Queen of the Night | d.Hale

By fantasysteph

57.8K 1.6K 124

"𝙳𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚔 𝚐𝚎𝚝'𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚍𝚗𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝚑𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚊 𝚝𝚘𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐�... More

part 1
1. playing catch-up
2. amnesia in the body
3. trusting strangers
4. stories with grilled cheese
5. difficult answers, simple questions
7. dark clothing equals safety
8. two can keep a secret
9. hospital sleeps
10. midnight things
11. list update
12. promises sealed with a kiss

6. first full moon

2.3K 69 1
By fantasysteph


[somewhere in beacon hills]

A helicopter shines light over the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital roof, as there was an investigation being made. Turned out that a kid they'd brought to the hospital whose family had been killed was a cannibal, family trait. Nobody but the Sheriff knows that Scott had also been on the roof when the teen boy got murdered, right now everyone just wanted answers on the dead teen cannibal

"Hey, let's get everyone off the roof..." Sheriff Stilinski tells one of his deputies that was guarding the only roof access  "And see if you can stall the M.E. for five minutes. I've got an expert of my own coming to take a look."

Uncertain the deputy glances over at the dead body, "You have an expert on teenage cannibals?"

"Ju-Five minutes, Parrish."

With a sigh the deputy waves over at the rest of the crew, "Hey!"

The only person left on the roof wearing a green police uniform jacket was the Sheriff. Turning around to the body Noah sees Derek and Lulu looking down at it.

"Hello Noah," Lulu smiles over at the man as if she wasn't a step away from a dead cannibal 

"Lulu." Noah replies not expecting any greetings to be exchanged, then he takes a step on part of the ledge towards Derek, "Uh, I guess you've been there long enough to hear we need to be quick about this. Scott said he called himself a 'Wendigo?'"

"Cannibalistic shapeshifters." Derek looks down at the body that laid face first, the only sign of blood being the red on his knuckles and blood stained white shirt "But, I haven't heard of them in Beacon Hills for a long time. Must have been well-hidden."

Lulu had walked off to the other side of the roof where Derek had caught the scent of someone new making him ask, "How many people did Scott say were up here?"

"Just Sean and the axe-murderer, who apparently has no mouth. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" Noah asks both parties and while they did recently get new information about an axe-murder they did not have the details about the murderer having no mouth

Lulu lightly taps her foot near the blood stain on the ledge where Derek had moved to stand by. The helicopter light shining over them once more makes Lulu open her eyes bringing her out of the fear that she smelled

"There was someone else..." Derek informs the Sheriff "Someone young, and male..."

"You can smell his fear?" Noah asks still uncertain about all the supernaturals and their powers

"And his blood," Derek states knowing that meant things were serious because Scott omitted to say another person got hurt

"But," Lulu optimistically turns to the Sheriff before jumping down to the roof floor "Not too much blood meaning like everyone he will heal"

Lulu knew Scott was smart and if there was a reason he didn't tell the sheriff about the other body on the roof that was for a good reason - Lulu had yet to learn Scott was not the one to come up with good plans alone.


The other person on the roof last night was Liam Dunbar, a new student to Beacon Hills High who'd ended up in the hospital after a fall at Lacrosse tryouts. The teen cannibal had been after Liam who Scott did his best to stop from becoming a supernatural accident only that in order to save Liam while keeping the Wendigo arm's length away was to bite the teen boy so he wouldn't fall off the roof.

Scott, needing to think on his feet, kidnapped Liam and tied him before leaving him in his bathroom while waiting for Stiles. Liam was resilient and fought to escape, the next day he'd ran to school only to showcase his healed foot and a bandaged wrist. The bite had healed, Scott and Stiles both saw the arm being clean of any marks making them know what came next

The group of friends all try to plan some way to lure the new beta before the full moon that night since his bite was healed meaning Liam would turn.

Hiding in between two buses Malia quickly makes it known, "I'm not sharing my basement."

"Actually, it's my basement," Lydia clarifies having already heard about the 'don't' from her mom "and my mom noticed how you tore it up last time."

"All right, she's still learning..." Stiles defends his girlfriend who had yet to gain full control on full moons

"But we're going to use the boathouse for Liam. It's got support beams-- we can chain him to one of them," Scott shares having thought about what part of the boat house they can use to help Liam

"But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us?" Kira asks seeing the major flaw in the plan

"I say, if it keeps him from murdering someone, we chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake," Stiles speaks with his hands making his words sink in with everyone

"I'm in!" Malia quickly agrees

Scott instantly shut down that plan, "We're not killing or kidnapping him!"

"Lulu would know how to help," Malia grumpily answers having warmed up to the woman who so quickly taught her how to hone in to sounds around her without making Malia feel like it was her fault for her understanding such easy concepts

"Didn't she go back home?" Lydia questions Mexico feeling like such a long time ago but really it'd been less than a week

"Nah my dad said she was with Derek last night," Stiles answers having been surprised when hearing the woman's name leaving his father's lips during their phone call last night before he made it to Scotts to find Liam tied up in Scott's bathtub

The conversation is what led the teens to call the woman for help. It was one thing helping Malia through a full moon but having to help her through it while also trying to explain to Liam what was happening to him and make sure he didn't hurt anyone was more than enough to stress them all out.


Lulu had been called by the teens who asked for help, and being around during a slow day she agreed to help. It isn't until she arrives at the Martin Lake House that she learns the help she'd be doing involves a newly turned werewolf teen who had been tricked into getting help. On top of that news, Lulu wasn't the only one learning more information about the newly turned werewolf.

Lulu was texting Derek while being able to hear Scott's motorcycle getting closer to them. Derek had texted Lulu to stay safe out there because is a man out in Beacon Hills with an axe laced with wolfsbane who had attacked Peter. Lulu was going to ask if he needed any help but having already committed to help the teens she replied with;

"I'll be safe. Thanks for checking in xx." then a few seconds later she sent another text to him "You stay safe as well, I don't want to hear you got wolfsbane in your system"

Derek wasn't as quick at texting as she was yet followed up with, "Wouldn't be the first time"

"Story for another time" Lulu looks down at her sent message before silencing her phone and placing it in her back pocket

Scott arrives on his motorcycle only to be met with an anxious Stiles who paces before Lydia, Lulu, and Malia. Thinking his friend was worrying about Liam's arrival, Scott walks over to them, "I just talked to Kira. She's on her way. She said it's all going fine."

"It's not that... I have to tell you something." Stiles tells his best friend looking around at the three girls around them knowing they could hear every word and probably should, "I asked around about Liam. I know why he got kicked out of his last school."

"This is going to be bad, isn't it?" Scott rhetorically asks

"He kind of got into it with one of his teachers. And... uh the kid's got some serious anger issues."

Anger issues and werewolf full moons did not mix, making the Alpha question, "How serious?"

"Well, that's his teacher's car..." Stiles pulls out his phone to show Scott the photo of a blue car that was destroyed and had been scratched to read ''This is your fault', "After he took a crowbar to it."

Those were major anger issues and the new werewolf was in a locked car with Kira. The boyfriend trying not to worry about his girlfriend leads everyone into the house being able to hear the car get close to them.

Kira parks her car by Stiles' Jeep making Liam get out of the car confused at the quiet house since it was supposed to be a party. Kira does her best to lie her way through getting Liam into the house only to be met by the two boys who kidnapped him and three girls who all stood in front of a table with chains over a duffle bag

Liam turns to leave only to be met with Kira locking the door with a tight smile, "...Sorry."

"What the hell is this?" Liam looks at the people he could not seem to avoid no matter how hard he tried

"Think of it like an intervention." Stiles simply puts the whole situation "You have a problem, Liam-"

"And we're the only ones that can help," Scott finishes his best friend's thought

"Hello I am Lulu," The older woman raises her hand to wave at the kid

Lulu's introduction being made meant, they were to start explaining things about the supernatural world to the teen boys. Who for the most part looked like he was handling the news well

"Werewolf?" Liam looks at Scott and Lulu who nod their head 'yes'

Liam's eyes shift to Malia, "Werecoyote?"

Having gotten that right he turns to Lydia, "Banshee?"

Then he turns around to look at Kira, "Fox?"

Kira shrugs as he wasn't wrong but also not correct, "Kitsune. But "fox" works."

"What are you?" Liam asks the only person who wasn't given a supernatural title

Stiles hesitates to answer not knowing how, "Uh, for a little while, I was possessed by an evil spirit... It was very evil..."

"What are you now?" Liam questions not understanding the answer
Stiles awkwardly looks around at his friends before answering, "Uh...Better?"

Liam's attention is on the coffee table where the chains and cuffs were, "Are those for me?"

"No, they're for me." Malia answers before letting her eyes shine a light blue

At the color change, Liam takes a step back reality settling in, "How did you do that?"

"You'll learn. But first, you need to get through the full moon." Scott calmly answers which only starts to irritate Liam further

Those in the room with supernatural hearing were able to hear Liam's heartbeat race faster with each passing second, "The moon's already out."

"And you're starting to feel something, aren't you?" Scott asks wanting the kid to know what was happening to him was normal

"I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nutjobs!" Liam shouts his aggression shining with each word "You guys are out of your freaking minds! I don't know how you did that eye-thing, and I don't care-- I'm walking out the door right now, and if any of you try to stop me, I swear to God, I'm gonna—"

Liam covers his ears and hunches down while shouting and then taking deep breaths feeling like he was rocking back and forth. Lulu knew exactly what the kid was feeling, mainly because she'd gone through her first moon alone and it was terrifying

Scott takes a step towards the kid but doesn't break his personal bubble when asking, "What's wrong? Liam?"

"You don't hear that?" Liam questions hands still over his ears trying to drown out the noise
Those with supernatural hearing listen to their surroundings and hear the noise that the young boy was being exceptionally sensitive to. The sound was of many cars playing music with teens hyped for a party

When a car pulls up to the house and shines its lights through the blinds those without supernatural hearing were in the loop. Lydia looking over to the closed window asks, "Did you tell someone about this?"

"My friend, Mason..." Liam says in-between breaths just as people outside cheer, making Kira walk over to the window "You said it was a party..."

"Who did Mason invite?" Stiles asks the girl checking outside

Kira anxiously turns to face her friends and answers, "Everyone."

Liam started to change and everyone caught it by the boy scratching the floors with his claws. Worried Lydia exclaims, "The floors! Get him off the floors!"

Liam looks up and roars, making Scott start to move towards the boy to get him off the floors, "We need to get him to the boathouse-- now!"

Kira and Scott push Liam up from the ground and carry him out of the living room - Lulu was going to help with Malia since the person helping her was a human

Malia falls to her knees while politely calling out, "Stiles...?"

"Yeah?" Stiles asks looking away from where his best friend had just walked out of

Malia roars at the boy, making him spring into action, "Hey! Okay, basement. Now. Now!"

Stiles takes Malia's hand while reaching down to grab the duffle bag with her chains only to have Lulu beat him to the items

Lydia wasn't about to let them leave her alone with the crowd outside, making her ask, "What am I supposed to do with the hordes gathering outside the door?"

"Lydia, who throws the best parties in Beacon Hills?" Stiles rhetorically asks knowing it wasn't going to be easy but things were going to work out
Lydia scoffs in offense, "What? Me! Obviously!"

"Okay! Then throw a party." Stiles shouts before pulling Malia away knowing things were escalating quickly


And things did escalate quickly.

"Too tight?" Stiles asks Malia as he finished buckling her restrains aground her arm while Lulu held her in place being able to feel the tension in the girl's shoulder while smelling her fear and bloodlust

Malia looks up at her boyfriend with her coyote face and blue eyes, "Tighter."

Stiles listens and fixes the restraints making Lulu let go allowing Malia to pull on them and let her eyes fade to her normal brown color. Stiles stands up to look around the room looking for something to sit on, making Malia say, "You can leave, if you want..."

Lulu stays standing at the side by a racks of storage doing her best to tune out what seemed like a private conversation. Lulu knew she was there just for support, if Malia were to lose control or Liam she'd be an extra hand.

"I'm not going anywhere." Stiles reassures her by grabbing a bucket to flip and sit in front of her "And, to be honest, I'm probably safer down here than in a party with fifty freshmen and a very pissed off Lydia..."

The music from upstairs only starts to get louder making it hard for Lulu to listen to what was happening at the boathouse. While Liam had been dragged out to the boathouse at least a mile down from the Lakehouse without the music, Lulu had been able to hear that Liam had been knocked out.

Malia starts to pull on her restraints, her eyes glowing once again as sweat pools at her hairline, "Stiles, please go."

"It's okay." Stiles replies not moving from his spot in front of her "I hate parties. It's a social anxiety thing. You ever had a panic attack?"

"I'm having one now! Ah!" Malia grunts pulling at her chains, each tug keeping Lulu on her toes ready to interfere

"Just breathe, okay?" Stiles calmly says but if anything telling her to breathe wasn't helping "I'm not going to leave you."

"What if I hurt you?" Malia asks pulling at the chains the lack of control evident in every tug

"You're not going to." Stiles confidently says putting all his faith in her which Lulu found admirable but also stupid because Malia could seriously hurt him 

"But I want to. Ugh! I look at your face and I want to slash at it! I want to tear at it! I want to feel your bones crack between my hands!" Malia exclaims between pulling at the chains to reach out to grab him

"Surprisingly enough, you're not the first person to ever say something like that..." Stiles admits Malia growling cutting him off as she continues to reach out to grab him but never reaching "I'm not leaving you. And I'm not going to let you hurt anyone."

"AGH!" Malia pushes past the bloodlust and looks at the growing tear in the retrains around her wrist "...You're not going to have a choice."

Malia keeps pulling at the retains until it tears leaving her only chained to one arm making her reach out. Lulu grabs the girl's hand while Stiles quickly stands up and runs back away from her reach. Lulu's attention not only being on Malia is able to hear the faint sound of glass breaking making her hold on Malia soften. Taking advantage of that Malia uses her strength to push Lulu back against the wall

"Okay, Malia..." Stiles does his best to calm his voice to sound steady glancing at Lulu who's eyes quickly flash gold before disappearing "I know you can hear me. Just listen to my voice."

"Listen to mine—" Malia growls turning to grab the chain still holding her back and tug on it waiting for it to break "run!"

Lulu gaining back her composure steps over the fallen chain and over to the other one pulling Malia closer to her

"I'm not going to run, because I don't think you're going to hurt me... And I think maybe you're so afraid of hurting me because of what you did to your family." Stiles does his best to get through to her by doing what he does best and shares his truth. It was working because Malias tug on her chains were less powerful with each word but Lulu's hold on her stayed the same "I know what that's like. I remember everything I did-- and the worst part is, I remember liking it. Because I felt powerful. I felt fearless. And most of all, in control. But, when I came through it, I learned something else... Control is overrated."

Stiles having been inching closer to her this whole time grabs her hand and uses the key to unlock her from her chain. Lulu wants to tell the boy not to be stupid with his safety, but everyone's leap of faith in each other has yet to be wrong making her let go and stand back. Once both drop to the ground Malia lunges at him but controls herself as to not hurt him

Moving her hair out of her face Stiles is able to see she was back to her full human self, "You did it."


Lulu leaves the couple once she was certain Malia's fear and bloodlust was gone. Lulu did consider to help with the party but once she walked up the stairs surrounded by loud music and teens around 10yrs younger than her she wasn't comfortable.

Instead Lulu steps outside and uses everything in her to block the techno music to listen to what was happening out in the boat house wondering what the glass crash was. There was nothing coming from the boathouse, but she could hear Scott shouting Liam's name while he ran through the forest.

Without thinking Lulu runs into the forest doing her best to find the most erratic heartbeat in the forest which she truly believed belonged to Liam.

Scott on the other hand ran through the forest going in blind as once he'd stopped he thought he was close to the turned werewolf only he was nowhere in sight. Liam growls from behind Scott making the alpha turn around to see Liam lunging in the air at him so Scott does his best to block it by moving out of the way. In being so focused on Liam and the boy being so focused on Scott they didn't see the running figure that ended up tackling Liam

Liam and Lulu roll down the side of the hill which was something she hadn't given much thought to considering Liam would be much more stronger than her since it was his first full moon. It's how Lulu ended with her back against a tree as Liam did his best to pin her down as he growls

Scott had followed the two down the hill and uses his strength to pull Liam away from Lulu, "Liam, wait! Stop!"

"What did you do to me?" Liam shouts eyes glowing yellow and ignoring Scott calling his name "This is your fault! It's all your fault! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!"

Liam raises a clawed hand at Scott's face just as an arrow flies through the air and into the tree next to them. Scott and Lulu cover their eyes just in time for the air to emit a bright light and sparks that sends Liam into panic as he runs off deeper into the forest

While Scott looked over in the direction Liam had just fled Lulu stared up the hill at where a man with a bow and arrow stood. It wasn't had to guess that he was a hunter, only that at the sight of him lowering his weapon didn't make Lulu want to drop her tense shoulders. She didn't know how Scott knew a hunter, but considering she'd avoided them since her bite she wasn't about to question it much less after learning the man had come because Scott texted him

"There's a clearing just north of here. All you have to do is corral him there–" The hunter explains to Scott who looks off at where he could hear Liam running to "the rest is taken care of."

"What are you going to do?" Scott asks the adult who had more experience with beta's

"He's your Beta, Scott. The better question is... what are you going to do?" The man turns the tables on the kid as he couldn't give him the answers he so desperately wanted

"He won't listen to me." Scott sighs it being the biggest problem since meeting Liam 

"He will if you start using your own words." The hunter wisefully shares just as Liam's screams could be heard even with human ears making the hunter raise out a key fob "Here. Go."

Scott grabs the key before racing through the forest to where Liam was at. Lulu followed but not without giving the hunter a side glance - there were just some people Lulu didn't introduce herself to.

Liam stood surrounded by sticks on the ground that emitted a high frequency pitch and flashed lights every other second. Scott presses on the key he'd been given making everything go silent

Liam was on his knees finally aware of having transformed making him look up at Scott who was walking over to him, "W-what's happening to me?"

"The same thing that happened to me." Scott finally says the words that weren't anyone's but his own

Liam still on the ground starts to come to the realization that everything that they'd told him in the Lake house was true, "They can't know about this. My mom, my stepdad... I can't do this to them again."

"What do you mean, again?" Scott asks knowing Lulu was listening in and now so was Argent

"I got kicked out of school..." Liam vaguely explains as he cried being able to feel past the anger "and I deserved it. The way they looked at me, when they saw what I did to that car..."

"Liam, it's okay" Scott whispers as he knew about the car and while he did worry about the kids anger Scott knew he'd be okay just like he was

"They can't see me like this." Liam "Like... Like..."

"Like a monster?" Scott softly asks knowing he'd felt that way too and at Liam's nod he now know they'd shared that insecurity but there was a lesson Scott had learned that he'd now have to teach, "You're not a monster. You're a Werewolf-- like me."

Lulu couldn't help but smile at the scene because it just proved that Scott is a good person and she'd chosen right in answering his call. While Scott's pack isn't the reason she was staying in Beacon Hill's she was glad to have be included in their pack for moments like this.


The worst being behind them when it came to the full moon and its effects, Lulu drove Liam back home after reintroducing herself once he'd calmed down. The drive to the boy's house was quiet, but not once did Liam feel on edge how he had on the drive to the lakehouse. It could be that Lulu was an adult, also a werewolf, or that he had just had a very exhausting night.

Lata parks the car out on the street of Liam's house watching him unfasten his seatbelt, "Before you go, can I say something?"

"Sure," Liam nervously says not knowing what to expect

"You can trust Scott and his friends. He's a good person, which makes him a good alpha. I know you may feel so much and that's not going to leave anytime soon, but you now have so many people to trust with that." Lulu reaches into her jacket and takes out a black card "Here. If you ever need anything, text or call me"

Liam takes the card not knowing what he was supposed to do with a blank black card. Instead of asking he just starts to open the car door to leave, "Thank you"

"Have a good night," Lulu smiles with a wave of her hand as the boy closes the door

Liam waves at the girl goodbye and she doesn't drive off until he's safe inside the house.


a/n: next chapter is the game. predictions?


Forgot Camila Mendes was in a movie with Tyler H & now i kinda wanna change the faceclaim

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