Catch your Crush

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A/N: Fun Fact of the Day: In the Book 'the two towers' Legolas basically tells the rest of the company that he thinks it's really fucking weird that they smoke, and so is the entire concept of smoking.
Also should I like list the names at the start of each chapter or can y'all keep up with my bullshit?
And just to clarify, by ethnic discrimination I mean like black or indigenous people and by racial discrimination I mean humans, elves and so on.
Damn this is long, anyway, I've never dealt with people who are high so idk how accurate this is, but anyway. Also that panini shit was something my friends actually came up with and they were sober.

Mockingbird: we're done here, we decided that everyone does one part of the research and then we meet up two weeks before it's due, present our results to each other and put the presentation together.

Mockingbird: Legolas is doing discrimination against none hetero/allo people, Gimli is doing racial discrimination, Pippin's got sexism, Merry is doing ethnic discrimination, Frodo has ableism, Sam sizism/pretty privilege and I've got discrimination against religious groups.

Mockingbird: that leaves you with discrimination of trans and enby people, if that's okay.

PowerBottom: yeah that's cool, I've got a gender queer friend, I'll ask them about it

YourMom: kinda weird that we are doing a social evolution project on equality and integration of minorities, but we're eight people in a group, we're all guys and probably the only eight people in the class who aren't cishets

PowerBottom: actually that is kinda weird

Mockingbird: btw what was that emergency that you couldn't come, Boromir

PowerBottom: oh just some stuff at home

YourMom: you good
YourMom: nobody's dying or something, right?

PowerBottom: no it's fine

Mockingbird: you sure? it sounded pretty serious

PowerBottom: yes I'm sure, will you just let it go for fucks sake

Mockingbird: ok, no need to get so defensive

ImmortalTwink: change of topic: what are y'all doing tonight?

Mockingbird: merry, pippin, gimli and I are getting stoned

PowerBottom: oh good god



ImmortalTwink: how high are you

Mockingbird: I think like 1.80 or somthing

ImmortalTwink: for fucks sake

PowerBottom: so how often you deal with this?

ImmortalTwink: like once a month

MaryOnACross: Moth? Where?

YourMom: he said month you idiot

GimmeGimme: let's just vibe okayyyyyy

PowerBottom: alright, where are you?

YourMom: pippins

MaryOnACross: you're pippin

YourMom: oh yeah, right

Legolas Thranduilion created a Chat

Legolas Thranduilion added Boromir Tirith

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