Izuku Yagi: Revenge From Hell

By Ricks999

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They said that actions have consequences. Izuku Yagi, son of Toshinori Yagi, and Inko Yagi, brother of Izumi... More

Chapter 1: Quirkless
Chapter 2 Deku
Chapter 3 Hell Loop
Chapter 4 No, You Can't
Chapter 5 I'm Sorry
Chapter 6 He's Gone
Chapter 7 Are You Human?
Chapter 8 Ashamed
Chapter 9 Deal With A Devil
Chapter 10 Welcome To UA
Chapter 11 Start Your Day With a Bang
Chapter 12 Chaos At USJ
Chapter 13 Burning Man
Chapter 14 Momo's Repentance
Chapter 15: Face Our Demon
Chapter 16 Memorable Sports Festival
Chapter 17 Jealousy and Anger
Chapter 18 Blast to Kingdom Come
Chapter 19 A Heated Battle
Chapter 20: How The Mighty Have Fallen
Chapter 21 Internship Begin
Chapter 22 Terror at Hosu City
Chapter 23: Hero Killer vs Burning Man
Chapter 24 The Flame Hero vs The Arsonist
Chapter 25 Internship Ended
Chapter 26 Katsuki Bakugou Case
Chapter 27 Izumi Katsuki vs All Might
Chapter 28 Soaring Fist
Chapter 29 Silent Scream
Chapter 30 Fight or Flight
Chapter 31 Fog of War
Chapter 32 Secrets and Lies
Chapter 33 It Has Begun
Chapter 34 My Name is Izuku Yagi
Chapter 35 The Hero, The Villain, and The Devil
Chapter 36 Story of Origin
Chapter 37 Deal With The Devil
Chapter 39 Devil of My Word
Chapter 40 The Devil vs The Tormentor
Chapter 41 Outcast of Hell
Chapter 42 You're Next
Chapter 43 Skeleton In the Closet
Chapter 44 The Corpse That I Know
Chapter 45 Axis of Evil
Chapter 46 Desperado Encounter
Chapter 47 Truel
Chapter 48 Empty Promise
Chapter 49 School Festival Countdown
Chapter 50 Explosive Festival
Chapter 51 Countdown to Despair
Chapter 52 Devil's Bible
Chapter 53 God vs Devil
Chapter 54 The Devil vs The Oppressor
Chapter 55 Scorching Fist
Chapter 56 City of Red
New Book!! Izuku Yagi: Hades Ring

Chapter 38 Happy Death Day

12.6K 293 352
By Ricks999

After the interrogation between Izuku and the president has come to an end. She immediately called everyone who knows about the case, from the entire UA staff, All Might, Viridian Storm, Endeavour and his wife, Gran Torino, Nighteye and his sidekicks, Detective Tsukauchi, the police chief, and a few higher-ups from the HPSC to meet at the conference room in the police station.

The atmosphere in the conference room wasn't pleasant and felt like they were standing at a funeral instead. None of them could believe the information that they just received on their way here. Izuku Yagi who's the son of All Might and Viridian Storm, the number one and number sixteen hero that was pronounced dead a year ago is actually alive and just killed the Symbol of Evil in front of a live camera for thousands of people to see.

Toshinori is sitting on a chair trying to collect himself after his sudden fainting with his wife is on his side trying to calm him. Gran Torino is standing on the side of the wall with a dreadful expression and stayed silent since the interrogation has started. Almost everyone in the room didn't feel that this conversation is gonna be pleasant.

Then after the president had entered the room, she began to address the situation.

"Madam president, what's happening?" the chief asked with a firm tone.

She took a moment before explaining it.

"It has come to our attention that Mr. Izuku had demanded a few certain things in exchange for not leaking top secret information that threatens this nation's security." almost everyone's jaw nearly dropped hearing that.

"What?" all of them shouted.

"My son would never threaten anyone." Toshinori declared loudly.

"Madam president, you can't possibly consider this. We're not following a demand from a terrorist." the man in the black suit from HPSC looking at her thinking that she's gone mental.

"Right now our nation's safety is already jeopardized, and as much as I hate to admit it. We need to consider taking this deal in order to find a civil way to solve this matter," she said while closing her eyes and accepting the situation.

Then while everyone is still in a state of shock, Inko walks towards her trying to ask the question that's dreading in her mind.

"Madam president.... is it true that he's my son? Please, I need to know. Is it true that he's my son or not?" Inko asked while bawling her eyes.

"We've already confirmed this from three different DNA tests, and turns out it's true. I'm sorry, but the man sitting in there is truly Izuku Yagi," she confirmed while nodding her head.

And quickly Inko started to lose her strength and her knee began to shake. Her son is alive. She couldn't believe that it was true. She's been praying to god every day hoping that her son would be happy and to think that he's here. She needs to see him, she needs to say to him that she's sorry for failing as a mother and hoped to get his forgiveness.

"Where is he? I need to talk to him." Inko tried to rush towards the door.

"You do that and you're coming out in an urn," Aizawa said quietly only for Midnight to hear.

"No, right now he's still in the interrogation room and no one is allowed to go there," she said in a firm tone.

"Ma'am please, that's my son and I need to see him. As his parents, we had the rights." Toshinori added.

"Are you sure Toshinori?" Nezu asked.

Toshinori and Inko turned their head respectively looking at the principal who was standing near Aizawa.

'Can you really say that his your son despite everything that's happening between both of you? All of your actions, your daughter and her friends? Can you really say that you're his parents?" Nezu asked with a serious tone.

Both of them quickly stand in silence not meeting his gaze. They knew that after this whole matter was settled, they could never be a family but they have to try.

"You're son is already revealed to us that he's the Burning Man that's been killing criminals in the last year. And judging by how he reacted at Kamino, he certainly held a tremendous hatred towards both of you." Aizawa added.

"But we really did miss him. I know that we messed up-" Toshinori said.

"You did more than just messed up, this whole situation had gone all clusterfuck because of some bad parenting! Your parenting!!" Aizawa yelled in rage.

Aizawa run towards Toshinori and tried to give him a piece of his mind when Present Mic and Vlad quickly held him back while Tsukauchi hold Toshinori in his place with the chief standing in the middle trying to de-escalate the situation.

"Alright, break it up. Both of you!!" the chief told both of them, "Madam President, you said that he demanded a few other things, can we hear it?"

Then all eyes suddenly went towards her while she tried to find the strength to say the information that needs to be said.

"He demanded that all of the people responsible for his demise be heavily punished and be brought to the law. Including both of his parents and their daughter's friends," she explained and everyone's eyes were shocked.

"That means-" Nezu muttered.

"Yes, everyone who's responsible from his school, teachers, neighborhood, and all of them be brought to the court and faced their punishment." Madam President said and quickly everyone realized what this meant.

"So everyone that's ruined his life in the past ten years. It's like dragging half a Japan population into a courtroom." Midnight said realizing the situation.

"We can easily punish the school and the teachers, including the neighborhood and others. But-" Tsukauchi said as he avert his eye to the two main people in the room.

"It's them that's complicated." Nezu said eyeing the Yagi's, "If we drag the Symbol of Peace and his wife to the courtroom and sentence them for their crimes, then the entire world would be in shock hearing about it."

"Not to mention that crimes would escalate in mere seconds after hearing the news about it. Can you imagine the next headline of tomorrow's news, "Symbol of Peace neglected his son?" The media would have a field day." Present Mic continued.

"And what about UA's reputation, what happened if they learned that the entire Hero Course class is being arrested because of the crimes that they did in the past." Midnight said while berating their situation.

"The parents would sue us for keeping them in a school near their children," Snipe said

"The question is, whether we would punish them as All Might and Viridian Storm or as Toshinori and Inko Yagi," Nighteye asked who to punish.

As they all discuss it, Tsukauchi went forward in Toshinori's direction and punched him in the face, he immediately falls to the ground and everyone stopped with their talking and looked at the detective.

"I told you that you need to come clean right from the start. I warned you that your crimes will eventually be catching up to you one day and you didn't listen. BUT INSTEAD, YOU HAD TO BRING THE HPSC TO COVER UP YOUR ENTIRE MESS ALL BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T WANT TO FACE THEM. NOW LOOK WHAT HAPPENED, ALL OF US HAD TO PAY FOR YOUR MISTAKES!!! DO YOU SEE HOW THIS ENTIRE SITUATION HAD GONE TO ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR PARENTING MISTAKE?" Tsukauchi screamed at his face feeling the stress from the case had gotten into him.

Toshinori looked at his friend while feeling all scared. As far as he knew, he never saw him acting like this. Either it was from the stress of the work or the lack of sleep, but at that moment, Toshinori knew that he truly messed up and there was a zero possibility that his friendship with the detective will ever be the same as before.

"Detective you can't hit him, he's the Symbol of Peace." the chief warned him.

"I'm not hitting the Symbol of Peace sir, I'm hitting a negligent father." Tsukauchi retorts as he kept punching him in the face.

"Enough!!" Nezu yelled to all of them. He realizes that this entire situation had turned to the worst and he needs to help control the situation.

"We can stand here and argue about how badly Toshinori and Inko are as a parent and as human beings, but that doesn't change the fact that we need to decide on how to deal with this matter. Now Madam President, did Izuku have any other demand that we need to know?" Nezu asked her and everyone's eyes were on her once more.

"He demanded that I granted him a presidential pardon, fully exonerating him for all of his crimes." once again everyone was jaw-dropped hearing the demand.

"What?!" Toshinori said in shock.

"My god..." Aizawa mutters.

"This is a disaster." the chief said knowing the gravity of that request.

"He's already planned this," Nighteye said in the back.

Everyone except Nezu looked at him wanting to ask what's he talking about.

"What do you mean?" Tsukauchi asked and Nighteye explained to everyone.

"He knows that madam president can only give one pardon only to one person during her enrolment when running as the president. And Izuku knows that she hadn't given it to someone since she became the president, so she threatens her to give it to him instead."

"Strategically, we would hand parole to All Might because of the crimes that he committed both as a hero and a father. But since he already made the demand firsthand, we can't no longer do that." Nezu added.

"Well that's simple, all we had to do is give it to Toshi instead and we give Izuku a fake one," Inko suggested and nearly half the adults in the room looked enraged with her suggestion.

"That won't work either." Madam President said.

"Why not?" Inko asked.

"Because he demanded that I announced his pardon on live television. He's forcing us to show that we won't backstab him in the future," she explained and everyone was terrified hearing that.

"With Madam President announcing the parole on television, there's no room for forgery of the document. Even if the document was fake, her own word carried more weight than a single piece of paper stored in a presidential archive." Aizawa said realizing the situation.

"He's been planning this for a long time," Aizawa said under his breath.

"What?" Endeavor perked.

"Back there, he said that he's been in hell for a long time, seventy-five years to be precise. And he's been plotting his revenge ever since. He's already calculated everything right from the start."

"When he allowed himself to be captured, saying that he tried to lure the big fish. He knows that Madam President would come to the interrogation room and want to have a private conversation with him. Right from the start, we're already falling into his trap." Aizawa explained the situation.

"An individual with a strength that could rival All Might in his prime with an intelligence that's on Nezu caliber. He's a dangerous individual." Nighteye said while fixing his glasses.

"And what would he do if we didn't follow his terms?" Nezu asked while dreading to know the answer to his question.

"He'll release every information that he possessed about every hero in Japan including the top ten heroes, from their identities, quirks, their strength, and weaknesses to the public. Including the information that he has about you All Might." Madam President looked at him who was shocked as well.

"He knows about your quirk." and that's all it took for him to understand the gravity of his situation.

"B-but how? I thought you said that your son didn't know about it!!" Endeavor looked at him looking enraged.

"I don't know how but he knows about it. He send a file with detailed information to my phone regarding his quirk and he threaten to release it," she explained.

"Is it possible to send a virus? Hack his phone and try to destroy the file?" one of the higher-ups suggested the idea and she shuts the idea.

"Even if we destroyed the file, he had the other nineteen files hidden in a different location which makes it impossible for us to destroy it."

"I hope you are proud of your action Toshinori." Recovery Girl said under her breath.

"So the question we had to ask is, do we bring the Symbol of Peace crimes into the light or do we stop Izuku for good?" Nezu asked everyone in the room.

And the atmosphere in the room suddenly dropped. They were stuck in their own thought trying to come up with the answer itself. If they choose to bring the Symbol of Peace crime to light, then the crimes will certainly escalate, entire Japan will be plunged into chaos. But if they don't do that, then they will have a third enemy party, one that they don't have the confidence to deal with now or in the future.

'What's the size of the damage?" one of the HPSC higher-ups asked looking for confirmation.

Nezu blinks along with some others who understand just how grave this situation really is.

"China and Russia will launch a preemptive strike against our nation approximately three hours after the reveal, the Japanese stock market will plummet beyond belief at nine in the morning, thousands of overseas companies will retreat back to their own home not wanting to stay in a city that's gonna be a warzone, hundreds of crime organizations and criminals will try to destroy the city after learning the heroes weakness, the causality of innocent victims will reach over thousand in hours," Nezu said and everyone looked horrified over their situation.

"And that's just day one," Nighteye added, "Imagine what happened in a week or month?"

If you told the children in the future that Japan will be destroyed because of bad parenting and bullying committed by a bunch of children and parents from a pro hero, then everyone will look at you as if you were crazy and think that it was a laughing matter. But none of the people in the room felt a sense of humor.

And while the others are in a state of panic, Gran Torino decides to grab his cane and head to the door while the others look at him confused about where's he going.

"Sir, where you heading?" Toshinori asked.

"Where else. I wanted to see my grandson," he said nonchalantly.

And quickly Toshinori eyes perked up and he make his way toward him.

"Sir, please... it's too dangerous, at least let me along with my wife accompany you." Gran Torino grabbed his cane and pushed it on the injuries on his abdomen. He winces in pain while lying on the ground.

"You're gonna deal with this matter Toshinori. It's your goddamn mess and you're gonna fix this no matter what!" Gran Torino berates him.

And he headed towards the door to meet his grandson, one that he never met before. He continued to walk leaving the youngsters to deal with their problems.





Izuku was currently sitting in his chair while playing with the lighter that he stored in his pocket. He kept turning it on and off watching the flames from the lighter. After he made the demand to the President, she quickly went outside and tried to discuss the matter. He gave her three hours tops to discuss the matters or he'll take things his own way.

And suddenly the door was opened and he looked in that direction, thinking that it was one of his shit parents or the president. But instead, he was met with a scrawny old man with a yellow outfit.

"The lavatory is on the next door, old man." Izuku joked.

"No, I'm right here where I wanted." Gran Torino spoke while entering the room.

He sat right in front of Izuku before putting on his cane and staring at him.

"What do you want old man?" Izuku asked.

"I don't know if you remember but-" Gran Torino said.

"You're the old man that showed up at Hosu, the one that pulled those two bastards to safety from me killing them," Izuku told him coldly.

"Yeah, you might not know this, but I was that buffon mentor." he continued and suddenly the room temperature dropped a few degrees.

"So your that bastard mentor. What? Came here to tell me that what I did was wrong? Want me to forgive them for what they've done since they changed?" Izuku asked loudly and based on what his answer might be, he probably need to burn him.

However, Gran Torino simply replied, "No, I'm not here to ask you to reconcile your relationship with your parents."

And Izuku raised his eyebrow looking interested, "Then what do you want?"

"I came here to see my grandson." Gran Torino said and Izuku was a little surprised and confused.

"You might not know this, but Toshinori never mentions anything about having a son at all. I was only told that he had a daughter only." he lowered his gaze trying to hide the tears in his eyes.

"That's because I wasn't his son. I know that my father is actually Hisashi Midoriya, the Salamander himself." Izuku stated and Gran Torino was shocked that he knew about his father.

"How did you-" he looked in surprise.

"I get to know my father, back in hell," Izuku said and Gran Torino's eyes were wide open.

"I forgot that you were trapped there." Gran Torino said.

"Yeah, you know what they said that dead man tells no tales, turns out people talk when they died." Izuku said, "So why are you here?"

"I told you that I came to get to know my grandson. I've spent nearly a decade not learning about your existence. Whether you're Toshinori's son or not, I don't get to know you at all." Gran Torino said looking saddened.

Izuku look at his expression and he knew that his bastard of a father never bothers to introduce him to anyone. He barely knew that he exist in the first place, let alone was introduced to a family member. He's not that petty. His hatred is towards those that wronged him, and he clearly isn't on the list.

"All right, what do you want to know?" Izuku asked showing a hint of a smile.

"How about we start from the beginning? If that's okay with you." Gran Torino asked while fixing his posture.

"Well my beginning kinda sucks," he said back.

"Good or bad, I want to know." Gran Torino replied.

"Well guess we're gonna need a drink then." he put both of his palms together and suddenly a bottle of whisky along with two glasses appear and he placed it on the table. He poured it and handed it to him.

"All right, let's start right from the beginning, shall we? It all started when I was four years old." he raised his glass and drink its content before explaining his story to his grandpa.





Soon after the meeting was over, everyone began to gather and told the guards to bring Izuku to the room to discuss the terms of the matter. Izuku was walking towards the conference room with handcuffs placed on his wrist and legs with chains on each side accompanied by half a dozen police officers with their guns ready to shoot. He continued to walk wearing the same outfit before continuing to eye the surrounding including the officers who held their guns.

Finally, they stand at the huge wooden door with gold handles on each side. One of the officers knock on the door before entering and Izuku saw that everyone was there, from his uncle Aizawa, Detective Tsukauchi, the chief of police, Gran Torino, Endeavor and his wife, the entire UA staff including Nezu, Nighteye, and his sidekicks, Madam President and some higher-ups, and his wretched parent.

Soon the officers unlock the chain on his legs and they began to wait at the front door, waiting on standby, in case something goes wrong.

And when the door was closed, Toshinori decided to step in while looking at his son. He already thought about this for a while, and he decided that it was time for him to come clean with him. Something that he should have done a long time ago.

"Son." he address him but Izuku didn't reply or spared him a glance.

"I know that this doesn't change anything..... but after what just happened, I think that you need to know..... you deserve to know." Toshinori said and he quickly buff into his All Might persona in front of everyone including Izuku.

Some of the higher-ups were shocked that he revealed his identity so easily like that, while Izuku simply look at him for a moment before saying his words in a dull and bored voice.

"What? You expect me to kiss your feet or something?"

And quickly All Might was taken aback by his answer. He always knew that his son admires heroes, especially him, despite he never told him his secret identity. He knew that he mess up by saying those words on the rooftop just a year ago, but he thought that by revealing his identity, maybe he could get some sort of understanding of why he kept his identity to himself. So he quickly transforms back to his normal self while coughing up some blood.

"I already knew about your secret identity for a long time. You're not exactly a master of deception.... but you are a master of lies and secrecy." Izuku commended him.

"B-but how? How did you know about my identity? Did All For One told you about it?" Toshinori asked while looking for an answer.

However, Izuku smirked, "Come on Toshinori, think long and hard. What is the worst time for me to find out about your identity?"

And Toshinori began to think about what could possibly lead his son to know about his identity. He along with his wife began to think hard about it and nearly came up empty. He knew that he always come home either late at night or during they were still in school. And even if he did come home early, he always go to a hidden alley and transformed back to his normal form to avoid getting caught. The only time that he nearly slip up was during the USJ where he almost ran out of time. But back then, Izuku didn't join in on the raid. Shigaraki said himself that he wish that he was there to join in but he isn't.

Toshinori then began to think about what happened last year, and he said the worst time, and it began to hit him hard. His eyes began to widen very largely realizing what is he talking about, and a dreaded feeling began to hit him.

"D-don't tell me?" Toshinori looked shocked.

"That's right, the day you reveal your identity to your future successor. That's where I find out about it." his malicious smirk began to show under his face while staring at Toshinori who was a complete mess.

"P-Please let me explain," Toshinori said.

"Shut it, I'm not here to listen to some rambling from a failure." he brushes off his father to the side, only to find someone holding his hand.

"Izuku... is that really you?" Inko said while sobbing.

Then suddenly her hand is starting to feel an amount of heat and she was forced to back away. She saw her hand that was holding him begin to slightly burn and she hold it while shaking it trying to wipe the pain away.

"Try that one more time, and I'll paint your entire body with a third-degree burn," he said coldly and continue to walk looking at Nezu and Madam President.

"You had something that I want?" he asked while staring at the two of them.

The room had gone silent as everyone in the room began to wait to hear what's the decision that's to come about it. The outcome of this decision will eventually affect the entire nation's safety.

"We did, and we've already come up with the decision," Nezu told him.

"Very well, if the terms are satisfactory, then I'll have no problem." Izuku said while sitting down and placing his foot on the table.

And Nezu began to open the folder in front of him and read it, "Alright let's begin with Katsuki Bakugou-"

But Izuku quickly cut him off, "Oh no, start from the beginning. Then they could go at the last."

So Nezu flipped the paper to find the page he was looking for and read it out loud for everyone to hear, "Very well, we start from the neighborhood of your old home. Based on your testimony with Detective Tsukauchi and after doing a thorough investigation, we decided that almost all of the neighborhood will be sentenced to five years in prison for harassment and a maximum of ten years in prison."

Nezu handed a piece of paper towards him, "And here's the list of everyone who's been living in the neighborhood during the time when you were declared quirkless, you could check the names yourself."

And Izuku read the names very carefully and signaled Nezu to continue anyway.

"Okay, the next is your primary school. We've already shut down the school and all of the teachers and staff had been arrested by the authority as we speak. They've been charged with child endangerment, child neglect, and so on with a minimum of fifteen years in prison."

"Next is your elementary school. And just like your primary school, we've done an investigation into it and already arresting all of the staff from your homeroom teacher, nurses, including the principal for the crimes of child neglect, child endangerment, child bullying, along with other crimes."

And just like last time, Izuku signaled him to continue anyway.

"Then the police officers that you've mentioned." Tsukauchi along with the chief quickly show a sign of disgust, "We've already done a thorough investigation in the department and we've found some of the police had been abusing their authority and power in the department. We've already apprehended them and they have been fired from the department and arrested and sentenced to twenty years in prison without parole."

"Then the Aldera Junior High," and quickly everyone began to sweat profoundly knowing that this is the school that caused him to suffer the most.

"We've conducted an investigation regarding the school itself and we've found evidence regarding the bullying that happened towards the school. We're still conducting the investigation as we speak, but it is safe to say that based on the crimes that happened, they won't be able to avoid punishment, from child abuse, child endangerment, bullying, physical bullying, verbal bullying, illegal quirk usage, tampering with evidence and many others."

"Most of the students will go to a juvie until they were twenty-one and will be transferred to an adult prison to continue to serve their punishment. The bullying record will be labeled on their personal file for the rest of their life. And for the teacher, they will be serving sentence in prison for thirty to forty years."

"And next is the current students of class 1A UA Hero Course. Based on the testimony that you and Izumi Yagi had given a year ago, and with the number of evidence that we've found a year ago, from bullying, verbal bullying, physical bullying, illegal quirk usage, destruction of property, abuse, suicide baiting, they will be sentenced to thirty-five to fifty years in prison without any parole."

"Finally Toshinori and Inko Yagi have been sentenced to revoke their pro-hero license immediately. And been charged with child negligence, child endangerment, child abuse, and many others. Their custody of Izuku Yagi had been removed and they were required to pay an amount of two billion yen to you as compensation. The Yagi's will be sentenced to life in prison without any parole."

And once Nezu had finished reading it, Izuku nodded not removing his gaze toward them. He continued to look straight, and never removed his gaze from the two people who were sitting in front of him.

For over five minutes, he stands in silence, allowing the guilt and suspense to sink into them, and letting the atmosphere grow tense with every second. It was amusing watching them waiting in suspense, but Izuku knew that he needed to give some form of an answer.

"Ten years." he said calmly, "Ten years, I was stuck under that hell hole they called home and during those years, my humanity was slowly being robbed by them simply because I was born differently and you all treated me as if I was a freak."

"I've grown while I was stuck in hell. I've gotten stronger, I'm far wiser, I'm more confident, and I'm way smarter than before. But all of those things cost me everything, and that is my soul. And you think those punishments you just said to be would be sufficient to pay for what they did to me?" he slammed the desk while looking at Nezu who was scared beyond belief.

"Let me ask you something Nezu, I know about the HPSC threatening you to accept them in UA. Why did you allow them to stay in your school even after learning about their involvement in my death? With someone at your intelligence and your connection, you could have declined the HPSC demand even at the cost of your school's reputation, but at least you would be known as the man who stands for protecting their students. So why did you decide to give in?" Izuku growls in anger while asking the question.

Izuku was looking down at Nezu, and everyone behind his back couldn't see the expression on Nezu's face. For a moment, nobody moved or said anything. Then Nezu slowly lowered his hands while speaking to him.

"I-I thought that's what you would want that time, that you would want to give them a second chance. A chance for them to redeem themself. But I guess I was wrong." Nezu admitted.

"And how would you know what I want Nezu? You can't speak for the dead!!" Izuku said harshly while the principal could only lower his head in shame knowing it was true.

"And you." Izuku turned his head towards Toshinori's direction, "I already know about your little quirk origin, how you were able to get your hands on that godly quirk of yours. I already know everything but I would like to hear it from your own bloody mouth."

"I would like to ask you one simple question and get one simple answer.... A confession, if you will." he glared right at him.

"Toshi-" Inko tried to interrupt but he raised his hand towards Inko.

"What's your question, Izuku?" Toshinori asked feeling that he already knew about the question.

Izuku stared him in the eye while trying to collect himself shaking his hands.

"Did you born being quirkless?"

Everyone in the room except Izuku turns to face him, he glances at all of them before answering his question.

"Yes, I am," Toshinori answered while looking down in shame.

Izuku glared right at him while Toshinori could not meet his gaze, and suddenly he slammed the table very hard and startled Toshinori along with the others.

"So it's your fault then... why I'm being treated differently to others... all of those beatings, you knew about my quirkless status.... hell you probably endured it during your time..... but I guess power had corrupted you completely." his eyes burning with rage staring at the skeleton man in front of him.

He turns his head back at Madam President who's sitting right next to Nezu.

"The deals off Madam President. This doesn't suit me at all and clearly, it's not on equal terms compared to what I intended on giving. So I'll take matters into my own hands." he looked in her direction.

"And what is it that you want?" she asked hoping that they could turn this around.

"I want them dead, by my hands." Izuku stared at her with a cold gaze.

Everyone was shocked to hear that, and Toshinori was the first one to interject.

"Son, please I-"

"YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER TOSHINORI!!!" Izuku yelled in a thunderous voice and quickly silenced everyone including Toshinori himself.

"My father died when I was little and you simply just swoop your way into my life, trying to show that you're this perfect god's creation while all you do is simply nothing but being a sorry excuse of a human being!!!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

"And while we're at the subject of the mighty hero himself, did you all know what kind of a bastard he's as a human being?" Izuku spat in front of him.

Soon everyone looked at both Izuku and All Might while trying to understand what is he talking about.

"What do you mean Izuku?" Aizawa asked.

"I meant that this bastard isn't as perfect as everyone saw it. And I'm not talking about the neglect under his own rooftop." he grabbed his coat trying to find something and he pulled a piece of paper and throws it in Nezu's direction.

"What's this?" Nezu grabbed the paper.

"Open it," Izuku said.

Then Nezu opened the paper and read it. His eyes were shocked by the content of the paper as he tried to read it over and over again but no matter what, it was real. This explains everything that's been happening in the school over the year. The weird behavior, the sudden changes, the constant appeal. Everything makes sense.

"H-how?" Nezu stuttered while reading the content.

Izuku smirked as he sees Nezu's expression filled with shock and rage at the same time.

"Nezu, what is it?" Aizawa came along with Gran Torino who saw Nezu shaking with rage.

Gran Torino yanked the paper from his hand and read it. And in a mere second, he jumped straight at Toshinori and kick him in his abdomen where his injuries are. Toshinori screamed in pain as he hold his wound looking at the old hero in front of him.

"S-sir.." Toshinori groaned in pain but he was met with a kick straight to his face by the old hero himself while pressing his cane to his wound.


And suddenly he was met with a scream by Nezu, "HOW DARE YOU TOSHINORI, TRYING TO PUT UP A SHOW RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AND IN MY SCHOOL!!!"

"What's going on?" Endeavor yelled at the room while looking at Izuku, wondering how come a single paper could make both of them lose their mind trying to attack Toshinori like that.

Aizawa handed the paper to Endeavor after reading it as he was about to join in to beat the living hell out of Toshinori.

"Toshinori and Inko's darkest secret," Izuku said showing his devious grin.

And suddenly his entire body was surrounded by flames which quickly swallowed him leaving him nowhere to be found, while everyone in the room was confused and wondering where did he go.

Endeavor read the paper carefully and after he was done, he gritted his teeth in anger while looking at the Yagi's in a fury.





Izumi along with the others was sitting at their respective desk while trying to process what just happened. About her brother being alive and the mysterious Burning Man that's been killing people, and how he went to Kamino and fight her father and All For One, and how he burned him in public just like Stain.

Everything spilled out of her in a flood of words. She felt like she talked for hours, rehearsing the stories again, draining her completely.

As she spoke, horror finally spilled on everyone's faces. Uraraka with her hands on her mouth, Jiro painfully still, Shoka with tears in her eyes, Kaminari who's shaking and his mouth wide open, and even Koda who rarely speak is also silently wording swears.

When she finished talking, a heavy silence fell on the room. No one could speak even if they wanted to. The shock was too much for them. His death already came as a shock a year ago and it's like reopening an old wound. It came back to hit them, as they remember grieving about with before continuing with their daily life.

Kaminari was the one who break the silence, "How?" his hand fell from his face with barely any strength in it, "We saw the body that night. He's clearly dead."

"I.." Izumi bit her lip, "I don't know how, but he's alive."

"Fuck." Katsumi mutters under her breath.

"Maybe it's a trick, you guys." Kaminari looks at them, "It has to be. Izumi... your brother couldn't be alive!!"

Sero rise from his chair looking at the rest supporting Kaminari, "Y-yeah, I mean we saw him that night... when we-". He couldn't finish his sentence saying about that night.

"Yeah, I meant our parents literally saw him when they lowered his casket." Uraraka continued his word. She was terrified beyond belief, No one wanted to believe that they saw a dead man walking.

"I don't think it was a trick," Shoto said while shaking in his chair.

Everyone began to look at him hoping to clear the situation.

"When we were at Kamino, we overheard that Mr. Yagi called him son and we saw that he tried to harm him," Shoto explained.

"We were called on such short notice to come here, the teachers won't give us any information including our parents. And that happened right after the big fight in Kamino, something's up." he continued.

"But still... to think that he's alive," Mina said while feeling uneasy.

"But that's not possible, I meant think you guys. If he's really alive then why did he attack Mr. Yagi? Didn't he always say that he admired him ever since they were little?" Kaminari said out loud and that brought everyone to think that it was true. As far as they remember Izuku always admire All Might since he was little, even though they didn't know that Izuku already learned about who he really is.

"But don't you remember what happened the last time we saw him? He's literally acting like an animal towards us." Katsumi cut him off.

While they were arguing whether Izuku is actually alive or not, Momo was sitting at her desk reeling over what happened in Kamino. Izuku is alive. Her best friend that she and her friends throw away had returned. She doesn't have any idea what will happen to her. After what she had done to him, she knows that she doesn't deserve to be forgiven. But that's far from what she wanted.

She wanted to see him again. Called out his name. Seeing the smile that warms her heart when they were little. She knows that she had abandoned him before but this time, she doesn't plan to. Not again.

While Momo was in her own thought, they continued to discuss Izuku matters.

"For god sake you guys, he had an open casket funeral that day." Kaminari's voice erupted throughout the entire class.

"I know what I saw okay.... I'm not crazy." Izumi yelled back.

"We live in a world of quirks, you don't actually think for a second that someone is impersonating him!!" Kaminari shouted.

"We know what we saw alright!!" Katsumi told him, "And why would anyone want to impersonate him in the first place?"

"I don't know, to mess with our heads?" Kaminari told them.

While they continued to debate about it, Jirou heard a sound of steps coming down from the hall and told them about it.

"Guys, someone's coming," she told them and soon everyone was quiet trying to listen to the tapping sound.

"Maybe it's dad, I'm gonna check on it." Izumi runs toward the door trying to find out who's there.

"Izumi wait," Shoto warned her.

But Izumi paid him no attention and continued to head there, hoping that whoever was coming there could give her some sort of explanation on what was going on there.

Then the door was opened and Izumi saw someone standing there, and she was shocked with both of her eyes bulging and her heart dropped to her stomach. Izumi barely managed to whimper, but the name tumbled out of her mouth.

"Izuku," she called his name.

There he was. Her brother. Standing in front of her while looking into her eyes. There's no mistake. It was undeniably him. His unmanageable green hair, his green eye just like hers. He's wearing the same outfit where he fought against her father and All For One.

He smiled at her but it was filled with nothing but a chilling expression. A cold chill ran down her spine and the thought of running away came to her mind. She knew that she saw him at Kamino but seeing him standing in front of her was bringing a new sense of dread, "Hello sis, happy death day.

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