(Heizou x f! Reader) A Fate...

By MysteriousLegends

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Your in jail and Heizou is your detective. But the situation is bigger then he thought it was. What will happ... More

A Truth Revealed (1)
Melt down part 1 (2)
Melt down part 2 (3)
Can I see you again? (5)
Waiting for Eternity (Final Chapter)
Stupid Ironic...

Change of plans (4)

191 3 2
By MysteriousLegends

Shikanoin Heizou
As Heizou approaches your prison cell, he gives the guard at the front a very stern look and points at him.

"Let me through, I need to talk to (Y/n)." (He says in a very intimidating tone) "Now." (He grips your guard's hands and grips it even tighter) "Do you understand, my friend?! I have every right to be with (Y/n), as she is under my protection. So are you going to let me pass, or am I going to have to use force?"

(Y/n) just waits patiently but hears someone yelling in the other room.

Shikanoin Heizou
Heizou can't help but listen to the yelling from the next room. He looks at the guard with an even more intimidating look and grips his hand even tighter.

"Let me through, or else." (He says while clenching his fist even tighter, and grips his hand even tighter) "Do you understand?! If you don't let me through, I will not hesitate to use force. Am I understood?!" He says in a very aggressive and stern tone.

(Y/n) starts to hear Heizou voice but gets confused. What's happening outside the door?

Shikanoin Heizou
As the guard continues to refuse to let him through, Heizou continues to talk in a very stern, aggressive, intimidating and threatening manner.

"So do I have to use force?! Are you forcing me to do that now?! Come on, open the door or I'm going to have to use force as a last resort!" He looks away and looks at the door with a very furious look, clearly preparing to use violence if the guard doesn't comply shortly.

(Y/n) still hears yelling from the other room. It sounds like more security guards rush over there.

Shikanoin Heizou
Heizou looks at the other guards with a vicious look and points at them with his finger.

"I'm not scared of fighting multiple people at once! You got that?! Now, I have every right to see (Y/n), so let me through, or all hell could break loose! Do you understand?!" As he says this, Heizou clenches his fist even tighter, preparing for a fight if the guards continue to refuse.

(Y/n) can hear Heizou.

She then thinks for a moment. Her father has a high rank job enough that he could have done something to the station not allowing her to leave... uh oh.

Shikanoin Heizou
After several minutes of arguing with the guard, Heizou has clearly lost his patience and his good-natured personality is gone. He is now using an aggressive and hostile manner to gain control of the situation.

"Open this door now, or this won't end peacefully for any of you! Do you understand?!" He says with a very serious look. He has now decided to use force if the guards don't comply. "Open the door now! Open it now! Open it now! Open it now! Open it now! Open it now! Open it now!"

(Y/n)then yells at him.
Heizou calm down! You don't need to fight them! (Y/n) looks down it seem like her father made her option for her... prison.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He stops yelling) Heizou's expression turns shocked and stunned, as he looks at (Y/n).

"W-Why are you telling me to stop?! These guards won't listen to me! Do I have any other choice?! Do they want me to use force?! Is that what they want?! Do they want me to kill all of them?! Is that what they want, (Y/n)?! (He looks at her with a cold and stern face) Tell me, (Y/n)... what do I do?! Tell me this instant!"

Heizou it's ok! This might have something to do with my father! I will stay the 2 years no one has to get hurt! She yells with Compassion. She always was to caring for her own good.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He grips his hands even tighter) "So you want me to leave?! You want me to leave you here to continue your suffering?! What do you think will happen, (Y/n)?! He'll just make you stay in here forever! Is that what you want, (Y/n)?! I want an honest answer, (Y/n). Is that what you want?! Is that what you want, (Y/n)?!" He says with an extremely angry and serious look.

Sometimes the hard option is the best option! The security guards are only doing there job! They have family's friends lives! They don't need to get involved! Heizou I will be ok! She says sympathy lacing in her voice as she speaks. She's too kind for the world.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He looks at (Y/n) with a cold, stern and furious look) "Are you sure about this, (Y/n)?!? Are you sure that you'll be okay?! That you'll live out the rest of your days in prison with no chance of freedom and no way to ever redeem yourself?! Are you sure (Y/n)?! Are you sure that this what you want to do for the rest of your life?! Are you sure that this is your choice to go forward in life?! Is it really, (Y/n)?!" He says in a very furious, angry, cold and disappointed tone.

Heizou! If I get to protect people this the best thing I can do! Heizou I will be fine! I promise you! You will be fine! Everything will be ok! She says happily. She's to pure for everything. A gem that should be looked at forever for it's beauty. (I don't care what y'all think! All of your are beautiful gems!)

Shikanoin Heizou
He looks at (Y/n) with an extremely furious look. He cannot believe the words that he has just heard.

"You want to protect people?! Well then, why did you choose to lock yourself up with no chance of freedom and redemption?! There are other ways! How is this you protecting people, (Y/n)?! This is your way of protecting people?! How is this fair to yourself, (Y/n)?! You are a good person, and yet you choose to punish yourself, and for what?! (He grips your hands tighter and tighter) Please tell me the truth! Please tell me why, (Y/n)!"

Heizou! Look at the security guard! There innocent in this! My father is wise. He knows my weakness. I don't like to hurt innocent people.

Heizou will you be ok? She ask her tone full of compassion

Shikanoin Heizou
He looks at (Y/n) with a cold and stern look

"How?! How can you be so blind to your own suffering, (Y/n)?! This is your life, and you're just going to let your father make all your choices for you?! Why even bother existing if you let someone else take away your freedom to choose for yourself? (He grips her hands even tighter) Is that what your life means to you, (Y/n)?! Is it worth sacrificing yourself like this, for the sake of other people?! Is this what you call "protecting" others?! What will come out of this, (Y/n)?! I want an honest answer!"


Heizou it's ok! She says trying to reassure him.

Shikanoin Heizou
(He looks at (Y/n) with a shocked and disappointed look) "What kind of a life do you think you are going to live?! Is it really worth it to sacrifice your entire life to save people who don't even care for you?! Tell me (Y/n), is it really worth it to live your life as a slave while others live life freely and normally?! Is this really your life, (Y/n)?! Are you really doing this of your own free will?! Please tell me, (Y/n)!" He says in a very serious and stern tone, not willing to concede any argument.

She looks at him with compassion even though he can only see her from the window of the door.

Heizou I will be ok! She says smiling warmly.

But you have to tell me. Will you be ok? She says still smiling at him.

Shikanoin Heizou
He looks at (Y/n) with an extremely sad and heartbroken look, with tears forming at the corners of his eyes

(He grips (Y/n)'s hands even tighter and he smiles at her with pain) "No, (Y/n). I will not be okay. But it's fine... don't worry about me. I'll be okay.... I promise you." (He continues to smile at (Y/n) with tears swelling up and forming at his eyes, with a very sad and heartbroken look at (Y/n).)

(Y/n)wipes his tears and starts to cry a little herself.

I'm sorry I can't help you Heizou. She says smiling at him warmly.

But think about all the people I am helping. She says smiling softly.

Heizou I might not have known you long... but your the closest thing i have to a friend. Thank you for everything. She says smiling at him even through her tears.

Shikanoin Heizou
"I-I.... (He wipes his tears and he looks up and stares at (Y/n)) you are right. (He sighs and he looks at her with a very sad and heartbroken look) I'm sorry, (Y/n)... I'm sorry that you have to go through this..." (He looks at her with tears in his eyes) "I'm sorry that you have to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others, without even getting a choice. I'm sorry, (Y/n)... (He grips her hands even tighter with a very sad and disappointed look) I'm sorry..."

The security guards can't take it anymore and let him pass.

(Y/n) goes and hugs the sobbing Heizou and strokes his hair in a comforting manner.

It's ok Heizou. It will be ok. She says as she hold him while he cry's. Even the security guards were tearing up.


And I'm back :p

Ok I know I know this is really sad and maybe not the right time for a cliff hanger but.... I doing it anyways :p

But the way Heizou has got so attached to (Y/n) that he would kill all the security guards just for her!?! My heart was going crazy! That was so cute!?!

But no I had to make it sad and I started crying later. Are Heizou and Kylie really going there separate ways for good? Can Heizou accept that?!?

Also if how Heizou was able to hold Kylie's hand even when he was being held back by the guards was because:

From the hallway to the door Heizou was still struggling to step towards her still being held back by the guards till he made it to the side of her cell and could reach out and hold her hand. But after the security guards saw that (Y/n) was protecting them and Heizou was crying because he didn't want to lose her. They couldn't help it but let him go and even open the jail cell so he could hug her.

-so yeah-


-see you in the next chapter-

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