Of Love and Shadows

By heavengrows

16.9K 297 9

Thalia was the daughter of a merchant in The City of Starlight, Valaris, a warrior. Just an ordinary Faerie... More

The Inner Circle
The General
The Truth
The Mates
The Heir
Thalia's Armor
The Healing
The Spymaster
The Asset
The Merchant
The Kin-Slayer
The Princess
The Mating Bond
The Frenzy
The Lieutenant General
The Bath
The Windhaven Camp
The Battle
The Mother
The Warrior of Light
The Day Court
The Answers
The Prophecy
PART TWO: The Gifted One
The Distraction
The Bunny
The Flight
Hiatus (so sorry)

The Shadowsinger

1.2K 21 3
By heavengrows


Two years and three months. I've been hiding for two years and three months. My father had heard of what happened, and had sent people out to find me, even put a price over my head. He wanted me dead or alive, at least that was what the wanted poster said.

I was holding my own wanted poster. I'm sure the whole of Prythian had heard of my running from home, since my father was a well known merchant and had even given High Lord of the Day Court a now family heirloom. Not that they cared about me, but I'm sure someone was looking for me. And I hated that.

I tore the poster into shreds, throwing them in the wastebin to take out later.

I wasn't worried about getting caught, I was worried my father would be the one to find me and that the consequences would be worse. my father isn't very powerful, but when it came to me he was overprotective and selfish. I don't understand how the cauldron had paired my mother and father together as mates. my mother was soft and kind, but my father was harsh and demanding. They weren't a good pair. But that's none of my business.

I made sure my front door, windows and back door were locked before taking off my evening gown and the weapons hidden under and heading for the bath. I lived in a cabin off behind the Rainbow in Valaris, the most beautiful part of the city in my opinion. It was beautiful and secluded and about a mile away from the rainbow. No one was allowed in besides me because of the powerful wards I put around it, unless I allowed them in. Which no one has in the time I've been here.

After being in the bath for a whole two hours and keeping it warm with my magic, I was completely and utterly tired. I dried off and pulled on a sheer night gown. Going into the bedroom, I had tunnel vision as I set eyes on my bed and plopped down. I hadn't even closed my eyes fully when I fell asleep.


The next day, it was warm outside, so I awoke, ate breakfast, and pulled on a pair of soft pants and a light blue shirt with my black boots. I didn't leave without sheathing Synthiax at my hip. Synthiax was forged by a very good blacksmith of mine who was able to bend someone's magic into his work. He had enchanted Synthiax with my magic in case I wasn't able to fight anymore. Synthiax would protect me just as my magic would.

Walking along the streets of Valaris, with a slight glamour to hide my familiar golden eyes and black hair, turning my eyes to a chocolate brown and my hair to a light, Sunkissed brown. I walked with confidence as I waved back at High Fae and faeries alike and smiled. I took in the happy scents of Valaris. This was my home, always had been, and I would give my life for it.

I saw a few Fae, newly wedded and mated, walk with happiness and love in their eyes, and I envied them. I had always wanted to fall in love, or find my mate, but I knew I didn't have a mate, and if I did I would be putting them in danger with the target on my back. Even though I wanted to be loved and held like nothing else in the world mattered, I couldn't let anyone near me in fear of hurting them.

Looking away from the happy couples, I walked into my favorite store, the House of Paint and Blood. It had everything an artist would need, from paint and canvas to pencils and erasures. It was also the only store that sold weapons. I loved that part of the store the most, even the High Lord comes here for new weapons once in a while, though I have never run into him here.

Saluting to the store front, I walked behind the counter and into the back door where the lighting was much dimmer and darker than the store's front. The smell of metal and burning coal filled my nose as I walked in, the sound of metal hammers on armor, swords, and arrowpoints filled my sensitive ears, and the sound of masculine grunts and groans filled my stomach as I walked through the door. I absolutely loved it here, it was like a second home to me.

"Ah, Thalia dear!"

I cringed when I heard that overly arrogant voice, but quickly smiled when he patted my shoulder. I could smell his BO the second he stepped in front of me and I almost gagged. Almost.

"Hello, Darius," I said, trying to hide the distaste in my voice and trying not to breathe.

"Looking for Luke?" Darius asked, a shit-eating grin on his unfortunately handsome face. If Darius wasn't too inclined to get me into his bed, I would sound sincere when I call him handsome. But he always smelled of sex and unwashed laundry, and I didn't want to get whatever he may have.

I nodded.

"Right over there, in the back," Darius pointed to the handsome red head, where I could see the breastplate he was working on for me.

I looked over yonder at the nicely built male, and nodded. "Thanks, Darius," I tried not to sound dismissive, but it came out clipped.

Disappointment was all over Darius' face as he nodded. "Alright, I'll see you soon, Thalia," I didn't miss the subtle look he gave my body before he walked away. Once he was out of earshot, I sighed and began walking to the back of the room to Luke's station.

Luke was the one who had taken me in when I had no where else to go after running from my father, he is also the only one who knew the whole story of what happened with my father. I worked here in the shop, the Paint part of the shop, and he had fed me and clothed me. Until a year of taking advantage of him had gotten to me. After a whole year, the posters began to show their faces so I had run, leaving behind a note saying where I was and that I would be safe. But Luke didn't take that as an excuse. He had run a whole four miles just to talk to me about the note, and I had told him everything.

"Luke!" I shouted over all the grunts and banging.

Luke jumped and I laughed as he pulled up his face mask. "Oh, Thalia, you scared me." He said, a smile appearing on his face.

If Luke wasn't like a brother to me, I wouldn't say no to being invited to his bed. Luke was handsome with deep red hair and a lighter red for the stubble on his jawline. His green eyes were always filled with joy, and he had the body of a warrior, not a blacksmith. I loved everything about this man, but I wouldn't say I was in love with him.

Luke pulled me into a bone crushing hug and I wheezed as I patted his back to let me go so I could breathe.

"It's good to see you again, Thalia!" Luke grinned from ear to ear.

"It's good to see you, too, you big brute," I chuckled after I had been able to catch my breath.

"I've just finished the finishing touches to your breastplate if you wanted to try it on?" Luke asked, holding the breastplate up towards me.

I looked at it, and couldn't help the way my smile widened. It was black metal with golden swirls and the sun was painted on the center, right between where my breasts would go. I absolutely loved it.

I took it, hugging Luke again. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," I practically squeal like a little girl as I buckled the breastplate into place around my breasts.

But the second I put it on and had finished with the last of the buckles, it began to glow. I gasped as the swirls and sun glowed a soft golden before dimming down into it's original colors.

"Now that was something I wasn't expecting," I said, grinning from ear to ear as I looked back up at Luke.

"I'm glad you like it," Luke clapped me on my back. "I had infused the plate with your magic, so it'll act as a barrier Incase you ever get stabbed or cut in battle."

"That's great, thank you so much," I said sincerely. I fished into my pocket to pull out the small bag of golden coins, but Luke shook his head. "What?"

"Just pay me back with drinks to night, alright?" Luke said. The look in his eyes told me this wasn't up for debate.

I sighed, taking my hand out of my pocket and hugged Luke again. "You have no clue how much this means to me."

Luke smiled softly at me. "I know."


The second I stepped out of the store and into the warm air of Valaris, I knew something was off. Something wasn't right, so I reached in to that well of magic and sent out tendrils of light throughout the city.

Fifty of them, my light whispered. Alive? kill?

I shook my head as I drew my fighting knife from it's sheath on my thigh. Luckily no one paid any mind to it. I knew exactly who was watching me and I would make sure my father knew what he was getting himself into when he sends guards after me like I'm a run away dog.

Bring them to me, I said mind-to-mind with my light.

As you wish, my Queen. I hated when they called me that, but I had gotten used to it.

One by one they all came spilling out of alleyways and shops, searching for what had suddenly called each of their names. Then they saw me. And I grinned as they each ran after me.

There were only fifty, but nothing I couldn't handle.

The Fae around me began to gasp and shout as two males attacked me. I easily blocked each of their blows, landing a few of my own. Someone from behind me, managed to knock my fight knife out of my hand and kicked it away.

Snarling, I drew Synthiax, swung him and stabbed the male behind me through the neck. There was a gargling sound before he dropped.

The males around me seemed to hesitate and I took that to my advantage and cut the head off one male's shoulders. Blood sprayed along my clothes and face, and I heard a scream from somewhere, but I didn't care as anger boiled in my blood when I realized.

They weren't here to collect me, they had come to kill me.

My magic sung as I flung it out towards three male's, it wrapped around their necks and choked them slowly until their necks broke.

I heard shouting from the residents of Valaris and cursed my father for making me do this. I hated killing, but if they were to jeopardize my freedom, I wouldn't hold back.

My breastplate began to glow the second a dagger was thrown at me. It bounced off a shelf of golden light before landing on the ground. I thanked Luke before finding the male who had thrown the dagger.

This male was bigger than any male I had fought with scars I knew had brutal stories. But I didn't care because he had tried to jeopardize my freedom.

But like an idiot, I tried to charge him. I realized too late that he was much more powerful than I was. He overpowered me easily, blocking each of my blows and attacks like it was nothing. The smirk on his ugly scarred face pissed me off.

Before I knew it I was on the ground, my fighting arm cut from his weird looking sword. Something was on that blade and I felt it almost immediately. I had heard of the war with Hybern that was happening right now, was even there when the city was attacked by them, but I had thought Faebane was a myth, a lie to scare Fae.

Now I knew it wasn't.

My magic winked out, the glamour gone,  and when I tried to reach for it, it was just a wasteland. Nothing.

I cried out when the pommel of a sword knocked against the back of my head and my vision became blurry for a second.

When a harsh hand wrapped around my upper arm, I knew I was in deep shit.

But I didn't stop fighting. No, I got off my ass and swung out my leg, wrapping my leg around the neck of the male that had his hand on my arm, and swung my body so I could climb him. He was like a statue and I climbed him like a child on a playground. Once I was on his shoulders I wrapped my hands around his neck and snapped it. I felt the snap, but I didn't care. I landed on my feet as the male fell to the ground, eyes glassy.

Something dark and smoky whipped across my face, but I didn't care as I grabbed my sword with my non-injured arm. I'm glad I had trained for this very moment when I couldn't use my dominate hand, and learned to hold, write and fight with my left hand.

I blocked the blow of another male's sword, kicking him in the balls before stabbing my blade through his heart.


I stopped, mid-blow and looked up.

It was the High Lord's Shadowsinger and another male I didn't know. Both were Illyrian.

I let go of my fighting stance, and looked around. Each and every one of the males that had charged at me were encased in what looked like black smoke. But I knew they were shadows.

I looked back at the Illyrian males who were glaring at me.


Azriel POV

She sheathed her sword when she knew she wouldn't have to fight anymore, and raised her hands to the Illyrians.

"If you'll let me explain -" she started.

"What is your name?" Cassian snarled.

Azriel wanted to hit Cassian upside the head for the way he was talking to the female, but he kept his hands to himself as his shadows lingered at his ear.

She is safe, his shadows whispered. Safe. Safe.

Azriel saw the female shift on her feet. She didn't want to tell them her name.

Azriel had been patrolling the city when chaos had broken out in the Rainbow. A lesser faerie had come to him, out of breath and in shock, and had told him there was a fight between a High Fae female and she was outnumbered. Azriel had wanted to help, so he called on Cassian.

Azriel had the males who attacked the female shackled by his shadows.

Something about this female was interesting. The way she fought like it was a dance and not a battle, the way she fought even when she was kicked on the ground and had won the upper hand. But what really had cought his attention was the magic she possessed, the way it glowed, but was so similar to his shadows. It had scared him, but he wanted to know more.

Everything alright?  Rhysand, his High Lord and brother asked into his mind. He was in the House of Wind, talking with Helion on war strategy for the war with Hybern.

Yes. A female had been attacked, but she can fight. Azriel said back.

Bring her to the house. Was the order his brother gave before he was blocked out of his mind.

Azriel turned his attention back to the beautiful female. She looked quite familiar, with her black almost violet ahir and golden eyes. Azriel realized she was the girl on the wanted posters posted by the Merchant of Valaris. The daughter he wanted dead or alive.

Azriel wanted to snarl at that, but kept it in. No one should want their daughter dead. Azriel didn't know the whole story, but no one like this female deserved to die just for running away. Something had to have happened to make her run.

"Thalia," the girl said, her head high.

"You have been ordered by the High Lord to come with us." Azriel said, giving the girl a once over. Nothing about the gaze was sexual in any way, he was just assessing the girl. She held herself with the stance of a dancer, held herself with confidence and pride.

But there was something else. He couldn't quite place it, though it was familiar.

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