[Chapter 10]

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'Rian? Kiddo where are you??' I run around the house looking for Rian but I can't find him. Me and Andrea had an argument and he must've thought it was serious. I eventually look under the bed and Rian is laying there hugging his Teddy bear. 'Kiddo.. Are you alright..?' 'I'm okay..' 'You want to come out..?' 'Not really..' 'Alright.. Is it.. Okay if I lay here..?' Rian nods his head and I lay on the floor staring at the ceiling. 'What's on your mind kiddo?' 'You and Aunty were fighting.. Like when mommy would fight with her boyfriends..' 'Did mommy fight with a lot of her boyfriends?' 'Yeah.. It was scary..' 'Well, Y'know when.. You and a friend are both excited about something and you start to get full of energy about it?' 'Yeah..?' 'And when one person forgets something and says the wrong thing you start to bicker a bit about it?' 'Yeah.. Me and Archie do that a lot.' 'Archie your friend from school?' Rian nods and I nod back at him. 'Well, Me and Aunty are brother and sister. So we do it a lot too. But we don't hate each other or get mad. We playfully compete.' 'Oh..' We lay there for a few more minutes before Rian shuffles over to me and out from under the bed and cuddles against my side. I sit up picking him up and kissing his forehead. 'There's that green eyed angel I was looking for.' Rian chuckles and hides his face in my shoulder. When I look up I see Zaiden in the doorway and I lower my ears. 'Stalker much?' I joke lifting my ears. 'Only when it's you.' 'That doesn't make it better.' 'It doesn't when I'm stalking my Gorgeous husband.' 'Oh my gods were not even married.' 'Not yet.' 'Zaiden don't get any Ideas.' I start to head downstairs with Rian and Zaiden looks annoyed and confused. 'Did you really just say you don't want to marry me?' 'Not if that's the way you're going to ask me to marry you no.' I snicker heading to the kitchen and Putting Rian into a chair before grabbing a bowl and some milk and cereal putting it in front of him. 'C'mon, You're gonna be late. You want me or Daddy to take you?' 'Can daddy take me??' I nod and Zaiden walks over. 'What have I unwillingly been nominated for this time?' 'You're taking Rian to school.' 'Oh, That's not so bad.' 'Till you meet all the soccer moms. You're going to come home, "Oh, the life of a model is such hard work! How can I ever go on??" I put a hand on my head and do a few dramatic poses before Zaiden stares at me smiling and walking over tickling me. 'I'd rethink that if I were you.' 'Zaiden!! No! Okay okay!!' I laugh and Rian is laughing at me too. Zaiden kisses my head and Rian jumps down from his chair with a mouth still filled with cereal, going to grab his school bag before running back over. 'Drive carefully! Not like a lunatic. I don't want to hear that you both ended up with a totaled car an a hospital bill.' 'Yeah yeah, You worry too much.' Zaiden walks over to Rian and they both head out the door and I'm alone again.

I stare down at the chains surrounding my hands, which are bleeding and purple at this point from my tugging on them. I lower my ears. He never actually came for me. If only all that would actually happen.. but let's be realistic, this isn't a movie.. and there probably won't be a happy ending. 'Aw, sad again, pup?' My father walks over to me, pulling my head up to stare at him. It's just a huge blur. I don't have any energy left, much less enough to keep looking at him, so I start to doze off again. Is this..? Is this it? Please let this be the end... I can't take anymore.. I want out of here.. I open my eyes again and the chains are still wrapped around my wrists but something feels off. I look up and around before noticing a bunch of people standing around me. They're saying something.. I can't hear it well but I try my best.. 'Is he even of any worth anymore? 'Course he is. I just made sure he was less than unwilling to leave or fight back. If you really want, a shot of adrenaline works great to give him  boost of energy.' He's selling me..? I don't want to go.. I want to go home.. I miss my bed, and food.. I miss Zaiden.. I should've admitted that I liked him from the start.. Now I'm in a basement about to be sold of.. I miss Andrea.. I feel my eyes trying to well up with tears but I'm unable to cry. 'What's his name?' 'Anything you want it to be.' I try to look at them but I just start to Doze off again. When I wake up again I'm.. in a bed? I lay there staring at the ceiling. It's clean and white. My clothes were changed as well. I can tell, though I didn't look at them. My hands are bandaged too. the room is really bright and I have to squint my eyes to see. I slightly sit up and pull my knees to my chest. Most of my wounds are covered in bandages and Band-Aids. Where am I?.. I look to the side where there's a massive window and I stare through it to see only sky. When I walk over I see an entire forest surrounding us, but below my feet. I jump back and sit down on the floor. Then I hear the room door open and I Hide behind the bed. 'Ash?' I hear footsteps walk closer before they stop and I start shaking as I hold my legs against my chest. 'Ash, I put you in here, I know you're Still in here. There's no other way out than the guarded door, So Just come out and everything will be fine. I even got you a bed, How can you possibly think I'm that bad?' Suddenly I feel someone yanking me at the arm. I whine before I'm dragged to my feet and thrown onto my knees in front of a tall black haired man. I stare up at him and he looks like he's some sort of military soldier. Or Ex-military soldier.. 'Stand up, boy.' I quickly stumble onto my feet still hugging myself and shaking. 'I bought you out of the kindness of my heart. I could've left you there but I didn't. So as long as I'm here, In a room with you, You will obey my every order understood?' I stare at him not knowing what to do. 'Do I make myself clear!?' I flinch and Nod my head quickly before he lets go of me and starts to walk out of the room. 'Oh and before I leave, Truce, Get him dressed will you?' Truce..? Why does that sound familiar..? I look over to see a woman who looks like the Truce from my dream. Could they really be the same..? 'C'mon, Let's go get you bathed, and dressed. I'd suggest not to fight it. The boss can be demanding.' I hesitantly nod and she drags me over to a big bathroom leading me over to a bath. 'Well? Take you clothes off , c'mon.' I shake my head and start to back away from her but back into the tub. 'Oh don't be such a drama queen. I changed your clothes when you got here, You might just as well take them off to bathe again. Would you feel better if I wait outside? Just don't try anything.' I watch as she walks out and shuts the door before locking it. I walk over to a mirror to see my bloodied face staring back at me. How long was I down there anyway..? I lost track of time.. I hear a knock on the door and I jump again. 'Hurry up! We haven't got all day. I decide to listen, I don't want to get hurt again.. I bathe and get dressed into a pair of clothes that are laid out in the bathroom. When she opens the door again she grabs my arm pulling me outside and I fold my ears up out of surprise before pulling them back down. We head into a giant hallway and then into an enormous what looked like living room. It was all black and white with no color what so ever. As we enter about the middle of it we stop and the woman turns to a door opening it. She then gestures for me to walk in. I do so and when I get inside there's probably more than 25 people staring directly at me. I stare back at some of them and they're all dressed in fancy black suits sitting around a table. 'Ah, Ash, Glad you could finally join us.' I look over to the man from this morning as he gestures a hand out towards me and I slowly walk closer. I can feel their eyes staring at me and I shrink into myself while I stand beside the guy and stare at the floor but he grabs my arm and I take the hint and look up again my ears still pinned back. 'Gentlemen, This right here is an excellent example of what happens to those who will betray us. I have found a man, who will create the perfect obedient child, Co-worker, Or whatever it is you seek to send in to the new team mate. I stare at all these men who are now slightly laughing and talking with one another. I feel myself start to panic but I can't move.. I'm terrified..  I completely black out before Truce pulls me out of the room. I must not have noticed that he told me to leave. 'C'mon, Back to your room until the master's meeting is done-' I look over to see what looks like the front door. It's unlocked so I stop to stare at it. Nobody can stop me if I run.. It's an open way out.. I have to try. 'Ash? Ash don't you dare think about it-!' I ignore Truce and start to bolt for the door and right as I'm about to reach it I'm stopped by someone as I bump into them and they catch me before I fall. 'Careful now. Wouldn't want a perfect specimen like you getting out now would we?' I see a sinister smile on a completely unfamiliar face. 'So you're this Ash everyone speaks about..? You must have been in one hell of a position if you actually got here..' a Shiver goes down my spine and I try to release myself from his grip to no avail. 'You don't talk much do you??' No.. I don't like speaking.. It just gets me in trouble.. 'Come on, At least say something. Ask me my name.' I shake my head. I refuse to speak. They can't make me talk right? 'Such a shame.. You look like you'd have had a lovely voice.' The man pulls me closer before I hear a whistle and he lets go. 'He's mine, Demetri.' 'I know he's yours brother.' 'Good then stay away from him.' I turn to see the man from the meeting room. 'Ash, Excuse my brother. He has no manners.'  I hear the guy sigh as he grabs my arm dragging me back to the room this all began in and he shoves me in and shutting the door but not before smirking at me. a Shiver runs down my spine and I look around realizing they're going to kill me for trying to leave.. I run to the bathroom locking myself inside. I sit on the floor with my back against the door as I raise my legs up to my chest, shaking. 'Ash,' The door clicks open and someone steps into the room. 'You're not in trouble. It's your first day, I get it you're scared.' I am scared.. And I know you're going to hurt me.. I'm not coming out!.. 'Come on, talk to me..' I shake my head. I don't want to.. No talking.. No leaving. I just want to hide.. I hear the door behind me unlock and I immediately stand up backing away and back into the bathtub again pulling my hands up to cover my mouth and I feel my eyes well up with tears. Demetri walks in holding a glass of water and food. 'Why so petrified?' I find myself sitting don in the bathtub curling into a ball. 'Come on, Your food is getting cold and you're already severely dehydrated.' I get up and walk closer. I reach over to the glass of water taking it shakily. 'It's alright it's for you after all.' I take it from him and down the glass, before handing him the empty glass and he takes it moving slightly to the side so I can head to the bed. 'Still not much of a.. Verbal person ey?' I sit down on the bed and he hands me the food as I stare down at it. I look up at him and he nods before I start to eat. I haven't eaten in so long.. I hear him laughing and I look up before he stares at me. 'You're quite adorable when you eat.' I have a sudden flash back before I drop the plate. 'You look so cute when you eat Ash. It's a shame I can't feed you more, But it just gives you too much strength and energy.' I move back on the bed shaking and pulling my legs up to my chest sitting as far back as possible. 'Are- Are you okay? Did I.. Scare you..?' My eyes start to well up into tears before I finally snap back to reality. 'I'm sorry.. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry-' 'What for?? Calm down you're not in trouble.' I just keep my legs closely tucked to my chest before I feel two arms wrap around me. 'It's okay.. I'm going to get you out..' The voice whispers into my ear. He gets up and leaves me there and I sit staring at the edge of the bed. There's a mess now.. Oh gods..

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