It's obvious you're meant for...

By whoscassylol

18.4K 312 216

Eli Hale and Ally Argent McCall have known each other since they were four. But ever since Ally and Eli met a... More

cast + playlists
chapter one: meeting again
chapter two: movie night
chapter three: present day
chapter four: getting in trouble
chapter five: will you go to the valentines dance with me?
chapter six: finding the perfect dress
chapter eight: the valentines dance
cast pt2
chapter nine: daddy Derek to the rescue!
chapter ten: gone
chapter eleven: this kid is just like her sister
chapter twelve: I don't wanna lose you
chapter thirteen: jealousy jealousy
chapter fourteen: only you

chapter seven: the prettiest girl he's ever seen

748 18 10
By whoscassylol

1021 words 

Ally got out of her mothers car and walked into the Hale house without knocking or even ringing the door bell. 

Derek, who was by the kitchen counter, noticed her and chuckled. 

This was a normal thing by now. Ally would walk in whenever, without knocking or showing any signs that she's there. Derek was the one who did tell her to stop knocking since she was over at  the Hale house almost all the time. 

"hello to you too, Ally" Derek said while mixing the spaghetti he was making.

"hey Der" Ally said happily. 

"hi" Noah Stilinski said, coming from the garage.

"sheriff!!" Ally said, hugging Noah.

"hey kiddo" He replied. 

"Eli's in his room. But fair warning, he's listening to music so he won't hear you knock.. not like you were gonna anways" Derek said sarcastically, "ha-ha very funny" Ally said matching his tone and walked away.

Ally walked in Eli's room and saw him vibing to the music while starting his homework by his desk. 

Nic was there too, chilling on Eli's bed.

Ally pulled Eli's headphones off and gave him a slap at the back of his head.

"ow" Eli whined. 

"oh hey Ally" Nic said, noticing her as well.

"sup, were you two sitting like this the whole time?" Ally asked, "pretty much" Eli answered.

"awkward idiots".

"did you find a dress?" Eli asked curiously.

"yeah, I left the bag downstairs.." Ally replied.

"can I see it?" Eli asked giving Ally the puppy dog eyes.

"you know I can't say no to that look.. i'll fit it on after dinner" Ally promised, "what color is it?" Nic asked, "wow you two are curious, but I guess your just gonna have to wait and see" she replied.

The three did their homework and eventually when they were done it was time for dinner, so they went out of Eli's room and joined Derek and Noah at the dinner table.

"did you three finish your homework?" Derek asked breaking the silence.

"yeah, all done dad. don't worry" Eli said, "okay."

"so Ally, Eli told me you were going dress shopping today?" Derek asked turning to Ally.

"yep, my dress is in the bag over there" Ally replied nodding towards the bag she placed near the kitchen counter.

"are you gonna show us?" Noah asked the kid and she nodded, "I'll put it on again once i'm done eating".

"yeah she promised us that she would show it to us" Nic said and the two adults nodded.

After dinner, Melissa, Scott and Chris arrived at Derek's house.

When they got there, Ally was already changing into her dress to show everyone.

"where is she?" Scott asked Derek, "in the bathroom, changing into the dress she bought today" Eli replied after greeting Chris.

"i'm so glad we arrived now. I can see my babygirl in her dress" Melissa said while sitting down next to the sheriff.

Malia and Parrish had arrived too, Malia was staying over at Derek's house today as her house kind of got destroyed.. 

"oh hey" Malia awkwardly greeted Scott, "hey" he greeted back.

"oh there she comes" Melissa said excitedly as the bathroom door opened, "who?" Parrish asked. 

"Ally" Derek replied. 

Ally walked out in the long maroon spaghetti strapped dress that she bought. 

Eli looked at her with hearts in his eyes, she looked so gorgeous in the dress.

She noticed her parents, her brother, Malia and Parrish and she said hello to them awkwardly. 

"woah Ally, you look so pretty" Scott said, "really? I don't really think it suits me" Ally said trying to walk, "no he's right" Nic said too, "you do look so beautiful" Eli said, his cheeks were burning pink, "that dress looks amazing sweetheart" Chris told his daughter, "thanks dad" Ally replied smiling, "oh love you look so gorgeous" Malia said and Ally smiled knowing she was being serious.

"thank you" Ally said blushing hard.

Ally made eye contact with Eli and noticed the way he's looking at her.

Damn,  Victoria was right. Those damn eyes. Ally thought.

She noticed him blushing too and she smiled at him, blushing hard again when he smiled back.

Derek walked into the living room and spotted Ally, "Ally, my goodness.. you look so beautiful" he said to her and she smiled at him, "that's what Eli said" she said, "because it's true" Eli said a little too loud, Derek smirked at his son and he walked over to Ally, taking her hand and spinning her around.

She almost tripped but he caught her in time.

"still getting used to walking in this" she said slightly embarrassed, "it's okay" Derek said and chuckled as he pulled her to her feet.

"I should go change back so we can leave" Ally said to her mother and she nodded and smiled.

As Ally tried going back to the bathroom, she tripped again but luckily this time, Eli was there to save her. 

He held her waist as she tried getting back up, she looked up at him and smiled awkwardly.

He blushed when he noticed his other hand fell to her hip, he helped her up and made sure to hold her hand as she walked to the bathroom door so that she wouldn't fall again.

Ally got into the bathroom and closed the door. 

She hit her head against the door, she realized how much she actually liked Eli.

She got changed and walked out the bathroom, being sure to take the dress with her.

As she was saying bye to everyone, Malia hugged her.

"i'm pretty sure that you're the prettiest girl he's ever seen when he saw you in that dress" Malia whispered in Ally's ear, referring to Eli.

Ally blushed and chuckled the embarrassment off.

"i'll see you soon Lia" Ally said to her and walked to Derek, she hugged him and he kissed her head, "see you tomorrow?" He asked, "maybe" Ally replied.

She hugged Eli last, they made eye contact for a few seconds and then her dad said 'lets go'.

The four of them left the Hale house, and went home.

Ally went to sleep the moment they got home.

She was really exhausted after spending so much time in the mall. 


a/n: kind of a short ish chapter but the next chapter will be the valentines dance!!

also how adorable is Eli 😭❤️

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