Azur Lane reacts to Movies, V...

By Ninsor

581K 6.1K 15.8K

The Kansens (shipgirls) from all factions/nations are transported into a theater, where they will watch poss... More

Characters invited
Where are we?
Midway 2019 (Part 1)
Midway 2019 (Part 2)
Midway 2019 (Part 3)
Midway 2019 (Part 4)
Midway 2019 (Final part)
Future plans and next reaction (Please read)
More characters in the future? (Please read)
The next generation of warships (Part 1)
The next generation of warships (Part 2)
The next generation of warships (Final part)
Epilogue surprise/Future reaction plans (Please read)
The ship that would not die
Battle of Tsushima
OUR granny Avrora
Young granny Mikasa
Contain the Bismarck
The Falklands Oversimplified
Devotion (Part 1)
Devotion (Part 2)
Devotion (Part 3)
Devotion (Part 4)/Small Update
Devotion (Final Part)/Future Plans?
Epilogue reflections/Future plans (PLEASE READ)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 1)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 2 - First half)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 2 - Second Half)
How to Atago (#BigSisterEnergy)
WW1 Oversimplified
WW2 Oversimplified - Part 1
WW2 Oversimplified - Part 2
Greyhound Battles
Tank Fish: Dead Ahead
Bismarck Sabaton (I have announcement)
Success or Failure? Germany's Navy in WW2
Battleship Final Battle
The New Order
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 1)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 2)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 3)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 4)
The Great War of Archimedes (Final Part)/Future Plans
Epilogue of thoughts/Future plans (PLEASE READ)
Tank Fish: Decaying Winter (Part 1)
Tank Fish: Decaying Winter (Part 2)
Tank Fish: American Blitz
The Chaos Legion of Tank Fish
The Fallen of WW2
Command and Conquer: Red Alert
Command and Conquer: Tiberium
Kantai Collection (Part 1)
Kantai Collection (Part 2)/Message
Kantai Collection (Final Part)
How to Hood/The Kaga Experience
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 1 - First Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 1 - Second Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 2 - First Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 2 - Second Half)
The World of Kaiserreich
Kamen Rider and some trolling
"I am a Pole" The Legend of Piorun
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Parts 1-2)
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Parts 3-4)
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Part 5)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 1)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 2)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 3)
Future/Modern Warships (Final Part)
Therapy Time with Texas (Special)
How Nuclear Power Works
High Free Spirit/Voting
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 1)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 2)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 3)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 4)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Final)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 1)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 2)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 3)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 4)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Final)
Epilogue (Update)
Tank Fish: Da Hood
Halo (Part 1 / Update)
Halo (Part 2)
Halo (Final)
The Story of Desmond Doss (Simple History)
OC Gangsta (Part 1)
OC Gangsta (Part 2)
Arpeggio of Blue Steel
Lunch, Drama, Gaming (Special)
Genshin Impact (My Money is Gone)
Red Baron & Ghost Division (Sabaton)
SCP-3000: Anantashesha
The Pig War - Oversimplified (First Half)
The Pig War - Oversimplified (Second Half)
WEEB POWER | MUSASHI / How to Tirpitz
Tank Fish: Rise of Nations (Parts 1 and 2)
Tank Fish: Rise of Nations (Part 3 and Finale)
Tank Fish: Trenches
What sunk the Moskva (First Half)
What sunk the Moskva (Second Half)
Alter-Versions and QnA (Special)
HMS Formidable Launched Herself
Naval Legends: USS Texas / Voting
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 1)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 2)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 3)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 4)
The Angry Birds Movie (Final)
Transformers 2007 (Part 1)
Transformers 2007 (Part 2)
Transformers 2007 (Part 3)
Transformers 2007 (Part 4)
Transformers 2007 (Final - First Half)
Transformers 2007 (Final - Second Half)
Epilogue: Review, short Beach Episode, etc.
Tank Fish: Space Wars (First Half)
Tank Fish: Space Wars (Second Half)
Life Update and my own Middle-Earth
February the 14th of 2024
Glory 1989 (Part 1)
Azur Lane Cheers
Update w/ Nevada
Tank Fish: Roblox REQUIEM (GONE WRONG)

Genshin Impact

6K 37 48
By Ninsor

Side note 1: This will be the only chapter of Genshin

Side note 2: I was tired yesterday, because of Oversimplified WW2. I didn't have enough time to work on this in one day for those who are wondering on why I didn't post yesterday.

Side note 3: If you're wondering why there are some changes in characters and some things after reading this chapter, I had to talk with another reader for this one, @jshekwhwkw02827. This chapter basically exists of him

Reactions before/after Epilogue:

(I will be doing alternate history for some of these. Since my version is the crimson axis war didn't happen, some of these videos will be related to that war like in the anime/game.)

- Battle of Jutland, Taranto, Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Samar (Task Force Taffy 3)

- HMS Dreadnought

- Britain's Triumph: The Surrender of the German High Seas Fleet

- Naval Legends: USS Texas

- Genshin Impact (Current reaction)

- Greyhound scenes (Next reaction)

- Tank Fish (Our Lord and Savior. The girls will all react to these: Dead Ahead, Trench Warfare, Beach Episode, American Blitz, Napoleonic Wars. Make sure to type E or else I won't do Dead Ahead after Greyhound scenes)

- The Fighting Lady

- Naval Legends: Georgios Averof

- Bismarck Sabaton

- Battleship 2012 scenes, Hacksaw ridge scenes

- The Pig War, Napoleonic Wars

- How Nuclear power works (maybe to be accepted)

- Star Wars Navy battles (Most specifically Scarif, Endor, Scipio, Corusant, etc.)

- The New Order Documentary (It's basically 'what if the axis powers won?'. It's really good)

- Battle of Myeongyang, Admiral Yi (maybe to be accepted)

- Pirates of the Caribbean (maybe to be accepted, maybe I'll add some Azur lane elements)

- Bismarck documentary by animarchy history

- Naval Legends: Yamato, Yamato (2005) scenes

- The Great War of Archimedes (Might do a shortened version of the film)

- "I am a Pole" The Legend of Piorun

- Halo Battle of Earth (maybe to be accepted)

- Isoroku Yamamoto, the Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet movie/scenes (maybe, for the crimson axis war history)

- Storm Over the Pacific movie/scenes (maybe, for the crimson axis war history)

- Tora Tora Tora (maybe, for the crimson axis war history)

- Top Gun/Top Gun Maverick

- SCP 3000, Steven HE, Kantai Collection

- Roon and Hans (maybe to be accepted)

- MSG 3 Snake/Big Boss (Essex) vs Boss (Enterprise), (maybe to be accepted)

- World of Warships AMV - High Free Spirit

- nerf BISMARCK pls (both parts)

- Attack on Pearl Harbor (Crimson Axis history)

- What your favorite warships says about you Pt 1-3

- Transformers, Venator Class Star Destroyer, Pacific Rim 1st movie (Pacific Rim sequel had potential but ruined, at least there's Pacific Rim: The Black. These are maybe to be accepted)

- USS William D. Porter (unlucky, so unlucky that it nearly got the President killed)

- USS Kearsarge, USS Arleigh Burke, USS Zumwalt, USS Midway, USS Montana (more future warships reactions confirmed)

- USS Forestall (another future warship, I will include the fire disaster that happened)

- What if USA joined Axis instead of the Allies (more alternate history)

- The Fallen of WW2

- How to Hood, WEEB POWER | MUSASHI, The Weaboo Fantasy 2

- Naval Legends: Iowa and/or Naval Legends: Missouri

- Sinking of Blucher (Drobak Sound)

- More Sabaton (maybe to be accepted)

- Cold War era military vehicles (maybe to be accepted)

- Space Battleship Yamato 2202 (maybe to be accepted)

- Apollo space program (maybe to be accepted)

New characters (you can request):

I plan to add USS Texas at the Battle of Jutland reaction

Depending on the reactions, I will add shipgirls on my own accord.

In this chapter I will add Helena, Phoenix, Z46, Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, HMS Agincourt (Queen Elizabeth class) will also be added this chapter, here's how she looks. I updated the list

Chapter starts:

Silence was in the room, no one spoke a word. Until..

"To be honest... I never thought I would live to know that there can be people who are as bad as the sirens... I thought they were already bad enough" Queen Elizabeth says while drinking her tea

"What we can learn from this.. is to make sure to not make the same mistakes our alter worlds did" Georgios Averof says as everyone agrees

The nations representatives continue to talk some more, they were even debating if using the bombs were justified or not. Some were even thinking of trying to make those bombs to use against the sirens, but they're not sure yet.

The destroyers along with Unicorn were playing together so they could be distracted from what they have watched. The rest either stayed silent recovering and thinking about what they watched or were eating. When everyone was done, they sat in their seats

"Now, Royal Navy girls; I will invite another tea-drinker here but she is not from your world. I will invite five others as well, they're from Eagle Union and Iron Blood"

The Royal Navy girls perked up as a portals  opened up as the kansens fell through, she quickly got up as she looked at mostly everyone. Everyone looked at her, she was definitely a new face. Helena, Phoenix, Gneisenau, Scharnhorst, and Z46 followed after. There was silence for a while.

Let's start with Royal Navy introduction since Agincourt is the new face

"Can you.. introduce yourself?" Unicorn asks nervous

Agincourt has a stoic face, but she replies

"My name is HMS Agincourt.. last ship of the Queen Elizabeth class battleships... I was never finished, but now I am here in this form.. are my sisters here?" Agincourt asks while everyone is shocked

There was more silence for a while until Queen Elizabeth and Warspite come up

"Queen Elizabeth, nice to meet you. The one next to me here is Warspite" Queen Elizabeth says as Warspite waves

"Is there anything more you want to says about yourself?" Warspite asks

"I love tea parties and gardening" Agincourt replies, still having that stoic face

(Very interesting) Everyone thought

"I guess we'll go next.. most of you know I'm Helena. My big sis here is Phoenix, but I sometimes like to call her chicken" Helena says as everyone chuckles

"I'm not a chicken" Phoenix says

"I'm Scharnhorst, my little sister here is Gneisenau" Scharnhorst says

"I-it's nice to see you again Lord Bismarck, this is where you were everyone?" Gneisenau asks as everyone nods

"Well at least we're not alone. I thought we would have been separated" Phoenix says

(Another destroyer.. she will make a fine addition to my collection) Ark Royal thought as she looks at Z46 who is talking with Z23. FDG looks at her, Ark Royal notices her menacing glare

(Fine... you win this one) Ark Royal thought as she sighs. FDG stops glaring, pleased with Ark Royal's decision

The new ships invited watch a lot of things while everyone waits for them. When they were done with watching them, they shared what they thought about everything they watched. The Iron Blood ships were of course ashamed of their alter nation. When done talking, all of the girls were ready for more

"Before you all react, you may or may not appreciate this. It will surprising for all of you, most specifically for you Iron Blood girls" the screen says

Everyone started to wonder what screen meant

An unknown voice is heard

"So what you're trying to say is that you fell here from another world? But when you wanted to leave an go on to another world, your path was blocked by some unknown siren experiment?" The speaker says as we see Tirpitz and.. a boy near her standing in the water. He had blond hair like Bismarck and clear blue eyes like Tirpitz. He had a flag pole, and clothes similar to Bismarck but he had black pants and a cape similar to Tirpitz's

Everybody was shocked, mostly Tirpitz and Bismarck. Tirpitz and Bismarck felt a sudden need to protect whoever this kid was, but they could only wonder as they kept watching

Then we see a portal open up in front of them as someone steps through. This 'siren experiment' was VERY similar to Hiryu.

Unlike Hiryu however, she had longer hair, and was wearing a jacket. She looked more mature and edgy as well.

The shipgirls were even more shocked. Soryu and Hiryu began to worry, the unknown voice said 'Siren Experiment'. Was Hiryu.. possibly captured and brainwashed? They could only watch

"Outlanders.. your journey ends here!" 'Hiryu' shouts

"Who are you?" Tirpitz asks

"I am one of many sustainer's of heavenly principles.. the arrogation of mankind ends now" 'Hiryu' says as she summons her rigging and drops a dive bomber on them. Tirpitz and ??? manage to dodge in time and they too summon their riggings.

The riggings of 'Hiryu' looked very different as well. They had swords and looked more advanced than the riggings Hiryu has. The riggings of Tirpitz is still the same, but the boy however.. his riggings looked very similar to the Bismarck class rigging

Everybody was more shocked

"Is he.. possibly a third Bismarck Class battleship?" Gneisenau asks

"Well... it's very much possible" Z46 says, she was being hugged by FDG

The Sakura Empire shipgirls looked at Hiryu and compared her to the one on screen. They have similarities yet they have differences. They started to get concerned as well on alter 'Hiryu'.

The fight starts, Tirpitz and ??? charge against 'Hiryu' as she summons her planes. They charge at the two ships chasing them, dropping bombs across the water but Tirpitz and ??? manage to evade. They spot an opening and charge towards 'Hiryu' once more

'Hiryu' however notices and manages to send a plane at ???, but he goes back away. 'Hiryu' takes advantage of this and starts capturing Tirpitz with a siren cube

"Schwester!" ??? yells as Tirpitz looks at him and is in the process of being captured. The siren cube absorbs Tirpitz as 'Hiryu' looks at it pleased

"Did he just say.. 'schwester'?" Scharnhorst asks shocked

"I believe he did.." Hood says coughing a little, she almost spat out her tea

"That child is Lord Bismarck's and Lord Tirpitz's little brother? I find it.. unbelievable" August Von Parseval says

Bismarck and Tirpitz were stunned, that's why they felt a 'big sister' instinct. This boy is apparently their brother in another world, and that's why he looked a lot like Tirpitz and Bismarck. FDG in the meanwhile felt mother instincts to protect this child no matter what

Everyone else was concerned, what other abilities does this 'Hiryu' have

While Hiryu was looking at the cube, ??? charges behind 'Hiryu' and fires his guns behind her causing a massive explosion. ??? was stunned when he finds out that 'Hiryu' blocked his attack using another siren cube she had in store then she begins to use it to capture ??? as well

Bismarck and Tirpitz  were getting very concerned, but they can't do anything about it.

Everyone was shocked at how 'Hiryu' manage to blocked the attack.

"Wait don't go! Give my schwester back you Meta!" ??? yells as he is entrapped

His voice is then heard once more

"And just like that, Hiryu Meta took away Schwester Tirpitz.. Schwester Bismarck was captured by another siren experiment called 'Ark Royal Meta' a few weeks before that battle... some kind of seal was cast upon me, and I lost my powers. Me and my schwesters are now trapped in this world.." ??? says as we see him sitting on a rock

"Poor child.." FDG says

"Either these 'Meta' experiments are copies of the originals.. or the originals captured by the sirens then turned brainwashed for the sirens to use..." Yorktown says frowning

"The question is.. how strong and how many are there..." Gneisenau says

(I know Meta's in Azur Lane are basically future selves of the shipgirls we know, but for the sake of the story and chapter, I decided to change them a bit)

Video continues

"How many years ago was it? I don't know.. but I intend to find out" ??? says as he clenches his fist while an unknown shipgirl is shown nearby him somehow floating

"When I woke, I was all alone.. until I met you two months ago..."

"Yeah, Paimon really owes you for that. Otherwise Paimon likely would have drowned, so Paimon will do her best to be a great guide for you Donitz!" Paimon says as we see a flashback of her being caught by Donitz on a fishing rod

Everyone laughs at the site, they immediately understood that Paimon was her name

(So that's his name..) Bismarck and Tirpitz thought

"We should head off, let's get going!" Paimon says as Donitz gets up

Donitz follows Paimon, he climbed once he reached a dead end. Paimon just had to fly. Donitz continues running as they reach a cliff

"Oh wowwww" Paimon says as we see a lot of the world. Many trees, wit some birds flying, there's a massive city in the distance

Everybody was amazed at the sight

"How beautiful.." Agincourt says, she could imagine gardening there

"There's a Statue of the Seven!" Paimon says as she points to a statue almost nearby

"There are a few of these statues scattered across the land to show The Seven's protection over the world. Among the seven gods, this god controls the wind." Paimon says

Everybody was surprised, all of the worlds they've been watching are just alter worlds of their own. But this world is a completely different one.

"Hmm, it seems there can be different gods in other worlds as well..." Richelieu says

"Paimon's not sure whether the god you're looking for is the Anemo God, but... Paimon will take you to the Anemo God's place first, and there's a reason why~" She says

"As we all know, poetry and language flow like the wind. There will definitely be someone there who knows about your sisters. At least, that's what Paimon thinks! Whether the gods actually you is a different story. You never know unless you try, so let's hope to it!" She states as they continue to travel to the statue

"Interesting way to describe poetry and language" Howe says

"She's adorable!" Hornet yells as everyone agrees

They continue to travel more for a while. They even swam until they reach the statue. Donitz approaches the statue and touches it with no hesitation, the statue starts to light up as something enters Donitz

Everybody was concerned

"Ooh! Did you just feel the elements of the world? Seems all you had to do was just touch the statue and you got the power of Anemo!"

(Wait what?) Everyone thought

"As much as they want it, people in this world can never get a hold of powers as easily as you..." Paimon says

"I think I know why, it's because I'm not even from this world.." Donitz says

"Ah-ha, that's right! It's because you're not from this world to begin with. If we keep heading west from here, we'll eventually reach Mondstadt, the City of Freedom. Mondstadt is the city of the wind, because they worship the God of Anemo. So perhaps, because you got power from the God of Anemo, you can find some clues there" Paimon says

"She really is a guide so far.." Blucher says

"There are also lots of bards there, so perhaps one of them has heard news of your sisters, or at least one of them. The elements in this world responded to your prayers and Paimon thinks that's a lovely sign. Let's move then!" Paimon says as the two continue their journey

"Quite the guardian as well" Tirpitz says, at least she was there for Donitz where her alter self along with Bismarck weren't

However before they leave, some fire-like slimes appear. Donitz destroys them with the new powers he received

(Slimes exist there?) Everyone thought

"These are the Anemo powers you got from the Statue of the Seven. Aww.. Paimon's so jealous! Why doesn't Paimon get cool fighting powers!?" She yells

Everyone looks towards Queen Elizabeth

"What?" She asks confused as everyone looks back to the screen

(I'm not that bad..) Queen Elizabeth thought

They continue their journey going through the land. Until they see a massive flying blue dragon creature in the sky

"Wow! What is that!? There's something huge in the sky!" Paimon yells

"No shit sherlock" Sheffield murmurs, thankfully nobody heard

Everybody was both stunned and amazed on what they had seen

"Even mythological creatures.." Taihou says

"It's headed towards the heart of the forest. We must proceed with caution" Paimon says

They both continue exploring, and then..

"Huh? Look at that!" Paimon says as they hide behind a tree. Donitz peaks at something

We see the dragon from earlier as someone unknown somehow communicates with it

"Don't be afraid. It's all right now, I'm back" ??? says

Scene goes back to Paimon and Donitz

"Is he talking, to a dragon?" Paimon asks as Donitz begins to light up. The dragon suddenly roars

Everybody tenses

"Who's there?" ??? asks

??? appears as a young boy, he has aqua green eyes, dark blue hair, two braids with that have aqua tips.

We see ??? disappear as the dragon is still roaring. After a few seconds, the dragon then leaves

Everybody breathes a sigh of relief

"That was close! Paimon almost got blown away! Luckily Paimon managed to grab hold of your hair! Thanks" She says

"Good thing the dragon didn't notice us" Donitz says

"Just what was that? Paimon thought we were gonna get eaten. Hmm.. it definitely has something to do with that weirdo who was talking to the dragon..." Paimon says

"It still shocks me that dragons exist in that world.." Zuikaku says as she shudders of the thought of dragons existing in theirs

"I can't believe dragons exist in this world..." Donitz says

"Yeah, Paimon gets why you're worried.. Oh? What's that? There's some kind of shiny purple thingy on the big rock over there... Let's go take a closer look" Paimon says as they see something floating.

The shipgirls were getting worried

"Be careful! Paimon doesn't have a good feeling about this..." She says as they approach the object

"Paimon's never seen a stone like this before, so Paimon can't tell what it is. All Paimon knows is that it's dangerous. Best we put it away for now" She says as Donitz stores the object in his inventory

(Wait, where did he put it?) Everyone thought

"Hey you! Stop right there!" ??? yells as Donitz and Paimon look behind them

We see someone running, then she lands in front of them

"May the Anemo God protect you stranger! I am Amber, Outrider for the Knights of Favonius" Amber says

Amber has golden eyes with long brown hair, and she has a red bow on her head that kind of resembles bunny ears. She wears a mostly red outfit with goggles around her neck

"You don't look like citizens of Mondstadt. Explain yourselves!" Amber yells

"What a fiery lady.." Ayanami says

"We're not looking for trouble" Paimon says

"That's what all the troublemakers say" Amber says back with her arms crossed

"I.. you know what that's kind of true" Jean Bart says

"Hello, I'm Donitz"

"Doesn't sound like a local name to me.. and this... mascot, what's the deal with it?" Amber asks

"We're friends" Donitz says

"Hey! That's even worse than being a mascot!" Paimon yells

"How is that worse?" Z46 says

"So to sum it up, you're traveling partners right? Well look, there's been a  large dragon sighted around Mondstadt recently. Best you get inside the city as soon as possible. It's not far from here, I'll escort you there" Amber states

"Oh? Aren't you out here for some other reason?" Paimon asks

"I am, but not to worry, I can keep you both safe while doing that too. Besides, I'm still not sure if I can trust you just yet!" Amber says

"Well as a knight myself.. reasonable yet a little rude" Cleveland says

"That's rather a rude way to speak to guests" Donitz says

"Oh, ahh.. I'm sorry. Probably not something I should say as a knight. I give you my apologies, uh.. strange yet... respectable travelers" Amber says

"That sounded so cheesy!" Columbia yells

"That sounded so fake!" Paimon yells

"That works too" Columbia says

"Do you have something against the type of language usage prescribed by the Knights of Favonius Handbook!?" Amber asks


"There's a handbook for type of language? Just speak like you do.. it's not hard" Victorious says

A new companion, an airborne slime is nearby. Amber aims her bow at it, then fires. The arrow seems charged as it hits the creature, it explodes.

"Interesting weapon of choice for a knight" Warspite says

"So suspicious travelers, what are you doing in Mondstadt?" Amber asks

"Donitz got separated from both his sisters during a really, really long journey. Paimon is his travel buddy, helping him to find his sisters" Paimon says

Bismarck and Tirpitz smile a little, it was rare of them to actually smile. Most kansens look at them, there was more to just their most of the time stoic faces

"Oh.. looking for your family huh... Okay! Let me finish my other stuff first, and then I can help you put up posters around the city!" Amber says

"At least she's helping them... even when they just met.." Unicorn says

"What exactly is it you need to finish doing first?" Paimon asks

"It's simple. You'll understand in a bit" Amber says as they continue traveling around the landscape until a goblin-like creature appears

"Ah! A hilichurl!" Paimon yells

"Let's get it!" Amber yells as she fires her bow hitting the creature. Donitz then helps her out by using his pole as a spear ultimately killing it as it fades away

"Hmph, he has some skill" Admiral Hipper says, Prinz Eugen of course takes advantage

"Do you have a crush on him~? As if you have a chance since you're flat~" Prinz Eugen says making Hipper turn red out of embarrassment.

"Schwester please stop.." Blucher says before things go down

"Fine, anything for you schwester~" Prinz Eugen says

(Why does she listen to other people but not me!?!?) Admiral Hipper thought

(I can never understand what Prinz Eugen is thinking, even if I'm her friend) Prince of Wales thought

"These monsters have been getting too close to the city recently. My task this time is to clear up their camp" Amber says as they walk to the camp which is nearby.

She then fires her bow to a guard nearby. Two hilichurl's charge to Amber who fires her bow a few times which does some damage. Donitz uses his pole along with his new powers to defeat the two creatures. The last one gets killed immediately with a few slashes

Bismarck and Tirpitz show some pride

"As expected from the Bismarck-class" Rodney says

"Heh, nothing to it. Though I've gotta say, you surprised me a little with your moves there.. Thanks for the backup, how'd it feel?" Amber asks

"Barely broke a sweat" Donitz replies

"Now that you mention it, how is it the hilichurl's ended up here? These creatures don't seem like the type to set up camp so close to cities like this" Paimon says

"Exactly, it's more normal for them to be much further out in the wilderness. But because the dragon 'Stormterror' has been around a lot more recently, our orchards have been destroyed and the local market has been affected as well" Amber states

"When the storms hit, we usally end up with at least a few injuries, so the Knights of Favonius have been tied up doing the best they can to defend the area" Amber says

"So.. Stormterror is the cause?" Ning Hai asks

"It would seem so little one, but we can't be sure of why that dragon does what it does" Bismarck says

"So these annoying creatures have been getting closer and closer to the city?" Paimon asks

"Exactly. That said, clearing this camp helped make the area a little bit safer. Come with me! A responsible knight must make sure to see you to the city safely." Amber says

They continue their travels. The trio eventually cross the bridge, then they enter inside the gate in the city. There are windmills, towers, old looking houses, etc.

"A medieval city, I never thought I would see one" Phoenix says

"It looks very European" King George V says

"Let me officially introduce the city of wind, dandelions, and freedom. Travelers under the protection of the Knights of Favionus; welcome to Mondstadt!" Amber says

"Finally, no more having to camp outdoors, but... the city folk don't look too cheery" Paimon says

"Everyone's been put out of place by Stormterror recently, but everything will turn out fine as long as Jean's with us" Amber says


"Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius; Jean, Defender of Mondstadt" Amber states

(Sounds like someone like the Grey Ghost herself) Donitz thought

Enterprise turns red out of embarrassment as everyone laughs

"Oh sister... always the show off" Hornet says

"Before I take you guys to the Knights of Favonius headquarters, I have a present for you traveler. It's a reward for helping me clear out that Hilichurl camp" Amber says

"He-Hey! Why doesn't Paimon get a reward?" Paimon asks as she crosses her arms

"Ahhh... Because this reward is useless to you Paimon, but I'll treat you to a traditional Mondstadt delicay; Sitcky Honey Roast" Amber says

"Food? That's fair" Zuikaku says

"Come with me, we'll head to the city's ahh... high ground" Amber says

The trio then goes to where the statue of the city is

"So, the present I want to give to you is.. a wind glider! Outriders use them to ride the wind, and the people of Mondstadt love using them too. I brought you here to give it to you so you can experience it right away!" Amber says

"So that's why she brought him to the high ground.. I thought they were going to have a destructive fight as a present" Graf Zeppelin says

"Why a fight?" Helena says

"Would've loved to see how it would go, but I would've preferred if it was in an area where it's volcanic and full of lava" Graf Zeppelin says as everyone except the Iron Blood shipgirls sweat

(This is fine) August Von Parseval thought

"Oh, you're really excited about these wind gliders huh!" Paimon says

"Well that's because the wind is the heart and soul of Mondstadt! Alright then, enough talk! Let's give it a whirl! It's easy to use, but you still need to pay attention to my instructions" Amber states as the screen darkens then lights back up

Donitz jumps of a ledge as he activates his wind glider. The gliders are literally wings that cannot flap. He lands on the ground soon after where Amber was waiting for him

The shipgirls were surprised at the glider

"Cool.." The destroyers said

Before Amber could say anything, the sky is changing as a roar is heard

"The sky.." Amber says

Stormterror flies over the city, it damages a building as the people run in fear. It roars again as three tornadoes appear in the city. Amber manages to run but Donitz was pulled in, he managed to activate his glider as he got out of the tornado. The dragon appears as it flies by Donitz as he still manages to stay afloat.

Everybody breathes a sigh of relief

"The city.." Scharnhorst says

"Huh? How are you staying afloat like this with just a wind glider?" Paimon asks

"I'm preventing your fall with the power of a thousand winds. Now concentrate, see yourself grasping the wind and harness its energy" A mysterious voice says

Everybody was wondering who it was, some were thinking it was the 'weirdo' from earlier

Donitz with the help of the wind, manages to somehow create blaster fire or something like that. He didn't want to use his rigging just in case. He continues to attack it as the dragon is hurting. The attack continues for a few more seconds, Stormterror then flies away from the battle leaving immediately. Donitz then flies down back to where the statue was

"T-that was s-scary" Unicorn says while hugging Illustrious

"I a-agree" Z46 says, she was hugging FDG

"This world is really interesting.. first all the creatures and powers, then the glider..." Shoukaku says

"A-Are you hurt?" Amber asks as someone else appears, slowly clapping

"You've actually got the power to go up against the dragon... are you a new ally.. or a new storm?" A mysterious person asks, he was bluish/purplish in color

"Stormterror... is attacking Mondstadt itself! Kaeya, Donitz, you've come at the right time. We must.." Amber tries to say

"Hold on, Amber. Are you perhaps forgetting to introduce us?" Kaeya asks

He has tan skin and navy-blue hair with a streak of lighter blue. His visible eye is periwinkle. He has an eyepatch over his right eye

"Another knight?" Montpelier asks, everyone considers the possibility

"Oh right.. This is Kaeya, our Cavalry Captain. These two are travelers from afar, Donitz and Paimon" Amber says

(From afar? Is that all we know of them?) Kaeya thought

"Mistrusting but understandable" Saint Louis says

"Long story short..." Amber says as the screen blackens again


"I see, well welcome to Mondstadt. Though you haven't arrived at the best of times I'm afraid. I understand the anguish of being separated from family. I'm not really sure why you're looking for the Anemo God.. but everyone has their secrets right? Haha relax! I won't press you for more" Kaeya says

"We definitely have our own secrets.. like that time where Enty was doing some confused screaming in the corner holding a pan as she tried to defend against Vestal..." Yorktown says as everyone laughs out loud. Enterprise turns full on red as she tries to sink into her seat

(W-why am I still here.. just to suffer?) Enterprise thought

"First and foremost, on behalf of the Knights of Favonius, I would like to extend our thanks to you for your help just now" Kaeya says

"Well, we couldn't just have leave the situation to fester" Donitz says

"Your fight to defend the city against the dragon just now was witnessed by no small number of citizens. The Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius is also very interested to meeting you and formally invites you both to our headquarters" Kaeya says as the viewing ends

"Aww! That's all?" Blucher asks

"Yes, that will be all. How did you think viewing an entire new world was?" Screen asks

"It was quite the experience, it seems there's more to the unknown than I thought" Akagi says

"I agree.. it was very interesting yet a little scary" Queen Elizabeth says

"I see, well I hope you enjoyed that. Let's move on to the next one" Screen says

Chapter ends, have a drawing:

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