Fellowship of the Gays

By turingwethil

102 6 0

I AM VERY STUCK, IT'LL BE A WHILE BEFORE I UPDATE! A Lord of the Rings Chat Fic where literally no one is str... More

How did this happen?
It's getting serious
Murder Trio
Not so Happy Easter
World Building

Catch your Crush

22 1 0
By turingwethil

A/N: Fun Fact of the Day: In the Book 'the two towers' Legolas basically tells the rest of the company that he thinks it's really fucking weird that they smoke, and so is the entire concept of smoking.
Also should I like list the names at the start of each chapter or can y'all keep up with my bullshit?
And just to clarify, by ethnic discrimination I mean like black or indigenous people and by racial discrimination I mean humans, elves and so on.
Damn this is long, anyway, I've never dealt with people who are high so idk how accurate this is, but anyway. Also that panini shit was something my friends actually came up with and they were sober.

Mockingbird: we're done here, we decided that everyone does one part of the research and then we meet up two weeks before it's due, present our results to each other and put the presentation together.

Mockingbird: Legolas is doing discrimination against none hetero/allo people, Gimli is doing racial discrimination, Pippin's got sexism, Merry is doing ethnic discrimination, Frodo has ableism, Sam sizism/pretty privilege and I've got discrimination against religious groups.

Mockingbird: that leaves you with discrimination of trans and enby people, if that's okay.

PowerBottom: yeah that's cool, I've got a gender queer friend, I'll ask them about it

YourMom: kinda weird that we are doing a social evolution project on equality and integration of minorities, but we're eight people in a group, we're all guys and probably the only eight people in the class who aren't cishets

PowerBottom: actually that is kinda weird

Mockingbird: btw what was that emergency that you couldn't come, Boromir

PowerBottom: oh just some stuff at home

YourMom: you good
YourMom: nobody's dying or something, right?

PowerBottom: no it's fine

Mockingbird: you sure? it sounded pretty serious

PowerBottom: yes I'm sure, will you just let it go for fucks sake

Mockingbird: ok, no need to get so defensive

ImmortalTwink: change of topic: what are y'all doing tonight?

Mockingbird: merry, pippin, gimli and I are getting stoned

PowerBottom: oh good god



ImmortalTwink: how high are you

Mockingbird: I think like 1.80 or somthing

ImmortalTwink: for fucks sake

PowerBottom: so how often you deal with this?

ImmortalTwink: like once a month

MaryOnACross: Moth? Where?

YourMom: he said month you idiot

GimmeGimme: let's just vibe okayyyyyy

PowerBottom: alright, where are you?

YourMom: pippins

MaryOnACross: you're pippin

YourMom: oh yeah, right

Legolas Thranduilion created a Chat

Legolas Thranduilion added Boromir Tirith

Legolas disabled last name Function.

Legolas: okay, here's what we're gonna do:
Legolas: we get in our cars and drive to pippins, and park some way off.
Legolas: I'll explain the rest of the plan on the way.

Boromir: right, provided that our parents don't catch us

Legolas: my dads are on a musical date and the others won't snitch, so I'm fine, might actually ask Tauriel to come too, we could use extra help
Legolas: hold on, Imma add her, you'll just have to be quiet.
Legolas: go slowly, don't tip-toe and move close to walls, makes you quieter

Boromir: ok, add your sister while I get down, I have a longer way anyway

Legolas: k

Legolas added Tauriel

Tauriel: the fuck?

Legolas: the four of them are high again, we need your help

Tauriel: again?
Tauriel: wait, we?

Legolas: Boromir is helping us, you might have seen him, stupidly tall, pretty muscular, shoulder length hair, always tired but does sports, I think y'all have PE together

Boromir: that was scarily accurate

Legolas: you made it?

Boromir: duh, so we have PE together?

Tauriel: yeah I'm the red head who punched a guy for commenting on my ass

Boromir: oh yeah, I remember that, he was a dick

Tauriel: no kidding, should have punched him there
Tauriel: also are you texting while driving

Boromir: Siri is typing
Boromir: now what's the plan?

Legolas: We park someway off, you and I go grab Aragorn and Gimli and hoist them to the car, we'll have to be quick tho, I've done this so many times, they realise what's happening even tho they're stoned
Legolas: then we have to go back and get the short ones while one of you babysits the other two
Legolas: I'd rather not let them destroy Dads car

Boromir: I thought your dads are on a date?

Legolas: they are, we have two cars, one belongs to Ada, one to Dad

Boromir: so let me get this straight, we're using the MAYORS car to basically kidnap four minors who are completely high, so it's both us and them doing illegal shit?

Legolas: that's about right, except since they're at pippins we'll just drag him straight inside

Boromir: won't Merry and Pippin run off while we get the other two to the car?

Legolas: carry Ara bridle style, I do the same with carrot-top, they'll think we're taking them on dates

Boromir: the fuck?

Tauriel: it works
Tauriel: besides, you'd make a cute couple

Legolas: which one of us are you talking to

Tauriel: yes

Boromir: what, no! We're not like that, I don't even like Aragorn
Boromir: fuck that came out wrong
Boromir: I do like him just not like that

Legolas: right

Tauriel: you're one to talk

Legolas: the hell is that supposed to mean

Tauriel: you're into the dwarf

Legolas: a) no I'm not b) and what if I was

Tauriel: a) yeah you are, I'm your sister and I know you better than anyone, except maybe Aragorn b) I'm happy for you, or would be if you two finally got your shit together and went on a date

Legolas: I literally can't stand him

Taurial: no, you used to not stand him, now you do

Legolas: bullshit

Tauriel: it is not, first off, you think he's hot, he's pretty muscular, has long hair and a tattoo, all of which are things I know you find attractive
Tauriel: secondly, you ignore people you don't like or that you're mad at, you tease him RELENTLESSLY, you used to ignore him but now y'all talk to each other constantly, you just won't admit that you like each other so you do it in the form of banter.
Tauriel: third, you used to at most make a comment about him being annoying and leave it at that, now you talk about him all the time, 'oh, he's so annoying' 'oh, he said this and that'
Tauriel: I stg, they say women can't handle their emotions

Boromir: you guys know that I'm still here and can see all this, right?
Boromir: that was some Sherlock level shit btw

Tauriel: we know and thanks, but you gotta admit that they have a crush on each other

Boromir: I guess it's possible but idk

Tauriel: never mind, I'll have to get Arwen on this

Legolas: don't you dare

Tauriel: oh I will
Tauriel: not right now tho, she's asleep

Boromir: it's not even eleven pm

Tauriel: just bc none of us have a functioning sleep schedule doesn't mean everyone is as much of a disaster as we are

Legolas:how does she keep her life together?
Legolas: I mean Ara and the twins are raised by the same people so it can't be that
Legolas: and it can't be some girls thing either
Legolas: I mean you're just as tired in the morning as me, if not more so

Tauriel: how am I supposed to know?

Boromir: guys, have you looked into the other chat?
Boromir: oh wait you're not in that one, Legolas add her and hurry up, I'm getting worried

YourMom: we are going to sacrifice all of you the great Panini Overlord muhahahaha

PowerBottom: what the fuck?

MaryOnACross: show some respect to the high priests of the mighty panini

Mockingbird: all hail the great panini overlord and his most loyal servants, the lunch ladies!

PowerBottom: Seriously guys, you need to stop smoking
PowerBottom: especially pot

GimmeGimme: nevaaaaaa

ImmortalTwink added Tauriel

ImmortalTwink: you can see the usual chaos
ImmortalTwink: this is my sister everyone

Mockingbird: who

PowerBottom: the redhead from PE who punched Viktor

Mockingbird: that was so badassssss

YourMom: we should spare her from the sacrifice

GimmeGimme: yas queen

ImmortalTwink: disaster

PowerBottom: what he said
PowerBottom: I agree tho, that was awesome

Tauriel: why thank you

MaryOnACross: she needs a name

Tauriel: do not!

YourMom changed Tauriels name to GinnyWeasly.

GinnyWeasly: I warned you

YourMom: no you didn't, you warned Merry

GinnyWeasly: book Ginny or movie Ginny?

GimmeGimme: what's the difference

GinnyWeasly: book Ginny is great, movie Ginny is a fucking insult!
GinnyWeasly: how can you not know that

YourMom: then it's book Ginny

GinnyWeasly: ..fine

Mockingbird: Thou shalt be spared from the sacrifice to the mighty panini for thy badasserie

PowerBottom: I am going to fall into a coma


Legolas: are you almost there?

Boromir: almost

Legolas: good, I'm waiting by the garden port, we grab them and secure them in the car.
Legolas: You stay and watch them I'll get Merry and Tauriel gets pippin
Legolas: she's smaller than us so she'll have an easier time getting him into his bedroom through the window

Tauriel: I'd be offended if you weren't right

Boromir: how are you gonna get pip up a wall while he's high?

Tauriel: don't need to
Tauriel: their house only has one floor if you don't count the basement

Boromir: that's handy

Tauriel: it really is, I wish they'd do this at pippins more often.
Tauriel: or if they just stopped, be better for all of us

Boromir: okay I parked half a block away, I'm almost there

Legolas: whatever you do, be quiet until we grab

Boromir: okay I'm here

Legolas: fuck, they bolted, I'll get Gimli, you go catch your crush

Boromir:he's not my- oh forget it

Tauriel: I think I c xonnjl fspihnshvoisgouh9oåj va Bel

Legolas: shit are you okay

Boromir: what happened

Legolas: I stg if someone so much as tried to touch her

Legolas: Tau, your scaring me

Legolas: answer the damn messages

Tauriel: I'm fine, don't worry

Tauriel: this is like one of the safest, quietest neighbourhoods, besides, I was in the car until just now

Legolas: what happened?

Tauriel: your boyfriend came running this way and I tackled him

Tauriel: didn't have time to put my phone away

Boromir: I think I went in the same direction as Aragorn

Boromir: I'm on Bagshot-Row

Legolas: I think the other Hobbits live there, Ara might have gone to Sam or Frodo

Boromir: he's passed out on someones front porch, I kid you not

Boromir: *picture of Aragorn sleeping half-upright on Frodos and Bilbos porch, drooling and with his shirt half off*

Tauriel: this is comedy gold!

Tauriel: the dwarf passed out too, btw

Legolas: is he okay?

Tauriel: yes mister not-in-love

Legolas: fuck you

Tauriel: brother dear, even though we're not related and it technically wouldn't be incest: absolutely not

Legolas: I hate you so much

Boromir: this is very entertaining

Boromir: I'm almost by the car, Aragorn is sleeping like the dead

Boromir: May or may not have made sure he isn't

Legolas: gay

Boromir: you're one to talk

Boromir: have you seen Merry and Pippin.

Legolas: yeah I'm following them

Legolas: my name on Snapchat is LegolasT, I'll turn my location on, come find me when you've got rid of Ara

Legolas: still can't believe you don't have SnapChat, how are we even family

Tauriel: for the basillionth time, I don't have it, because I don't need it

Legolas: basillion isn't a number

Tauriel: shut up

Boromir: right, I got the sleepy head into the car, I'm coming to you

Legolas: finally, it's getting hard not to be seen

Boromir: I think I see them

Boromir: yeah definitely see them, right around the corner from where they're standing

Legolas: I'm behind the bins, I go after merry, you after pippin, if the other ones hobbit happens to run to us, we catch them regardless

Tauriel: on my signal:

Tauriel: now!

Boromir: fucking shit

Tauriel: what happened

Boromir: I got him, and I also got a bite mark on my hand

Boromir: the little shit drew blood!

Tauriel: holy shit, okay, I have disinfection spray in the trunk and some bandages too

Tauriel: if you notice anything at all off about it, go to the doctor

Boromir: do you need to scare the shit outta me?

Tauriel: I've read so many horror stories about getting bitten by a person in a fight and it getting infected really badly because FUN FACT humanoids have more bacteria in the mouth then in their asshole, I googled it

Boromir: what the fuck?

Boromir: okay, I've heard that too, but there is no way that's accurate

Tauriel: I'm serious, infection wise, human bites are some of the most dangerous out there

Boromir: I'll disinfect it when I get back there and put a bandaid on it but stop freaking me out

Legolas: how the hell is he that agile? I mean his legs are so short

Tauriel: got him?

Legolas: yeah, got the little demon

Boromir: I'm back at the garden, which is pippins window

Tauriel: two over from the back door, should be open, if not, it's unlocked

Boromir: got it

Legolas: sometimes I wonder why I'm even friends with them anymore

Tauriel: that is a good question

Tauriel: when are you guys gonna get done with the thing

Legolas: what, the project? we only got it this week

Tauriel: no, dingus, the thing

Tauriel: the AB plan

Legolas: oh that

Legolas: we don't know yet, have to go with the vibe u know

Tauriel: makes sense, maybe they'll figure it out

Legolas: I doubt it

Tauriel: me too

Tauriel: speaking of, where is Boromir, he should be back by now

Legolas: he should, what the fuck

'a few moments later'

Tauriel: seriously where is he, if he doesn't show some sign of life soon Imma go look for him

Legolas: bet, at least the stoners are asleep now, so we don't have to worry about them.

Tauriel: I swear, the next time just turn off your phone and pretend you didn't see the messages.

Tauriel: Ada and dad will be home in an hour at the latest, if they get there and we aren't in bed we're fucked

Legolas: no shit sherlock

Boromir: I'm fine guys sorry for keeping you waiting

Boromir: the window was closed so when I pushed it open I knocked down a glass and Mister and Misses Took woke up.

Boromir: they were really nice to me actually, pretty mad at Pippin, but nice to me

Boromir: I obviously had to explain the whole thing, but I did say that this was the first time it happened to save him some trouble

Boromir: she gave me some disinfection spray for the damn bite, and even gave me a box of cookies to share with you guys

Legolas: damn, that was nice of her

Tauriel: what kind

Boromir: homemade chocolate chip

Boromir: why?

Tauriel: good

Tauriel: I'm on my period, I want chocolate

(totally not the author projecting, my cramps are so bad, please send help)

Boromir: I am so happy I'm not a woman, for more than one reason

Tauriel: congrats, you have several brain cells working together, that's pretty rare around here

Boromir: uh, I just backread, what thing?

Legolas: nothing, just something our art teacher wants us to do for y'alls next sports event

Boromir: cool, what is it? that sounded kinda weird

Legolas: we're not supposed to tell

Boromir: but she knows?

Boromir: or are y'all in the same class

Legolas: her and Ara don't count

Legolas: if I say, I'll tell no one, then that means no one except these two


Merida: that was such a bad excuse

blondMerida: he bought it


*next morning in the group chat*

Frodosynthesis: why the fuck is there an absolutely incoherent conversation, and a photo of Aragorn passed out on MY front porch from last night on here

GinnyWeasly: haha omg, I didn't even realise Boromir sent it in here too lmao

Momfriend: I was about to ask the same but without the swear

ImmortalTwink: those imbeciles were high again

Momfriend: what do you mean again?

Momfriend: by the way, it's really nice to meet you, Tauriel, I'm Sam

GinnyWeasly: nice to meet you too

GinnyWeasly: introductions everyone, Tauriel, she/her, I'm Legolas' sister

GinnyWeasly: I do archery and knife throwing  and doom scroll on redit daily

ImmortalTwink: well, some of you only kinda know me so for Tau, it's Legolas here

ImmortalTwink: I'd put he/him on a form but I honestly don't care, I do archery with Tau and I love nature walks and hiking while listening to absolutely brutal true crime but can't watch horror movies for shit

Momfriend: I'm Sam, he/they but just he/him is fine too if that's easier. I really like gardening and cooking

Frodosynthesis: I'm Frodo, he/him, Sams boyfriend and I'm really introverted so don't expect much from me in here, I'll read tho

Mockingbird: It's Aragorn, he/him, I'm currently really hungover, I love horses and my nickname is because I'm the dad friend

Mockingbird: I still don't get it

GinnyWeasly: it's a song by Eminem, he wrote it for his kids

MaryOnACross: daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird, Imma give you the world

MaryOnACross: ring a bell?

MaryOnACross: anyway I'm Merry, short for Meriadoc, he/him, and Pip and I are a package deal

MaryOnACross: before you ask, we're cousins

YourMom: other half of the package here! he/him but they/them is fine too, idm

YourMom: I'm the one with the Scottish accent who likes food and jokes, so does Merry

GimmiGimmi: Gimli, he/him, I think my cousin Kili might have mentioned ya, I love horror movies, take that ya piss taking pointy-ear, and I'll be going to trade school as a black smith

GinnyWeasly: g disaster

ImmortalTwink: kindly shut up

GinnyWeasly: love you too bro

Mockingbird: where is Boromir btw, I called him earlier to ask what happened last night and he didn't answer his phone either

ImmortalTwink: I'm sure he's fine, probably just sleeping in

YourMom: that was a really good reaction tho

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