It's getting serious

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A/N: this is gonna be a more serious chapter, so less jokes, more plot.

A not-so-fun-fact: even tho the lord of the rings is an amazing story and some of the story aspects are quite progressive for when they were written, women are still very underrepresented. Ever wonder why no one seems to have sisters in lotr? Or why most of their mothers are either dead or never mentioned? Why a lot of the female characters don't even have names?

Also in this one they're calling their teachers by their first names because I'm too fucking lazy to cook up surnames that most people will actually understand.

Trigger Warning: abusive parents

Mockingbird: guys, I'm really starting to get worried
Mockingbird: it's Monday and I have to get going in like ten minutes, I haven't gotten a hold on Boromir since Saturday, do you think he's okay?

ImmortalTwink: maybe he got caught sneaking back in and had his phone taken away

GinnyWeasly: yeah, maybe, I mean we almost got caught, and ada and bard got home like a couple minutes after us

GinnyWeasly: since his parents were already home it's not that unlikely

YourMom: I hope he didn't, his dad is a dick

Mockingbird: I hope he did cuz that would mean he's fine

MaryOnACross: honestly I wouldn't be so sure about that

Mockingbird: what do you mean? he'll be grounded at most, right?

YourMom: I don't know, he seemed seriously scared of his dad on a couple occasions

YourMom: I think mostly he's just really shity to Boro's brother, always comparing them, but I wouldn't be surprised if he got physical, I was over there once and heard him yelling at someone on the phone over what seemed pretty minor, and he was throwing shit around

Mockingbird: I'm gonna freak out

ImmortalTwink: are you sure?

ImmortalTwink: you really think he's abusive?

YourMom: I mean I don't know for sure, but I think so

MaryOnACross: I agree, the only reason we ever hang out there is cuz Boromir doesn't want to leave his brother alone, why do you ask?

ImmortalTwink: I can ask my parents about it, ada's a lawyer and my mom teaches at our school, Boro is in her math class, I can ask her to check on him and maybe ask him if everything is okay.

ImmortalTwink: the thing is, ada can't help us if a) were not sure, and b) we can't sue if Boro isn't on board anyway, so best we could do is have CPS show up, but if we can't give them anything to prove it, they won't do much

GinnyWeasly: true, ada can't really help if Boromir doesn't ask for it, and I don't think he will but I just got off the phone with mom, she has him in her class first period today, she'll ask if everything is fine

YourMom: guys, remember that emergency so he couldn't come on Saturday? and how he got really defensive about it

Mockingbird: you're right, I thought it was weird but I didn't want to say anything

ImmortalTwink: well, we gotta go, mum's driving us cuz of the weather, otherwise we would've watched out for him on the way

Mockingbird: right, see you in class


ImmortalTwink: okay, bad news

Mockingbird: what happened, is he okay?

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