It's obvious you're meant for...

By whoscassylol

18.4K 312 216

Eli Hale and Ally Argent McCall have known each other since they were four. But ever since Ally and Eli met a... More

cast + playlists
chapter one: meeting again
chapter two: movie night
chapter three: present day
chapter four: getting in trouble
chapter five: will you go to the valentines dance with me?
chapter six: finding the perfect dress
chapter seven: the prettiest girl he's ever seen
cast pt2
chapter nine: daddy Derek to the rescue!
chapter ten: gone
chapter eleven: this kid is just like her sister
chapter twelve: I don't wanna lose you
chapter thirteen: jealousy jealousy
chapter fourteen: only you

chapter eight: the valentines dance

729 15 19
By whoscassylol

1400 words 

It was finally the day of the valentines dance and Eli was so excited.

His father and Malia had convinced Eli to tell Ally how he feels at the dance tonight.

He had this whole speech planned but little did he know that his moment would be ruined.

Ally was waiting at their spot at school, Eli was gonna be a little late as his dad needed his help with something. 

"hey" Deacon said walking up to Ally.

"oh hi" she replied.

"no Eli today?" he asked, "he's on his way here" Ally said.

"did you meet the new girl?" Nic asked walking up to the two.

"Hayley?" Ally questioned and he nodded.

"she's really pretty" Nic admitted.

"apparently she's being begged to join Chloe's friend group" Deacon added, "good luck to her, Chloe won't give up on the poor girl" Victoria said joining the three as well.

"hey guys" Eli said softly, he hugged Ally and the five kids started heading towards their lockers.

"I can't wait for later" Eli whispered in Ally's ear as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"me too" she replied.

They smiled at each other and headed to their first class, where Hayley and Sam were introduced since they were the newest students.

At lunch, Ally and Eli were sitting together planning their schedule for later, just then Lila walked up behind Eli's chair and whispered something in his ear that made him turn around in confusion. When she walked away, Eli turned to Ally with wide eyes.

"what did she say?" Ally asked, "she uh-" Eli started, "no stuttering! come on tell me" Ally begged.

"uhm she said that she wanted me really badly?" Eli said and Ally cringed. 


"what's so 'ew'?" Nic asked, walking up to the two.

"Lila just tried to flirt with Eli" Ally told him quietly, sensing the jealousy in her voice, Nic put his hand on hers.

Eli looked at them with confusion and a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

"so uh, who did you ask to the valentines dance?" Eli asked Nic.

"I would've asked Victoria but she's been avoiding me.. so I asked the Marinette and she said yes" Nic explained.

"good for you man" Ally said, patting his back.

"hello hello" Max said sitting down next to Ally.

"what's up, Max" Nic and Ally greeted and Eli just waved since he had food in his mouth.

"so I've got a table booked for later, will you guys join me, Sam, Lila and Stella?" Max asked the three.

"who's Stella?" Nic questioned.

"Max's girlfriend. She's Chloe's sidekick on the cheerleading team" Ally answered while stealing some of Eli's food.

He slapped her hand and she slapped his back, they broke into a 'fight' as Max and Nic just watched in horror.

"okay okay truce?" Eli asked pulling away, "fine" Ally replied, rolling her eyes.

"yeah, we'll be here, Max" Eli finally answered and Max nodded.

"see you guys there" Max said and patted both Ally and Nic's backs. And with that, he disappeared by another table.

"so are you gonna change are your house?" Eli asked and Ally nodded.

"okay, text me before you change so that my dad and I can arrive in time" Eli said and again, Ally nodded.


School was over and Ally was getting dressed.

She heard Eli, Derek and Malia arrive.

Once she was done, she walked downstairs in her dres..

All eyes were on her. She felt so shy and she didn't even know why.

Her father walked up to her and hugged her.

"you look so amazing, Al" Chris said in his daughters ear and smiled at him.

"have fun tonight, okay?" Melissa said hugging her too.

"make good choices" Scott warned, also hugging her. 

She rolled her eyes at her brother and walked over to the Hale's.

"you look so gorgeous" Malia commented, "thank you" said Ally.

Ally hugged Derek and Eli.

Eli looked so cute and awkward in his little suit, there was a ninety-eight percent chance that Derek struggled to tie his tie but at least he got it to look decent.

Ally said goodbye to her family and the four walked back to the car.

Eli made sure to hold Ally's hand so that she didn't trip on her dress again.

Once they reached the school, Malia and Derek said bye to the two and drove off.

Eli and Ally walked in, hand in hand.

They were being so awkward and adorable.

Victoria and Nic noticed the two and went over to greet them.

Eventually, Ally, Eli, Victoria, Marinette, Nic, Lila, Max, Hayley and Deacon were over at their table that Max was able to reserve.

"Okay so, after the dance, the parties gonna happen, it will be at Lila's house since my parents are home tonight but you know what? it's okay 'cause I planned it anyways " Victoria explained and everyone nodded.

"so like, we should go dance" Marinette suggested and everyone else agreed.

Eli took Ally's hand and pulled her towards the dance floor.

She wrapped her arms around his neck so that her arms could rest on his shoulder. He was holding her waist, while their faces were just inches apart.

"I didn't get to say how pretty I think you are tonight- oh not just tonight but I obviously think your really pretty in general like I didn't just mean you only look pretty tonight I-" Eli started ranting but was stopped by Ally.

"It's okay dumbass... I think your really pretty too" she teased and he chuckled.

They made eye contact for a few minutes.

Eli was about to confess to her until they saw the lights flicker. 

Ally frowned and looked around, she had a bad feeling.

Eli saw her reaction and knew something was wrong too.

Ally pulled away and started walking towards the basement of the school.

Eli obviously followed behind her and when he tried to say something, she shushed him.

"I hear something, it's like voices but it's quite faded" Ally whispered as the two walked down the stairs. 

They turned the lights on and again it started flickering like crazy, but it was just the basement lights..

Ally and Eli looked around, they both sensed that something was there with them.

Just then the two heard people coming downstairs, they didn't have time to hide but luckily Ally had a great excuse.

It was just Victoria, Nic, Sam, Deacon, Marinette and Lila.

"What the hell are you six doing here?" Eli whisper-yelled.

"what are we doing? we were following you idiots" Lila whisper-yelled back.

"why?" Ally said, but before anyone could answer, the basement door shut loudly.

Nic tried opening it but there was no use.

They all stayed close to each other.

Just then, the lights went off completely.

None of them had their phones as phones were banned in the school during events.

They all tried hard not to panic when they heard an even louder breathing enter the room.

Eli grabbed Ally's hand (werewolf senses) and squeezed it.

The eight of them stayed extremely quiet and tried their best to remain calm.

The lights turned back on and they all saw it.

It was a huge, hairy and ugly thing. It's kind of... scary.

It already had blood on it. On it's hands and back and face.

Lila screamed as Eli tried fighting it. It pushed Eli hard, making him fall on the floor.

Ally then tried to fight it.

The seven of them (excluding Lila because she's a chicken) tried teaming up against it but it was too strong.

It flung everyone except Ally.

"Ah I finally have an Argent in my hands" it said darkly.

"let go of her you son of a bitch!" Eli yelled, trying to stand up.

It held Ally by her throat and stabbed Ally in her stomach with it's claws.

"NO!" Eli screamed as he tried rushing over to her.

 "WE HAVE TO GET HER TO MELISSA" Deacon said, panicking.

"he's right, she's losing a lot of blood fast" Nic said agreeing.

Eli and Victoria held Ally up, as Nic and Deacon tried breaking the basement door.

Everyone was at Lila's house right now so they didn't have to worry about getting caught.

Marinette tore a piece of a dress and tied it around Ally's stomach so that the blood could stop a bit.

Nic and Deacon were able to get the door open, the eight of them rushed out and as they tried running they saw the thing again. 

"oh shit" Victoria exclaimed, " what even is that thing" Lila said breathless.

"we need to get her out of here and quick!" Nic said referring to Ally, Marinette nodded in agreement.

Victoria and Eli sat Ally down gently, the seven kids tried fighting the thing again but it only lead to more chaos.


a/n: uh oh the gang is screwed 

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