
By WolfPupAsh

126 1 0

A boy named Ash, who made his own company at 24, Struggles to find much meaning in life. He works a good amou... More

[Chapter 1]
[Chapter 2]
[Chapter 3]
[Chapter 4]
[Chapter 6]
[Chapter 7]
[Chapter 8]
[Chapter 9]
[Chapter 10]
[Chapter 11]
[Chapter 12]

[Chapter 5]

11 0 0
By WolfPupAsh

I start to panic and try to hide the knife somewhere but fail when I notice someone's feet in front of me. I look up to find Zaiden staring down at me. 'Hey,' I watch him hold out his hand gesturing for me to give him the knife and I slowly stare up at him as he starts to crouch down a bit. I hesitantly hand him the knife before I grab my arms ignoring most of the pain and starting to cry again while Zaiden wraps his arms around me. 'I'm so fucking stupid I'm sorry..! I thought you went home and Andrea is asleep..!' 'Hey.. It's alright I know..' I lay in towards him and he picks me up again carrying me back up to my room. How the fuck is he this strong..?? Then again I am also just small.. He puts me down on my bed and I sit there starting to panic. 'Please don't tell my sister..' 'It's between us okay?' I watch him get up to leave but I grab his arm pulling him back. 'Please don't leave me alone.. I'm scared I'm going to relapse again..' 'I.. uhm.. Alright..' Zaiden sits back down next to me again while I'm laying down staring at the ceiling again. It doesn't take long for me to pass out and when I wake up again Zaiden is on the other side of my bed. I guess he fell asleep too. Then my sister knocks at my door and I panic. 'Ash-' 'Oi! I'm naked!' 'Ew! WHY!?' 'Because I'm getting dressed!' 'What for?? I thought you got booked off today for your wrists.' 'Well yeah, But I still need to go for surgery!' I watch as Zaiden rolls over staring at me leaning on an arm almost laughing and I give him a death glare. 'Fine, But hurry the fuck up. I made food again. And when you're done stripping for Zaiden, tell him he can come down too. I'm not stupid y'know.' The door shuts and I fall back onto my pillow. Aw fuck.. I'm in for a speech.. 'That went well.' 'Easy for you to say! She's not your sister!' 'No, but I have a similar thing at home. It's just the little version of it.' 'Not the same thing!' Zaiden laughs and I get up to go get dressed. As I take my shirt off I see Zaiden staring. 'Look away you damn Pervert!' 'I am no such thing.' 'Then why are you staring at me like that??' 'Because.. every art piece has its fans right?' 'Ew gross! Leave my damn room!!' I hear Zaiden laugh and he gets up leaving the room while I get dressed. After I head down stairs and find Zaiden downstairs he stares at me smiling and I roll my eyes going to sit down. 'So, Brother dearest.' 'Oh gods.. Andrea-!' 'No no. Don't, Don't try to defend yourself. Okay? You got yourself into this, You know the rules-' 'Andrea we didn't-!' 'Ash! LISTEN! It's fine, You were curious. I get it. Zaiden is a model and all. I just need you to remember that models become selfish and leave you for better girls and prettier girls-' 'What- What the fuck no I wouldn't-' 'You mister will be next! Shut up! Ash, If you want to have his babies, You better be damn sure, He's the right one. Understand??' 'I-' 'y'know what don't answer.' 'Andrea-!' 'No! Zaiden, You know what, If you do to my brother what we do to others I will snap your neck personally, okay?? I don't care how big and tough you think you are I will prove myself in a fight! M'kay? That is my baby BABY brother! Surely you know how it feels. And if you get my brother pregnant... You WILL marry him. You will take care of him and that child. Understood??' 'Wait.. so Ash is a special circumstance?' 'I don't actually know but it's safer to be careful.' 'I'M SITTING RIGHT HERE!' 'And do you know whether or not you're a special circumstance Ash?' 'I- No..' 'exactly so shush.' I sigh laying on my arms before Andrea picks up the knife that I guess Zaiden left on the counter last night. 'Were one of you two in the kitchen last night?' I feel myself freeze and I can't figure out what to say. 'Oh, Uhm me, I got hungry and came to make something but figured I should go check in on ash.' 'Oh, You weren't hungry then..' 'Andrea!' 'Gods..' I hear Andrea laugh as she turns away to do the dishes. By the time we finish our food, Me and Zaiden head off to go to the hospital for my surgery. By the time I get out my hand is in a cast, and I look over to see Zaiden sitting down asleep in the chair with Nora, his pup sitting beside him. Nora sits up and walks over to me so I reach down to pet her. 'So you're the one I keep hearing about.' Zaiden wakes up and sits up straight rubbing his eyes. 'That was the longest fucking surgery ever..' Only because you're not the one who was under this time.' 'I- No, I don't usually get surgery because of my wrist guards.' 'I'm joking gosh..' Nora slightly jumps up and starts licking at my face and I mess with her ears with my one open hand. As I start to lay down again the doctor comes over. 'Feeling more awake now?' 'Obviously.' 'Just making sure, It went pretty well, As long as you keep off of that hand it'll be healed. You'll be booked off for about a month so, No messing about take it easy, Have someone do the cooking and cleaning stuff, you just rest, And I mean both this hands!' 'Ugh.. can I at least still go to the gym??' 'If you plan on only doing squats, No handed sit-ups or jogging at a safe speed then yes.' 'Oh my gods just kill me now..' 'It's just a month, Time will go by like nothing.' 'Somehow that seems like a lie.' 'Whatever you say.' Eventually I get released and Zaiden takes me straight home where Andrea jumps on me for a hug. 'How are your hands??' 'Sore.' 'I bet they're not the only things.' 'Excuse-!? Are you assuming 1st. That we did do it last night, and 2. THAT I AM A BOTTOM!?' Zaiden stares at me along with Andrea. 'What??' 'All I'm saying is Zaiden definitely isn't receiving shit that isn't-' 'okay woah! Pg!' I lean down covering the dog's ears. 'Like I was saying that ain't head.' 'Andrea!!' 'What?? It's a dog!' 'And dogs learn from their owners!' 'She judges me constantly anyway there's no use in covering her ears.' 'What!?' 'The dog judges me on a daily basis.' 'Well you are kind of a player.' I look up at Andrea remembering why I didn't like Zaiden in the first place. He's a player... 'I excuse myself and head up to my room before I close and lock the door. I go to lay on the bed and stare at the wrist guard. It used to be Zaiden's but the doctor gave him his back. Probably a good thing though.. It isn't long before I hear a knocking but I just stay quiet. 'Ash?? Are you okay..?' 'I'm fine Andrea.' There's a moment of silence before the door unlocks and I sigh. I forgot I gave her an extra key.. 'Is this because you're afraid of Zaiden breaking your heart? He's only a player with girls Y'know.' 'Who says he isn't playing guys too-?' 'Ash, for heaven's sakes. Zaiden dated one guy before, And it lasted like.. a month because they realised they just weren't meant to be.' 'And what makes me so different..?' 'Well for one you're way too stubborn.' 'Very funny.' 'Ash, He gave you his wrist guard, makes sure your eating carries you around, He makes sure your safe, Last time I heard he hasn't done anything close to that for half of the girls he's broken up with.' 'Then why me? Out of all the people he could get why the hell would he fall for me??' 'Because, Believe it or not, you're actually a really good person under all the rubble and cement. That and probably because you don't swoon over his fucking abs all the time trying to get him to bed.' I stare down at the wrist guard
again. 'What if I don't make it much longer..?' 'Hey, No don't fucking think like that. What dad did was fucked up. But he can't get you okay..? We live miles away from him now.' 'Andrea dad died..' 'Well then it's even better!' I lean over onto my sister's shoulder and she just hugs me which always makes me feel better. After a good while we hear the fire alarm in the kitchen going of so we run over to see Zaiden having s battle over food with Nora. 'Zaiden! How did you set off the fire alarm?? 'Oh uh.. I forgot the pan on the stove after making the food so the things that were left kinda burned and set off the alarm..?' 'Because I'm guessing Nora wanted the food more?' 'Exactly.' I sigh shaking my head and going to turn the alarm off. 'You're an idiot.' 'Am I though?? I mean I did make food, I just forgot your stove doesn't turn off when the pot isn't being used anymore.' 'Yours does that??' 'No but It'd be really fucking cool.' I sigh again before I grab my house keys. 'I'm going to take a walk.' 'Okay! Be safe!' 'Okay,' I start to walk out the door and walk a pretty good distance. I love watching the trees and things. I get back home eventually to my sister and Zaiden fighting about something so I roll my eyes and sit down. Zaiden eventually walks over to me before hugging me. 'See? He's not a monster.' 'Not the way you know him-' 'Excuse me?? What makes me a monster??' 'I Dunno! Your death glare, Your death grip your-' 'Okay, Okay I get it!' 'You really didn't think you're that scary??' 'Not really. I dunno why people are so afraid of me.' 'Because you're a strong ass beta!?' 'Yeah, But I'm a softie-' 'I have never seen a softy that's as aggressive as you are when others or you are in trouble.' I look up at Zaiden annoyed before I remember my hands and the guy from the party. Ah right- 'can we not talk about it?' 'Sure, If you tell me about the other night-' 'ANDREA WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!' Me and Zaiden both exclaim simultaneously. She is so stubborn! 'Okay okay! I'll believe you. For now.' I roll my eyes before something in my head clicks. 'Hey Andrea don't you have a girlfriend??' 'I play people ash-' 'No no, I mean a real girlfriend.' 'No, I'm playing her.' 'Oh really??' 'You're too innocent for this world.' 'No I just remember seeing a teddy bear in your room, Usually you toss those-' 'Yeah, well I liked it. And it doesn't mean-' I hear Andrea's phone ringing and I see the screen blinking with hearts. 'I knew it! You weren't bringing any dates back anymore, I knew you feel for somebody!' 'Ash! Shush!' I then hear Zaiden growl. 'Liz? As in my sister Liz!?' 'I- Yes-?' 'If you even try to break her heart-!' 'Don't worry Zaiden, She's in love, Rare but it is true love.' I taunt while starting to sing The beauty and the beast song and dancing away and upstairs. When I get upstairs I realize Zaiden had followed me up so I turn to stare at him. 'And where do you think you're going-?' 'Just following you around is all..' 'And why is that?' 'Because-' Zaiden goes to take my hand again and I move away before pinning him to a wall. 'Don't you dare touch me.' 'Why so damn grumpy??' Zaiden lifts his hands up putting them on top of mine making me feel a bit red in the face. 'You're supposed to rest.. How are you not in pain?' 'I'm just.. Used to ignoring it.' I let go of him and rub my hands before Zaiden pulls his hands up to my face and he cups my face in his hands staring at me. 'You have beautiful eyes..' 

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