3rd & Long

By sf4949

31.5K 489 39

Athletic trainer Nataly Casillas had 1 rule: don't date the players. But when she comes face to face with def... More

Chapter 1: Kickoff
Chapter 2: Pass Interference
Chapter 3: Holding
Chapter 5: Unnecessary Roughness
Chapter 6: Neutral Zone Infraction
Chapter 7: Delay of Game
Chapter 8: Illegal Formation
Chapter 9: Intentional Grounding
Chapter 10: Hail Mary
Chapter 11: Encroachment
Chapter 12: Unsportsmanlike Conduct
Chapter 13: Offsides
Chapter 14: Taunting
Chapter 15: Two-Minute Warning
Chapter 16: Facemask
Chapter 17: Most Valuable Player

Chapter 4: False Start

1.6K 25 0
By sf4949

After reading the message, Nat responded to her best friend by telling her to meet at the entrance of Levi's Stadium. Stef had already called Nat twice since the game ended, but Nat couldn't respond. She had a mission. She wanted to find Nick and give him the congrats he deserved after having such a huge play earlier in the match. Knowing that no one else was there in Nick's corner made Nat all the more determined to give him her undivided attention.

Nat was in the locker room waiting for Nick to show up but no sign of the smaller bear yet. Nat didn't think she would have to wait long, she had heard that Nick wasn't a huge fan of talking to the media so she figured he would make it brief. As she waited she scanned the room and saw all sorts of players talking to the cameras, getting dressed, or dancing around. The energy in the room was very upbeat since the Pioneers had finally gotten a win after a 2 week drought.

She was so focused on the scene in front of her, she hadn't noticed the wide receiver coming up.

"You came to see me mama?" Deon asked smugly

Nat turned and shot a glare at him. She was still mad that he was going around spreading fake rumors and while she didn't want to cause a scene, she still felt like giving him a piece of her mind.

"As a matter of fact, I did come to see you. Care to explain why you're going around telling everyone I have a thing for Italians?"

"Because you do. I thought I was doing you a favor letting Jeffy G know you were interested."

Nat remembered what Jeff had told her when they spoke earlier that week and got even more heated.

"That's not your place to talk about it! I'm sure you think this is all funny but you made my job even harder. Jeff still acts weird around me and he even asked to be transferred to a different trainer. I practically had to beg him to believe me that I didn't have a crush on him. I know a woman's feelings are probably the last thing you care about, but I really wish you would've thought before you spoke."

This last comment seemed to have struck something in Deon. His big smile had shrunk to a slight frown and he looked at Nat with a twinge of remorse.

"Dang, I'm sorry Nat. I didn't think he would do all that. I didn't even think he would care. I didn't mean to mess things up for you."

Nat appreciated the remorse but she knew better than to give Deon any indication of forgiveness. He was truly the last person she wanted to be talking to at that moment.

"Let me make it up to you. One of my friends is throwing a party to celebrate the win. Why don't you stop by?"

What? A football party?

NFA parties were THE parties to be at. Nat had heard all of the stories. These were the kind of parties where you could run into celebrities, from musicians to actors and everything in between. These were the parties where they served the nicest alcohols, the best food, and really just the best experiences you could ask for. Nat had never gone to an NFA party, she wasn't particularly close to the Lightning players besides one, so this invitation was certainly something Nat couldn't immediately turn down.

And Deon knew that as well. At least that's what his growing smile said.

"What's your number? I can text you the details." Deon said, holding out his phone towards Nat.

Nat reluctantly took the phone and began entering her number. "Who all is gonna be there?" She coolly asked Deon.

"Jeffy G is gonna be there if that's what you're asking"

It most certainly was not.

"That's nice, I'm sure my friend will be thrilled." Nat responded. "Anybody else?

Deon scratched his head. "I don't know, it's open to anyone on the team that wants to go. And whoever else my friend invites."

Nat glanced downwards briefly. She knew she wanted to be blunt and ask if Nick was going to be there, but she couldn't think of a convincing enough lie to cover up her reason for asking. So she decided to keep her silence on the matter.

"Here. I'm not saying I'll be there, but I'll think about it. And I'll be bringing my friend."

"Of course. Anything for you Nat." Deon winked at her, "Make sure you say hi to me when you get there"

Deon began walking away. By this point the room had cleared slightly, but Bosa's bag was still at his locker so Nat knew he hadn't left. She decided to wait across from his locker to not give anyone any ideas of what she was doing. As it turns out, she wasn't waiting for too long when she saw Bosa enter and make his way towards his locker.

She saw Bosa making his way to his locker in nothing but a towel.

The 6'4 football player looked like a marble statue you would see in a museum. His muscles were perfectly chiseled. His pecs were large and all Nat could do was think about how they felt the first day she bumped into him. His 6 pack got tight every time he exhaled and Nat couldn't help but stare at it for a few seconds. She was surprised to see he had an outie belly button, but she thought it was cute. The smaller bear looked absolutely massive as he took step after step in that locker room. Nat could swear he was glowing. It almost felt like a scene out of a movie, where everything slowed down and the spotlight was only on him.

She noticed he was on his phone and suddenly felt very grateful. He hadn't noticed her eye fucking him. Deciding to take advantage of his distraction, Nat walked over to the front of Nick's locker. Once he was in earshot, she said rather smugly,

"You should really watch where you're going"

The defensive end was startled by Nat's sudden appearance but once he realized who it was he broke into a wide grin.

"Bet you've been waiting to do that." Nick replied

"It's more like I saw an opportunity. But anyways I just wanted to congratulate you on your win. You did great out there!"

Nick's already wide grin only grew more as he began getting his clothes. "Thanks Nat. I feel like I could've done better but we really needed this."

Nat scoffed at his comment, "Better? Your sack ended their drive and honestly probably demoralized them. You did plenty big guy." Nat started patting him on his back while trying to ignore how tight his back muscles felt.

Nick only let out a small laugh. "I appreciate it. Were you here waiting for me?"

Oh shoot. What should I say?

"Uh well I came in here just to drop some stuff off but I definitely wanted to say something to you before I left so... uh, sort of?" Just because Nat had accepted she had a crush on him did not mean her feelings were returned. She tried her best to play it cool.

Nick didn't seem to overthink it as he just smiled and said "Well thanks Nat. By the way, do you want your jersey in red or white?"

At this moment Mr. Stoll walked by but immediately doubled back when he saw Nat.

"Oh perfect. Ms. Casillas, I need your help. Can you come to the clinic with me really quick? I just need to put some stuff away."

Nat cursed under her breath. But what could she do, this was her boss and this was her job. It wasn't like she could just say no.

"Sure thing boss. Nick- just surprise me" Nat said with a small smile.

The defensive end nodded at her while giving her that enveloping look of his. His gaze was powerful, Nat felt like every inch of her was being examined by him. And while he had that wistful look, all she could think about was how incredible he looked while doing it. It seemed everything about Nick was just effortless. With a small sigh she turned to follow Mr. Stoll and could only hope she would run into him at Deon's party later.



Stef was freaking out right outside Levi's stadium. Nat knew how much an opportunity like this meant to Stefanie, who had tried for years to score an invite but every time was unsuccessful. If Nat felt any type of way for not holding up her end of Operation First Down, that guilt seemed to evaporate seeing her friend so ecstatic.

"Okay we gotta get home ASAP. We need to shower, shave EVERYTHING, do our hair, do our makeup... What time did Deon say it was? Whatever he said we have to add an hour to it. Oh my God Nat this is gonna be so much FUN!!!"

Nat herself started to feel excited. It was her first NFA party and even though she wasn't much of a partier, she would definitely make an exception tonight. This was her Cinderella story, except there was no midnight deadline. She would have the whole night to dance with her prince.

And every night after, until the year is over.

She shook the intrusive thought and smiled at her friend again. "Promise to help me pick out an outfit?"

Stef giggled, "Of course. I might even let you borrow one of mine. It might fit small, but I'm sure that won't be a bad thing." Stef smirked. "Is Nick Bosa gonna be there?"

Nat looked to the ground "I'm not sure. I didn't feel comfortable asking Deon. I sure hope he goes."

Stef grabbed Nat's hand. "It's okay. If he's there, great. If not, we definitely have to post it all over your story. I promise, if he hasn't responded yet, he definitely will by the end of the night."

Hearing that made Nat perk up. Ever since the game all she could think about were these new feelings she finally embraced. But for as much as she wanted Nick to notice her and ask her out, her heart felt torn. She knew the risks of getting involved with him and thus still wasn't sure if this was the best path forward. It was a delicate game, one that Nat felt like she had no way to win, but yet she knew the only thing that would break her heart more than being fired or getting rebuffed by Nick was not ever trying. Nat always played things safe and it was time to start taking risks, like when she moved to San Francisco.

"All right Stef, let's get out of here. You don't want to know how long it's been since I shaved."


The car dropped the two girls outside the apartment complex at 1:33am. Deon had told them he would be there at midnight, but according to Stef, they had to be late. No good party in the NFA or even in San Francisco started at midnight. Stef explained that walking in at that time would've just led to awkward small talk. Besides that, Stef was adamant that the longer they took the more Deon would want to see them, which would definitely catch the attention of the other players if they were there. With how much Stef had thought this out, it was almost shocking she had struggled so much in school. The girl was smart, but only for the things that interested her.

The pair entered the extravagant apartment complex after letting the doorman know they were here for the party. Nat had on full glam and she was particularly proud of how she did her eyeliner. She also wore a heart shaped diamond necklace Stef let her borrow. Nat's long, wavy hair was styled down and reached her chest. The dark brown hair had blonde highlights and Nat wore a sleeveless black dress that went down to her ankles but had a slit on the side so she could show off her right leg. The dress perfectly displayed how long her leg was which at Nat's impressive height would definitely manage to turn some heads. She had only worn it 1 time since getting it. Originally bought for a gala she went to with the Los Angeles Lightning, Nat never wore it after because of what her ex boyfriend had told her at the time. Before she could spiral down that rabbit hole again, Stef had spotted the elevators and dragged Nat over so quickly, she almost tripped over her heels.

"Here we go. I've literally never been in a penthouse apartment before. This is going to be IN-SANE."

Stef wore a chic red dress that went to her knees. While the dress had sleeves, it also had a deep neck line that showed off Stef's impressive cleavage. Stef's makeup was stunning but in her eyes Nat could see a determined gleam. This was more than just a party, it was a business opportunity. A chance for Stef to finally reach out to her dreams of being a WAG. Nat already thought of this as her Cinderella story, she wouldn't be surprised if Stef was thinking of it the same way.

The elevator finally reached the top floor after a long, long ride up. The girls got out and could already hear the music blasting through the doors at the end of the hall. There had been a couple of people scattered through the hallway and the girls managed to get some looks from some of the women that were standing around. One woman in particular looked Nat up and down and then immediately rolled her eyes. Nat would've been offended if Stef hadn't told her that was one of the best signs she could hope for. Having another girl at a party like this check you out and then act unbothered? Yeah that meant the pair of friends were just as impressive as they felt.

Once past the doors, the girls were met with an insane apartment layout. The main room was massive and easily had at least 30 people comfortably spaced out. There was minimal furniture in this main room besides 2 couches and a few scattered chairs here and there. Deon had mentioned that his friend was some sort of tech bro and judging by the extravagant apartment that had some of the best views of downtown San Francisco, Nat could see this was no lie. As Nat stared out the window to the city lights below, Stef elbowed her and gasped as she pointed to a corner.

Standing in the corner was Deon Hudson, Jeff Giordano, and 3 other guys Nat didn't recognize. The guys had cigars and were laughing at what one of the nameless ones had said. As Deon looked aside, he made eye contact with Nat and then waved them over. Before Nat could mentally prepare herself for another conversation with Deon Hudson, Stef had already started her eager strut towards the corner. Nat reluctantly followed, trying not to show her emotions on her face.

Once the two were there Deon smiled and said "I was starting to think y'all were standing me up. Glad you found me"

It was Stef who responded first with a high pitched laugh. "Thank you for inviting us. I've been trying to get this one to spend a night out!" Stef said, indicating to Nat. "My name is Stef. You must be Deon Hudson, the best wide receiver in the NFA!"

"Guilty," Deon said, still smiling. He's definitely eating this up.

Stef turned her attention to Jeff Giordano and said "No way, the QB is here too? I feel like the luckiest girl in the bay!" After saying it Stef playfully punched Jeff in his arm and the QB responded with a dimpled smile and a lowered gaze. For a second, Nat thought his eyes went to Stef's chest, but who could blame him. I won't be telling your girlfriend about that Mr. Giordano.

Deon took out his phone and began to raise it. "Ay, I'll get y'all ladies something to drink in a second, but first a pic".

Like clockwork, Stef moved to the right of Jeff and told Nat to get to his left so she would be in between Jeff and Deon. The wide receiver took several pictures. Nat thought about taking a picture for her story, but she had already posted on hers before she left her apartment and again on the elevator ride up. She figured 2 posts would hopefully be enough to get Nick's attention if he were still awake. It was then Stef's job to post more pictures and videos of Nat throughout the night so that she could re-post them later in case Nick didn't show up, that way the girls could show they were having a good time.

"Alright, Nat, what are you and your cute friend having?"

Stef giggled at the compliment while Nat said "We'll take some white claws. You do have those right?"

Deon shot her a sarcastic look. "Yeah we got those, hold on."

As Deon left to fetch the drinks, the conversation moved to Stef and Jeffy G. Stef was staring at him with huge puppy dog eyes while Jeff merely looked back, looking every bit as uncomfortable as he was that day in Nat's office.

Shit! I didn't tell Stef about his girlfriend.

Nat had gotten so distracted getting ready for the party she didn't even realize she hadn't told Stef that crucial piece of information. While getting ready, they did talk about what Nat said at the game, but Stef spent way more time and attention talking about what happened between Nick and her. Stef was convinced Nick was secretly crushing on her and that the jersey he was getting was a symbol of that crush. She berated Nat for not choosing the white jersey which according to her, would look incredible on her.

"So Jeff, I saw you had 2 touchdown passes this game. That deserves a hug if you ask me"

Stef opened her arms to the tall Italian man and Nat almost laughed seeing him go in for a hesitant hug. She was surprised he hadn't yet mentioned his girlfriend, he was all but eager to talk about it when he met Nat. But then again, Stef was an electric person. She just had a way of getting anyone to pay attention to her. Must be a Leo thing.

"Alright Jeff, Nat said you promised me a selfie. Would you mind doing it now so that we can figure out what you're gonna autograph for me after?"

"Sure," Jeff said shyly. Nat wasn't sure if it was the lighting or if Mr. Giordano was actually blushing. There's no way he's drunk right now. Nat knew probably all of the guys were too strict with their diets to be drinking during the season. So perhaps Jeff was charmed after all.

Deon came back with the two white claws and handed them to Nat. He gave a smile and then quickly got pulled away by one of the guys he was talking to before the girls got there. Nat took the white claws and tried to offer one to Stef, but instead saw Stef take Jeff to another spot in the name of "getting the perfect angle".

So Nat was all alone. But at least she had two white claws.

Nat decided to walk around while she drank one seeing if there were any players she recognized. She found a few whom she mingled with but no matter how many rounds she made, there was no sign of the man she had been looking for. Nick was known to go out every now and again, but she knew he took the season seriously, so she couldn't say she was too surprised to not see him. Really it was more a hope in her heart he would be there and not something she genuinely believed would happen. Fairy tales were nice and all, but there's a reason they're just fiction.

Nat could feel her phone vibrating in her strap bag, but with two white claws in her hand she didn't exactly have the capability of getting it out. She decided her best course of action would be to down one of the cans so that way she would have a free hand. It was difficult, but she managed to do it and could already feel a buzz hitting her. As she fished her phone out of the bag she saw Raf's name flash on the screen. She wasn't sure if answering the call would be the best idea with all the music playing, but when she spotted the balcony not too far from her, she decided she could step outside and speak to her friend for a bit. She was concerned he was calling so late.

Nat opened the door and answered the phone, "Hey Raf, what's up?"

"YOU'RE AT AN NFA PARTY??? HOW???" Raf screamed into her ear.

"I don't know, it just sort of happened. Deon Hudson invited me."

"Deon, of course. It figures you would get an invite after a week of working there. I've been trying to get an invite ever since I started with the Pioneers." Nat could feel Raf's frustration.

"Sorry! Guess they just really like me." Nat joked

"Yeah I'm sure all the boys love Nasty Nat"

Nat made a fake gag sound, "Anyways is that really why you called me?"

"Yeah. I just saw Deon's story and saw you on there. You and Jeffy G looked pretty close. I thought he had a girlfriend."

What? I'm on Deon's story??

"Uh Raf, I'm gonna have to call you back. I need to see this."

"Wait Nat if you could get me a few autographs or someth-"

Nat hung up and quickly went to Deon's page and saw his story. A few posts about the game, a few posts of the party, but then clear as day there she was in a picture sandwiched between Jeff and Deon. Stef unfortunately had been out of the camera's frame, so it did look an awful lot like Nat and Jeff were pretty close.

Then, as if he felt his presence being summoned, Jeffy G walked into the balcony towards Nat. He looked pretty exhausted, Nat couldn't imagine what Stef had him doing. She put her phone back in her purse and made eye contact with the handsome quarterback.

"Hey. Stef tired you out already?"

"Nah she was fun, but she went looking for a drink. Said something about how Deon never came through."

Oops Nat took another sip from the 2nd white claw.

"You doing alright Casillas?" Jeff asked

"Yeah. Just came out for some fresh air. Good job on the game today." Nat responded more interested in her white claw than in the man before her.

"Thanks. My girlfriend was pretty excited too. Until she realized she wouldn't be able to talk to me before the games from now on. She really takes her superstitions seriously." Jeff let out a big sigh

"I really like her, I do... It's just sometimes she can be a lot." The quarterback leaned on the railing of the balcony as he continued to monologue, "I don't know, maybe I'm just being unreasonable."

What's happening here? Is he venting to me? I am not drunk enough for this. Nat took a big swig of her drink and by this point the buzz evolved to tipsy.

"What do you think?" Jeff looked at her. His gaze seemed to imply his feelings towards his girlfriend went deeper than just a pregame superstition.

"Uhhhhh" Nat tried to keep her mind focused, "I think you should just talk to her. I mean communication is key in relationships." Nat put her hand on Jeff's elbow. "Being out here on the balcony talking about it with a stranger isn't going to solve anything." Nat managed to return eye contact with Jeff.


Nat turned and was horrified to see Stef looking right at them with an empty cup of God knows what. But what was even more horrifying was seeing the massive defensive lineman standing behind her. Nick had a surprised look on his face with his eyebrows raised further than she had ever seen them before. He was wearing a black polo that fit his muscular body perfectly along with a pair of gray pants that did little to hide his massive quads.

Stef approached Nat and Jeff and gave Nat a look that was a mix of pissed off and exploratory, almost as though she was looking for answers on what she just walked in on. Nat tried her best to shoot a "it's not what it looks like" look back.

"I ran into Nick when I went to get a drink. I told him I was your friend and he asked if I knew where you were. Maybe you should talk to him." Stef said, her tone unnaturally stiff. "I'll take the quarterback of your hands."

Jeff, completely oblivious to the gravity of the situation, took Stef's cue and walked back inside with her. Nick walked up to Nat's side and Nat could swear he was making a pained expression. The two stood in silence for a bit when Nat decided to break the tension.

"We were just talking about the game." Nat said, half truthfully.

Nick only nodded.

"Um, so what brings you here so late? Isn't it past your bedtime haha."

"Couldn't sleep. I didn't feel like being alone. Why didn't you tell me you were coming to Deon's party?"

"Ummm" Think Nat think "I didn't realize I was supposed to? I thought you were going to be here if I'm being honest."

Nick rolled his eyes. "I thought you said you didn't mix your personal and work lives?"

"Well I wanted to make an exception tonight. My friend was here and I wanted to show her a good time."

"Your definition of a good time is talking to Jeff on a balcony while your friend stumbles around the party looking for you?"

Shit. Got me there.

"What were you and Jeff even talking about? I didn't realize you two were such good friends."

Nat was really feeling the two white claws she just downed. What is his problem?

"I told you, we were just talking about the game. You don't believe me?"

"Did he hurt his elbow during the game or something?"

"No. I don't know. What is this, 20 questions? I can talk to whoever I want."

"You've made that clear" Nick said annoyed

"Perfect. Well since we're both on the same page, I'm gonna go find someone I actually want to talk to right now." Nat began to head back inside before she stumbled and almost fell. Thankfully she reached out her hands and caught herself on the door to the inside. Nick witnessed this and gasped but before he could check on her, Nat stormed in. The alcohol in her system only made the music pump louder in her ears.

'Did he hurt his elbow?' 'I didn't realize you were friends?' Why does it even matter? I'm so tired of everyone and their mom thinking I'm obsessed with Mr. Perfect. Every single time, people think that just because you're a quarterback you have some right to get women. Every single quarterback is like this. Why am I even wasting time on these stupid players?

Nat made her way to the makeshift bar in the room next to where she came in. She went up to the bartender and asked for anything with tequila in it. The bartender obliged and returned a paloma, free of charge. You have to love NFA parties.

She took a seat on a nearby chair and began to sip her drink when the defensive end made his appearance. His eyes went straight to her and he pulled another chair from the end of the room and brought it right next to her. Nat did her best to ignore how hot it was he just moved a pretty heavy chair in what looked like one easy motion.

Nick took a seat and looked at Nat. "I'm sorry for asking all those questions. I didn't mean to put you on the spot."

Nat relaxed her shoulders a little bit. But she didn't say anything.

"You look incredible. I never noticed how, uh, long your legs are" Nick said as his eyes scanned the slit on the side of Nat's dress. She had her legs crossed with her exposed leg on top. His eyes seemed to have started at her feet and slowly made their way to her eyes, but not before he licked his lips slightly. Nat could already feel the blush in her cheeks coming.

Nat took another sip of her drink and decided talking would be the only way to stop herself from falling apart under Nick's beautifully intense stare.

"I'm sorry for being weird with you, it's not your fault." Nat started. "It's just, I'm so tired of everyone thinking I have something for Jeff. I've dealt with things like this since forever. I get it, I do, I know some girls only take these kinds of jobs just to be close to the guys or whatever, but they make it so hard on those of us who actually like this kind of stuff. I know you don't believe me, and Deon doesn't, and Ellie doesn't, but I'm just tired. I don't like Jeff Giordano and now I regret even trying to be nice to him."

Nick's eyes hadn't once left Nat.

"It's just... Can I be honest? I'm actually coming out of a breakup. Honestly the last thing I need is a relationship. Especially with the move, and how crazy everything has been. I just.." Nat started to trail off.

Nick put his big hand on Nat's shoulder similar to how she had done it during the game. He looked at her with his big brown eyes that seemed to scream how sorry he felt at that moment for not trusting her. Nat looked at him and for once didn't feel butterflies. Instead, she decided she needed a friend more than a crush.

"Nick, can I be honest?" Nat asked carefully. "You're the only one on the team I've actually felt a connection with. I remember you saying that you didn't have many friends here in San Francisco and neither do I. Once Stef leaves it's just gonna be me alone. I know it sounds a little sad... but I would really like it if you would be my friend too?" Nat finished timidly.

Nick began rubbing her shoulder. "I'm right here for you Nat."

Suddenly, Nick leaned in and gave her a great big bear hug. Nat hugged him back and was surprised to smell a delicious cologne coming from his neck. It smelled like sandalwood and sent a tingling sensation all throughout her body. His body was warm and comforting and Nat felt like she could be here forever.

When Nick let go he returned to his seat and looked back at Nat with a small smile. Nat smiled as well and put her drink down on the end table nearby.

"Thanks Nick. You believe me now that I don't like Jeff?

"Of course. I promise."


"And there's no one else on the team you have a crush on?"

Nat was caught off guard by this question and her face showed it. Nat's surprise intrigued Nick who shifted his head forward. She couldn't be sure, but she thought she saw the corner of his mouth move slightly upward. Nat opened her mouth but the words she didn't have in mind refused to come out. She tried again and this time managed to get out:

"This doesn't feel very friendly Nick."

The defensive end laughed at that and fell back in his seat. His handsome face, now adorned with a big smile, relaxed Nat. She laughed a bit too until she felt her phone vibrate in her bag. Once she got it out she saw Stef was calling.

"Oh shoot, hey Stef. Where you at?"

"I'm still on the balcony. Jeff had to leave and honestly I'm kind of ready to go too. I didn't realize it was almost 3AM."

3 AM?? I still have to work tomorrow and Stef needs to drive back.

"Shit, okay I can go meet you. Let's hope the Uber's not too expensive."

Nat hung up and began to rise but stumbled before falling back in her chair. Nick, still across from her, had a concerned look on his face.

"How much did you have to drink Nat?" Nick asked

"Uh, honestly doesn't matter. I'm fine"

"And you're gonna get in an Uber like that?"

Nat shrugged as she managed to get on her feet this time.

Nick stood too and said "Let me give you a ride."

"What? No, that's fine. You need to go get your sleep, you shouldn't even be awake right now."

Nick laughed. "Come on Nat, didn't you say you wanted me to be your friend? I always give my friends rides when they drink too much. If you say no... I'm gonna assume you don't actually want to be friends with me." Nick said with a wink.

Can he just stop having that face for 5 minutes?

Nat's words were beginning to slur together in her mind before she could even say them. She wasn't sure how much of it was because of the alcohol and how much was because of how suddenly aware she was of how hot Nick was again. But she figured a free ride in his car wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

"All right, all right. You win Bosa. Let's go get Stef."

After reuniting with Stef at the balcony, the trio headed back down to the ground floor and walked towards Nick's car. Nat's jaw dropped when she saw it was a Tesla but quickly recovered so Nick wouldn't see her surprise. He was one of the highest paid defensive players, why wouldn't he have a luxury car?

Nick strode in towards the driver's side while Stef went into the back. Nat glanced at the passenger's seat briefly but knew she absolutely could not handle driving for however long having to stare at Nick. So she quickly followed Stef.

"What are you doing?" Stef said


Nick looked back at the girls. "You're not gonna keep me company Nat?" he asked, puzzled.

"Uhh Stef's just really going through it. I think she wants me to sit next to her." Nat improvised.

Without missing a beat, Stef let out an exaggerated burp. "Sorry Nicky, I think that 3rd paloma was a mistake haha." Nat was touched by her best friend's impressive improv.

"Alright, I'll drive slow in that case" Nick said.

In the back of the seat Nat held Stef's hand and leaned over to whisper to her friend.

"Thanks. Are we cool?"

Stef leaned back "Yeah. Jeff told me everything. No worries sis".

The two hugged as Nick drove them back to Nat's apartment.


The next morning Nat woke up at 7:30 AM feeling groggy, but surprisingly not hungover. She went to the bathroom and began getting ready for work. Thankfully, this would only be a half day so she didn't put in too much effort. As she walked into the living room she saw Stef sprawled out on the couch in a deep, deep slumber. Stef had requested the day off so Nat decided to let her sleep in. She'll wake up eventually. Nat sent a text message letting her know where the spare key was and to lock up if she decided to leave before Nat got back home.

With everything in place, Nat headed out to her car when she remembered she had gotten several Instagram notifications she forgot to check. She had such a busy night it completely slipped her mind. Once she opened the app, she was surprised to see some messages from Nick:

Nick: haha, I think my ankle might be bothering me a bit. Don't be surprised if you see me there tomorrow :)

The second message read:

Nick: You're at Deon's party? I was actually about to pull up. Wait for me by the entrance?

Nat was touched. The smaller bear had seen her story and was actually going to the party to see her. Or to just be at the party. Or maybe it was both? Nat wasn't exactly sure about that part. But regardless of his intention behind going to the party, he had asked her to wait for him. That was something. What a good friend.

Friend. Just friend. Nat thought as her heart protested.

Nat was about to put her phone away and take off when she saw a post that caught her attention. It was one of the NFA news accounts she followed that had a "BREAKING NEWS" alert for a player on the Los Angeles Lightning. Nat swiped to the next picture and froze when she read the headline.

"Los Angeles Lightning Quarterback Dustin Haggard proposes to girlfriend after 4th consecutive win of the season!"

It wasn't just Nat that froze but everything around her, from the outside world, to the space inside the car, all of time froze with her. Everything just stopped. Even her heart beat, which only a few minutes ago was pining and pounding for Nick Bosa had dramatically slowed down and it was only Nat's short, sharp breaths that kept it going. She read the headline again. Then she read it a third time. Then she read a fourth time just to be absolutely certain she understood correctly. Then she scrolled to see the other photos included in the post of the newly-engaged couple. And at no point did she wake up from what she hoped was just a dream.

I can't believe it. My ex just got engaged. And it hasn't even been a year since we broke up.

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