LMK x Child Reader (FEM) [ON...

By FlowerFall5

84.3K 1.8K 1.2K

(This a very old book and contains grammar errors, slight cringe and some other stuff normally found in a 12... More

A Hero Is Born Part 1
A Hero Is Born Part 2
Bad Weather
Coming Home
Noodles or Death
The Great Wall Race
Impossible Delivery
The Lotus Prince
Skeleton Key
The End Is Here!
Revenge Of The Spider Queen Part 1
Revenge Of The Spider Queen Part 2
Sleep Bug
Dumpling Destruction
Ping Pong Panic
Sweet'n Sour
Minor Scale
Game On
To Catch A Leaf
72 Transformations
This Is The End!
On the Run
Y/N Art
Underverse story?
Christmas Special!
More Y/N Art
Happy Holidays!
Animation thing I did
First headcannon- Yandere LMK and child reader
Sorry I havent updated!
Redson last words trend thing-
Future Books + Poll
Lego Set
Y/N Season 3 redesign!
Season 3?
Random Doodle
New Book Announcement!
You guys please read-
Ask Anything!
Ask Anything Answers!

Shadow Play

1.5K 50 16
By FlowerFall5

I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED IN SO LONG! I felt extremely unmotivated, so it took me a while to complete this. I've also just been busy with school, so yea. I hope you can enjoy a new chapter from me.


MK threw his arms in the air, excited as he and his friends sat down on a bleacher. A wide stage was in front of all of them. They were probably one of the only ones there. 

"I'm so excited! I haven't been to the movies in ages!" MK beamed, making Y/N look at him with a confused face. Pigsy leaned over, looking at him. 

"Uh, kid. This ain't a cinema." 

"It's a shadow play, with puppets." Tang explained, leaning over in front of Pigsy. 

"Wha? Puppets? No!" He pulled out a poster of a movie called 'Monkey Cop.' "I thought we were seeing Kung Fu Monkey Cop: The Movie!" 

"Eh, check the back." MK flipped over the poster, before realizing. He groaned, lowering the poster from his face, before he soon recognized the Mayor sitting on one of the far bleachers. 

"Oh, Mei. Isn't that the guy who gave us that weird key?" 

"You mean the magic key that can unlock anything? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that is him, and I'm also pretty sure that he's still not actually the Mayor." The 'Mayor' noticed the bunch and waved to MK and Y/N. He acted like a robot, taking small pauses in his stiff movements. 

"Hello!" He laughed. 

"Eurgh. Well, that's not creepy at all." Tang said, as MK nervously waved back. Y/N looked at the 'Mayor,' before looking back in front of her. For some reason, she still felt as if she was being watched. She resisted the urge to look back at the Mayor to see if he was staring at her. She focused her attention on her friends, making her feel more at ease. 

"Point is, whatever we're watching, you've earned a break, kid." Pigsy said, before Mei added. 

"You have been training super hard. I can't even remember the last time we all just hung out together!" She sighed, contently. She put a hand on his shoulder. "I missed this." 

"So, was Sandy just busy or-" Tang asked, making Y/N shrug in wonder before MK interrupted. 

"What are you talking about? We hang out all the time!" 

"Nuh-uh. girlfriend! It's always Monkey King this or some scary skeleton thing that with you lately!" 

"Well, yeah but-" Tang suddenly brought out checkers from, seemingly nowhere. 

"Just yesterday you blew off checkers night cause' you had to study. Study what, I might ask?!" He threw the checkers at MK's face, making MK stand and flail his arms around. 

"Alright, alright! I get it! It's just, Monkey King said-" He paused, before sitting back down, not looking as enthusiastic. "I just- I need to be ready." 

"Ready for what?" Pigsy didn't have time for his question to be answered as the lights in the theatre dimmed. 

"Shh! It's starting!" 

"Tang, would you-" Tang quickly shushed Pigsy, putting a finger to his lips. Shadows soon sped past the group, making them look at where they went. Suddenly, a hanging shadow puppet emerged on stage from the ceiling. Tang and Pigsy hugged each other in fear. "Tang, what kind of play did you say this was?!" The curtain opened to reveal, the puppeteer. The person held a glowing purple lantern, making Y/N stare at it in wonderment. The puppeteer soon started speaking, shadow in the background show depictions of what he spoke. 

"Welcome viewers to a shadow play the likes of which have never been seen. It follows the tragic tale of a legendary warrior, and how those who bring light into this world inevitability bring darkness to those they hold dear." 

"Mei, I just realized something." MK whispered, with large eyes. 

"What?" Mei asked, looking over at him. His eyes narrowed. "I..I.. I don't have snacks!" Y/N just looked at him with a blank stare.

 "Kid, relax, you literally just ate!" Pigsy said, as MK sweated in his seat, looking eager to retrieve snacks. 

"Must get snacks!" Y/N rolled her eyes and huffed. He just had to miss out on the play to get snacks. She looked back the shadow performance, hearing the door slam at MK's quick leave. After a bit, the gaze burning through her skull was getting annoying, so she looked back at where the Mayor was, but to her surprise, he wasn't there. 

"Wha?" She muttered, dragging out the vowel before turning back to the play. As she did that, she saw empty seats next to her and turned towards them. All her friends were gone. She looked at where they once were, before frowning. She crossed her arms, huffing as she looked at the empty stage.

"Well, F you guys too."


Y/N snored, laying down on the bleachers and sleeping. She was waiting for MK to come back so that he could maybe find where their friends with, but fell asleep while waiting. MK soon barged through the door, the loud noise waking up a certain tired child. Y/N jumped at the loud bang of the door opening, and fell of the bleachers. 

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. Where's that step?" MK tried to navigate his way to his seat, the pile of food blocking his view of being able to see his missing friends properly. He fell into his seat, as the lights dim. "Ha ha! Got back just in time! Oh!" He scrambled into the pile of junk food, before extending an arm with a drink in his hand, hovering it where Mei's seat is. Y/N groaned, rubbing her eyes. "And here's that drink you asked for Mei." He dropped the drink, expecting her to take it, but was confused when it fell on the bleacher, slightly spilling. "Uh, Mei?" MK looked around, realizing he and Y/N were the only one there. "Y/N, Where'd they?! Did they get bored already or-?" The purple light of the now glowing lantern caught both their attention. "Whoa! So sparkly!" MK said, in awe. 

Y/N stared at the lantern, but soon focused her attention on the play as the puppeteer spoke. A shadow of the sun and the moon from outer space showed, before changing into two silhouetted figures, going on adventures, and fighting back-to-back. Y/N could recognize the first one as Monkey King, since it was holding a staff. The other Y/N couldn't put her finger on. She felt there was something about the other that made it familiar to her. 

"The hero and the warrior were like the Sun and the Moon. Their light, a protective glow, shining upon the world. Together, there was nothing that could stop the two of them. Either in the Celestial Realms or on Earth." The shadow showed the Monkey King puppet being able to transform into different animals and clone himself. The light from the lantern grew as a powerful gust of wind blew on MK and Y/N. MK slightly covered his face, but Y/N continued to stare at the play, unable to take her eyes off. "As time went on, the hero attained power beyond comprehension. As the hero's light grew, so too did his shadow. And soon, the warrior was cast in that shadow. In the darkness, the warrior was forgotten by the hero."


Outside the theater, MK tried to called Mei on the phone. Y/N was standing next to him, an arm around his as she stared at the phone, waiting for Mei to answer. 

"You've reached ya girl, Mei! Leave it boiii!" It went to voice-mail, making MK put the phone to his ear. 

"Hey, Mei. So, you guys just left me and Y/N back there. Even she doesn't know where you guys went. Um where'd you-" He grunted, sensing something was watching him. He looked up and saw a silhouetted figure run across the roof of the theater. He sighed, before looking at Y/N who was looking at him. Y/N frowned as she saw his troubled state, making him smile at her, patting her head.


The puppet show couldn't stay off of Y/N's mind. She's been thinking of it ever since. Monkey King had a partner in crime? Who was he? He forgot about him? Why? It's been a while since the others returned as well. Y/N stood inside the empty noodle shop, her eyes scanning the area. She frowned when she couldn't see anyone there. Pigsy was always up and early to open his shop. Tang was also normally up and early to eat noodles he never paid for. Sure, Mei wasn't always around, but most of the times she was, and if she wasn't she would have been blowing up Y/N's phone with puppy videos and invites to Anti- Gravity Arcade. Something was off. No, something was wrong, definitely wrong.


MK sat on one of the bleachers at the shadow play, his gaze fixated on the floor. His hand was in a popcorn holder, making him take a handful of popcorn and stuff it in his mouth. Y/N sat back in her seat, staring at seemingly nothing. She wanted to come back to the play for some answers, and luckily MK wanted the same. The lightning flash in and out of the theatre, as rain poured down from the outside. 

"Ah, you guys again. You two must be my biggest fans." MK jumped at the voice, kicking away his popcorn, as Y/N slightly flinched at unexpected disturbance form her thoughts. She glanced over at the spilled popcorn, slightly pouting. She wanted some popcorn. Y/N turned back to look at the puppeteer, who arched his back to look at the two. "You both are aware the play is over, right?" MK relaxed a bit, before sighing. 

"So, um, what happened to him? The warrior?" The puppeteer chuckled at his question, before standing at full height. 

"What would you like to hear? The hero suddenly remembered his beloved friend, the warrior? That they lived happily ever after?" 

"No! No, no, no, no, no. Well, yeah, maybe. Um. Okay. I don't know why I'm telling a complete stranger this but I guess I kinda feel like the warrior, in the story. A little. Is that dumb?" MK asked, looking at the puppeteer for an answer. 

"I take that as a complement, young man. The tell-tale sign of a good story. That you resonate with it so personally. But I think maybe you missed the point-" 

"It's like I wanna be strong and I'm tryna be, but it's like Monkey King isn't giving me a chance!" He ranted, sighing. "What if... what if he knows he made a mistake? Chose wrong. Chose the wrong successor." MK finished, looking down at his hands. Y/N stared at him in concern and sympathy. 

"And? What if he did?" The two looked over to see Monkey King sitting next to MK. 

"Ugh. This again? Look, I know you're not really here! I've been doing what you told me to do. Believing in myself, blah blah blah. But I'm not ready for this. I can't face the Lady Bone Demon alone. I just feel so.." Monkey King laughed, making MK feel irritated and jump from his seat. "Ergh! If you're not gonna help just leave me alone!" MK attempted to punch Monkey King but his attack was caught by Monkey King. 

"Whoa, bud. You been workin' out? You pack a bigger punch than I remember." Y/N jumped out of her seat, looking at the two in surprise and fear. MK shook his head, looking up at the monkey in realization. 

"No. No, no, no. It's. It's you... Macaque!" Monkey King laughed, before he revealed himself to be Macaque. One of his eyes glowed purple as he laughed. 

"The one and only!" Y/N stared at him in shock. What was he doing here? He took steps forward, slightly pushing MK back. "So why so glum? I've noticed that lately you've been lookin' a little down!" He put more pressure on MK's hand, making him grunt. 

"What are you doing here?! Oh no! I just-" 

"Unloaded all your secret insecurities on me!" He laughed, his tail swishing in amusement behind him. Y/N looked around for anything that was near her that she could use to free MK from Macaques grip. "I know! But hey, no shame in that, man. Sometimes you just gotta talk it out, y'know? I don't really do it. Maybe I should. But we'd be here all day so..." 

"Would you just get to the point?!" MK tried to punch Macaque again using his free hand, but it was also caught. Macaque didn't seem to notice Y/N grab a nearby pipe from one of the farther walls of the theatre. She tried as best as she could to hide and wait for the perfect time to attack. 

"Slow down, kiddo. This is the thanks I get for checking in on my favorite student?" 

"I am not your student!" 

"Well, with ol' Monkey King not around-" He let go of MK, making him struggle to keep his balance before falling. "I thought someone should teach you a lesson. Ah, MK, you really are dense, aren't you?" He opened his scarf, revealing the lantern that hung on his hip. He spun it around, grabbing it and gently tossing it in the air in front of him. It floated, glowing purple as the room seemed to grow darker. A spotlight fell on the two, before illuminating behind MK, making a shadow. MK looked behind him, slightly panicking. "You saw a story about a hero who got handed everything, who didn't have to work for anything and you thought you were the other guy? The second the hero got real power, he couldn't care less about his friends. That's you, bud." 

"Me?" He looked at his hands. "I-I'm not like that." 

"Hmm, I beg to differ, kiddo." Macaque used the lantern to make a shadow of Mei, Pigsy, and Tangs shadows from within the lantern. MK gasped at his friends looking at him with blank purple glowing eyes. 

"Guys!" The shadow arose from the floor, as Y/N continued to stare at the scene while slowly sneaking onto the stage. 

"Oh, did you just realize they were missing? Classic hero maneuver. Maybe it's just me but these guys don't look too happy about being left in the shadow-" He disappeared with the lantern, as the whole room went dim. The shadow Pigsy started to tackle MK, as he grunted to fight back without hurting his boss. "-of the great Monkie Kid." Shadow Tang leap up and kicked MK in the head, throwing him into the wall. Macaque continued to comment on MK's battle as he fought shadow versions of his friends. MK was soon pinned to the floor, as Macaque watched him struggle with amusement. 

Y/N was behind one of the pillars, holding the pipe tightly in her hands. She shuffled in her hiding place, before peaking her head out. She didn't want to hurt Macaque, but he was hurting her friend, so it was only fair, right? Without having second thoughts she jumped out of the pillar, the pipe over her head as she was about to smash it down on Macaques head. Unfortunately, that didn't work. He caught the pipe in midair, before prying it out of her hands, tossing it far to the side. He grabbed her, before taking her arms and pulling them behind her, making sure not to hurt her. He pulled her against his chest, one arm wrapping around her stomach, the other wrapping around her chest, keeping her in place. She struggled in his grip, trying to break free, but to no avail. He chuckled at her desperate attempts to escape. 

"What are you doing with MK!?" She screamed, as he wrapped his tail around her ankle. 

"You know, Y/N. It's kinda rude to interrupt a lesson between the student and his teacher. But since you're a good friend of mine, I'll give you a pass." 

"Why are you doing this!?" Y/N's head lowered, her face turning into a sad one. She spoke shakily, sounding like she was going to cry any minute. 

"I thought we were friends." Macaque stared at her in shock for a moment, before smiling. He picked her up by her ankle, dangling her in the air. 

"Hey, don't worry kid." He smiled, though something about it didn't seem right. "I won't let anything hurt." 

"HEY!" MK screamed, his eyes turning bright gold. "ENOUGH!" MK broke free from the shadows and charged at Macaque with his staff. Macaque quickly placed Y/N on the ground before the staff collided with his hand. Macaque watched in surprise, before blocking the blow with his hand. 

"You're right. That is enough. You know, you really are that bit too much like him. But good to see there's some potential." Before anyone could ask what he meant by that, he broke the lantern, freeing Pigsy, Tang, and Mei. The room was covered in a thick purple smoke, before fading away as MK hugged the rest. Y/N walked up to them, before hearing something whiz past her, and the door to the theatre closed with a small slam. MK heard it too, so the two ran to investigate. It led them to an alleyway on the side of the building. MK and Y/N ran out there, Y/N slightly panting as her adrenaline started to die down. 

"What is your deal? Why did you do that!?" MK asked, as Macaque turned to face the two. 

"Hm, why'd I break the lamp? Well, I was gonna do that whole 'watch the hero be tormented by his own mistakes' thing but it seems like your kinda already doing that to yourself." MK looked down, conflicted, before a shadow of Macaque appeared behind him. "Which honestly has been an absolute pleasure to watch." It pat Y/N's head, before disappearing in smoke as MK looked around. "Y'know, I meant what I said. You really are a good kid. A good kid with a really terrible teacher." His voice echoed through the alley, making Y/N look around to try and locate him. 

"I thought you were my teacher?" MK replied, making Macaque laugh. 

"Ooh ouch!" MK gripped his staff tightly in his hands, before standing in front of Y/N. 

"It was you, wasn't it? Monkey King was the hero and the warrior, was you? Right?" Something clicked in Y/N's head. Yes. It all made sense. But... Why would Monkey King just leave him behind like that. She thought he was supposed to be a hero, someone who protects and guides people at their lowest. Her heart started to ache with pity for Macaque. 

"Maybe you're not as dense as you look." MK slightly gasped at his echoed voice sounding closer to him. He looked at a street lamp, seeing that purple smoke gliding through the air. He grunted, tightening his free fist as a scowl formed on his face. After a moment of silence, Macaque spoke again. "Somethings coming." The two looked on top of the theatre, seeing him standing on the roof, looking down on the two, mostly MK. "Something you're not even close to ready for." A large grin was on his face. He then looked at Y/N, with the same grin. "Sorry about all of that stuff before kiddo, hope you can forgive me." He looked away, the smile on his face faltered for a second. "I understand if you don't though." Y/N continued to stare at him with a conflicted frown, as MK put his arm in front of her. Macaque looked amused as MK glared at him, telling him to leave. "Well, until next time you two. And don't worry-" He laughed. "You can never have too many teachers. Right?" Macaque then disappeared in purple smoke. Pigsy, Tang, and Mei suddenly burst out the door, panting. 

"Kid. Explain now." MK sweat dropped and turned to them with Y/N by his side. 

"Uh, okay. But we're definitely gonna need snacks."


Inside the theatre, Macaque slowly walked onto the stage, before stopping in front of the shards of the lantern. They glowed purple as the lantern was soon put back together again, floating in front of the monkey. Macaque picked it up, turning to leave, before getting a bit startled by clapping behind him. 

"Bravo! Bravo! What a performance!" He looked back to see the Mayor, with a large smile on his face. A smile that didn't look right. Macaque, a bit caught off guard that someone was still in the destroyed theatre, managed to force an uneasy smile. 

"Thanks, last show actually, I was just heading off-" Macaque was about to turn around and walk away, before the Mayor appears in front of him, holding him by his neck in the air, choking him. He smiled as he watched Macaque struggle, before speaking 

"Lady Bone Demon would like a word." He gaze fell onto the lantern. "Oh, and she'll be needing that."

[To Be Continued]

Words- 3,522

{Next Episode: To Catch A Leaf} 


Again, sorry for not posting. See you all in the next chapter my friends.


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