𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥 • 𝐗𝐚𝐯�...

Oleh Rely-h2

1.2K 30 0

Mors Addams was very different from her twin sister. Not just physically, but in tastes and ideas for life. A... Lebih Banyak

Never More
Elitist Snob
Teenage clowns
Pilgrim World
Tears falling down at the party
She has never been in love before
Fire wil rain
Tomb parties
Creep guy
The truth
The death
Would you die for her?

You seem to like Pride and Prejudice

35 1 0
Oleh Rely-h2

Mors and Xavier went upstairs and checked the rooms. No longer hopeful, they went to the last room in the hall.

— What the hell? — Thorpe said rhetorically.

The room was squeaky clean, with fresh flowers beside the bed and old photos next to a music box with the initials L.G.

— Laurel Gates? — Thorpe shone his flashlight on the box. — Looks like someone went back to the old room.

— Impossible. She died 25 years ago. — a sound of breaking glass startled them both.

— Let's get out of here! — Xavier grabbed Mors's hand before running with the girl.

— Wednesday! — Mors called her sister when she heard a scream before she saw the monster downstairs.

— Here! — she pointed to an elevator made of metal.

— What about Tyler? — Enid asked.

— Go, I'll find him. — Mors looked at Thorpe.

— Are you crazy??

—  Go! — the three of them entered the elevator before Xavier went downstairs.

— It won't close! — Wednesday spoke angrily trying to close the elevator door, when she saw the monster at the top of the stairs.

— My God!!!! —  Enid nearly cried behind her friends.

The monster advanced at the same moment that Wednesday managed to close the door. He scratched it and the claws allowed them to see his bulging eyes, just before the rope holding the elevator broke completely. Enid and Mors screamed in fright and Wednesday opened the door when they finished falling into the basement of the house.

She left quickly, accompanied by the three of them and was pleased with what she saw.

— It's his collection. — Wednesday pointed to the glasses on shelves.

— We got to go! — Enid pointed to the small window in the room when they heard the monster's footsteps.

Enid was the first out, followed by Mors. aa Come on, Wednesday! —  Mors called to her sister, who followed.

— Are you okay? — she asked Sinclair.

— And do you care?

— We have to go back. — Mors said. — Xavier and Tyler are there. — she ran through the woods until she found Tyler near a grave. — He's hurt. — she stared at the boy's torn shirt and bent down. — Can you walk?

— Here. — Xavier held out her scarf and Wednesday looked at him suspiciously.

The five headed to Tyler's house and Mors began to bandage the area where the monster's claws had caught. Xavier, even though he knew Mors was acting, couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy.

— Thank you, darling. — Tyler smiled.

— Not to be selfish, but I'm having a panic attack right now. — Enid said. — We need to get back before Weems realizes we're gone.

Before Wednesday could say anything, the door was opened by the sheriff.

— What the hell? It was you, wasn't it? — he glared at the black haired girl.

— Sheriff, I understand your concern, but I need you to see something first.

Wednesday returned to the mansion with the sheriff, while Enid, Mors and Xavier returned to the school.

— Are you okay?—  Mors asked Xavier when Enid went into the bedroom.

— I am. — he smiled. — What about you?

— I'm fine.

— I was worried about you going out with Tyler. I never liked him, but he's been weirder lately. It's beyond bizarre that he shows up at my studio in the middle of nowhere just to be near you.

— This whole charmed necklace thing has put me on edge with him.

— I could say he's just in love, but I don't like him.

— Wednesday said that people in love do not bewitch the people they are in love with. — Mors laughed. — So I don't think that's the case.

— Wednesday is right.

— I have to go, my sister must be in trouble.

—  All right. See you tomorrow. — the boy placed a kiss on the girl's cheek.

— Hi, Mors. You can have my side of the room. — Enid said as soon as Mors entered the room. The blonde carried a few bags out before slamming the door.

— Did you two fight? — Mors asked to her sister.

— She couldn't stand my toxic personality.

— Weems kicked you out?

— No. I convinced her to give me one more chance. — the white-haired girl sat on her sister's bed.

— You should apologize to Enid. She likes you very much.

— I'm fine on my own.

— You're not alone. I am here.

—  It is more than enough. — Mors laughed.

— I know you care about me, Wednesday, we are sisters and we are connected. We'll always have each other, but Enid has become a great friend to you and me. Try to think about it.

— I do not promise.

— Anyway, we need to sleep. Tomorrow is the mayor's funeral.

— At least one thing to cheer me up.

— Is Uncle Fester here?

— Yes. He's on the run. I left it where Eugene keeps the bees. I showed him a drawing of the monster I found in Xavier's studio and he told me it's a Hyde.

— Hyde?

— He's already seen one of those. He said that a woman named Olga turned in one night and massacred a city. We need to look for Nathaniel Faulkner's diary in Belladonna library inside a safe.

— Let's go there.

— Uncle Fester. — Mors called as she and Wednesday entered the library.

— Who is Uncle Fester? — Xavier came out of one of the parts of the library with a book in his hand.

— Why are you here? — Wednesday asked.

— Well, since I'm actually a belladonna member, I should be the one to ask you that question. What's the motivation for being here in the middle of the night?

— Search.

— About the monster?  Nothing here talks about that.

— How convenient.

— Wednesday! — Mors called her sister's attention.

— Do you know what your problem is?

— I would love to hear what my problem is.

— You don't even know who your friends are.  I've been your friend since day one. I believed in your theories and got nothing but lies.

— Do you want honesty?  — Wednesday asked. — Every time the monster attacked, you were there. Apart from the drawings of how the monster was and how he knew what his lair was like.

— If I'm the monster, why haven't I killed you yet?

— Because of Mors. You're in love with her and you know we're close and that would make her feel bad. — the boy's cheeks were slightly flushed and he took a deep breath before leaving the library.

Shortly after, Fester came out of hiding.

— Uncle Fester! — Mors grinned and went to hug the older man.

— Hello, my child.

— How long have you been here? — Mors turned away from the man.

— Long enough to see the tension between her and the boy.

— It's Mors's boyfriend. It's the monster.

— He's not my boyfriend and much less the monster. — Mors said irritably. — Stop accusing him without concrete evidence.

— I would recognize that tapping of those little fingers anywhere! — Fester looked at Thing, who didn't look happy. — Are you still mad about Kalamazoo?! It was not my fault! — the hand jumped to the man's neck. — You were a clumsy one!

— ENOUGH! — Wednesday stopped the two. — Let him go. —  Thing released him against his will. — Show me the safe.

Fester showed the safe to Thing, who committed himself to opening it. Mors took the book and handed it to his sister.

— Let's go upstairs.

— What a superb room! How did you get a room all to yourself?

— Our old roommate couldn't stand Wednesday. — Mors spoke while her sister opened the book.

— Here it is, — she showed drawings of the monster in the book. — Faulkner describes Hydes as natural artists with a vengeful temper. Born from a mutation, the Hyde is released by a traumatic event and is trapped until released by a traumatic event by chemical or hypnotic induction. This act causes the creature to have an immediate bond with its creator who it sees as its master.

— Anyone willing to release Hyde is a high-level psychopath. — Fester said.

— We're not looking for just one killer, but two. — Mors glared at his sister.

The knock on the door made Fester hide.

— Didn't mean to scare you. — Thornhill entered the room.

— We were just talking. — Mors said and approached the prefect.

— Enid asked to stay in Yoko's room until the end of the year. When a disagreement occurs, I like to hear both sides.

—  I'll survive on my own.

— And you, Mors?

—  I'd like her to stay, but I respect her decision.

—  Okay, I'll pass the request to Principal Weems.

— She's kinda weird. — Mors commented when Thornhill left.

— She is.

"I followed Xavier with Uncle Fester. He was in a secret therapy session with Kinbott and said he saw her die. I'm sure she's Xavier's master. He's the monster. He can be induced by hypnosis."

Mors woke from a nap with her sister's shrill voice in her head.

"You've completely lost your mind. I told you he's not the monster."

"Did you know about these sessions with her?"

Mors was thoughtful about the situation. In fact, she didn't know. Was he lying to her? "No."

"He's the monster, trust me."

"Where are you?"

"In the cafeteria with Uncle Fester and Tyler."

"Didn't the sheriff tell you to stay away from Tyler?"

"He keeps asking about you."

"Meet me in the woods in half an hour" Mors saw Tyler's message.


The girl sighed and thought about Xavier being the monster. Was he lying all along? Was he using their proximity to distract Wednesday's investigations? On the one hand, her sister did have points that seemed true.

Mors was anxious and worried until it was time to go into the woods to find Tyler. The girl's desire was to go to Xavier's studio and watch him paint while they talked and listened to music, but right now in the final stage of the investigation, she couldn't lose everything with Tyler.

—  What place is this? — Mors asked when she reached a secluded spot in the woods.

—  Has no one ever taken you on a picnic to an abandoned theater?

The boy opened the door to the place. It wasn't very big, but she could tell it was the old movie theater in town. Tyler decorated the whole place with yellow Christmas lights and a few candles. He smiled when Mors glared at him and turned on the projector at the back of the theater.

—  You seem to like Pride and Prejudice.

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