Adorabella: A new life awaits

By ARandomCasualPerson

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Today is the day Rainbow Dash meets a pony faster than her. She was expecting them to be an existing member o... More

Small Steps
Learning To Trust
The Incident
Slowly Branching Out
Helping Out
Venturing Out
Returning To Fillydelphia
Back Home Safe
Down To The Post Office
After A Week Of Work
Overcoming A Massive Barrier
A Birthday To Remember
Adorable Rocks
A Shaky Afternoon
Quiet Solid Friendship
Going On A Date
A month and a bit later (Summary)
Lead Up To A Birthday
Putting It Behind
The New Home
Nightmare Night
Another Month And A Bit Later (Summary)
The Best Hearth's Warming Ever

Meeting Her Match

313 7 2
By ARandomCasualPerson

Hello! If you've read my OC's backstory, called 'Adorabella: Her backstory', then this story is the one you've been waiting for! This is the start of a recovery arc if you like to call it, and there'll be more interesting stuff later on too (no spoilers though as much as I wanna explode and tell you all my ideas lol)! Anyway, I hope you like this first chapter.
It is night, and the temperature is luke warm. Rainbow Dash is chilling with Spitfire, Thunderlane and Soarin, on a small cloud spending time together, all 4 having grins on their faces. The cloud they are chilling on is a kilometre away from Cloudsdale's south. They occasionally spend time together after taking part in a massive Wonderbolt event, which they did today and today happens to be said occasion.

"Well, I need to get going. You know, it's good spending time with some of your fellow Wonderbolts," Thunderlane noted, yawning, tired from the event earlier today.

"Agreed," Spitfire nodded in solid agreement.

"We should meet up like this at night more often, and not just after an event," Soarin, also in agreement with Thunderlane, puts forward a suggestion.

"Yeah that'd be awesome! I love every minute being with you all," Rainbow Dash wholeheartedly agreed in her response.

"I'll see you all around soon," Thunderlane said as he flaps his wings and takes off. Then Soarin does the same, and then Spitfire, leaving Rainbow Dash on her own.

When the other 3 left, Rainbow Dash briefly sulked. The brief feeling of loneliness when her friends need to leave, while temporary, makes her feel alone. Rainbow Dash shakes her head, knowing she'll see her Wonderbolt friends again soon. She smiles at that reassurance.

"Well I must be on my own way too," Rainbow Dash said to herself. She starts flapping her wings, lifting herself off of the cloud. As she did, she sees a dark figure with white wings fly vertically past her.

"Huh-" Rainbow Dash looks up and sees that the pegasus which flown past is wearing a dark cloak, has white forehooves and legs. A tail that's different shades of pink is also sticking out from the cloak. But what caught Rainbow Dash's attention is that she sees what seems to be a backpack. As well, the pegasus is flying at speeds faster than most pegasuses could ever fly at.

"Have they robbed somepony!? No other pony flies that fast without a reason! If they have I must stop them!" Without any further thought or consideration, Rainbow Dash flies in pursuit for that cloaked pegasus.

Rainbow Dash puts all 4 hooves as far out as she could and accerlates in speed.

Rainbow-coloured pulses appear in front of Rainbow Dash's forehooves and her sides. Sparks also start appearing at the side of her. Then, a loud boom is created as she increases dramatically in speed. Behind her she creates a ring-shaped burst that's rainbow-coloured and starts leaving a rainbow trail behind her.

"You ain't getting away from me! Nah ah- wait what, huh!? Wha-"

The pony in front also puts all 4 of their hooves as far out as they could. They accelerate, and different shades of pink starts pulsing from the front of their forehooves that go down the sides of them. Sparks also start appearing at the side of them. Then, a loud boom is created as they increase dramatically in speed. Behind them they create a ring-shaped burst that has multiple shades and different types of pink and starts leaving a trail of different shades of pink behind them.

"They're a fast one, that's for sure," Rainbow Dash grinned. Finally an adversary to her that's actually a challenge, an actual challenge. The cloaked pegasus in front starts to increase their speed, and so does Rainbow Dash. A few seconds after both of them breaking the sound barrier, the pegasus in front appears to be going faster and getting further away.

"Hey! I'm the fastest pegasus around here!" Rainbow Dash shouted, annoyed by the cloaked pegasus who appears to be boasting about their speed. The thought of this pony potentially being some lame old robber made her even more annoyed. Immediately, in a display of her raw speed, Rainbow Dash increases in speed, flying at full throttle, accelerating to her top speed very quickly. The cloaked pegasus briefly looks behind and starts accelerating too.

"What! No! No no no!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in disbelief. Despite flying at her top speed, the cloaked pegasus still appears to be getting further and further away, at an acceleratingly faster rate. No other pony can be faster than Rainbow Dash herself right? So her mind draws to one conclusion on who that cloaked figure may be.

"I swear to Celestia if you're messing with me- DISCORD!" Undeterred, and now believing it's possibly just Discord pulling a leg, Rainbow Dash continues flying in pursuit of the cloaked figure, despite her knowing the figure appearing to be faster.

The cloaked figure suddenly does a very sharp 360 degrees turn and flies diagonally up. Shocked, but her focus not shaken, Rainbow Dash does a less sharp 360 degrees turn and flies diagonally up.

"That was a sharp three sixty," One of Rainbow Dash's thoughts races through her mind. Multiple thoughts are racing through her mind. Who is the cloaked figure? Is it actually Discord or not? If not, who are they and how are they faster? Rainbow Dash focuses on her main thought, seeing what's inside that backpack the pegasus is carrying, to see if any items were robbed.

For half an hour, Rainbow Dash chases after the cloaked figure, both doing crazy sharp turns and maneuvers. But with every minute, the cloaked figure keeps gaining distance. Rainbow Dash continues chases after them though, hoping that if she can't beat them in speed, maybe she can beat them on endurance... unless if it is Discord, that is.

The cloaked figure does another sharp 360 degrees turn, and starts flying diagonally down. Rainbow Dash does an even less sharp 360 degrees turn than before and flies down straight for them. Rainbow Dash feels herself slowing down, but the cloaked figure shows no signs of slowing down.

"This is my only chance to get them if they're really faster than me. If I can't get them they're gonna get away," Rainbow Dash thought to herself, using her weight to accelerate as she's flying diagonally down, a desperate attempt to catch up and close the gap. Her shattered ego in being the fastest pony doesn't matter right now. What matters is that if the cloaked figure did rob something, she must stop them.

The cloaked figure starts flying high up and low down, in vertical zig zags, making Rainbow Dash follow up and down if she wants to get them. The cloaked figure seems to not only keep at a steady speed, but appears to be going even faster, while Rainbow Dash keeps slowing down even. The gap between the 2 just keeps growing bigger and bigger. Rainbow Dash has given it her all, and that feeling of defeat sinks into her, and hurts. It is now clear, the cloaked figure is going to get away.

But then a bird that went undetected smacks into the cloaked figure's left wing, dislocating it. Luckily for the bird, they manage to bounce off the wing and continue on it's own journey. But the cloaked pegasus' pink trail immediately dissipates as they stop flying and starts falling. They scream unpleasantly aloud, and Rainbow Dash's mindset changes, from catching a potential robber to saving somepony's life.

"Hang on I've gotcha!" Rainbow Dash wastes no time to diving down for the falling cloaked figure. They catch them and holds them with all 4 hooves. Rainbow Dash flies to the nearest cloud while slowing down. Now up close and seeing the size, Rainbow Dash can tell it's definitely not Discord pulling any shenanigans, and the figure is a pegasus, a pegasus mare.

She slows herself down until her rainbow trail disappears, and no longer above the speed of sound. She continues slowing down until she's merely hovering. She heads over to a nearby cloud, a small cloud, but large enough for both pegasuses. Rainbow Dash lowers herself and lets go, as she's a safe height above the cloud for the cloaked pegasus to land on. But the cloaked mare's hooves give away as she lands, and falls over. She slowly gets up, folding her right wing back up while her left wing dangles. Rainbow Dash lowers herself, onto the cloud, then stops flapping her wings and folds them back up. She cannot see most of the other mare's face except the nose and mouth, because of the shadow created by the cloak's hood.

"Hey... are you alright?" Rainbow Dash gently asked, hearing the cloaked pegasus whimpering and seeing them shaking. Rainbow Dash's mindset drastically changed. Maybe the cloaked pegasus was about to be robbed and she was simply trying to get away. But when Rainbow Dash tried to approach, the cloaked pegasus steps back and looks away.

"Hey I'm not going to hurt you. I thought you robbed something by how fast you were flying- speaking of... you're pretty fast. Why were you flying so fast to begin with?" Rainbow Dash inquired.

"I- wh- what d- do you want from me..." She whimpers in response. The cloaked pegasus has a soft and smooth, semi-high pitch quiet feminine voice.

"We should go to the hospital to check your wing," Rainbow Dash replied. The cloaked pegasus furiously shook her head at the word 'hospital'. Rainbow Dash tries to get closer, but the cloaked pegasus shakily step back, and lowers her head.

"S- st- stay b- back..." She stuttered.

"Look... I just saved you though. Sorry if you thought I was gonna hurt you. I thought you robbed something and was making a fast breakaway. I've just never seen another pony fly so fast that they rival my own speed. I promise, I'm not going to hurt you, we're just gonna go to Ponyville Hospital," Rainbow Dash reassured.

"No! Anywhere but a hospital!" The cloaked pegasus cried.

"Fine, but at least let me check your wing. If it's just dislocated, I'll try and pop it back in myself if you're too scared to go to the hospital," Rainbow Dash compromised.

"O- o- okay..." The cloaked pegasus stuttered. Rainbow Dash gets closer to check the cloaked pegasus' left wing, flinching and whimpering more, her body tensing up. By the very stuttery voice, the shaking, the stepping backwards, and now the squirming, Rainbow Dash can clearly see the cloaked pegasus is terribly petrified.

"Yeah, your wing is just dislocated, but I can try and help popping it back in," Rainbow Dash stated. She sees no signs of the left wing being completely clipped and broken.

"What's your name?" Rainbow Dash asked the cloaked pegasus.

"Ador- dora- Adora-" The cloaked pegasus sounds hesitant to give her name, very hesitant.

"It's just in case we have no choice and do need to go to the hospital, they'll need your name. I can clearly see you don't wanna go there, and I'll try to help myself. But if I can't, I will have to take you there. I'll be with you all the time you will have to be there if it comes to that. You can trust me, I'm not gonna hurt you," Rainbow Dash tries convincing the cloaked pegasus to cooperate, by speaking slower and quieter, to not startle and unsettle her. The cloaked pegasus replies, but Rainbow Dash didn't hear her as they replied to quietly for Rainbow Dash to hear.

"Sorry, what was that?" Rainbow Dash gets slightly closer, accidentally making the cloaked pegasus flinch. Rainbow Dash changes her tone to a much calmer one, so she doesn't sound 'threatening' in any way to the cloaked pegasus. Rainbow Dash asks the question again.

"A- Ado- Adora- Adorabella..." The cloaked pegasus' head looks away, her whole body tensing up.

"That's an awesome name! Nice to meet you Adorabella. I'm sure you know who I am. I'm the fastest pegasus- well, was. You just took that title from me just like cake," Said Rainbow Dash, putting on a forced smile as she painfully admits to herself, and to another pony, that she isn't the fastest pony anymore.

"I- I am f- f- fully awa- aware of w- who y- who you are..." Adorabella stuttered, in dreaded fear.

"I imagined so," Rainbow Dash nodded.

"Well, how about we start getting that wing back in place? I bet you wanna go home to who you're with," Said Rainbow Dash.

"I- I live w- with nopony..." Adorabella stuttered in response, correcting Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, okay," Rainbow Dash nodded. She holds Adorabella's left wing with her left forehoof. Adorabella squirms and whimpers as she feels another pony she just met touching her.

"Ready?" Rainbow Dash asked, checking with Adorabella, who nodded. Rainbow Dash starts pushing her wing back into place. She hears a click, meaning the left wing is back in it's correct place. In doing so though, Adorabella's hooves give away again, making her fall over.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to push you over!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in guilt, thinking it was her fault and destroyed any little bit of trust she earned. As Adorabella lands on her side, the hood falls down, her face no longer being obscured by the shadow of the hood.

Her mane is long, really long, and has the same pink colours as her tail. The irises in her eyes are magenta purple, and has 3 faint pink frecks on both checks and slightly above her nose. She is also wearing a necklace with a green shard attached to it. As Adorabella gets up, she realizes her hood is down. She whimpers and looks away. She starts to shakily step back as she struggles to pull the hood back up. Rainbow Dash steps over to help her. Adorabella hides her face behind her long mane, stepping backwards and extending her wings out.

"Hey hey hey- I was only trying to help you in pulling it up-" Rainbow Dash steps back as Adorabella immediately starts flapping her wings and instantly takes off. Rainbow Dash then sees not too far, a pink ring that's bright in the middle is created, along with a loud boom.

"Nopony is naturally that scared of interaction. Something definitely happened to her," Rainbow Dash knew something is wrong. Adorabella was very timid and skittish, too timid and skittish. Something definitely happened to Adorabella to make her so shy and anxious. Rainbow Dash dreads to think what Adorabella must've gone through, because it must be really awful. A lot of different things could've happened to Adorabella, really horrible things.

"If she needs a friend, I'm going to be her friend," Rainbow Dash notes to herself. She's going to work in gaining Adorabella's trust and be her friend. She knows judging by the massively timid and fragile shy personality Adorabella seems to have, it's going to be difficult, very difficult. But Rainbow Dash isn't going to let that stop her. She is determined become Adorabella's friend. However, finding where she lives will take a bit of help.

Rainbow Dash has a rough idea where Adorabella went, but she'll figure it out exactly tomorrow. She's going to try and see if she can find Adorabella, and talk to her. But she needs to do something to show Adorabella that she can at least remotely trust her. Rainbow Dash starts flying home first, because she needs some sleep as it's late at night. Her mind is clogged with so many questions, who's, what's, when's, how's, and why's.

Who is Adorabella? What happened to Adorabella? When did she take the path she's on? How did Adorabella become so fast? Why is Adorabella so shy and anxious? These kind of questions are popping up in Rainbow Dash's mind. After saving Adorabella's life, and seeing how timid, shy, anxious and skittish she was, she cannot bare the thought of somepony suffering this badly. Being the element of loyalty especially, she must help Adorabella.
Sorry for the shortish chapter to start off with. But I thought what would be a better way to start off than to have Rainbow Dash interact with Adorabella, 2 sound-barrier-breaking ponies :3 ?

(I will spoil this now though, I'm not going to ship Rainbow with my OC).

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