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By VanillaBlend130

5.9K 364 177

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1.2K 51 23
By VanillaBlend130

sorry for the sudden change of brainrot, am now having a fight with some gold rn so here i am writing jojo— also i was still hungry for more transported into jojo fics so here i am.

anyways enjoy the shitty writing. its my first time writing jojo so OOC is expected.


chapter contains: mentions of death/suicide. blood, vague(?) gore, murder.


You were not one for acting, yet you were the center of a stage— forced to play an unknown script.

You did not know what, but something had grasp you tightly to stick to the script. Forever bound to say the lines you did not want to say, taking steps you did not want to take, and so on.

Perhaps this was God's way of punishment when you had taken your own life.

You expected punishment either way, so you never questioned it when you felt like you were being controlled, smiling so widely and faking your cheerful persona to others.

It felt like you were a spectator to your own body.

You could still feel emotions despite your unwilling actions and words said to the people you interacted.

Majority of the time, you felt hurt. You wanted to cry when people told you to shut up, want to scream whenever you get left behind again. However, all you could was shed a single tear behind the cemented mask.

You hated this. It felt like you were back in your previous life— the very same reason why you took your own life. Now, it came back full circle, taunting you as fate pulled you up with its strings, like puppeteer performing a play.

Of course, like a play, there would always be breaks in between for actors to take a break. There are times where you could be yourself, taking off the fake persona and enjoy the new life you were living.

Although, it was short-lived, as you were automatically being put into the stage yet again whenever certain people showed up.

You had found this out recently, the moment you saw a certain person randomly on the streets just minding their own business, you would be put back into play as your legs ran toward them against your own will.

Staying home would be your answer to avoid them, but you would feel immense pain all over your body as if someone wanted you to get out.

It felt like you were slapped, stabbed, burned—  everything. Trying to break away from the 'stage' led to this consequence.

Nevertheless, you found yourself savoring the times where you would get a 'break' from whoever was controlling you.

That was until, you did something stupid. So stupid, that you actually found out that you were living in a fictional world.

You remembered that.....horrifying event clear as day. It was during one of your 'breaks', you were just wandering around eating your gelato at night.

You did not know where you were going, but you did not care. You would always find your way back home no matter how lost you were.

As you were walking, you heard screams coming near you. Your blank mind quickly died down as you realised you were walking in an abandoned neighbourhood.

Curiosity got the better of you as you navigated towards the noise.

Each step you took, you felt your body burning, the same pain when you acted out of your 'role'. It was clear something did not want you to go there, but you could give less of a fuck.

You could feel the invisible strings tugging you hard, wanting to pull you away from approaching the terrified screams. You felt your skin stretched from where the strings were attached, slowly ripping away from your body.

You had to bite down your lower lip to prevent yourself from screaming. Tears fell down your face as you felt parts of your skin was torn apart, blood running down your arms and legs. However, the strings were stubborn, grabbing onto new areas of your body— trying to control you again.

However, you did not care of the pain. You felt as if you wanted to...save the people that were suffering inside the abandoned neighbourhood.

You had found the location of the people. There were flickering lights inside a window of one of the houses. As you got closer to the window, you heard another set of voices, and shuffling from inside the room.

Your movement was starting to slow from the pain you were enduring just for this, but you had to move forward, you were already this far— it was either another death approaching or saving the lives of people you do not even know.

You were losing blood as you peeked over the window, but seeing what was behind it made you scared shitless.

There was a man, strapped down to the table as he was being cut alive by a crazy doctor. The latter had green hair, and he was smiling maniacally while the former struggled from his binds.

There were two more, a blond tied up with a white gag on his mouth, shedding tears as the black haired man was being chopped into pieces. The other wore a suit, and was holding a video camera, recording the horrifying experiment the doctor was performing.

Your stomach dropped once realisation sat in. You knew who those people are.

Fear ran through you as you cantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemitstoodifficultforyoucantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemcantsavethemdoyouevenhavea

"Hmm? What's going on?" you heard the crazed doctor stopped his torture.

You heard the door bang open, and chaos erupted from within. You heard more screams, this time from the suited man and the green-haired doctor. You hid under the window as you listened to what was happening.

It sounded like bodies were being ripped apart, pleads for mercy to whoever was doing this. More importantly, it felt like...you were there, beating the two down and saving the other two that were caught in this unfortunate situation.

After a while, it went silent. There were sniffles coming from the inside. You got up from your position, eyes settling on the one that had murdered the two crazies.

From inside, the room was covered in blood. Body parts littered across the floor, cut up like they were steaks. You saw the heads of the murderers— their last expressions being terrified as they got brutally murdered by a creature that floated above them.

You saw that there were mold growing on the body parts, and you gagged from the sight of it.

Your pupils dilated as you looked at the creature. It was a jellyfish, a huge one, floating about idly. It was glowing in the dark room, emitting a serene aura for the other two that were alive— safe from the suited man and the doctor.

Furthermore, you felt a connection to the jellyfish. You climbed through the window, grabbing the attention of the blond and the raven-haired.

You did not say anything to them, merely untying the blond and removing his gag while the jellyfish put back the raven-haired's lower body together. The stingers emitted a faint glow as it healed him, before removing the straps swiftly.

What surprised you was that the jellyfish came to you, healing you the same manner as it did to the raven-haired.

You stepped away and watched as the blond hugged him tightly, crying into his shirt as he murmured words you do not understand.

The tense atmosphere became awkward as the raven-haired stared at you, his eyes piercing into your soul.

None of you exchanged words, you merely stared for a good few minutes before you decided to to head out, climbing back out through the window and walking away, leaving the two lovers be as you went back home.

You saw your own skin laid out on the sidewalk on your way back, the strings now visible and dead, not grabbing onto you anymore when you took a step near it.

Were you.....finally free?

You no longer felt the false persona anymore, and the strange feeling of relief came over you. You pulled out your phone, wanting to scroll through apps as you walked back to your home. Though, reality started to set in as you finally remembered what you had just done.

You had just murdered Cioccolata and Secco, and saved Sorbet and Gelato.


......And that was how you found out you were in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. With how much their clothing stuck out, you could recognised them without a doubt. Not only that, you travelled back in time, you were now in 1999.

On the bright side, you were free from whoever was controlling you, now able to experience this new life to your heart's content without needing to put on the false persona.

The jellyfish that had saved the couple back then turned out to be your Stand. Taking a closer look at it, it had blue butterfly wings that faintly glowed behind the frilly stingers.

Ever since then, your life became a bit easier as you tested the abilities of your Stand. Your stand was able to clone things such as money, so you took advantage of it, using it to eat the food you craved and buying items on impulse.

Of course, that was not the only ability your Stand could do. There were too much the jellyfish can do, and you were starting to think that your Stand was a wee bit overpowered.

At one point, you came across a Stand user while buying food. The Stand user's ability was to turn a person into a latex sculpture, with their senses gone.

You happened to be his next victim, but you were as confused as him when he realised that his Stand did nothing to you, not even the effects got you.

Furthermore, your Stand manifested behind you, and took his Stand away, completely erasing it as if he did not have a Stand in the first place— wait the fucking jellyfish ate him what the fuck.

Yea, wee bit overpowered.

You were currently living a carefree life, finally being able to control your actions once more. It was no wonder time passed by so quickly.

Although, it begs for another question...

What about the plot?

You already made a major impact by saving Sorbet and Gelato, and killing off Cioccolata and Secco. The plot would have deterred at that point.

Not only that, you travelled back in time. It was not like you were put here when you first got into this world.

No, you clearly remembered you got here in 2001, not 1999.

Your memories were starting to make sense. Those blurry figures you were forced to interact became clearer. They were not just random people the strings decided to manipulate your body for your false persona to show— they were....

You grabbed a book from your cabinet. It was your diary, and for some reason, it contained everything you had wrote when you were in 2001.

You were never one for writing diaries, but it got so boring when you do not have access to YouTube and such, so you got the bright idea to write your entries on a diary every time you got a 'break'.

As you flipped through the pages, more and more pieces started to come together. 

"......Bruno finally took me to his favourite restaurant after months of pestering him! Although, I feel bad for doing so. I could see that he was annoyed by me the entire time. The food was indeed delicious, but the feeling of guilt was too much. I should probably make up and apologise to him soon."

"I got introduced to Bruno's team! Turns out, he was working in the mafia. I guessed that explains why he was so pent up recently. He's still the Bruno I know and love even if he's in the mafia!"

"I hate these feelings. Even when I'm writing in this diary, the false persona would take over. This is during my 'break' when I'm writing this. I hate it when I get the butterflies in my stomach whenever I'm near Bruno. I don't like it, he doesn't, not even his team like the idea of me falling in love with him. Perhaps, it's the false persona, or I'm having issues again.

I don't know why, but I'm forced by the strings to go with him on a task to escort his boss' daughter. Throughout the journey, I've been seeing...ghosts. They were from Bruno's team, and even the daughter got one. It felt so familiar— like I knew this from my previous life...."

You read the entries as the feeling of dread build upon you. While you wanted to deny it, it was clear to you, what your 'role' was.

However, your role still did not make sense. Why go through the effort of being hated by someone when you could have just avoided him entirely?

Why did the strings wanted to torment you in this shitshow, and for your role to repeat again and again?

If you hadn't ignore the strings, were you destined to replay this script forever?

Shaking your head, you grabbed your pen and began writing your findings onto an empty page.

You took your own life, where you somehow got into the world of the fifth part JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

You found out that your 'role' here was a childhood friend of Bruno Bucciarati, who had a major crush on him. Hence, the cheerful, fangirly persona you had to wore whenever you were near him or his team.

This was your second time being here, as if time resetted. You could not confirm your suspicions though, and you certainly do not want to do a third run of this "play".

Since the strings were dead and your false persona gone, as well as the time travel to 1999, it was safe to assume that you probably broke the loop in a fast manner.

Which was odd, since you were accepting of this punishment, but at the same time, you hated it.

Your brain finally started functioning instead of blanking out majority of the time when you killed off the enemy Stand users that will appear near the end of Vento Aureo, whilst saving two characters that were apart of La Squadra.

By breaking away from the strings, you found yourself getting a Stand in the form of a jellyfish— whose abilities can be considered broken. The possibilities are endless about said abilities— want to revive a person with no drawbacks? Just slap the person up.

You would be considered a Mary Sue with this sort of Stand.

However, there was still one problem.

Your 'role' as Bucciarati's childhood friend.

You could not out of nowhere reveal the truth to Bucciarati, nor his destined fate in the future. As bizarre as Stand users, they still do not believe in such things— such as mirror worlds for example.

Not only that, Bucciarati only knew your fake persona. If you outright told him that—

"Hey, everything you knew about me for the past decade or so has been nothing but a facade. This is my true persona and I'm here to tell you that you are going to die by your boss which I know that you and your team are in a mafia and are Stand users. Don't fret though, I can revive you guys and disable your boss' Stand effects so that you can have an easier time beating him up."

you would probably be grabbed by the shoulders and get zipped by his Sticky Fingers, while losing his entire trust and further getting hated by him.

You vaguely remembered from your past life that many people in the fanfictions you read revealed the truth from the get-go, or were coerced into doing so. You however, wanted to keep this a secret, even if Bucciarati managed to lick the sweat off your face.

You did not want him to have an existential crisis, after all. Although this was a fictional world you now lived in, it was also your reality.

It was currently 1999, two years before the plot began. You managed to save Sorbet and Gelato, which will drastically impact said plotas you had murdered Cioccolata and Secco.

As punishment for taking away your previous life, you were stuck in a possible time loop where you were destined to relive the life of Bucciarati's childhood "sweetheart" until you broke it on your second loop, gaining a Stand while doing so.

Your goal now, was to prevent the deaths of La Squadra, Bucciarati, Narancia, Abbacchio and even Polnareffwhile simultaneously sticking as close to the plot as possible.

You did not want to steal the limelight of the main cast. Otherwise, Trish would not attain Spice Girl when it was her time to shine.

Although this sounded easy as you have a broken base Stand, it was harder to execute. You have no energy to keep up the cheery facade in front of Bucciarati anymore.

Everyone would start to have high expectations of you if you used your Stand to the fullest, making you sweep the entirety of the plot with ease, and you do not want that.

This was not your story, so it would be best for you to just nullify certain effects of a Stand and heal the people in need. You were merely supporting the main cast, not become a Mary Sue that always take the spotlight.

But yet again— the problem is Bucciarati!

Should you just avoid him? Maybe, you had other ways to clash with him in the near future. However, he was still your childhood friend even with your false persona. Maybe you could switch to texting him once in a while to see how he was holding up in mafia duties?

You just wanted to stay at home, become lazy until 2001 arrived. Your false persona just had to be an extrovert that wanted to hang out with Bucciarati, while you were the opposite.

Groaning, you plopped down onto your bed, frustrated at everything at this point.

God, everything sucks.

"Whatever," you muttered. "It's fine, all shall be fine. I'm doing this for them, then after that, I'll say goodbye to them after Giorno becomes the Don."

You put back your diary, shifting your position to lie on your back as you stared at the ceiling.

Perhaps once everything is peaceful, I'll give my diary to them as a gift.


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