Cute Boy [PhayuRain] [Love In...

By CBTT2022

639K 17.6K 3.6K

An ADAPTATION of Phayu & Rain's love story that follows the LITA storyline BUT with new scenes and more insig... More

10: 30 DAZE
16: ...BATHTUBS...
17: ...AND BEDS
19: MAMA
22: MINE
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NEW BOOK: Varain & The WereKing


20.2K 475 58
By CBTT2022

Is there anything worse than being woken up by your mother's voice after a night of mind-blowing sex?

Especially when the voice you were hoping to wake up to belonged to the sexiest person on the planet who made your heart melt.

Rain went from feeling like a sexy beast (ok, "beast" may be overstating it ), to a misbehaving middle schooler in the 30 seconds it took to be scolded for staying out all night without a phone call.

In a dazed state of mind, he promised to get home quickly as he realized it was almost noon.

He was 19, so it wasn't that he couldn't stay the night at a friend's place. But his parents expected the courtesy of a phone call so they wouldn't worry and know he was safe.

Memories from last night came flooding back. Of course, calling his parents had been the furthest thing from his mind as he was being introduced to the most amazing sex of his life. There wasn't a part of his body that hadn't been touched, kissed, or caressed.

He looked around for Phayu and listened for any sound nearby.....nothing.

He got up and went into the bathroom to wash up. He looked in the mirror and saw marks scattered over his body.

He felt heat rising as he recalled all the passionate kisses and intimate caresses. Last night had been intense and his body was paying the price this morning with aches in places he'd never felt before.

He could feel himself flush with embarrassment as he thought about how Phayu encouraged him to be uninhibited and all they had done well into the night.

He put on some clothes, grabbed his things, and went to look for Phayu.

But his brain turned to mush upon seeing his magnificent body glistening with sweat as he worked out in the glass-enclosed home gym on the property.

That's my man....he thought in a daze, his blood pulsing so fast it made him light-headed.

Phayu looked so focused as he worked out, so Rain was unsure whether to disturb him.

When he turned around to pick up some dumbbells, Rain gasped at the angry red scratches on his gorgeous back. Oh my, did I do that??

Phayu had told Rain to scratch him if it was painful. He hadn't actually intended to do that, but he must have clung to him unknowingly as Phayu entered him. He had been so lost in new sensations and then passion, that he hadn't noticed what he had done.

In his bemused and embarrassed state, he thought it best to not bother Phayu who seemed so engrossed in his exercise routine, and decided to call him once he reached home.

By the time he pulled into his driveway, the adrenaline rush from his exit wore off and the aches and feverish grogginess hit him full force.

His mother scolded him, stuck a fever patch on, and made him lie down. As soon as his head hit the pillow, his body shut down and he fell into a fevered sleep.


Phayu quickly finished his workout so he could get back upstairs and check on Rain.

When he had woken up and kissed Rain's forehead, he felt the fever burning him up. He let Rain sleep longer and get some rest.

He had excess energy flowing through him so Phayu decided to burn it off by working out his body in another way.

After he checks on him, he will make Rain eat something so that he can take some medicine. And his little Rain's body would be sore too, Phayu wanted to hold him and take care of him this morning after their first time together.

But when Phayu went upstairs the bedroom was empty.

Where was he?

He went outside and checked for his car.

It was gone.

Worry compressed his heart. Was Rain upset over last night?

For him, last night had been amazing, and was so happy when he woke with Rain in his bed this morning.

But, Rain must be either angry or upset to leave without saying anything.

Phayu tried calling him. No answer.

He sent him a LINE and hopped in the shower.

When he came back out and checked.....still no answer.

He tried calling him several more times and texting him numerous times.

It became clear that Rain was ignoring him. Anxiety filled him.

Before last night, he always responded, if not immediately, then as soon as he could. He must be angry or disappointed with him.

Phayu was torn up by the thought of having hurt Rain in some way.

But what if he wasn't answering cause he got into an accident? He had a fever...he wouldn't have been clear-headed when he was driving. What if something happened and he wasn't able to respond to him??

He couldn't just sit still anymore with all these painful thoughts running through his head.

He needed to find Rain. He won't let him run away and stay angry. He would talk to him and figure out how to fix this.


He drove to Rain's house and was greeted by his mother. He took his first calm breath in the past two hours when she confirmed that indeed Rain was here and safe.

As the worry eased, the anger took over.

Why was he deliberately ignoring him??

He wanted to just barge in upstairs, but he knew it was his first time in Rain's home and more importantly, his first time meeting his mother.

He couldn't just barge upstairs into his bedroom. So he took the time to patiently introduce himself and let her become comfortable with him before asking to be allowed upstairs to see Rain in his room.


Voices filtered through his groggy sleep. He slowly opened his irritated eyes and looked around his room. Something seemed out of place. Some warning broke through his fever-addled brain.

He could hear his mother's voice, but he must be dreaming because the other one sounded like... Phayu?? In his house.....outside his bedroom?!

That can't be.

His door opened and a very unhappy-looking Phayu walked in and firmly shut the door.

"Phi! How did you come in here?" Rain asked anxiously, as Phayu looked at him coldly.

"Your Mae let me come up here," Phayu replied.

"But how can she let you come up?" Rain asked confused, sitting up and taking the fever patch off his forehead

"And why can't I come here?" Asked Phayu with barely suppressed anger, sitting down on the side of the bed.

"Why do you sound so fierce with me?" Asked Rain, looking searchingly at Phayu's face and trying to take his hand to reconnect with him.

Phayu yanked his arm away in irritation. "Why did you run away from me?"

"I didn't run away from you. I saw that you were busy." Rain explained, coughing in between. "So I didn't want to disturb you."

"You say you didn't run away. So why didn't you pick up any of my calls." Phayu asked swallowing down the hurt and letting the anger lead.

"Didn't you think that I would be worried? You had a fever this morning so I let you sleep in. But you suddenly disappeared."

"What would I do if you had an accident?" By now Rain could see the worry and hurt in Phayu's eyes.

"You don't understand my feelings do you Rain?"

Oh shit! He had not stopped to consider Phayu's feelings after he got the call from his mother. He hadn't thought about how Phayu would feel if he left without a word after their night together.

He put his hand on Phayu's arm and stroked it softly as he looked pleadingly into his eyes. "I'm sorry."

Rain continued, now desperate to soothe Phayu and make him understand. "I didn't do it on purpose. I took the medication as soon as I came home and immediately fell asleep." Cough, cough.

"It wasn't my intention to not pick up your calls. It's the truth," Rain still clung to his arm as he explained himself. He picked up the phone that was thrown carelessly on the bed next to him.

8 missed calls, and 21 LINE messages. Oh fuck.

Phayu's anger and hurt finally eased.

"Come here," he says as he pulls Rain into his arms and hugs him. He felt relief flood him as he realized that it was a misunderstanding and Rain hadn't run away from him.

They held each other close. Rain melted into the now familiar embrace. He had never seen Phayu so vulnerable before. He always seemed so strong and fearless. Rain had hurt this man with his thoughtlessness.

Phayu was always noticing his moods and accommodating his needs. Rain vowed to himself that he would be more aware of Phayu's feelings and take better care of him in the future.

"Next time don't disappear like this again, okay?" Phayu asked him to promise. Rain nodded in understanding and agreement, his heart aching for the worry he had caused. 

Phayu leaned back and kissed his forehead tenderly while stroking his hair. He held his face close but his eyes became hard again.

"So....You stayed out in the rain, got sick, then ran away from me. Plus you didn't answer any of my calls. Are you ready for your punishment?"

Rain recoiled back, confused. "But I'm sick!"

"Yes, I prepared the punishment with that in mind."He holds up a glistening bullet-shaped thing in his hand.

"What's that??" Rain asked worriedly.

"It's a fever and pain-relief medicine. The rectal suppository kind." He says, an evil glint in his eye.

"Rain, will you take off your pants or do you want me to do it for you?"

"I don't want it!!" Rain says, shaking his head in disbelief at what he is suggesting....

"I will count to three. Once I get to three, I won't show you any mercy."

....and now Rain is horrified! "I'm not taking them off!!

"One"...Phayu holds up one finger, staring him down.

"Don't come near!".... Rain pleads as he backs away on the bed.

"Two"... says Phayu as he stalks his prey.

"Stop! Let Go! No!" Rain falls back on the bed and curls up in a protective fetal position.

Phayu comes after him with a wicked smile on his face.

"P'Phayu don't! I'll kick you! Let go!" Rain tries to threaten as his feet are curled up in front of Phayu's body.

"Do you dare kick me?" Phayu questions with a hard stare and a smirk, knowing the answer.


"But I've recovered," Rain lies through his teeth.

Phayu smiles again. Rain was never going to win this battle. He easily overpowers the wiggling body that is already weak from the sickness.

As he holds the boy still, he says "Rain, stop making noise. Your mother will come up to check and you don't want her to see this." Phayu pulls off his pajama bottom and throws it on the floor.

"I know you aren't feeling well and you must also be sore. Let me take care of you," Phayu says, stroking the achy bottom of the boy on his lap. Rain reluctantly lets Phayu have his way, knowing it was a lost cause from the start. 


After having dinner with Rain's family, Phayu goes back up to Rain's room to keep him company for a while longer.

Rain was sitting on the bed, wrapped up in his blankets trying to stay cozy.

"I've got goosebumps because of you Phi. How did you do that when we were having dinner? Mae agreed with everything you said."

"She and Paw even agreed to let me study with you during the holidays! Did you put a spell on them?"

Phayu came and sat next to him on the bed.

Rain joked, "If they only knew that I was your wifey!" He quickly realized what he said and blushed deep red in embarrassment.

"But.... we are just... a junior and senior," Phayu said with a straight face, repeating the relationship that he had told his mother earlier in the day.

Rain searched Phayu's face in surprise not sure what he was saying. Is that all I am to him? "P'Phayu you can't just say that."

"Rain, your time to successfully pursue me is over, the thirty days ends today." Rain stared at him in shock.

Is he saying that I've failed? Failed to make him like me?

As he thought about their closeness last night and that they may not have that closeness again, he became devastated.

He grabbed Phayu's arm and looked anxiously at him to try to change his mind.

"P'Phayu..." But the words would not come as the tears choked his throat. One tear escaped and slid down his cheek as his eyes pleaded hopefully with Phayu.

A flash of lightning lit up the room eerily and the sound of heavy raindrops pelting the roof underscored the tense silence that had fallen.

"It's raining like the first day we met," Phayu noted as he tenderly wiped the tear from Rain's cheek.

His touch broke Rain from his trance. "P'Phayu don't be like this. Don't play like that." Rain tried to eke out a smile, but failed miserably.

"Don't cry. I just wanted to tell you that you've run out of time, but....." He drew out his words.

"....from now on, I'll be the one to pursue you." Rain stared at him having braced himself to hear that they were over, so it took him a moment to understand what Phayu actually said. 

And then Phayu broke out in a big teasing grin, breaking the cruel tension he had deliberately created to get back at Rain for the worry from this morning.

Rain grabbed a pillow and tried to smack the evil smile off of Phayu's face.

"That's enough! That's enough. Last night you left scratches all over my back. The wounds will re-open and I will bleed."

Rain was mortified that he would bring that up here! "Ai P'Phayu!" He continued to smack him with the pillow to vent his embarrassment.

Phayu grabbed the pillow and put it aside. "But I think, even without pursuing you, I've succeeded already."

"Who says you succeeded?? Dream on! It will be in your next life!" Bratty Rain was back.

"Are you sure you'll wait until the next life?" Phayu moved in closer and cradled Rain's face in both hands.

As always, when Phayu was this close, Rain's heart started galloping and he became overwhelmed. Phayu's face was now barely an inch away and his thumbs were slowly caressing Rain's jawline.

"Rain, I want you to choose."

"Choose what," he asked softly.

Phayu closed that last inch and took Rain's lips in a tender kiss. The warmth and softness mesmerized him and made his heart flutter. Rain kissed him back.

Phayu pulled away and said, "Between you being my wifey, and me being your hubby. What will you choose Rain?" He kissed him again.

"Answer quickly." Another kiss, this time more urgent and more pressing.

"Wait!" Rain put his hand up to block Phayu's seductive lips. He couldn't think with Phayu's lips on him.

"Are those the options?" He asked with skepticism. "I don't understand the difference."

"Hmm, last night you became my wifey. But I'm also giving you the chance to choose me as your hubby so no one thinks you were forced into this because of what happened last night."

Phayu takes Rain's hand and turns it around to kiss it adoringly.

"Whether you become my wifey or I become your hubby, I'll take good care of you and won't let anyone bully you. Because I'll be the one teasing you. I won't make you cry. But if you cry from embarrassment, that's a different story. Plus, it's not bad to have a faen who graduated in Architecture with honors. I'll help you with your models and your CAD drawings. I can also help you with your thesis."

"I'm selling you with all of my good points, now you have to make the purchase." He says with a cheeky smile. But Rain can see the vulnerability underneath.

Phayu is asking for Rain to be his, to be even more than that, in his own way, with the teasing wifey and hubby labels. To be more than just lovers.

Rain felt like he just won the lottery. Not because of all the reasons Phayu just listed, he didn't care about those or want him for those. But because Phayu had endless patience with him and never became annoyed. He listened, even when Rain talked too much or acted bratty. He helped him solve problems, always encouraging him to be better. And he was tender-hearted and caring despite the tough, cool exterior he shows to everyone.

Why would he ever not choose someone like that?

Rain turns and sits decisively on the side of the bed with his feet firmly on the floor. "I won't choose!" Rain says with a sassy attitude.

"Because.....I will have both options."

Phayu gives a relieved smile and grabs Rain closer by the waist. "You are so cunning."

"Not as much as you P'Phayu!"

"Then, I must reward this cunning boy."

He cradles Rain in his arms and whispers into his ear, "I like you Rain."

Rain's face melts in happiness. "Really, Phi?"

"Hmm, yes," Phayu confirms.

Rain isn't the only one that feels like he won the lottery. Phayu also can't believe that this sparkly, cute boy is his. He likes everything about Rain.

He likes that Rain is never afraid to challenge him. While some may see him as flighty and chaotic, Phayu sees him as unwaveringly devoted, generous with his affection and smiles to those he likes, and resilient to life's ups and downs.

Rain also is the person that fires his passion and lust. All this beautiful boy needs to do is look at him a certain way and he wants him naked and in his arms. And now that Phayu knows exactly what that is like, he will never get enough of it.

He's the kind of person that he could be with for a lifetime and never get bored.

All these thoughts of what they see and love about the other are what they want to communicate as they embrace.

The actual words are not yet ready to be said.

But the adoration, intense connection, and desire are in every kiss, every slide of the tongue, and every exchange of breath as they worship each other with their mouths.

They forget where they are.

It's only the two of them in their world, their hearts beating as one against the chest of the other, the warm grasp of their fingers promising to never let go.

Outside, the storm loses its ferocity and turns into a soft, summer rain. 

Inside, Phayu and Rain have found their way to each other.

*** End Chapter: TBC ***

A/N: Please VOTE for each chapter and let me know what you think! I love reading every COMMENT.

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