Wrecked [Johnny Depp]

By righteousbandit

2.8K 70 4

One night changes everything, for Johanna it's meeting Johnny Depp. More

Depp residence.
Weed, drugs & cocaine.
It's finally kicking in.
Depp residence II
The hangover.
You will be missed.
The band of misfits.
It's been a while.
The "rebound guy".
Baby be civil.
A merrily conclusion.

A little more muchness.

177 3 0
By righteousbandit

We made sure we had our guitars and whatever else we needed, Johnny could see I was struggling a bit with my bags so he took one off my shoulder.

"Thank you", I said, smiling.

Just then, Alice barged in with a large smile on his face. Probably that blonde chick last night. I rolled my eyes mockingly.

"Ready?" Asked Alice, throwing his guitar on his shoulder.

"Got the stuff?" Asked Johnny.

Alice nodded his head a gave him a sly smirk, Johnny gave a knowing look and turned towards me.

"Got what?" I asked, approaching Alice. Johnny stopped me.

"It's a surprise", he said, winking.

This got me worried, I'm all open to any drug, but I mean it's won't hurt to tell me. Right? Am I crazy? No, this is Johnny Depp, he's the crazy one here. Yeah, that makes more sense.

"Let's do this!" Yelled Alice, knocking us out of the way and pushing the door open.

"Where does that guy get all that energy, isn't he like 60?" I asked, Johnny laughed and we existed the building together.


I came out of that door limp, I don't know something Johnny gave me made me so dizzy and numb. It lasted for the concert but the after effects were brutal. All I wanted to do was lay down and not talk to anyone. It's been 2 weeks since I've had some alone time and I think this drug may have intensified that.

"You good?" Asked Johnny, closing the door.

"Yup", I lied, placing my head down on the cold floor again, my entire body was heated.

"Back on that floor again, you do that things may get out of control", he warned, taking off his jacket and hanging it on the door.

"Hhmmmmsmsmsskk", I said, mumbling.

He chuckled, knowing full well the drug has taken it's toll on me.

"Oh don't worry, it'll last for and hour or so you'll be fine", he reassured.

He poured himself a glass of wine and sat down next to me, crossing his legs cutely.

It's so weird, it's just been Johnny and I for these 2 weeks and I don't even miss the world, I don't miss my family or other friends. It's like if it were just us it wouldn't bother me. Is this just true friendship or something else I'm feeling.

He took off all his rings and placed it on the floor, the front of the rings facing my way. I could get a clear view of it, the one ring was silver with a skull on the top, the other was the Hollywood Vampires ring and other normal silver and gold ones. This man sure loves his bling.

"What are you doing?" I asked, amused yet curious all at once.

"Entertaining you", he replied, taking one ring in his hand and tossing it in the air.

I watched it fly in amazement, as if I've never seen a ring fly before, then he grabbed another ring from the ground and cought the flying ring in his hand along with the other one. He did it before the ring would hit the ground.

"You know this game?" He asked, doing it again but keeping both rings in his palms.

"You do it until it multiplies, it gets harder as you go along", he explained, focusing on the rings on the ground and cathing it successfully.

There were no more rings left and he slammed all of it down on the ground, smiling at me as if he had just won a trophy.

"Your hands are probably too small for all these rings", he laughed, beginning to place all his rings back on his fingers.

I didn't have to answer him, we were already so use to each other's silence. It was comforting and adorable that he entertained me in any way possible, but if only he knew his presence was all I needed to keep me entertained.

"You really not gonna say anything?" He asked, pouting as he took a sip of his red wine.

I shook my head and laid my head on my arms, closing my eyes. I felt Johnny brush my hair out of my eyes making me smile, I reached out for his hand before he could pull back, I felt him intertwine our fingers as I just lied there with my eyes shut.
I didn't know what it was, but I knew this isn't friendship, friends don't get other friends high and sleep with them.

Friends don't stay alone with you backstage and hold hands, friends don't snort cocaine off friends breasts. This isn't friendship, it's something more. I guess we're both just too proud to admit anything more than what we actually are and I won't be the first to admit that.

"We should get going", whispered Johnny.

"Noooo", I refused, grabbing his hand with my other one as well, I was basically holding his hand hosting.

"Don't make this hard, let's go", he ordered, trying to get his hand out of my firm grip.

I groaned and whined but he wouldn't budge.

"Johanna, if you don't let go of my hand I'm gonna bite you", he warned, I opened my one eye in fear and saw he had his mouth close to my hand, getting ready to bite it.

"Okay okay!" I yelled, releasing his hand quickly, he smiled triumphantly and got up.

I felt strong arms around me and me being hoisted up in the air, shocking me for a millisecond. I held onto Johnny as he carried me out of the place.

"Why'd you have to do that?" I asked, stuffing my face in his chest.

"Because I knew you wouldn't get up even if I begged you", he said, looking down at me.

"Oh", I said, softly.

We were outside and the cold air hit my skin, making me shiver. He opened the limo door and placed me down on the black leather seats. I smiled and waited for Johnny to sit next to me but no, he didn't. Instead, he closed the door and ordered the driver something that I didn't quite hear.

"Johnny?" I said, looking confused as I watched him walk to my door.

I rolled it down in a hurry and saw Johnny standing there with a sad look on his face.

"What are you doing?" I asked, wanting to cry.

"That was our last concert together, I didn't know how else to tell you. Goodbye, Johanna", he said, turning around and walking away.

"Johnny!" I yelled, he didn't turn back and the driver took off.

"Johnny!" I yelled again, tears escaping my eyes, I wasn't prepared for this.

I knew things would end but not so soon, not like this. I watched as Johnny disappeared around a corner, never to be seen again.

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