe. I wanted to stay and fix everything, but nothing can be fixed. He is damaged and apparently it was all my fault.

"Goodbye Johnny", I said, choking on my tears, he said nothing, I turned around and made my way out, finally allowing my tears to fall.

I allowed myself to have a peaceful cry in the elevator,it was a waterfall of sadness, sorrow and longing. No matter what he said or what I said, I know what I feel for him. But will never admit.

They were waiting for me in the van, just talking. As soon as they saw me they stopped and asked how it went and that's when I burst out crying, they all engulfed me in a large hug and I couldn't keep it in anymore.

"It's okay, it's okay, did he at least give you closure, Johanna?" Asked Joey.

I guess a kiss counts as closure?

"Yes, he did", I said, I wasn't even sure if that counts as closure but I'm gonna go on a whim here and say it does.

"Good, and remember that's all you were there for", he said, patting and rubbing my back in comfort.

He was right, but seeing Johnny in that state made me hate myself for doing that to him, even if I wanted to fix things he would never let me in his life again. I will never again see the sweet and caring side of him ever again, unless I really, really try.

"Don't be so hard on yourself", advised Lee, I smiled at him gratefully.

They were all so so sweet, I appreciated all of them.


After dropping each of them home, Joey was left and promised he would stay by me until I felt better enough to be on my own.

"Could you stay the night? I don't trust myself enough to be alone, not yet", I begged, Joey was about to leave the house.

He closed the door and removed his jacket.

"Of course I will".

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