I See You (Neteyam/Y/N/Aonung...

By wordforever

118K 1.9K 691

FEMALE READER! Boys if you want a p.o.v let me know and I give you one. Give this story a chance. Okay let me... More

1. The New Home!
2. Training!
3. Hide N' Seek!
4. Ball Chase!
5. The Plan!?
6. Fruit!
7. Ilu
8. Tuk on the cliff!
9. The nightly swim.
10 Confession!
11! Is this a dream too?
12! Reef Swimming!?
13! Why are you so tempting?
14! Strip?
15! Virgin, Who?!
16! Tauri finds out!
17! Y/N where are you?!
18! Do not see them again!?
20! Dinner?!
21! Daddy!
22! Safe word!
23! Dinner!? Parents!?
24! That Guy?!
25! Mine!?
26! Knees?!
27! Birthday!?
29! Aonung day?!
30! Aonung part 2!?
31! Watch!?
33! Beach
34: GIRL!
35: What happened?!
36: Neteyam day!?
37. Neteyam Day 2
38. Girl
39. Come on Darling
40. Last Time?!
41. Leader.
42. Months.
43. Month 7 May.
44. Fuck Neteyam!
45. Came back.
46. Baby names.

28! Surprise!?

2K 38 14
By wordforever

Your p.o.v

Walking over to the two males with a huge smile on my face. They did all of this for me. They hand me the fruit and flowers.

"Thank you"

I manage to get out, Aonung grabs my hand. He kisses the top of it while Neteyam walks away from me. I make a confused look. Aonung smiles, he walks over to my side. He kisses my temple,

"Don't worry baby he is just going to go start the music." -Aonung


Aonung looks down at me, he stares into my eyes for a moment before answer my question.

"Yes, your brothers told us you love music and dancing." -Aonung

I look down from embarrassment. Placing my head on Aonung chest.

"Which brother told you this?"

"Alo" -Aonung

Damn it the one I refuse to try and put my hand on. Neteyam made his way back to us. Loud music starts to play. The whole damn village is here.

Everyone is dancing and joking around. I had place my flowers and fruit down so I can have fun as well.

Right now I'm dancing with Tuk and Kiri. Moving my hips to the beat. Kiri and Tuk is doing the same. Closing my eyes focusing on the music. I listen to the beat carefully.

Swaying my body to the beat of the music. Spinning around in circles and placing my arms up in the air.

Neteyam p.o.v

I was having a drink with my brother Lo'ak, Rotxo, Aonung, and some other guy I didn't care to much about to learn his name. I was so happy to see my little one having fun at her party.

I take my eyes off of her when she makes her way to the dance floor with Tuk and Kiri. I know they won't let anything happen to her.

Aonung must have know that cause he starts having a long conversation with Rotxo. Few minutes pass and I hear a 'Wow' come from that kids mouth.

I look at him, he's staring at someone. I turn my head to see little one twirling her little ass to the beat of the music.

I whistle at Aonung. He looks away from Rotxo, I nod my head towards the dance floor. Aonung turns his glaze to (YN). Watching Aonung jaw tighten.

Little one is twirling her body in a circle. Swaying her ass out, I inhale a sharp breath. I look at Aonung, he removes his eyes off of her.

I give him a knowing look. He nods, both of us head out to the dance floor. Aonung grips her waist. He has her waist tight. We must have snapped her out of whatever trance we had her in.

She opens her eyes and looks at us. Giving us that innocent look, that fucking innocent look drives me insane. She flashes us a smile.

"Dance with me?"

She has no fucking clue what I want to do to her right now. What I wanna do to her cute little body. I wanna make that ass beat red with my hand print on her ass. Showing everyone that ass belongs to me. Aonung tightens his grip on her waist.

He pulls her close to his chest. She looks up at him.

"Is that a yes?"

Aonung doesn't answer, he just starts swaying her hips with. Keeping her body close to his. I stand in front of her she is blushing. So adorable when she gets red over something so little.

We start dancing together, after a few hours the party ends. Little one is exhausted. She is in my arms dozing off. I have her in bride style. Her head resting on my chest. She keeps forcing herself. Aonung makes sure to grab all of her gifts.

We head back to the hut, I walk over to the bed. I lay (YN) down. She crawlers up into a ball. Aonung place all of her gifts onto the floor. She looks so peaceful. Aonung walks over to beside me.

"We didn't get to do all of the surprises." -Aonung

I make a small smile.

"No, but watching her have fun tonight made it great as fuck. "

Aonung nods his head. Agreeing with me. Both of us lay down onto the bed cuddling close to her. I make sure to cover her little body up. My actions makes her cuddle deeper into us. Aonung kiss the top of her head. We finally get tired enough and head to bed.

Author: I was going to make a sex chapter but I was like no make it fluff. Next chapter will be spicy because why not. I also wanted to say. A few chapters ago Aonung and Neteyam didn't rape (YN). I've been getting comments and honestly I don't like those type of comments. I wanted to say I'll try and address the safe word more. I just wanted to say it wasn't rape and I'm sorry that I made it seem that way. I just thought I should inform you guys this. Thank you so much for reading.

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