One Hell Of A Team

By OnlyAnOhioGirl

400 22 0

Ellie Van Bridgeport was a wealthy young girl, she had loving parents that would do anything for her. Her lif... More

Another Day, Another Pain
Watchdog In Training
Two Of A Kind
Stories And A Ball
A Ball
The Aftermath
The Real Feelings
I Like Danger
Meeting The Reapers
It's okay


32 3 0
By OnlyAnOhioGirl

They're reapers? They exist? I've only heard of them on wise tales "well I'm much obliged you helped me sir" I curtsied at the red man "the name is Grell, sir was my father" okay then... "Thank you, Grell" I finally remembered the blood splattered on me "this dress is totally ruined..." It was my favorite one.. That sucks "LADY ELLIE!" I heard Scarlett yell "is that your mommy?" I rolled my eyes "no she's just my maid.. My maid that has ALOT of explaining to do..." Scarlett looked to the ground in shame "I'm sorry milady, Sebastian and I came looking but couldn't find yo- wait are you bleeding?!" I sighed "no.. I killed someone" Scarlett's eyes opened in shock "really?" The man named Grell stepped in "yes, she stabbed him in one of his major neck arteries" she nodded and turned back to me "yet.. You're still pure" ugh. She's just concerned over my soul. "Wait! Did you say Sebastian? As in Sebastian Michaelis?" Scarlett nodded "do you know him?" I asked out of pure curiosity "OOOH! of course I know Bassy!" Bassy? What? I gave a questing look to Will the more professional looking reaper who just shook his head a sighed.. Oh well.

"I'm glad you're okay milady" I killed someone... This is a big deal.. To some it might not be but for me it is, I never wanted to kill and take away someone's life like someone did my parents. I never wanted my hands to be apart of causing someone that hurt. But.. I was. I guess it couldn't be helped, but it really makes me feel no better. "Ellie?!" I heard the familiar voice call out "Ciel...?" I asked turning around, but before I received an answer I was enveloped my a strong hug "Ellie! Thank god you're okay" wait.. Ciel is hugging me? "I'm fine.. But you're going to get blood on you if you keep hugging me" he stopped and stared at my body with an almost angry expression "did someone hurt you?! Why is there blood on you?!" He shouted "I.. Kinda stabbed someone in the neck" his along with Sebastian's eyes widened with shock "you killed someone?" I nodded and stepped away from blocking their view so they could see for themselves "why did you-" "BASSY!" Ciel along with Sebastian sighed. While Grell fawned over Sebastian police sirens began to ring out "I think it's time we go!" The blonde reaper stated "yeah, come milady" Scarlett grabbed my hand "ok, Thank you again Grell and other reapers!" Sebastian looked at me quizzically "why'd you thank Grell?" He seemed to not like Grell "he saved me the first time... Then once Will said it wasn't his time to die I got mad and stabbed him" he nodded but looked down to my hand "is that how you hurt your hand?" I nodded "it was on the glass shard I stabbed him with.." The sirens grew louder so we retreated into the darkness. I mean it would be bad if two of the queens watchdogs were caught loitering around a dead body right?

As we got back to my home I immediately washed off all the blood and changed into my night gown. I had expected Ciel to leave but he didn't.. Why didn't he? I thought I was an attention whore leaching off my parents death? Ugh. Why's he even here! I don't want him here! I don't want to ever see him again! This is all his fault! As I sat in my bed Scarlett knocked and came in with Ciel and Sebastian trailing behind her "milady, would you like some water or food?" She honestly looked worried and I could tell she felt really bad.. "No thanks" they were obviously surprised by my curt answer.. Sorry guys but today I don't feel like gossiping. "Lady Ellie? You've been staring at that wall ever since you came in here... Are you alright?" Scarlett asked which triggered anger in me. Why couldn't she just leave me alone!? "Geez Scarlett! I wonder why I'd stare at a wall! I'm ashamed of myself! You know damn well I never wanted to hurt someone let alone kill them! I never wanted to take away someone from anybody else! I know how it feels and let me tell you it doesn't feel good! I never wanted to be THAT person! But I was all alone and I had to! I've become the person I hate the most.. I don't even know why I'm seeking revenge on my parents when someone who's been hurt by me tonight should seek it upon me" I said letting tears slide down my face.. I've seen dead people numerous times.. Death doesn't scare me.. Not at all.. It's just, I took away apart of someone's happiness wether it be a mother or father.. Or a child. Their eyes were all opened and wide with shock and I went back to staring at the wall. I really had nothing more to say to any of them. This is all their fault.. Well it's not Sebastian's but I'm just looking for anyone to blame when I really should blame myself.

It had been a while and they still hadn't left.. Why won't they leave? Why won't they let me be alone? Do they want to torment me this much?! What have I done to deserve all of this? Scarlett eventually came over and gently pushed me down so I was laying down on my soft pillows.. I was tired but what startled me was the fact that I hadn't blinked once... I usually felt so safe with Scarlett alone.. I still do but I've finally realized I'm so vulnerable. I could fight that's true but my strength alone can only help me a little. I'm no match for muscle men like the guy earlier. But beside all that I may get caught and have brought shame upon my families name.. I don't want to ruin my parents image that they left.. They both worked so hard to maintain it. I finally seen Sebastian come over to me "close your eyes, lady Ellie" I gave a worried look but eventually shut them.

I wasn't asleep but I wasn't awake either.. I could hear them talking in my room clearly. "I think she's in shock.. Perhaps we should take her to a doctor?" Scarlett suggested.. No Scarlett.. I hate doctors you know this "I don't think that's a very good idea.. What would you tell them it was that put her in shock? I doubt they'd believe you if you said anything less than what actually happened" I'm suddenly feeling a slight fear in the pit of my stomach. PLEASE don't take me to anyone.. I'll be okay.. I'm just tired and confused is all. I felt my arm instinctively move out but it landed on something warm.. What is this? Is this where the nightmares begin? I grasped what I had come to the conclusion of a hand and I didn't plan on letting go "she's got a death grip on my hand... She must be having a nightmare" it was Ciel? Maybe I should move my hand.. As I tried to slide it away his hand enclosed mine.. He's holding my hand? But I thought I was nothing more than an nuisance for him..? "I feel so bad.. To actually think if those reapers hadn't have been there to help her she could've been dead or worse.. These filthy human infested streets aren't safe for anyone anymore!" Scarlett was saying with a wavered voice.. Scarlett it's not your fault.. I'm the one who ran away from you like a five year old.. Ugh. I'm such a brat. "You must be more careful though, if she dies while in your protection then no one gets her soul.. And it's weird.. Her soul is still pure though she committed a crime" Wow.. Nice Sebastian, I just had a near death experience and yet you show only emotion for my soul and you still don't sound to concerned over it.. "Enough of that! Don't talk about her soul now! She nearly died for hells sake!" Ciel... Thank you... "I'm sorry master.. It was rather inappropriate of me" aww.. Don't yell at Sebastian.. "Besides, I'm the one to blame for this.." I heard two gasps "that's not true, young sir" Scarlett insisted "I'm the one who told her that rubbish that made her runaway.. I hurt her. If she would have died.. That's the last thing she would've heard" Ciel... It's okay! I tried to wake myself up but couldn't.. The next thing I do is squeeze his hand gently, it's the only thing I can do. "Young sir, she wouldn't want you to be so hard on yourself... Believe me when I say this, milady thinks very highly of you" I heard him sigh.. "She thinks so highly of me though I hurt her like this? That's low even for me" oh Ciel! Stop it! This is NOT your fault! Please go back to being your normal sullen and slightly weird ways.. Before I knew it I felt his name come out of my mouth "Ciel" that was it I couldn't finish my sentence.. Was I really this tired?! Damn this weird sleeping stage! "She just said..." Ciel began to speak "your name, master. It would seem as if lady Ellie still thinks highly of you..." Yes, that's right Sebastian! I finally felt myself get pulled into the darkness of the next stage of sleep.. The one that would probably bring me nightmares.. But I'm ready to face it, I have Ciel with me. I can take on anything right now.

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