By vibraniumtears

85.5K 2.2K 540

Scarlett johansson, the rising star, falls pregnant. Reluctantly she gives up her baby, to a loving family... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
chapter 15.
chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.

Chapter 32.

1.3K 37 9
By vibraniumtears


I awoke happily, smiling as i look down to my girl on my chest. She really does find comfort in the skin on skin stuff, maybe it's because she didn't have it as a baby.

I'm going to try and contact Colin today, but besides that i plan on taking her to the beach! I'm excited, i haven't been to the beach in a while and neither has she.

Lizzie wakes a little later, I'm trailing my finger up and down hannah's back, watching her as little snores fall from her parted lips.

'Mmh, hi.' Lizzie smiles and kisses me.
'Morning honey.' I smile to her.

I hum songs a little when i think hannah will wake, wanting to keep her asleep as long as possible.

Hannah is on her side, her back facing me now, her hand resting on Liz's arm. I spoon her as she sleeps, basking in the comfort of the moment.

'I'm going to call Colin today.' I say to Lizzie. 'Okay, how do you feel about that?' She asks. 'I'm okay with it, it's not me i'm worried about.' I smile slightly and kiss Hannah's head. 'She'll be okay. No matter what happens.' Lizzie smiles. 'I know. But i don't want anything bad to happen to her.' I say, resting my head by hers.

She hums and hannah stirs again, laying on her back and facing me, her eyes fluttering a little as she opens them, rubbing them instantly.

'Morning little love.' I coo as i rake my fingers through her messy hair. She hums and cuddles into me again, making me smile.

'What do you say, about going to the beach today?' I ask and she smiles. 'That'll be fun.' She grins. 'Okay good.' I share the same smile with her and i continue to soothe her.

After about half an hour of internal debating, i decide to call Colin. Last time i checked he was in New York too, so he should be awake considering it's ten.

'Baby can you lay with mama for a little? I have to do some work.' I frown. 'Okay, have fun mommy.' She hugs me one last time, wrapping her arms around me and turns to her mama, laying on her chest instead.

Lizzie smiles comfortingly, knowing i'm going to call Colin.

I walk down the hall, hearing her and Lizzie giggle as i walk down the stairs and i greet the twins as they sit in the living room.

'Morning girls.' I smile. 'Morning scar.' They greet me.

'I'm going to call Colin. Hannah doesn't know yet. I'm only telling her if he'll meet her.' I say nervously. 'Good idea, don't get her hopes up. Good luck scarlett.' MK smiles and i disappear into my office, closing the door behind me.

I dial his last known number, hoping it's the same. I hold the phone to my ear and tap my desk nervously.

'Hello?' He says confused.

'Hey, Colin it's scarlett.'

'Scarlett! Hey, how are you doing?' He asks, half happy and half shocked.

'I'm okay. I'm sorry to bother you, but this will be a slightly heavy conversation so i can call you later if you're not free.' I warn in advance.

'No it's okay i'm free, i'm just watching the news at home.'

'Okay, i need to talk to you about Hannah.' I say.

'Our daughter?' The thought makes me cringe, she's mine and elizabeth's but that's not relevant right now. I hear him pause the TV and sit down.


I tell him the story, how i took her in again, how me and her met and how she's doing, he cries a little.

'I've never felt worse than when i walked away and i'm so sorry.' He apologises.

'It's okay, it's okay we're all fine. But she asked about who her father was yesterday and so i told her. I hope that's okay with you, but she's curious.' I chuckle a little.

'It's understandable. Does she want to see me?' He asks shakily.

'I think so.'

'I can arrange to meet her, we can do that if you want. I've always wanted to.' He starts rambling about how shitty he feels about leaving and never seeing her, how he always thinks of her. My sympathy is not huge for him. He did it to himself.

'I felt the same, i was so relieved when i saw her again I-' I go to answer but get cut off by a little knock at the door.

'Don't hang up someone's at the door wait there.' I quickly say and he says it's okay and he'll wait.

'Come in!' I shout happily,

'Hi mama!' It's han, her presence instantly makes me smile. She has two waffles on her plate and a glass of orange juice. 'Me and mama made breakfast!' She smiles and puts it on my desk. 'Thank you baby!' I coo and i give her a kiss on the forehead.

She smiles. 'You okay mommy?' She asks before leaving. 'I am baby, tell mama i said thank you.' I smile and she nods, shutting the door behind her.

'Sorry Colin.' I chuckle.

'Was that her?' He asks, he sounds shocked or maybe sad, i can't tell.

'Yes that was han.' I smile to myself as i take a drink of the juice she left me. 'She sounds adorable. She bringing you breakfast?' He asks with a shaky chuckle, indicating that he's crying a little. 'Yes, two waffles and some orange juice.' I chuckle. 'She sounds so sweet. You always were an incredible mom.' He compliments and i playfully roll my eyes. 'Boot licker.' I chuckle. 'But thank you.' I smile to myself.

'Tell me about her.' He asks and i do.

'Well she's thirteen, she adores marvel. She's very good at speaking Russian, she's a huge cuddle bug. She'll shower you in cuddles. She loves random bits n bobs, she likes to collect them...' I continue to tell him every detail i know about her.

'That's amazing. I wish her life was easier after Liliana and Josh, but i'm glad she has you now.'

'I'm free tomorrow, i can meet you both then.' He says and we agree on Sunday. 'Thank you Colin. See you then.' I smile and he says bye, hanging up.

I eat my now slightly cold waffles, smiling at how well the conversation went.

I grab my dirty dishes and head back to the kitchen, giving hannah a kiss on the head as i walk past.

Liz is in the kitchen cleaning the mess her and hannah made, han is being entertained by the twins.

'How'd it go?' She asks. 'Very well, if she wants she can see him tomorrow.' I smile and she hugs me. 'That's amazing.' She kisses my cheek and continues to wash the dishes with a smile.

'It is, he seemed very happy about getting to see her. Said he 'never felt shittier about a decision in his life.'' I finger quite him, not fully forgiving him for his attitude towards hannah's birth. 'At least he's willing to try.' She shrugs, trying to find a silver lining.

I look to our little girl, smiling with her two aunts, enjoying her breakfast. The sight warms my heart, a child being just what we all needed in our lives.

'Baby c'mere, i need to tell you something.' I say, crouching down and holding out my arms, which she happily runs in to.

I pick her up and she giggles as i tickle her sides a little. I walk over to the office and she sits on my knee.

'What's up mom?' She looks up at me. 'So you know Colin?' I ask and i rest my hands on her thighs. 'Mhmm.' She smiles, sensing my anxiety. 'Well i called him, and if you want to, you can see him tomorrow.' I say.

She looks down, playing with the ring on my finger a little.

'Only if you want to. Don't feel pressured to.' I elaborate. 'I want to, it's just very soon.' She chuckles a little, looking back to me.

'I know my little love.' I plant a gentle kiss on her nose. 'But it'll all be okay, and you can tell me or whoever that you're uncomfortable and want to leave and we can come home straight away.' I say.

'Got it.' She grins and hugs me, i smile and hug her tightly, wrapping my hands around her waist, she lays her head on my shoulder, her arms loosely wrapped around her neck.

'I love you mommy.' She says softly.

'I love you too baby. Are you okay?'

She nods. 'I am, i just really love you.' She smiles up to me. 'I really love you too.' I chuckle and kiss her cheek a few times.

She rests back down.

'Okay, how about we go sit in the living room and relax for a little bit before we go to the beach?' I smile and she nods.

I stand up, hannah balanced on my front still and we go sit on the couch, watching nickelodeon.

The twins and lizzie were getting ready so it was just us.

'Okay let's get comfy shall we.' I say to myself and i smile to han.

I lay in the corner of the sofa, stretching my legs down one of the sides that goes down the walls. She happily lays down on me, watching sam and cat contently.

MK takes over as i go and get ready a half hour later.

⎯⎯ MK'S POV:

'Hannah bear?' I say softly as i rake my fingers through the girls hair. She lifts her head off of my chest and looks at me.

'Yeah?' She smiles slightly.

'I'm sorry about what i said the other day.'

'It's okay.' She smiles, happy i've apologised. 'I know you just wanted me to tell you what's wrong, and we all know i won't just tell you because you asked.' She sits up.

'That is true. You're pretty stubborn.' I chuckle. 'But, if you do want to tell me what she said, i'm here y'know?' I send her a half smile. 'I know.' She frowns a little.

'She just said some really mean things about my weight, she called me a suicidal freak because i'm covered in 'weird and disturbing' marks, she said you're all sick of listening to my 'irritating problems.'' She starts, and that isn't the end.

'She said i couldn't be scarlett's daughter because i'm nothing compared to her, and that i'll be 'disappointing you all until the day i die, which won't be long considering i'm a suicidal freak.' She quotes and i realise that scarlett is stood behind us.

'She said that to you?' Scarlett voice cracks with anger and sadness.

Han jumps, turning to her voice.

'Yeah, but it's not a big deal.' Hannah shrugs.

'Hannah don't downplay your emotions, what she's saying isn't okay at all, not only is it not true, but it's damaging for her to be saying that.' Scarlett says sternly, sitting next to us on the couch.

'She was happy i didn't eat on Thursday. She said you're all only paying attention to me for the media and as soon as the story gets old you're going to 'put me back up for adoption.' Hannah's voice shakes a little. 'She always bangs on about how she'd be someone you'd actually love because she's 'richer, prettier and better.'

'Han none of that's true.' I say softly, shaking my head. 'I know.' She fakes her smile.

'Has she said anything else?' Scarlett asks.
Hannah hums as she thinks. 'No, she just trash talks how i look, or how Lizzie isn't my real mother. She said she'd kill herself if she looked like me. She just basically insults me and her reasoning always has something to do with all of you.' Han says, making my heart break at the thought.

'She said something about how i couldn't be related to you, Ashley and lizzie because you're all so pretty and i'm not. How i'm lying about you being my mom because you're never there which makes no sense because she literally saw lizzie in the flesh.' Hannah chuckles.

'And this has been happening since school started?' I ask to which han nods. 'Honey, don't ever listen to a thing she says. Don't restrict your body from what it needs to grow and keep you and your mind healthy because of her. It's a nasty cycle and your body is your home, you need to keep it as safe as possible, look after it. I'll deal with Milli. Do you want to keep going to school?' Scar says.

'I don't know, i only really like seeing my friends.' Hannah shrugs and scarlett nods.

'You have next week off anyways since we're in Atlanta Tuesday until Thursday. You have time.' Scarlett smiles and hannah nods. 'Okay, i'm going to go get ready.' Han an trots off upstairs.

'I can't believe Milli said that to her?!' Lizzie says as her and ash walk in from the kitchen. 'I can't believe she was planning on doing that to herself because of Milli.' Scarlett rubs her forehead in frustration.

'But she didn't, not for long anyways. And she won't, so you don't have to worry.' I try soothe scar. 'As for the rest of it, i'd say Milli is just jealous, or projecting onto hannah.' I shrug.

'If i ever see that two faced little-' Ashley gets interrupted. 'Ashley shut up.' Scarlett chuckles a little. 'Sorry.' She shrugs. 'She will be leaving with a broken nose if i ever see her again.' Ashley continues. 'You couldn't do that.' I raise an eyebrow. 'True but scarlett could.' She shrugs and we all chuckle.

'Colin will be coming over tomorrow at twelve by the way.' Scarlett announces. 'Good, Hannah will like that.' Ashley smiles. 'She will, she's excited.' Scarlett smiles but her voice is filled with jealousy.

'I'm readyyy!' Hannah says as she walks back over to me, happily sitting on my lap.

She's wearing shorts with a T shirt.

'Have you got a bathing suit underneath? You're going to need it.' Scarlett chuckles.
'Yeah i do.' She smiles. 'Oh wait, i need to braid my hair so it's out of my face.'

'C'mere i can do it for you.' Ashley says and hannah smiles, sitting on the floor between ashley's legs. 'One or two?' Ash asks and Hannah says two.

Scarlett and Lizzie go find beach things. They come back about ten minutes later with a volleyball, towels, buckets for sand castles and spades. They pack sun cream, snacks and waters too just incase.

'All done!' Ashley says as she kisses hannah's cheek. 'Thank you.' Hannah smiles and sits up, coming back to sit on my lap.

We pack the car, getting inside happily. han in between me and Ash, Lizzie driving at Scar in the front.

'Hannah?' Scarlett smiles.


'Whose the better driver out of me and mama?' She asks, turning to face han.

'Mama. Sorry but you kinda drive like Natasha Romanoff.' Hannah chuckles. 'Ha! Take that scarlett!' Liz chuckles 'I do not! I'm a good driver.' She gasps. 'You're just very speedy.' Hannah giggles. 'Mama drives calmer.'

'Natasha is a good driver too.' Scarlett jokingly rolls her eyes. 'Um no she isn't?' Hannah deadpans. 'Whatever.' Scarlett sulks.

'So when was the last time you went to the beach?' Liz asks. 'About four years ago.' Hannah smiles. 'You excited?' I ask and she nods, laying her head down on Ashley's shoulder.

'Okay stay close, don't run too far out to sea okay? Stay close and stay in our eyesight. Don't talk to strangers.' Scarlett says sternly before we all get out. 'Got it.' She smiles and holds onto lizzie's hand as we walk down.

Hannah takes off her shirt and denim shorts leaving her in a bikini. Scarlett lays down five towels and we watch as han runs off into the sea.

'Who knew having a child could make you feel like you're having a heart attack.' Lizzie chuckles. 'She'll be fine! Don't worry.' I chuckle.


I swim out a little, not wanting the water to be too shallow. The water is beautifully clear. A little chilly but i can cope.

I dunk my whole body under water staying under for a little, i don't open up my eyes just incase it stings. After about thirty seconds i come back up. I decide to go back towards my mom.

'Hey.' I smile as i run towards them. 'Is it cold?' Ash asks. 'Hmm no not really, can i rent a surf board?' I ask. 'Have you surfed before?' Mama asks with a raised eyebrow.

'A very long time ago, Josh's dad used to surf so he used to take me with him, i think the last time was a week before i was put in foster.' I shrug. 'Sure.' Scarlett hands me some money and i run off.

The guy gives me a little info before letting me run off with the board.

'Are you guys going to get into the water?' I ask with a smirk, knowing they won't. 'I will!' Lizzie smiles and gets up. That's a surprise.

Ash comes too, i go a little further out and sit on the board, my legs either side.

I wait for a decent wave before hoisting myself up and standing on the board. I surf the wave happily i lose my balance a bit, but besides that i'm okay.

I paddle back.

'Is there anything you can't do?' Ashley smiles. 'Umm... i'm not sure.' I shrug. 'Can you ice skate?' Lizzie asks and i nod. 'Damn.' Lizzie chuckles.

I use my surfboard as a push off to dive into the water. Holding on to the board as i swim back to shore a little.

I continue to surf for about another half hour, there's a bigger wave, i know i shouldn't but i go to surf it anyways.

My foot wobbles as i stand, when i hit the wave i fell, my ankle twisting.

I fall under the water, my back hitting the sand at the bottom.


I'm facing away from hannah, talking to Ash. Ashley's eyes go wide and she gasps, I turn and hannah is falling. We both instantly try to swim over but we can't find her, the water a little too deep.

'Where is she?!' Ashley exclaims with fear, terrified that han might have passed out.

She manages to pull herself back up, trying to catch her breath.

'Hannah!' I pull her into me, hugging her tightly. 'It's okay, i just lost my balance.' She smiles and grabs her board. 'Are you hurt? Does anything ache or feel different?' I ask frantically. 'No, i'm okay. I just hit the water, not the board.' She says as she swims back to shore.

'Oh my god. That kid is so unbelievably accident prone.' Ashley chuckles to herself as we all walk towards scarlett. 'She's is limping a little.' I murmur worriedly.

'What happened? How did you fall?' Scarlett asks her as we sit down. 'Lost my balance, there wasn't enough momentum.' She sighs as she lays down on the towel.

'Is your ankle okay? Did you twist it as you fell?' MK asks. 'Yeah i did, it'll be fine though.' She smiles and closes her eyes.

Scarlett brings out the snacks, thankfully. Han eats some chips.

Scarlett and MK decide they want to go into the water and so they do, in their own bikinis.

'I'm tired now.' Han chuckles. 'do you have on suncream?' I ask panicked. 'Uh... no...' She just realised too. 'C'mere.' I say and so she does, i do her arms, back, shoulders, face. She does her legs, and she puts a little on her stomach and chest too.

'Ew it feels disgusting.' She whines. 'At least you won't be covered in blisters.' I shrug.
'Still don't like it.' She mumbles.

She grabs the volleyball and heads back to the water, her, scarlett and MK happily play in the water.

Another hour goes by and we're all sat just chatting on the beach. The sun is starting to go down and everyone's happy.

'Um excuse me...' A teenage girls voice says.

She asks us to autograph a picture of the marvel cast.

'Hannah?' She asks. 'Yeah?' She smiles up to her. 'Could you sign it too?' She asks with a smile and hannah nods with a shrug.

I smile and i pass it to han, who sighs with 'H Johansson.' She smiles to herself as she passes it to Scarlett.

'Thank you so much, have a wonderful rest of your day.' The girl smiles to us before running off to her mom.

'Why did she ask me to sign it?' Hannah asks confused. 'I don't think you realise that you're semi famous now.' MK chuckles. 'I don't think i am.' Hannah smiles confusedly.

'You've got nearly four million instagram followers now, you're verified. You're basically a celebrity.' Ashley points out. 'No i'm just your kid, I'm not famous.' Hannah chuckles.


'I'm curious now, let me search my name on TikTok.' I say as i grab my phone from scarlett's bag, searching up 'Hannah johansson.'

'Holy shit!' I exclaim under my breath.
'What?' Lizzie chuckles. 'And language.' She says sternly, I smile as i roll my eyes. 'People are editing me how they edit you, that's so weird.' I scrunch my nose a little.

People have their usernames as my name, they've edited me and there's fanfics about me.

'See? Told you so.' MK chuckles.

I frown a little, i didn't want fame, i didn't mind just being some nobody kid at all, i liked it.

'What on gods green earth is an 'it' girl?' I ask and look up confused at lizzie.

She chuckles. 'Someone who is like the girl everyone wants to be like and someone who is like an inspiration or stuff like that.' She explains.

'Ew.' I mutter.

'You don't like it?' MK asks and i shake my head. 'No i don't.' I chuckle a little, laying back down. 'What do you mean?' Scar asks.

'I don't know it's just weird. I don't really like the whole fame thing.' I shrug.

She hums.

'Why?' Ash asks.

'I just don't like the attention, everyone's in my business and it's weird; i just don't really care about the whole celebrity thing.' I say. 'Now i won't be able to just go out with my friends without everyone thinking i'm doing something illegal or rumours about relationships or breakups or whatever.'

'Fair enough.' MK says.


Me and lizzie share a look. This is exactly why i gave her up in the first place, she hates the fame, she doesn't want anything to do with paparazzi and she just wants a normal life, which i cannot give her because of the media.

The twins share the same look. It's not like we can just stop being famous, no matter what the fame will follow us till we die. There's no going back and i wish there was.

'How about we go home, get mcdonald's and watch movies?' Lizzie suggests.

Hannah nods and we all tidy our things away, Han just shoved her shorts back on, leaving her shirt off.

We grab Mcdonald's, waiting until we get home to eat.

We walk into the house. Sitting down at the table and eating.

Hannah finishes first, running upstairs to shower.

'Turns out she doesn't like the fame.' MK says. 'Nope. No she doesn't.' I sigh. 'And it's the one thing none of us can do anything about.' Lizzie frowns.

'I thought that when we got here she was more comfortable with it but obviously not.' I say.
'Maybe it's just a little phase, maybe she just doesn't like the idea now?' Ashley suggests.

'This is exactly why i gave her up. She won't ever be able to go out without drug rumours or relationship rumours, she'll constantly have her life displayed to the general public. I didn't want that for her.' I sigh.

'It'll be okay, it'll all work out. She might end up liking it eventually, i mean she wants a career in acting right?' Lizzie says. 'Maybe, but she also said that she doesn't want to incase she gets told it was nepotism.' Ash says.

'Well there's not a lot we can do. I'm going to go shower.' I dismiss myself.

Two hours later everyone is downstairs, watching Moana. Han is laid on my chest, laughing at the chicken on the boat.

We get halfway through and light snores fall from hannah's mouth. It's no surprise she fell asleep, she must've been exhausted from the beach.

We all continue to watch until the end, evie still dotto.

'Okay, Colin will be here at twelve tomorrow, just so you all know.' I whisper, reminding them again. 'Got it.' Ash smiles and the movie ends.

I pick hannah up bridal style. Her head resting against my chest still.

'Lizzie can you help me with han?' I smile and she nods. We lay hannah down in our bed, assuming that's where she wants to be tonight.

Liz and i get ready for bed, brushing our teeth and washing our faces.

'Mama?' My baby's sleepy voice calls out from the room. 'Yes baby?' Lizzie responds as she walks towards hannah, who just holds out her arms for lizzie. 'I'm comin' hold on baby.' Lizzie plants a kiss on hannah's head and goes to brush her hair.

We both get into bed, either side of han, who is now cuddling up to Liz.

'Night baby.' Lizzie kisses her head and hannah just hums.

We share a smile and kiss each other goodnight, happily letting ourselves slip into sleep.

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