Colouring Outside The Lines

By Penelope_Shuettez

271 87 87

Not all first loves are meant to be and not all "meant-to-be" couples end up together. Lucas and Quinn learnt... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 1

31 5 3
By Penelope_Shuettez


"OH my gosh!! Ro, your just hit two million followers," Jess yelled in my ear for like the third time during the lecture.

Yep, I'm a 19 year old African American majoring in theater and minoring in dance at Juilliard while balancing my social media life and trying to do fashion on the side, Woo-hoo!! Note the sarcasm.

"Why aren't you excited? Ungrateful child!" Jess said while tugging my braids.

"I am grateful," I said while shoving her lightly. I really was, though I was more into the fact that my fashion icon inspiration had requested I model for her upcoming Christmas collection and that was something to be more excited about.
Quinn Divina Montanari is literally the best.

I was originally from LA but I had always wanted to go to Juilliards. I'd be back home for Christmas break and for the shoot

"Royanne!" I heard someone call with a slightly irritated tone.


"Run through the script for us. Where is your head?" the lecture asked.

"What?" I asked. How smart.

"I said, run through the script," the lecture repeated as I quickly mentally ran through the script.

I swear if I wasn't dark skinned, everyone would have seen my face getting heavily flushed.
Thank you ancestors!!


The ball bounced on the court from Jake to me and I tossed it straight into the hoop. We had been practicing after we returned from testing out a prototype VR sports based game for a certain game developer. Jake beat me during the testing and had been bragging about it since we got back so this was my time to redeem myself. Basketball? That was my home.

"That's six straight baskets, tryna show off bro? I do not see any ladies here," Jake joked while drinking some water.

"I did not see any this morning either when you said you wanted to rinse off with my tears," I teased and he rolled his eyes at me comment. I pushed my hair off my face but it just fell back as I began playing with the ball.
I really needed a haircut

"Demetri Lycan Othonos, world famous basketball star," a voice came from the door way.

"And what does dearest Dennis want early this morning?" I asked my agent while picking up my water bottle.

"You know me too well kid," Dennis smirked, "I just came to inform you that we have a photo shoot next week."

"It's Christmas soon," I said then took a huge gulp of water.

"I know," Dennis replied nonchalantly while clapping my back, "but it's a really big one and... you'll also be working with Layla Matthews and Royanne King."

I could pretend to know who they are and go do my research later. Jake immediately saw through me.

"Dude, you need to get serious with your social life. Royanne and Layla are hella fine," Jake added while pretending to drool. A smirk threatened to from but I quickly straightened my face.

"Romero is a huge brand, Quinn Divina Montanari isn't a person I want to turn down," Dennis emphasized.

"Fine," I answered, causing Dennis to light up,
"I'll do it, if... You score a point against me."
I passed the ball to him.

"I really hate you kid," he sighed while advancing towards the basket.

I laughed and took the ball from him while Jake cheered us on.


"I really don't have time for this," I spoke firmly to the potential investors during the meeting, "The deal is off." I stood from my seat while fastening my jacket and leaving.

"Mr. Kim-Rea, if you would ple-," was the last thing I heard as I walked out of the conference heading straight to the elevator.

The ding signaled that I had reached my private floor.

"Chairman," Adam, my assistant, called me as I walked out of the elevator.
I was on no mood to deal with any more motherf***ers wanting me to kiss their shit.

"Cancel all my appointments for the next hour, no one is to disturb me or come to my office," I said as calmly as possible and closed my office door.

Everything was okay this morning; our current major project, a VR sports game, had past its second last testing phase and the new security software release date was picked. These idiots just had to come and ruin my day.

I leaned into my chair, opened my laptop and was met with Divina's beautiful emerald eyes and sunny smile on my wallpaper.
  When was the last time you saw your girlfriend you idiot?
I had been so busy ever since I came to the US and I'm sure she still was not over me standing her up. I reached out my phone and dialed her number.

"Tesorina come on, please pick up," I said as the phone rang and went straight to voicemail.

"F**k!" I cursed as it went to voicemail for the fifth time.

The door opened and I was literally about to chop Adam's head off for not following an order. My face softened when I saw Takumi run in.

"Uncle! Uncle! Ojisan!" He exclaimed excitedly as he came round my desk.

"Hey champ," I said while pulling him into my arms. His silky black hair falling over his big blue doll eyes. His cheeks still rosy. Possibly from playing in the sun. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"School finished early today and I didn't want to go home and have to wait for you the whole day," he complained while pulling away.

"Don't worry kiddo, why don't you get settled. How about I have Anna bring you some snacks and games while I finish up here and then we'll head home together later, is that okay?" I asked him.

"Hai!" he exclaimed and smiled. I ruffled his hair before he ran off to the lounge area in my office to go put his bag.

That little boy right there, I would do the best I can to make sure he always had a smile on his face.


"Ms. Montanari, the Bertelli's sent an invitation for their annual Christmas gala, you have a business lunch scheduled with Yves Saint Laurent this afternoon and the Christmas TWR photoshoot has been scheduled for the 23rd," my assistant, Tammy, said.

"About time, make sure Jose gets to that immediately and sends feedback, grazie," I spoke as slowly as possible because Tammy usually complained about how thick my Columbian accent is. Also the fact that I had to translate words in my mind before I said them.

I leaned back in my chair and sighed as she walked out. I had a brewing headache and these constant meetings weren't helpful.

Lucas called last night while I was knocked out and by the time I returned his call, it was probably nighttime for him. I miss him and Takumi so much but that idiot just had to stand me up. My phone ringing cut my line of thought.

"Si," I said into the phone

"Hey, what you up to darlin'?" Michelle, my closest friend, asked.

"Work, I have to finalize the Christmas TWR collection," I replied.

"So you coming to the States?" she asked.

"No," I said flatly.

"Why not? I'm here, Lucas is here, you can use work as an excuse, come get ya Man" she suggested but she knew I was too hard headed to be persuaded easily.

"Ma'am," Tammy said from the door but stopped when she saw I was on a call.

"Go ahead," I told her.

"Sorry to interrupt but... Jose is in the hospital, I'm yet to get more details but he won't be discharged til the 24th and he's not fit to fly." Tammy continued

"Jesus is Lord!!!! Yes!! God bless his soul tho, poor thing. May he heal before Christmas" Michelle yelled. " but it's a sign Divina, think about it, you even know you only trust a few people for this specific project. You already in the hot seat because it's been delayed far to long."

After some time of Tammy's silence and Michelle's bugging, I gave in, "Tammy, get the jet ready."


"Leave it to LA to be a sunbathe this early," Quinn said while stepping out of the jet.

"Missing the Mediterranean weather already?" Tammy joked.

"Si," Quinn replied while putting her sunglasses on as they went down the steps.

"We'll go to the LA office first, then the Romero branch," Tammy said once they got into the SUV, "and lastly, we can stop by Lucas's house."

"He probably is not home but sure," Quinn said while going over some designs in her sketchpad as they drove out of the airstrip onto the busy roads of Los Angeles.

Takumi sat in his playing room racing his toy cars around when his nanny walked in.
"Takumi, you have a visitor" she chirped happily.

"Who?" he asked while looking up from his toys. Curiousity washed over him.

"Can you guess?" a voice came from the door.

"Divina!!" he said while dashing into her open arms.

"I missed you sooo much bambino," she said while kissing his cheeks.

"I missed you Dee, it's so boring, uncle is at work right now," he said while not letting go of her.

She still found it funny how he called Lucas, uncle and her, just Divina even though she did in fact did tell him to call her just Divina in the first place. Most of her close friends and family addressed her that way. The rest of the world knew her as Quinn.

"Well we are going to get rid of that boredom, are you free for the afternoon?" she asked.
Takumi nodded happily and ran towards his room.

"I will go run a bath for him," his nanny said to her with a smile on her face, "he really missed you."

"I missed him too. Has he already had lunch? I thought we could have some have something while we are out," Quinn asked.

"He recently had his midday snack so I think lunch will be okay. Are you staying over for dinner?" the nanny asked.

"I will see how my meeting with Lucas will go," Quinn replied.

"Uba! I can't find my facecloth!" Takumi called from his bathroom.

"Looks like he ran his own bath," the nanny teased, "excuse me."

Quinn busied herself by tidying up Takumi's playroom while she waited for him to get ready. When he was done, they headed out into the city for the afternoon.

That evening, Lucas finished his last conference call and made his way to his office. He let out a deep sigh as he closed the door.

"Stressful day?" a voice came from his desk. A confused expression came over his face as he walked towards the desk.

A woman sat in his chair with her feet on his rich mahogany desk while she went through his laptop.
Long, dark, curly strawberry blonde hair tied in a messy bun. Bright emerald green and pouty plum pink lips. When she wasn't smiling, she always appeared to have what people called a serious resting bitch face. Luscious curves graced her deeply tanned 5'4 body. All thanks to her Columbian-Italian heritage.

"You have a very boring Playlist Chairman," she said with her thick accent laced around her cute raspy voice. He leaned on the doorway with a smirk playing on his face.

"Feet on the table?" Lucas asked her while raising his brow.

"Oops, I should have taken off the heels," she smiled. He began to stride towards the desk as she stood up and walked into his arms. She let out a short laugh as he spun her around.

"I missed you so much tesorina," he said while putting her down and kissing her forehead.

"I missed you too," she said as he cupped her face and captured her lips with his. He held her waist and put her on the desk, deepening the kiss.

"When did you get here?" he asked while catching his breath when they pulled apart.

"I landed this morning," Quinn shrugged.

His expression fell as he asked, "Why didn't you call or inform me?"

"Would you have answered?" she asked, "anyway, I had to see my lover first."

"Really, Your lover huh?" he said with a serious expression but soon began to tickle her.

"Si! And he gave me so many kisses before I came here," she shrieked and laughed while trying to get away from him.

"And what's your lover's name?" he trapped her between himself and the desk.

"Nope, not saying," she tried to escape again but he blocked her and softly kissed behind her ear.

She brust into laughter as he tortured her, "No! Okay!! He's a 6 year old Japanese prince!"

He let her go and she sighed. Taking a seat in his chair, he pulled her onto his lap and kissed her again.

"Let us go out tomorrow and do not say no. Tomorrow and the Christmas weekend are for us," Quinn said, "So, three in afternoon?"

Lucas knew he had to, he'd been standing her up lately and they hadn't been spending much time together.
"Okay baby," he responded as she kissed him.

A/N.. Hey okay I know..
I know I didn't fully describe the characters😭😭
I know, I know.. But it was just a teaser into their lives, don't worry. more to come 😭😭

Me: *worries 😭😭

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