Phakade Lami (My Forever)

By Tubalole

15.4K 1.4K 754

Two Separate Worlds, Both Close And Distant To Each Other In Terms Of Class, Love And Wealth Are Brought Toge... More

Characters Description
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
New Character Introduction.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Enter Harriet)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 In Violence We Stand
Chapter 18
New Character ✌️✌️
Chapter 19.... Nokubonga.
Chapter 19 Part 2
Chapter 20 (Nomashenge)
Chapter 21 (The Beginning Of The End) Part 1
Chapter 21 (Part 2) The Continuation
Chapter 22 (Again)
New Characters Coming Soon.
Chapter 23 (Betrayal Of The Highest Order)
Chapter 24 (Supper)
Chapter 25 (The Underwear)
Chapter 26 "Misplaced Glory"
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Is this what you want)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 His Love
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
We are coming back.
Chapter 38 (It's Him)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 "Re-Visit"
Chapter 44 (I wish it was a lie)
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 (Bipolar)
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 (Zimkhita)
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 (This Is My Confession)
Chapter 58.
Chapter 59 ~ 'Just Be Sure'
Chapter 60 'I am staying'
Chapter 61 - House Of Masilo.
Author's Note
Hi *Financial* Plea

Chapter 45

106 15 9
By Tubalole

When Gog’Thembeka was buried in this place, it looked so beautiful and despite the fact that it wasn’t fully ‘renovated’ but they was that thing that screamed ‘Her Time Had Come' and that’s why the earth/soil accepted her body and soul quickly, without hesitation.

BUT TODAY, that same ground has dried up and in all honesty, everything has ‘dried up’... the place may have been renovated, during the many renovations but still it looks gone, like they is no longer spirits that dwell there.
Buhle and Angelina will be buried next to Gog’Thembeka, since she was the last one to die, in this family and that was many years ago.

Everyone is seated under that big black tent that has over 30 chairs under it, and most of it, is family.
I always remember how this family started with only Hector, four dimpled brothers and two dimpled sons.
Today that family stands with so many members, and their all dressed in black, well except for Harriet and her father, who are dressed in white.
Imagine “pure” white to a funeral, in a dusty place.
Nka loma wedding dress.
But I guess nobody wants to entertain her and her countless drama, from shaka-land.

Hector and Zimele, are seated next to each other but separate in terms of feelings and emotions.
They look so distance, and as for Nganono, I doubt that he will ever recover from this.
I remember how he seat on that floor and looked at the body of his wife, with tears streaming down.
I hated it, I hated the fact that he had to shelter himself, away from everyone.
He wanted to cry but too who, he doesn’t have a mother or father, and the only people that he could shed his tears for, are both dead in terms of spirit and flesh.
His wife and Hector.

I am not going to cry again, those were the words that I said, when Hector buried his father and, his younger brother and now his daughter.
Will he survive this, that’s my question because as they call people to come, he looks like he is in another planet.
He first pours soil on Angelina’s coffin and slowly but surely, those words that she said to him, when she came to his house, flow back to his head.
“I know I made a mistake and my entire life has all, been about making ‘mistakes’ and they seem to follow each other, you know... just look, first it was Nganono, then the baby that made me force the marriage and then the marriage itself... I can’t believe that I have been married to him for over 4 years and still no child” she said.
Hector tries to hold the tears, as she passes Angelina’s father and I tell you that man is a razor blade, he is so angry and upset at everyone.
I remember the day, that they went to pay her lobola, he practically shouted at her, in front of them, when she agreed to marry him.
He said, “If you marry this family, the only thing that will make me see you again, it’s gonna be your funeral... when you sleep with guns, you wake up in a bloodbath,” and he was right.
He came to bury his own daughter, that’s the thing that brought them back.

Hector is standing in front of his daughter’s burial spot and I can tell you for sure, that it’s about to go down.
He can’t stand on his feet, despite the fact that Zimele is holding him, as he looks at those tiny eyes that he carries.
He sees that same face that kneeled down and consoled him, on the day that he got the news of his father’s death.
He looks at Buhle’s coffin and immediately he falls to the ground, and screams out loud.
You should see MmeMoichela and Hector’s siblings, it’s as if something has been taken away from them.
He takes the soil and wipes it, on his face screaming Buhle’s name.

Hector may have never given birth to Buhle but that bond and love, that they shared, is one of the reasons, why he is crying like this.
Harriet watches from away and slowly, she wipes that one tear that escapes her left eye.
She looks at Zithulele, and he is perfectly squeezed into Prince’s  embrace and one can see the sadness on his face.
I still remember, the day... that specific day, when he entered Hector’s room and seat on his laps.
It was scary but you should have seen his face, he was scared and practically horrified by what had taken place, by what was beyond his control.

Buhle Dlamini KaDikana

8 Years Of Age.

Rest In Peace, MaKaDikana.

12 September 2008 – 21 October 2016

Angelina Mashila -KaDikana

32 Years Of Age.

Rest In Peace, MaMashila

16 March 1984 – 21 October 2016

Now it’s all over for Angelina and Buhle, but the question that remains, is that how will they move on forward from this.

“Mawami, it’s time for us to go,” Zimele says to Hector, who let’s out a heavy sigh that comes out with tears, of which he quickly wipes.
You should see the dust on his face, he wiped it and it’s not going anywhere.
He looks around and sees Nganono, standing next to Angelina’s grave-side and he looks hurt, like will he ever heal from this.
Will he ever move forward, and heal from this.


The backyard has been fixed and it’s now looking like a proper garden, and not a bloody river.
These brothers and their cousins, keep on saying things, like... it was them that was supposed to die and not their wife or child.
But I know that, it wasn’t going to change anything.
Because it was just going to be, double the pain.
They have tried to search for evidence, across the many cameras that surround the house but nothing pops out.
It looks like the CCTV footages were wiped out but by who, who could have access to such.
Nganono was always the one behind such things, since he was Mr IT but now look, he can’t even stand up from his own room.

Now what am I seeing here, it’s a young white man and he looks like, he is entering with some people, that look like him.
But he is very handsome.
“What is he doing here,” that’s Nkosi and he doesn’t look pleased at all.
“I don’t know but whatever it is, he is not entering this yard, at all,” – Mabutho.
He let’s out a heavy blow, as he sees this young man moving towards them, with an entourage.
He stops at the gate and looks at them, with a smile.
He is dressed so well and every part of his clothing speaks wealth and privilege.
“Mr SJ Van Rooyen, how can we help you... and you need to be quick, we are still mourning,” Nkosi asks.
“Slow down bro, I haven’t even gotten the greetings that I wanted from my fellow Billionaires and you are telling me, about ‘mourning’ but I am not here for that, my father is missing, and according to the GPS location that I kept on his car, ‘Technology’ he was last seen at a certain property located somewhere in the outskirts of Johannesburg and according to intensify research... that property apparently belongs to you,” he says.

They never wanted to kill him but they had no choice, he was asking for too much, and they didn’t have too much to give this man called Sebastian.
And speaking of the hotel, they sold it and earned more on, income.
Now they’re seated with his son, Sebastian Junior Van Rooyen.

“What makes you think that, we know... where your father is,” – Nkosi, says to Sebastian and as for Mabutho, he is totally quiet.
He likes observing things.
But I can see that, he is under a lot of stress, I mean nobody was looking forward to SJ's grand entrance.
“Look, I don’t want to know much... all I want to know, is that... is he dead,” you should see their faces, when he said ‘is he dead’.
“Look here, small boy, we are not murderers and I suggest you take, your leave... my family is still in mourning,” – Mabutho says.
You should see his face, the Nguni beast has been unleashed.
“Okay fine, I understand,” he says, standing up and fixing his pants.
“But listen and listen very carefully, the media is one powerful tool, and it hasn’t been merciful on your side... everyone knows that the 'Damini KaDikana' brothers are thieves in black suits” and immediately Nkosi stands up, almost pouncing on him but I thank God, that Mabutho was around or else SJ was going to get beaten up to death.

“I think that you have overstayed, your welcome, please Mr Van Rooyen, take your leave... the guards will escort you,” Mabutho says, whilst holding his brother, who looks like a raging lion.
As Sebastian, takes his leave, you should see the way, Nkosi quickly makes his way to the study that is in, the main house.
Anger is truly notifying itself, in his footsteps.
“I hate this bafo, I hate everything about it... I am not racist and even uNkulukulu knows fully well that I am not... but I am not going to accept such rubbish, in our home... this is our home... and now that small boy from Sandton that should be wearing his Gucci and Louis Vuitton in his father’s house, wants to disrespect us... aii never,” he throws the glass on the floor, and it breaks.
“Nkosi, you need to calm down... when we have people around,” Mabutho says.
“I don’t care about the people, just look... we are falling apart, just look at what we have done... we worked hard, all those days... we even killed, so that our children and wives can eat... that’s our story but this story is becoming long, very long... just look, we buried a child and a wife of this home, we don’t even know anything, about their deaths... we have gone soft,” he says.
Mabutho remains quiet and just looks at the frustration that has befallen on his brother.
“Look,” he says moving towards his brother and placing one hand, on his shoulder.
“Things are always going to happen but we are not weaklings, it’s only me and you, that knows the story of where we came from... and we are not going to start now, we have come this far and this was a must for us, to lose... because in that way, we gain something... Nkosi... we are Dikanas and power dwells in us,” and with that, he gives his brother a huge and tight hug.

I love their ‘brotherly love’ and the fact that it’s so strong and beautiful, and that’s it so unique.
But what’s the story with this man called SJ Van Rooyen... I never liked him, one bit and that’s despite the fact, that I don’t even know him.
I just hate his GUCCI ass.


After the death of her husband and her moving back to their home, in Limpopo and trying to find her feet in a house, that was being led by MmeMaputla, she has really grown into a woman, that can stand and be a testimony to many.
“Mme, you can’t say that... I know that it is bad but still... we can’t just take him away from them... from his family... his no longer one of us,” – Morena.
He has grown so much and has grown to take the ‘full-position’ on being Jerry’s eldest son and that’s despite the fact, he was never a Masilo in the first place.
But he is a handsome young man and I wish that he finds a woman/man that will understand him.

“But, look how things are... even your uncles are saying the same thing... Morena, your brother is suffocating and he needs help from us... his original family... we can’t throw him to the wolves,” she says, with her arms folded and her buttocks glued to the chair, as their in the guest room, that is found in the main house.

“Look, I understand but... I can’t  allow it... I know you want to help him but I am afraid to tell you that... my brother, doesn’t want our help, and besides... we can’t bring him home in this state... he needs to heal and the only person that can give him, that healing... is Bhuti Zimele,” he says.
Kedibone is quiet, with her arms folded and her body, hidden in that beautiful black dress.
“Alright, I understand but something has to be done... I just buried my own granddaughter, she was still young... I can’t bear the thought of burying my own son too,” she says, with tears.
Leaving Morena, with a heavy weight placed on his shoulder and as for Kedibone, she’s just quiet.
Shame poor, MmeMasilo... she’s always talking but this time, it’s like a cemetery was placed in her mouth.
How I wish, Aunt Gloria was around... that woman is a force of nature, despite the fact that she loves alcohol and money.
She’s very strong, funny and damn right bold.


It’s QUIET as it should be, and that’s because it’s night and three of them, are sitting under the tree, without Nganono being present.
It’s not normal but they understand, a child can die and you will have another one but as for a wife, a husband, a mother, a father, a sister and a brother, those are irreplaceable.
Once their gone, their are gone.
He has always been the reserved one and the one, with a final say in all matters that regard his very large family, after all he is the first born son and the head of the family.

“Malume, told me that... Ma’s family has become extremely concerned about him and his well-being and they told me that they were proposing, to take him away, just for the time being,” he says.
Nkosi is surprised but not Zimele, he is just quiet and looks like he doesn’t want to go through that upcoming hurricane, that he had foreseen, coming.
“But why... I mean according to tradition and all, he belongs to us now... he is a Dlamini KaDikana family member, an important one for that matter, so what are they saying now,” Nkosi says.
“I don’t know... but all I know is that, I have refused it... Ma is going nowhere, not when this family needs him to heal,” Mabutho says.
“But... don’t you think that, I should just let him go, maybe not all of us, were meant to find love, I mean look at yourself, you have a wife but you still cheat outside, look at you, big brother... you have children that are growing up without a mother, where is the mother.... and look at me, all that I have made Hector go through in the name of love, family and tradition... love wasn’t meant for us, after all our father died a single man,” he says, with him, standing up to leave but stops, when he meets with Aunt Nokubonga.
She LOOKS beautiful 😍, in that all black dress, with her petite height.

“Go sit down, I want to have a talk with you and your brothers, where is Nganono,” she says, pulling Zimele to where he was sitting and then telling Nkosi to fetch for her chair, of which she gladly sits on.
She looks around and they all look conflicted with whatever they’re fighting.

“Do you know that your mother was a seer, well she was not like Zithulele but she used to see things, and voice out those things to your father,” she says.
Oh, now I remember... It’s super quiet, I am sure that they knew but weren’t ready to confront it, nobody was.
After all these men are even scared of their own shadow, when they cross in the spiritual realm.
“I know that I am not your mother but to me, you will always be my children and I will love and cherish, all of you... but I want all of you, to know this, take this as a wake up call... consult your ancestors and find out about this, we are nothing without them,” she says.
I personally love the respect that these ‘dimpled’ men give but I am not happy, with the way... they’re trying so hard to suppress the pain that they’re feeling.
I want to see blood, I want to see vengeance, Angelina and Buhle, can’t go like that... Harriet must pay.


In the main house,  everything that resembled death and funeral, has been taken away, moreover it’s the day after the burial and everybody has gone home, including Lerato’s siblings, who left ages ago.
I mean they left immediately after the burial and the after service, concluded.
As for the Masilo Family they will be leaving, this morning without Hector.
Breakfast has been served by Ziyanda, Lerato and Nathan’s wife, but almost no one is eating, including Harriet, she didn’t prepare anything and she’s eating nothing, just poking her food.
You should see Prince, Nathi and Zithulele, it’s  as if the food has become bitter and as for the young ones, except for Lerato’s two central Africans... who are eating like lions, everyone else at the table is quiet.
Ziyanda slowly moves out of the house, with Xolani being carried on her back, with a nice African wrap tying him.
She arrives at the door and slowly opens it, without knocking and goes inside with a plate of food.
She finds him, sitting in the on the bed, with his eyes looking into absolutely nothing.

“You know Ziyanda, I reject my stupid decisions sometimes... this is all my fault,” he says, with that plate of food in his hands.
He tried eating but for where... no appetite.
She’s carrying her child, who has fallen asleep and sitting on that chair, that same chair that Hector had that BDSM sex thing with Zimele.
“I brought them here with this colourful bead... I made them come back here, I was forced by their ancestors to force them... I made them come back here, so that they could bury their grandaunt or something... and now my own child and sister-wife....  you know fully well that they were already doing fine, they were okay with their money and level of power,” he says.
Ziyanda is just looking at him, and slowly let’s out a heavy sigh.
“Listen here, you had done nothing wrong and trust me, you did what you saw best, I mean... certain things in life, are inevitable... meaning it’s a must for it, to happen... before you came, Nkosi was sleeping and waking up, with heist ideas in his head, Nganono was always safekeeping himself by staying away from his brothers and father, Zimele was stuck in a loveless relationship with Harriet and always trying to impress daddy, and as for Mabutho, he was clearly failing to hold his small family together, after his wife went to jail,” she says.
I personally agree, with her... she’s  right, I mean this family was okay on the outside but deep inside they were damaged.
It’s was like, looking at a sick person that did not want to get help, from the depression that they were feeling.

“I know that these dimpled Nguni men will never tell you this but you are the reason why they have, what they have today... that’s why Harriet is jealous of you,” she says.
It’s the truth but also these men worked extremely hard.
They proved to be nothing but strong, willed men... that will do anything to provide and protect their families.
“But I always knew that this family had a dark side, maybe we are receiving our payment in full, for all the dark things that we have done,” he says.
“My brother, everything has a dark side in this family, all of us... have a dark side... and it will never finish, as long as we are still living under this hot African sun,” she says.

Hector remains quiet and Ziyanda remains quiet.
“I want the person that took my daughter’s life and that of Angelina, to die... a very slowly and painful death,” he says.
Ziyanda’s face remains hard, in fact they is no sign of shock or whatsoever, she’s just hard on the face.
“They must kill, in all honesty... I want the ancestors, the very same ones that forced you, to force them, to bring them here... must deal with that person or the people... that did this, after all our payment is right here, under the sun... everything whether bad or good, it’s paid under the sun,” she says, with her eyes fixed to Hector’s own and right there, it reminds me of the old Ziyanda.
The colourful troublemaker.

Someone knocks on the door and Hector tells the person to come in, and to their surprise, it’s ghost boy... Zithulele.
“What do you want Zithulele... have you eaten, your breakfast,” Hector asks.
But he remains quiet and he knows that silence, it usually happens when he is under that... that means that, he is being controlled again.
“Don’t worry... He that kills with a machete dies by the very same machete... an eye for an eye, a life for a life, they will pay, since he wanted happiness for that which he brought, then he must prepare,” he says.
And slowly he turns around and takes his leave.
Leaving Hector and Ziyanda, confused to say the least.


They met in the United Kingdom, at a launch of someone’s restaurant , and from that point, they have been close friends with strong benefits.
She doesn’t usually get her ‘engine’ cleared by Zimele’s tools, and now she finds comfort in him.
A handsome white man called Sebastian Junior Van Rooyen – yep... you got that right.
“I have accepted defeat but not yet, I know that those men know what happened to your father,” she says, as she comes out of the bed and moves to wear her clothes.
It looks like their in a hotel.
“I know but I just need something to confirm his death, so that I can get my inheritance... and move on,” he says.
“Move on, where are you moving too... these man robbed you of your father and you want too overlook it,” she asks.
“Look Harriet, I don’t want any war with that family, you have seen how the media portrays them... they’re well-known thieves that are also untouchable, even we the ‘white’ people, are afraid of them,” he says.
Harriet is just shocked that this man is spitting such words, how can he say such things.
But honestly speaking, why is Harriet forcing him to enter a war that he doesn’t want.
Unless, she wants to take the brothers attention away from the murder that she committed and place it, on SJ Van Rooyen.
Clever WO-MAN.

“You have been pushing me... and  we don’t even have evidence to pin it, on those men,” he says.
“I have evidence and it’s right here... SJ,” she says, as she moves her naked self to her handbag and brings out a brown envelope and throws it, to him.
He catches it, with both of his hand, and slowly but hesitantly opens it and immediately the expression changes on his face.
It’s hard.
“How did you obtain this... Harriet,” he asks.
“That’s a rhetorical question, meaning it doesn’t have an answer... the question that you should be asking, is... How do we take them down?....,” she says.

I must say that she is a smart to come up with an idea to protect herself by starting a war.
I am still asking myself, how did she get that ‘evidence’ that she gave SJ.

©All Rights Reserved By George Osumba.

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