DC Superhero Girls and Aura G...

By MariaGSoto577

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Inspired by DragonMasterWarrior @Fanfiction.net, Ash and Pikachu landed in Metropolis . More

Chapter 1: Sweet Justice Part 1
Chapter 2: Sweet justice part 2
Chapter 3: Sweet justice part 3
Chapter 4: Sweet justice part 4
Chapter 5: Adventure in bunny-sitting
Chapter 6: Hate triangle
Chapter 7: Burrito Bucket
Chapter 8: Meet the Cheetah 🐆
Special chapter 1: Y/n heal Sir Arron
Chapter 9: She might be giant
Chapter 10: Super who?
Chapter 11: Shock it to me
Chapter 12: Misgiving tree
Chapter 13: Fight At the Museum
Chapter 14: Crushing it
Song 1: if you love me for me
Chapter 15: From Bat to worse
Chapter 16: Illusion of grandeur
special chapter 2: Y/n and Arron found two energems
Chapter 18: Gotham Con
Chapter 19: Dc superhero boys part 1
Chapter 20: Dc superhero boys part 2
Chapter 21: Frenimes Part 1
Chapter 22: Frenemies part 2
Chapter 23: Beast in show
Chapter 24: Soul sisters part 1
Chapter 25: Soul sisters part 2
Chapter 26: Special chapter: The big boom theory
special chapter 3: Something there
Chapter 27: Rage cat
Chapter 28: The good the bad and the bizarro
Chapter 29: Power surge
Chapter 30: Drama Queen
Chapter 31: Special chapter: Metropolis tournament
Chapter 32: Scrambled eggs
Chapter 33: Alley cat part 1
Chapter 34: Alley cat part 2
chapter 35: Beeline
Chapter 36: Hack attack
Chapter 37: Living the nightmare
Special chapter 4: Y/n and Arron meet Darkrai
Chapter 38: All about Zee
Chapter 39: Dinner for eight
Chapter 40: Emperor Penguin
Chapter 41: Breaking News
Chapter 42: Wings of trouble
Chapter 43: League of shadows part 1
Chapter 44: League of shadows part 2
Chapter 45: Awesome Antiope

Chapter 17: Special chapter: Old friends, new enemy

185 6 0
By MariaGSoto577

It was another beautiful day in Metropolis, as Ash's Rotom Phone went off.

Rotom Phone: This is your wake up call! This is your wake up call!

Ash: [yawns] Mornin'!

Pikachu: PIKA PI!

Ash: Morning, buddy! Hey! Where's Zee Zee?

That's when Ash's Rotom Phone was ringing.

Rotom Phone: You have a call! You have a call!

Ash: It must be from Zee! [answers it] Hey, Zee Zee! What's up?

Zee: I just woke up early to get an early start! I wanted to wake you up too, but you looked so peaceful sleeping! So, I went on ahead of you!

Ash: Gotcha!

Zee: Better hurry! School starts soon!

Ash: I'm on it! See you soon, Zee Zee!

Zee: See you soon, Ashykins!

After they hung up with each other, Ash started getting ready! He ate some breakfast, brushed his teeth and washed his face.

Ash: I'll see you later, Giovanni! I'm heading off to school!

Pikachu: PIKA PI!

Giovanni : See you later, Ash!

And so, Ash left for school. When he got there, some of the students greeted him.

Boy: Hey, Ash!

Boy #2: Yo! What up, Ash!

Girl: [flirty] Hi there, Ash!

Girl #2: [flirty] Hey there, cutie!

Ash: Hi there!

Pikachu: [greeting] PIKA PI!

Then, Ash saw his friends and girlfriend!

Ash: Hey, girls!

Pikachu: PIKA!

Zee: Ashykins!

She then ran up and hugged him.

Zee: I thought you wouldn't make it in time!

Ash: I have my ways!

Pikachu: PIKACHU!

Zee: Let me guess! You used Charizard to get here, didn't you?

Ash: Yup! [giggles]

Zee: You never cease to amaze me, Ashykins!

Ash: Aww shucks, Zee Zee!

Zee: And I think that deserves a reward [kisses Ash on the lips]!

Ash: [blushes] [giggles]

Pikachu: [snickering] PIKA PIKA PIKA!

Kara: If you lovebirds are done, we've gotta get to class!

Ash: Right! I'll be with you in a few minutes, Zee Zee! [kisses her cheek]

Zee: Okay, Ashykins!

Ash went over to his locker to get a few things, that's when...

Boy: C'mon, Butch! I gave you my money the other day!

Butch: Well, I want more of it! So hand it over!

Ash: Hey, stop that!

Butch: Or else what?!

Ash: Just because you're bigger doesn't mean you have the right to pick on him!

Pikachu: [agreeing] PIKACHU!

Ash: Yeah! How would you like it if someone did that to you?!

Butch: Who cares?!

Ash: Besides! Money isn't everything you know!

Butch: Not unless you need it for lunch!

He then goes up to Ash and smirks.

Butch: Why don't you give me your money too?!

Ash: Not happening!

Butch: Then, you leave me no choice!

Just as he was about punch him...

Zee: I wouldn't do that if I were you!

Butch: Huh?

Turns out the girls came Ash's rescue!

Ash: Girls!

Zee: You lay a finger on my boyfriend and you'll regret it!

Kara then grabbed Butch by the shirt collar.

Kara: And that'll be my job to smash your face in!

Butch: [nervous] I-I-I was just leaving!

Gastly: [scares him] GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS!


Ash: Hey, thanks girls!

Zee: Nobody messes with my boyfriend!

Kara: [puts arm around him] And my little bro!

Ash: Thanks, girls!

Kara: [takes off his hat] Noogie!

Ash: [laughs]

Kara: [laughs]

Pikachu: [laughs] PIKA PI!

Zee: [cuddling Gastly] Thanks for your help, Gastlykins!

Gastly: [proud] GASTLY GAS!

Zee: [giggles]

Ash: Any who, I'll catch up with you girls in a few minutes! Gotta get some stuff out of my locker!

Zee: Okay, Ashykins!

As Ash was getting a few things out of his locker, a pair of hands covered his eyes.

Ash: Huh?

Pikachu: PIKA?

Carol: Guess who?

Ash: [gasps] Carol, is that you?!

Carol: The one and only!

Ash: Good to see you! Did you transfer here?

Carol: Yeah!

Ash: That's awesome!

Carol: Sure is! Now, I'll get to see you more often!

Ash: That's awesome!

Pikachu: PIKACHU!

Carol: Pikachu! [cuddles Pikachu] So nice to see you again, you little cutie pie!

Pikachu: [coos] CHA!

Ash: Pikachu still likes you!

Pikachu: [agreeing] PIKACHU!

Carol: And I like you too!

Ash: So, did you end up catching a Pokémon partner?

Carol: Yeah! Two actually!

Ash: Really?! Two?!

Carol: Yeah! [takes out two PokéBalls and opens them] Check it out!

Plusle: [appearing] PLU PLU!

Minun: [appearing] MIN MIN!

Carol: C'mere, you little cutie patooties!

Plusle: [goes over to her] PLUSLE!

Minun: [goes over to her] MINUN!

Carol: [cuddles them] [giggles]

Ash was surprised!

Ash: No way! A Plusle and Minun?!

Pikachu: PIKA!

Carol: Yep! They're cheerleaders like I am! So, I just had to catch them!

Ash: [as he pulls out his Rotom Phone] Well, they are known as the Cheering Pokémon.

Rotom Phone: Plusle, the Cheering Pokémon. An Electric type. Plusle always acts as a cheerleader for its partners. Whenever a teammate puts out a good effort in battle, this Pokémon shorts out its body to create the crackling noises of sparks to show its joy. Minun, the Cheering Pokémon. An Electric type. Minun loves to cheer on its partner in battle. It gives off sparks from its body while it is doing so. If its partner is in trouble, this Pokémon gives off increasing amounts of sparks.

Carol: You two can be useful for the cheer squad here at school!

Plusle: [happy] PLU PLU!

Minun: [happy] MIN MIN!

Carol: I gotta go, Ash! I'll see you later [leaves]

Ash: See ya, Carol!

After she left, she sighed romantically.

Carol: My heart can't stop pounding from seeing Ash's cute face!

Later, on break, Ash was hanging with the girls.

Babs: [to Zee] You actually caught your third Pokémon?!

Zee: Sure did! [opens up a PokéBall] Check it out!

Sableye: [appearing] SABLEYE!

Zee: Girls! Meet my new friend, Sableye!

Babs: Wow!

Sableye: [hides behind Zee's leg] [nervous] SAB!

Zee: Don't worry, Sableye! They're my friends! They won't hurt you!

Sableye: EYE?

Babs: Hi there, Sableye! I'm Babs! And this is Kara, Jessica, Karen and Diana! And these are our Pokémon friends.

Diana: Greetings!

Jessica: Hello!

Kara: Sup!

Karen: Hi!

Swoobat: [greeting] SWOOBAT!

Scyther: [greeting] SCYTHER!

Duosion: [greeting] DUOSION!

Shinx: [greeting] SHINX!

Pidgeotto: [greeting] PIDGEOTTO!

Litten: [greeting] LITTEN!

Ribombee: [greeting] BOMBOM!

Sableye: [happy] SABLEYE!

Zee: See? I told you they were nice!

Sable: SABLE!

Eevee: [dressed as Zee] EEVEE!

Kara: Uh, why is Eevee dressed like you?

Zee: I was able to make one of my outfits made for Eevee. And she looks great in it!

Eevee: [acting fabulous] EEVEE!

Zee: And still adorable!

Eevee: [acting like Zee] EEVEE VEE!

Zee: And it does a good impression of me!

Eevee: EEVEE! [jumps into her arms and nuzzles her] VEE!

Zee: Oh, Eevee!

She then cuddles it and nuzzles noses with it.

Zee: My little schnuckums!

Eevee: [happy] VEE!

Kara: Ha! Schnuckums?

Zee: That's what I usually call my Eevee!

Babs: It thinks it's fabulous like you!

Zee: Thanks, Babs!

Eevee: [acting fabulous] EEVEE VEE!

Zee: Oh, Eevee!

She then nuzzles cheeks with it.

Zee: Such a little cutie!

Eevee: [happy] VEE!

She then takes out her phone.

Zee: Smile, Eevee!

Eevee: [smiles] EEVEE!

Then, she took the picture! After that, she pulled Ash to her.

Zee: Now, one with you in it!

Ash: Okay!

Zee: Say "cheese"!

Ash: Cheese!

And Zee took the photo in which Zee was hugging Ash with Eevee and Pikachu on their shoulders and Ash made a peace sign.

Ash: Awesome!

Zee: I know! You look great in the picture!

Ash: So did you!

Zee: Oh, Ashykins!

Ash: [giggles]

Eevee: [nuzzles against Lycanroc] EEVEE!

Lycanroc: ROC!

Jessica: Aww! Look at Eevee and Lycanroc!

Babs: They look like brother and sister!

Ash: Yeah! After all, Lycanroc stood up for Eevee against that Cloyster!

Zee: That's really sweet, Eevee!

Eevee: [happy] EEVEE! [nuzzles against Lycanroc] EEV!

Lycanroc: ROC!

Kara: I still don't understand why Eevee has been acting like you.

Ash: Some Pokémon tend to be like their trainers.

Eevee: [acting like Zee] EEVEE!

Zee: And I don't mind it one bit!

Lucario: [clashing] MRAH!

Scyther: [clashing] SCY!

Ash: Hey, you two! No sparring in school!

Babs: Yeah!

Lucario: [complying] MRAH!

Scyther: [complying] SCYTHER!

Ash: Man, those two like to spar!

Babs: They sure do!

Diana: Indeed!

Babs: Any who, let's get down to business! So far, Zee has three Pokémon, me and Diana have two, and Kara, Karen, and Jess each have one!

Ash: And the total of Pokémon for you six makes 10 Pokémon.

Kara: Ten?! Ha! We are on a roll!

Ash: Yeah!

Babs: And so far Zee has caught the most!

Zee: Come now, Babs! This isn't a contest!

Ash: Don't worry, Zee! We know! But you should be proud of yourself!

Zee: Well, I am glad I met Eevee, Gastly and Sableye.

Eevee: EEVEE!

Gastly: GASTLY!

Sableye: SABLEYE!

Ash: And they're happy too!

Eevee: [jumps into her arms] EEVEE!

Gastly: [floats over to her] GAS!

Sableye: [crawls onto her shoulder] EYE SABLEYE!

Zee: [giggles]

Babs: Plus, me and Diana have Pokémon that have evolved!

Ash: That's true!

Babs: And she even has herself a shiny!

Ash: Also true!

Karen: By the way, I heard there was going to be a new student coming today!

Babs: Ooh! Really?!

Ash: That's pretty cool! I wonder who it'll be?

As Ash was wondering about the new student, he recognized a familiar and unfriendly face from across the cafeteria!

Ash: Hold on! Is that...?!

Diana: What troubles you Ash?

Zee: Is everything ok, sweetie?

Ash: Not exactly! [points] Look over there!

The girls look over to whom Ash was pointing at, much to their confusion.

Kara: That guy over there?

Ash: That guy is Damian! Charizard's original trainer!

Pikachu: [agreeing] PIKA PIKA!

Babs: Wait! You mean he was the guy that abandoned Charizard when it was a Charmander?!

Ash: I'm afraid so!

That made the girls angry!

Jessica: [angry] How awful!

Diana: Unforgivable!

Karen: How could he be so cruel?!

That was when said guy saw Ash and smirked.

Ash: [growls]

Then, Damian went over to them.

Damian: Well well! Who'd've thought I would find the Pokémon Master here in this dump!

Ash: [growls] Been awhile, Damian!

Damian: Too long! Still taking Pokémon from original trainers who you think treated them poorly, Ashy Boy?!

Ash: That's because it's the right thing to do!

Damian: You're just too big of a softie! You can't take your nose out of anyone's business! Besides, as I said before, raising Pokémon is the most boring part of being a Pokémon Trainer.

Babs: He knows how to do it, unlike you!

Damian: Well well, Ketchum! You've got yourself not one, but 6 girlfriends!

Babs, Diana, Karen, Jessica, and Kara just blush from this.

Babs: He only has one girlfriend!

Damian: Oh really?

He then notices Zee.

Damian: Well, she's quite the looker!

Ash: [growls]

Damian: But I know when someone like her doesn't belong to me!

Zee: [hugs Ash's arm] That's right! I belong to Ash!

Ash: Yeah! And I couldn't be happier!

Diana: [to Damian] Have you no shame?! Charmander could've perished in that weather!

Damian: What could I say? That thing was so stupid! Following me around and all that! I had to get it off my back because I thought it was weak! But when I saw that Charmander beat two teenagers and a Meowth, I went to get it back! But it chose that goodie-two-shoe of a Pokémon Trainer!

Babs: You're a spoiled brat! You don't deserve a Pokémon, you big meanie!

Damian: Who says? You're probably just a dork with that cowl on your hood! What are you? A purple Zubat or a human? Make up your mind [laughs]!

Babs: [gasps offended]

Swoobat: [threatening] SWOOBAT SWOO!

Damian: And since this Swoobat is known as the Courting Pokémon, it's probably a good love match for you [laughs]!

Swoobat: [blushes] BAT!

Scyther: [angry] SCYTHER!

Babs: Kara, hold Scyther back!

Kara: [holds Scyther back] Easy, Scyther!

Litten: LITTEN!

Damian: Ha! That thing's just like blondie! Or so I've heard!

Kara: [angry] And what's that supposed to mean?!

Damian: You're obviously quick-tempered! Just like that Scyther! Which makes the pair of you perfect for each other because you both have anger issues [laughs]!

Litten: [Ember move] LIT...TEN!

But a certain Big Jaw Pokémon blocked the attack being a Water type. It was Feraligatr!

Feraligatr: FERAL!

Karen: EEP! [hides behind Ash's back] A giant alligator!

Ash: That's no ordinary alligator! That's Feraligatr!

Rotom Phone: Feraligatr, the Big Jaw Pokémon. A Water type, and the final evolved form of Totodile. Feraligatr intimidates its foes by opening its huge mouth. In battle, it will kick the ground hard with its thick and powerful hind legs to charge at the foe at an incredible speed.

Damian: Isn't that nice?! You got your Feraligatr lesson for today!

Kara: [picks up Litten] Keep away from my Litten, pal!

Damian: Not to worry! Feraligatr and I wouldn't want to battle a prevolve! It'll get wiped in one blow!

Kara: [angry] [growls] You're making a big mistake, punk!

That's when he noticed Eevee.

Damian: [laughing hysterically]

Zee: Why are you laughing at my Eevee?!

Damian: Is it supposed to be a dress up doll or a Pokémon?! [laughing]

Zee: [offended gasp]

Eevee: [angry] EEVEE!

Zee: [picks up Eevee] How dare you say that about my Eevee!

Damian: Why is it even dressed like you?!

Zee: Because it's my Eevee and I will do what I can to make my Eevee happy! You got a problem with that?!

Damian: Not at all! I just think it's hilarious!

Zee: [growls]

Karen: [mutters] Such a big mouth.

Damian: What was that, short stack?!

Karen: [nervous] N-nothing!

Damian: That's what I thought, wimp!

Ribombee: [threatening] RIBOMBOMBOM!

Damian: Buzz off!

Shinx: [shaking its backside at him] SHINX SHINX SHINX!

Damian: You too, runt!

Shinx: [turns head away] SHINX!

Damian: You all best watch your backs! I'll make every moment in this school a nightmare for everyone here! C'mon, Feraligatr!

Feraligatr: RALI!

And with that, they both left!

Kara: Jerk!

Ash: Tell me about it! He's the worst!

Jessica: Poor Charizard!

Ash: Let's just leave Damian be! He'll get what's coming to him, eventually!

Kara: [pounds fists] Soon...

Ash: No space punches, Kara!

Kara: Aw, man!

Gastly: [mocking Damian] GASTLY GASTLY GASTLY!

Zee: You said it, Gastly!

Ash: Don't worry about him, girls! The worst he can do is just be a pain in the neck!

Pikachu: [agreeing] PIKA PIKA!

Babs: I second that!

Kara and Zee were still pretty ticked off by Damian's attitude.

Zee: He's got some nerve saying those things!

Kara: Yeah! He better be grateful that I didn't space punch him!

Ash: Never mind that! He just thinks he's better than us!

Jessica: What a snob!

Ash: I know!

Eevee: [offended] EEVEE!

Zee: Don't listen to him, Eevee! He's just a total snob!

Eevee: [agreeing] EEV! [being fabulous] EEVEE!

Zee: [giggles]

She then picks it up and cuddles it.

Zee: And you're still adorable!

Eevee: [happy] VEE!

Zee: [giggles]

Litten: [angry] LIT...

Kara: Just relax, Litten!

Litten: LITTEN!

Kara: He'll get what's coming to him eventually!

Litten: [agreeing] TEN!

Ash: You said it, Kara!

Kara: Yup!

Ash: [smiles] Girls, as long as we have each other's backs, everything will be just fine!

Pikachu: [jumps onto his shoulder] [agreeing] PIKACHU!

Zee: You got that right, Ashykins!

Babs and Karen: Yeah!

Jessica: Of course!

Kara: Natch, Ashy Boy!

Diana: [puts an arm around Ash] And you're the only friend we could have!

Ash: [blushes] Aww shucks!

Zee: Now, who wants to hit Sweet Justice after school?

Ash: I do!

Babs: That's our Ash for you!

Soon, after school, Ash and the girls were on their way to Sweet Justice. Damian was currently on his way home.

Damian: What that Ash doesn't know is that I'm out for revenge against him! And his friends won't see it comin'!

Then, a strange source of dark purple magic was absorbed into him, making him feel a surge of power!

Damian: W-What's happening to me?!

That's when he transformed, into none other... than Koragg... the Knight Wolf.

Koragg: This specimen has so muchhate in him! This could be just what I need to conquer the world! [laughs maniacally]

Later, at Sweet Justice, Ash and the girls were hanging out!

Ash: Nothing makes me happier than being with my friends and girlfriend and enjoying some tasty ice cream!

Pikachu: [agreeing] PIKACHU!

Kara: You said it, Ashy Boy! Nothing can get better than this.

But then...

Sparky: PIKA?

Ash and the girls looked and saw...

Zee: Wait! Pikachu?! Ash, how many Pikachu do you have?

Ash: [giggles] One obviously!

Zee: Then, why are there two Pikachu with one having a tuft of hair?

Ash: Tuft of hair? [gasps] No way! It can't be?!

Pikachu: [greeting] PIKA PIKA!

Sparky: [greeting] PIKACHU!

Ash: Sparky, is that you?!

Zee, Diana, Jessica, Babs, Kara, and Karen: Sparky?

Sparky: [affirmative] PIKACHU!

Ash: Then, that means...

Ritchie: Sparky!

Ash: [gasps]

Sparky: PIKA! [goes over to its trainer] PIKACHU!

Ritchie: So, this is where you were, Sparky! How come you ran off like that?


Ritchie: Huh? Hey, it's Ash! No wonder you ran off like that, Sparky!

Ash: [goes over to him] Ritchie, it's been so long!

Ritchie: Way too long! How've ya been?

Ash: I've been doing great! I see you're doing good yourself!

Ritchie: Sure have! And it's not just me here!

Ash: Really?

Then, a certain Herb Pokémon came in with a familiar girl from Johto, who's a baseball fan, riding on its back.

Ash: Casey, you're here too?!

Casey: I sure am!

Ash: How's that possible?!

Ritchie: Arceus gave us the word that you came to another world, so we thought we'd visit ya!

Ash: That's awesome! Oh, hey! I want you guys to meet my new friends!

Casey: New friends?

Ash: Yeah! Come on [brings them to the table where the girls were]! These are my new friends!

Ritchie: Uh, hi!

Babs: So, you're friends of Ash! Hi there! My name's Babs! And this is Kara, Jessica, Karen, Zee and Diana!

Kara: 'Sup!

Jessica: Hi!

Zee: Greetings!

Karen: [nervous] Uh, hi!

Diana: [holds out her hand] It is our pleasure to welcome you both to Metropolis!

Casey: [shakes her hand] Nice to meet you girls! The name's Casey!

Ritchie: And I'm Ritchie! And this is my Pikachu! I named it Sparky!

Sparky: [greeting] PIKACHU!

Casey: And this my partner, Meganium!

Meganium: [greeting] MEGANIUM!

Zee: Meganium?

Ash: [pulls out Rotom Phone] Check it!

Rotom Phone: Meganium. The Herb Pokémon. A Grass type, and the final evolved form of Chikorita. Meganium gives off a fragrance containing a substance that reduces its foes' urge to fight.

Then, Meganium let out a soothing fragrance from its flower petals.

Babs: Ooh, that's nice...

Jessica: It smells heavenly!

Meganium: MEGAN!

Then, Zee took notice to Casey's outfit!

Zee: Wow, Casey! I like what you're wearing!

Casey: Thanks! It's only because I'm a huge fan of the Electabuzz baseball team!

Then, she started doing the chant for the Electabuzz baseball team!

Casey: We all love Electabuzz, no other teams the same! The players charge the field and electrify the game! They pitch and catch and run so quick, they're baseball bats are thunder sticks! They're power hitters do the trick! Electabuzz our favorite thing! We love there yellow color and their flag traits are their best! Electabuzz! They're better than the rest!

Kara: Uh...

Ash: She does that a lot. She's a big fan of the Electabuzz baseball team.

Karen: What's an Electabuzz?

Casey: [takes out a PokéBall] I'll show you! [tosses the PokéBall] Go, PokéBall!

And out came a certain Electric Pokémon!

Electabuzz: [appearing] ELECTABUZZ!

Ash: Whoa! Casey, your Elekid evolved!

Pikachu: PIKA!

Casey: Yep! It sure did!

Jessica: So that's an Electabuzz!

Ash: Yep! Have a look!

Rotom Phone: Electabuzz, the Electric Pokémon. An Electric type, and the evolved form of Elekid. If a major power outage occurs, it is certain that this Pokémon has eaten electricity at a power plant.

Casey: Just the kind of Pokémon I need as a true Electabuzz Baseball fan!

Kara: I'll admit, it is pretty cool!

Zee: [hugs Ash's arm] But not as cool as my Ashykins!
Ash: [giggles] Aww, Zee Zee!

Ritchie: Ashykins?

Casey: What are you talking about?

Ash: Oh, right! I forgot to mention! Zee's my girlfriend!



Ash: It's true!

Zee: And I couldn't be more happier to have my Ashykins!

Ash: Right back at you, milady! And there's something else too! But first, Casey, I'm going to need you to return Electabuzz and Meganium to their PokéBalls!

Casey: Really? Ok! [takes out PokéBalls] Return, you two!

And the two Pokémon were returned to their PokéBalls.

Ash: Now, come and sit.

Ritchie and Casey: Ok!

Then, Casey and Ritchie sat down.

Ash: Babs! If you will!

Babs: With pleasure!

Then, Babs pulled on the straw thing and they all fell through.

Casey and Ritchie: Whoa!

Soon, they were in the base.

Ritchie: Whoa!

Casey: What is this place?

Ash: This here is our secret base!

Babs: And we've got a secret that you must swear to keep and not tell anyone!

Ritchie: [salutes] You got it!

Casey: [salutes] I promise too!

Ash and the girls nodded with each other and they transformed into their superhero forms.

Ritchie and Casey: Whoa!

Casey: You guys are superheroes?!

Aura Guardian: Yep! Sure are! We're the heroes that help protect Metropolis!

Batgirl: Batgirl!

Green Lantern (Jessica) Green Lantern!

Supergirl: Supergirl!

Bumblebee: Bumblebee!

Zatanna: Zatanna!

Wonder Woman: Wonder Woman!

Aura Guardian: And Aura Guardian!

Ritchie: [eyes sparkle] Wow! Just like Sir Aaron!

Aura Guardian: Yep!

Then they transformed back into their original forms.

Ash: So, you gotta swear not to tell a soul! And we'll give you jobs as part of our hero team!

Ritchie and Casey: You got it!

Kara: You better! [pounds fists together] Or it'll be the last!

Meganium: MEG! [Vine Whips her] [threatening] MEGAN! MEGANIUM!

Casey: Easy, Meganium!

Meganium: MEGAN!

Casey: Don't worry! As Ash's friends, we promise to make sure your secret stays a secret!

Jessica: Thank you so much!

Ritchie: So, what can we do while we're apart of the team?

Babs: First things first, I wanna see what other kinds of Pokémon Ritchie is packin'!

Ritchie: You got it! [tosses 5 PokéBalls] C'mon out, everyone!



Cruise: PUPITAR!


Bubbles: VAPOREON!

Ritchie: These are my Pokémon! This is Zippo the Charmeleon, Happy the Butterfree, Cruise the Pupitar, Rose the Swellow and Bubbles the Vaporeon!

Babs: [eyes sparkle] Whoa...

Ritchie: Some of the Pokémon I catch are like the ones Ash usually catches.

Ash: Yep! That's for sure!

Pikachu: [agreeing] PIKACHU!

Eevee: [goes up to Vaporeon] EEVEE!

Bubbles: VAPOR!

Ritchie: Hey, an Eevee!

Zee: That's my Eevee!

Ritchie: That's awesome! [notices its outfit] [sweat drops] Why is it wearing a dress?

Zee: I made it myself for my little Eevee!

Eevee: [being fabulous] EEVEE!

Zee: Plus, it's really adorable!

That's when Casey noticed Diana's shiny Shinx.

Shinx: SHINX?

Casey: Whoa! Is that a Shiny Shinx?!

Diana: Indeed! It happens to be mine!

Casey: Wow! It has the same color as Electabuzz! If you want, I can trade one of my Pokémon for your Shinx?

Diana: I appreciate your kind offer, young Casey! But I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline! For Shinx and I are a team!

Shinx: [agreeing] SHINX SHINX!

Casey: I understand!

That's when the news came on!

Babs: Guys! The news is on! Something's up!

News Anchor: This just in, a new villain has broken into the Metropolis Museum, and he says he plans to "take what's his"!

Ash: Aw, son of a Bidoof! A Museum Break-In! Ritchie and Casey, you stay here! We'll handle this!

Ritchie: Aww!

Casey: Come on! We can help! Where's the sportsmanship?!

Diana: You are to remain here! That is an order!

Casey: A team player never leaves their teammates hanging! And that includes new friends!

Ash: Alright, you can come! But if things get out of hand, you'll have to leave at once!

Casey: You got it!

Ritchie: Aye aye!

Ash: Let's go!


At the museum, Koragg was causing havoc!

Aura Guardian: Hold it right there!

Koragg: Well! Looks like I've got company!

Wonder Woman: [draws out sword] Who are you fiend?!

Koragg: I am Koragg the Knight Wolf! And I'm here to take what's mine!

Aura Guardian: Not on our watch! [blasts Aura]

But Koragg was too quick and managed to dodge the attack!

Koragg: [draws out sword and shield] Fools! I've had a lot of experience in combat! This is nothing! [charges up sword] Dark Magic Strike! [blasts energy]

Aura Guardian: Scatter!

The energy he blasted put a hole in the ground, leaving a smoking crater.

Aura Guardian: Sweet Mama Arceus! This guy means business!

Supergirl: Yeah?! Let's see if he can handle SUPERGIRL! [charges at Koragg]

But Koragg side-stepped out of the way making Supergirl miss!

Koragg: Kryptonians aren't really the brightest springs in the bucket.

That got Supergirl ticked!

Bumblebee: Uh oh!

Supergirl: Big mistake, you mutant flea bag!

Koragg: I am no mutt! I'm a knight! [charges] HYAH!

But Supergirl dodged the attack!

Koragg: [swinging his sword] You children don't know who you're dealing with!

Batgirl: Shows what you know, furball! We're teenagers!

Koragg: Dark Magic Strike! [blasts Magic from sword]

Aura Guardian: Scatter!

Once again, they were forced to scatter.

Wonder Woman: [battles cries] [clashes swords with Koragg]

Koragg: You're no match for me, Princess!

He then kicks her in the gut, sending her flying into a wall hard!

Aura Guardian: [gasps] Wonder Woman!

Wonder Woman: [groans]

Ritchie: This is bad, Casey! We've gotta help!

Green Lantern (Jessica): [creates constructed fists] You're going down!

Koragg: You amuse me! [pulls out a PokéBall] But it is you who will go down!

He then tossed the ball and out came Feraligatr, but with a shadowy aura and red eyes.

Feraligatr: FERALIGATR!

["Who's That Pokémon?" time]

[as a silhouette shows a big alligator Pokémon]

Ash, Zee, Babs, Kara, Diana, Jessica, Karen, Casey and Ritchie: Who's that Pokémon?

Ash, Zee, Babs, Kara, Diana, Jessica, Karen, Casey and Ritchie: It's Feraligatr!

[as the silhouette reveals Fetaligatr]

Feraligatr: FERALIGATR!


Feraligatr: [intimidating] RALI...

Zatanna: Feraligatr?!

Bumblebee: It looks so different!

Aura Guardian: No! It's the same! It just has a shadowy aura and it's eyes are red.

Koragg: Shadow Claw!

Feraligatr: [Shadow Claw move] FERALIGATR!

Aura Guardian: Pikachu, Iron Tail!

Zatanna: Sableye, Power Gem!

Pikachu: [Iron Tail move] CHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...PIKA!

Sableye: [Power Gem move] SAB...LEYE!

However, Feraligatr was able to block the attacks.

Aura Guardian: Impossible!

Zatanna: It blocked them like they were nothing!

Then, Feraligatr struck both Pokémon with a Hammer Arm to Pikachu and an Ice Punch to Sableye.

Pikachu: [hurt] PIKA!

Sableye: [hurt] EYE!

Aura Guardian: Pikachu!

Zatanna: Sableye!

Casey: As a team player, we can't just sit on the sidelines! We've gotta help! Meganium, fire Razor Leaf!

Meganium: [Razor Leaf move] MEGANIUM!

Feraligatr: [pained] GATR!

Koragg: What?! Who dares?!

Aura Guardian: Casey! Ritchie!

Casey: Meganium, give it a Body Slam!

Meganium: [Body Slam move] MEGAN...IUM!

Meganium slammed its body into Feraligatr!

Feraligatr: [pained] GATR! [defeated] FERAL...

Koragg: Impossible!

Casey: Meganium, finish off that flea bag! Go hurl the Solar Beam!

Koragg: Not today! [charges up sword] DARK MAGIC STRIKE! [blasts magic]

But then, Cruise the Pupitar used Protect to protect Meganium from the blast while Meganium charged up its Solar Beam.

Meganium: [Solar Beam move] MEGANIUM!


After that attack, Koragg still seemed to be standing!

But he was panting heavily!

Aura Guardian: [to Ritchie and Casey] Thanks, you two! We'll take it from here! Get to safety!

Ritchie: No way! If we're gonna take him down! We're gonna do it together!

Casey: We won't give up until the very end!

That's when the heroes noticed Koragg was running to another room.

Batgirl: He's gettin' away!

Soon, he came to an exhibit, and he seemed to be focused on a strange orange crystal on display.

Koragg: I have located it!

He then started to charge up his sword to blast the glass, ready to claim it.

Koragg: Soon, it shall be mine!

Aura Guardian: Stop right there, Koragg!

Koragg: More interruptions!

Batgirl: Step away from whatever that is!

Koragg: This "thing" is the key to my future!

Aura Guardian: Not if we have anything to say about it! Girls, time for a counter attack!

Girls: Right!

Batgirl: Scyther, use X-Scissor!

Scyther: [X-Scissor move] SCYTHER!

Koragg: [slashes at Scyther] You'll have to do better than that!

Supergirl: Alright, Litten! Ember!

Litten: [Ember move] LITTEN!

Koragg: Weak!

Supergirl: [growls]

Zatanna: Gastly, Shadow Ball! Eevee, Last Resort!

Wonder Woman: Shinx, Spark!

Green Lantern (Jessica): Duosion, Psybeam!

Bumblebee: Ribombee, Signal Beam!

Gastly: [Shadow Ball move] GASSSSSSSSSSSSSS...TLY!

Eevee: [Last Resort move] EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...VEE!


Duosion: [Psybeam move] DUO DUO DUO DUO DUO DUO DUOSION!


Koragg: [knocks all the attacks away] You heroes are NOTHING!

Aura Guardian: [growls] [gasps] That's it! I think I may know what to do! [to Ritchie] Ritchie, get Cruise to use Rock Tomb!

Ritchie: Got it! Cruise, use Rock Tomb!

Cruise: [Rock Tomb move] PUPITAR!

Koragg: [trapped in rocks] WHAT?! No! I'm stuck!

Ritchie: Zippo, use Fire Spin!

Zippo: [Fire Spin move] CHAR!

Koragg was trapped in a fiery vortex!

Koragg: AUUUUGH!

Aura Guardian: Alright, time to finish this! [holds hand out] Ready, my beautiful magician?

Zatanna: Ready my Aura Master!

Aura Guardian and Zatanna: [using their powers] Combined Aura Sphere of Magic! FINAL STRIKE! [launches Aura Sphere of Magic]


That Aura Sphere was strong enough to defeat him, as it sent him flying across the room.

Batgirl: Yeah! We got him!

Koragg: [groans] You may have won the battle, but you'll never win the war! [teleports away]

Casey: [chanting] We did it! We did it! We did it! We did it! We did it! We did it!

Supergirl: We may have beaten him, but he escaped!

Aura Guardian: Don't worry! He'll be back!

Zatanna: And when he does, we'll take him down once and for all!

Batgirl: Preach, sister!

Aura Guardian was currently observing the crystal Koragg was after, but that's when it occurred to him!

Aura Guardian: Of course! I knew it looked familiar!

Green Lantern (Jessica): What are you talking about?

Aura Guardian: This is Old Amber!

Bumblebee: Old Amber?

Wonder Woman: Forgive us, Aura Guardian, but we do not follow.

Aura Guardian: It's a Pokemon fossil from my world.

Batgirl: [excited] Pokémon fossil?!

Aura Guardian: Yeah! And this fossil contains the Ancient Pokémon, Aerodactyl!

Suddenly, it started to glow!

Aura Guardian: Aw, son of a Bidoof! The fossil's restoring itself!

Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Supergirl, Green Lantern (Jessica), Bumblebee, and Zatanna: WHAT?!

Soon, the restoration was complete!

Aerodactyl: AERO!

Aura Guardian: It's Aerodactyl!

Batgirl: [eyes sparkle] Whoa...

That was when Aerodactyl started charging up a Hyper Beam!

Aura Guardian: Look out! It's charging up with Hyper Beam!

Casey: Quick, Meganium! Use Solar Beam!

Meganium: [Solar Beam move] MEGAN...IUUUUUUUUUUUM!

Aerodactyl: [Hyper Beam move] AERO!

Both Hyper and Solar Beams collided with each other, but it was Hyper Beam that prevailed!

Meganium: [hit by Hyper Beam] GAN!

Casey: Meganium!

Then, Aerodactyl swooped down and was about to strike!

Aura Guardian: Hit the deck!

Everyone: [hits the deck] Whoa!

Aerodactyl: [flies away into the sky] AERO!

Supergirl: Why's that Aerodactyl angry?

Aura Guardian: Hold on a minute! I don't think it's angry! It's scared!

Batgirl: Scared? Whaddya mean?

Aura Guardian: It's in a new world, not knowing where it is or how it got here or anything! I've witnessed something like this before back in my world! And I know if a certain Pokémon is scared for a particular reason!

Supergirl: [sad a bit] [thinking] I know what that's like.

Batgirl: Don't worry! I managed to install a tracking device on it! It's heading for the quarry!

Aura Guardian: Then, let's get there before it starts causing havoc!

Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Supergirl, Green Lantern (Jessica), Bumblebee, Zatanna, Ritchie, and Casey: Right!

Soon, they arrived at the quarry, ready to take on Aerodactyl.

Aura Guardian: There's only one way to do this! We have a Raid Battle!

Supergirl: A Raid Battle?

Batgirl: Ooh! What's that?!

Aura Guardian: It's a type of battle where trainers of all different kinds battle against one strong Pokémon.

Supergirl: I like the sound of that!

Aura Guardian: And if there's one thing a Rock and Flying type like Aerodactyl can't stand, it's Water and Ice types.

Ritchie: Let's not forget Steel and Electric!

Aura Guardian: Yeah! So, let's beat that Aerodactyl and get it to calm down!

Wonder Woman: Shinx, to battle!

Shinx: [determined] SHINX!

Green Lantern (Jessica): Let's do this, Duosion!

Duosion: [determined] DUOSION!

Casey: Electabuzz, I'm gonna need you for this one!

Electabuzz: [appearing] [determined] ELECTABUZZ!

Ritchie: Sparky, you'll always be my #1 partner! [takes out PokéBall] But for this one, I'm using Bubbles!

Bubbles: [appearing] [determined] VAPOREON!

Bumblebee: Ribombee, I need you!

Ribombee: [quivering] [scared] RI...

Bumblebee: Come on, Ribombee! Remember what we learned before! Even if we're small, we're still mighty in our own way!

Ribombee: RI! [determined] RIBOM!

Bumblebee: That's the spirit!

Zatanna: Sableye! I'm going to need your help too!

Sableye: [determined] SABLEYE!

Eevee: [feeling left out] EEVEE!

Zatanna: You wanna help too, Eevee?

Eevee: [determined] VEE!

Zatanna: Alright then! Sableye, make sure you help Eevee if needed, okay!

Sableye: [salutes] SABLE!

Kara: Litten, let's do this!

Litten: [determined] LITTEN!
Batgirl: Scyther, let's do this thang!

Scyther: [determined] SCYTHER!

Aura Guardian: And now, the final Pokémon for the Raid! Go, Greninja!

Greninja: [appearing] GRENINJA!

Pikachu: PIKA!

Aura Guardian: Guess you wanna battle too! Huh, Pikachu?

Pikachu: [determined] [cheeks sparking] PIKACHU!

Aura Guardian: Alright! [to Ritchie] You should have Sparky join the battle too, Ritchie!

Ritchie: Good idea! Let's do this, Sparky!

Sparky: [determined] PIKA!
Aura Guardian: [locks arms with Zatanna] Ready, milady?

Zatanna: Always, my Aura Master!

Aura Guardian: Pikachu, Electroweb! Greninja, Water Shuriken!

Zatanna: Eevee, Iron Tail! Sableye, Power Gem!


Greninja: [Water Shuriken move] GRENIN...JA!

Eevee: [Iron Tail move] EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...VEE!

Sableye: [Power Gem move] SAB...LEYE!

Aerodactyl: [hit] DACTYL!

Ritchie: Sparky, give it a Thunder!
Sparky: [Thunder move] PIKA...CHUUUUUUUUUUUUU!

Aerodactyl: [Rock Slide move] AERO...DACTYL!

Ritchie: No you don't! Bubbles, use Hydro Pump!

Bubbles: [Hydro Pump move] VA...POREON!

The Water and Electric type moves combined and over-powered the Rock Slide!

Ritchie: That's how ya do it, you two!

Sparky: PIKA!

Bubbles: PORE!

Aura Guardian: Let's take it down with a combination attack.

Supergirl: Litten, use Ember!

Batgirl: Scyther, use Air Cutter!

Diana: Shinx, use Hidden Power!

Green Lantern (Jessica): Duosion, Psybeam!

Bumblebee: Ribombee, Signal Beam!

Zatanna: Eevee, Last Resort! Sableye, Power Gem!

Aura Guardian: Pikachu, Thunderbolt! Greninja, Water Shuriken!

Ritchie: Sparky, use Thunder! Bubbles, use Hydro Pump!

Casey: Meganium, go hurl the Solar Beam!

Pikachu: [Thunder Bolt move] PI...KA...CHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!

Greninja: [Water Shuriken move] GRENIN...JA!

Eevee: [Last Resort move] EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...VEE!

Sableye: [Power Gem move] SAB...LEYE!

Litten: [Ember move] LITTEN!

Duosion: [Psybeam move] DUO...SION!

Ribombee: [Signal Beam move] ROMBOMBOMBOOOOOOOOOOOOM!

Scyther: [Air Cutter move] SCY...THER THER THER!

Shinx: [Hidden Power move] SHIIIIIIIIINX SHINX!

Sparky: [Thunder move] PIKA...CHUUUUUUUUUUUUU!

Vaporeon: [Hydro Pump move] VAP...OREON!

Meganium: [Solar Beam move] MEGAN...IUM!

Soon, the attacks were combined as one!

Aerodactyl: [scared] AEROOOOOO!

The attack hit Aerodactyl, and it was defeated.

Aura Guardian: We did it!

Batgirl: Now to catch it!

Aerodactyl: [hostile] AERO...

Then, Supergirl approached it and started rubbing its head.

Supergirl: It's ok. I know you're scared. Being in a new world can be hard to adjust to. I know what it's like. You're not alone in this. You're gonna be fine, I swear.

Aerodactyl: [questioned] AERO?

Supergirl: I lost my entire planet, and I had to come here to Earth to be safe, which also meant leaving my parents behind. I know how it feels being in a new world.

Aerodactyl then started nuzzling itself against Supergirl!

Aerodactyl: DACTYL!

Supergirl: It'll be alright, Aerodactyl! You won't be alone! It may take some time for you to adjust yourself to this world! But I'm willing to help you in any way I can!

Aerodactyl: AER?

Supergirl: Why don't you stick with me, Aerodactyl? And I'll make your experience in this world a good one!

Aerodactyl: [smirks] [screeches in approval] AEROOOOOOOOO!

Supergirl: Alrighty then! [tosses a PokéBall] PokéBall, go!

The PokéBall hit Aerodactyl, as it got sucked in. After it shook a couple of times, there was a successful 'ping', meaning it was caught!

Supergirl: Alright! Aerodactyl, welcome to the team!

Aura Guardian: Way to go, Supergirl!

Pikachu: [congratulating] PIKA PIKA!

Batgirl: Aw man! [pouts] I wanted to catch that Aerodactyl!

Scyther: [snickering] SCY SCY SCY!

Batgirl: [as she returns Scyther] You be quiet!

Bumblebee: [to Green Lantern (Jessica)] Well, I guess the both of us are the only ones who each have one Pokémon now.

Green Lantern (Jessica): Yep! I'd say so!

Batgirl: [to Supergirl] [teasing] I may have not caught Aerodactyl, but at least I got to see your huge soft side!

Supergirl blushed from that!

Ritchie: Yeah! Ya big softie!

Aura Guardian: Knock it off, you two!

Batgirl: [salutes] Yes sir!

Aura Guardian: [to Supergirl] Awesome job, Supergirl! Not only did you catch your second Pokémon, but you're the first of the group to catch a Fossil Pokémon!

Supergirl: Thanks, A.G.!

Eevee: [goes over to Zatanna] EEVEE!

Sableye: [goes over to Zatanna] SABLEYE!

Zatanna: [cuddles them] You both were amazing out there too!

Eevee: [happy] VEE!

Sableye: [happy] SAB!

Supergirl: [takes out PokéBall] C'mon out, Aerodactyl!

Aerodactyl: [appearing] AERODACTYL!

Supergirl: Aerodactyl, you and I are going to be great friends! And I promise to help you get used to living in this world!

Aerodactyl: [roars in approval] AEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Then, it flipped Supergirl onto its back.

Supergirl: Whoa!

Then, Aerodactyl took to the skies with Supergirl on its back.

Aerodactyl: [flying] AERO!

Supergirl: Whoa!

She then smiled, for she seemed to be enjoying it.

Supergirl: Woohoo! This is awesome!

Aerodactyl: DACTYL!

Aura Guardian: I think those two are gonna get along just fine!

Zatanna: You said it!

She then hugs his arm.

Zatanna: And there's you to thank for it, Ashykins!

Aura Guardian: Aww, it was nothing!

Casey: I might not understand their love for each other!

Aura Guardian: [giggles]

Meanwhile, Koragg had retreated into the woods after his defeat against the nine heroes.

Koragg: Those meddling kids may have defeated me this time! But next time, they won't be so lucky! And soon, the world will be mine! [laughs maniacally]

The next day, Ash and the girls were outside of Metropolis High, as they Casey and Ritchie were taking it in.

Ritchie: This world is great! I think I'm gonna like it here!

Casey: Me too!

Ash: If you too are going to be living here, you'll both have to attend Metropolis High!

Casey: Sounds good to me!

That's when they heard Damian.

Damian: Well well, looks like there's more losers added to the bunch!

Kara: [growls] Him again?!

Ash: What do you want, Damian?!

Pikachu and Sparky: [cheeks sparking] PIKA...

Damian: I just wanted to let you lot know that I'm still going to cause you trouble! I'll make your lives miserable forever!

Zee: Oh really?! What could you possibly do?

Damian: That's for me to know and for you lot to find out [leaves]!

Ash: You guys, as long as we stick together as a team, nothing's ever gonna bring us down!

Zee: You got that right, Ashykins!

Babs: Got that right!

Diana: Indeed!

Zee: [hugs Ash] And we've my cute boyfriend to help us out when we need it! [kisses Ash all over his face] Mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah!

Ritchie: HUH?!

Jessica: Best get used to it! We all have!

Casey: Right...

After the kissing ceased, Ash's face was covered in lipstick marks from forehead to chin.

Ash: [goofy smile] Awesome!

Zee: [giggles]

Meanwhile, Damian was currently walking through the streets, as his eyes glowed an ominous purple.

Damian: [chuckles menacingly]

[Recap Time]

Jessica: It's recap time!

Ash: Hey, girls! Who'd'ya meet today?

[as Pokémon Cards were placed in a binder]

Kara: Plusle, Minun, Feraligatr, Charmeleon, Butterfree, Pupitar, Swellow, Vaporeon, Meganium, Electabuzz and Aerodactyl!

[as the screen shows Aerodactyl flying through the air]

Ash: Aerodactyl is a Fossil Pokémon from ancient times who roamed through the skies!

Babs: Guess that's why it's quite the excellent flyer!

Ash: Got that right!



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