Son Of The Shadow Monarch

By BlackReaper707

35.4K 577 1K

After defeating the Monarch Of Destruction who had taken over the body of All For One, Izuku Yagi, now known... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Merry Christmas/Happy New Years
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
New Story Vote!!

Chapter 10

1.5K 31 53
By BlackReaper707

(Three hours after the last part)

Izuku awakens on the other bed in the room after Yang had woken him earlier. He that he walked back into the room and decided to go to the additional bed, seeing no way to return to his old spot. Izuku tried to get up but felt a weight on his chest holding him down. He looked down and was met by the sight of jet-black hair with a pink strip running through it.

Izuku was confused because he had left Lily over with Ruby and Eri when he got up to answer the door. He looked to where Ruby was to find her still cuddling Eri, both fast asleep. He felt movement, looked down, and was met with pink eyes staring at him.

"Good morning Lily. How did you sleep? Also, how did you end up over here?" Izuku said, giving her a warm smile and causing her to blush lightly.

"Good morning to you as well, Zuku," Lily returned the smile. "I slept well, more so than usual. As for how I ended up here, I woke up and saw you were gone. So I got up and noticed you were over here, so I joined you. The question is, how did you end up over here?"

Izuku: "well, Nora and Yang were banging on my door, worried because you and Ruby were nowhere to be seen don't know how you three didn't wake up from it."

Lily: "that makes sense. Nora might be scatterbrained, but she is a good friend."

"I can tell, and as much as I enjoy this, would you mind getting up?" Izuku asked, causing Lily's slight blush to develop into a much deeper one as she quickly got up.

Lily: "sorry! I should have noticed!"

"It's okayokay, Lily. I don't mind at all. It was pretty comfortable actually." Izuku said, standing up and stretching, giving Lily a glance at his scarred torso underneath his shirt. While she did enjoy the view, the story behind them slightly diminished her blush.

Lily walked over and gently touched the scars running her fingers over them. Izuku Jumped at the sudden touch and looked down, seeing lily with her hand under his shirt and her hands rubbing his stomach tracing the scars there, a sad look on her face.

Izuku: "the story behind those might be sad, but I like to look at them in a different light."

Lily: "What would that be?"

Izuku: "I survived; no matter what, they broke me, pushed me to do something stupid, but sometimes you only need someone to reach out a hand to help you. Ultimately, they are a work of art all on their own."

Lily: "do you ever wish you could forget it all?"

Izuku: "sometimes, yes, it's hard to forget something when it's carved into your skin, but at the same time, I wonder what type of person I would be if I did forget it all."

Lily: "I think you would be the same person you are now. A kind and caring father to a lovely little girl and someone who will stand up for others without a second thought, even if everyone hates you for it. For the record, I don't think you're a demon, just someone afraid of losing what he holds close and will do anything to ensure they are safe."

Izuku looked at Lily with a soft, warm smile which she returned, looking up into his emerald green eyes. The moment was ruined by someone talking, causing the two to jump back from each other in surprise and blush.

"how long are you gonna stand there with your hand up his shirt Lily?" The two looked over to see Ruby sitting up and looking at them with a pout across her face. Ruby stood up from the bed, walked over to Izuku, and hugged him tight, burying her face in his chest. "And I agree you are not a demon, Izu, and anyone who says otherwise will have to answer to me, including you."

Izuku chuckled at Ruby's statement and hugged her back but noticed Lily pouting, so he opened an arm, inviting her into the hug, which she eagerly accepted.

"thank you two for everything you said. What did I do to deserve all of you in my life." Izuku said with a smile and a few tears, pulling the two closer.

Ruby: "what else be you!"

"that sounded corny as heck Ruby," Izuku said, lightly chuckling. Ruby pulled back and started punching his chest lightly.

"don't ruin the moment, Izu!!" Izuku laughed at Ruby's onslaught of punches putting up a weak defense from them as Lily watched the two laughing at the antics between them.

"what's (yawn) going on?" Eri said, sitting up and yawning, rubbing her eyes, her bedhead in full effect.

"Nothing, sweetie. Your big sis Ruby is just bulling your Papa." Izuku said, smirking at Ruby, who gave him a fake hurt look and continued her assault on his shoulder.

"Big sis Ruby (yawn), be nice to Papa," Eri said, getting out of the bed slowly and sleepily, walking over to Izuku and hugging his leg, trying to defend him. Izuku just smiled down at the small girl's attempt to protect him. He picked her up, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, laying her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you for protecting me, snowball," Izuku said, kissing the top of her head and earning a sleepy smile from the girl. Meanwhile, Ruby was pouting while Lily was taking pictures of the two. "And you better send me those pictures, Lily." She gave him a thumbs-up and started pulling ruby out of the room.

Lily: "come on, Ruby, let's head back to our rooms. Our teams showed up looking for us earlier and are probably worried, plus we need to get ready for classes. Bye, ku. We'll see you later during classes."

"By Izu, see you during classes!!!" Ruby yelled as the door closed, waving bye to the father and daughter, who returned the wave with a smile.

"well, snowball, let's get you changed, then we'll get some breakfast," Izuku said, looking at Eri, who was nodding off in his arms.

"Will you be making it?" Eri asked, looking up and giving sleepy puppy dog eyes

"If you want me to," Izuku said, not being able to resist the cuteness

"YAY!!!" Eri said, waking up instantly and raising her arms in joy. All Izuku could do was laugh as he put his daughter on the bed and started getting her outfit ready for the day.

"You are a good father, Izuku." Izuku looked back to where he heard the voice coming from to see Nana sitting beside Eri on the bed, smiling at the small girl sitting excitedly for the food her father would make.

"Yeah, well, I had an excellent example of what not to do," Izuku said, turning back around and finishing getting the outfit ready.

"very accurate and an even better example of what a father should be like," Nana said, floating over beside Izuku and seeing the outfit he was picking out for Eri. "I think the red will go better with the shoes."

Izuku: "yeah, my dad was amazing. He helped me when no one else would. I only wish Eri could have met him. He would have spoiled her rotten, and she would have him wrapped around her little finger. Also, no black and Purple are perfect for this outfit."

Izuku stood up with Eri's outfit in his arms and walked over to the bed, setting them beside her. Then he turned around to get clothes for himself wanting to keep the same color scheme that Eri had with her dress and shoes.

Eri: "Papa, who are you talking to?"

Izuku: "oh, no one important, just a crazy lady who lives in your Papa's head along with a few others."

Eri: "Are they nice?"

Izuku: "so far, yes, although I could do without two of them, but there is nothing I can do about them at this moment, so hopefully, they stay quiet and away from us."

Eri: "Are they the mean people you told me about?"

Izuku: "yes, they are."

Eri: "then I don't want to meet them. They were mean to Papa."

"It's okay, sweety. You will never have to meet them." Izuku said, finishing getting his clothes together, walking back over to where Eri was, and letting her head. "Now, get changed so we can go eat."

"Okay, Papa!" Eri said, jumping off the bed and grabbing her clothes, then walking over to get changed in the bathroom, leaving Izuku alone with Nana to change.

"Do you mind?" Izuku said, looking over at Nana, who was floating around the room, acting like she was not watching Izuku waiting for him to change.

"I don't mind at all," Nana said, looking at Izuku and smirking while looking down and waiting. Izuku just sighed, turned around, and started removing his clothes to change. The whole time he ignored the whistle's coming from Nana.

Soon he was done and was changed into a nice black and purple suit, and Eri soon Exited the restroom. Eri walked over to Izuku and let him fix her hair. Once he was done, he picked up Eri and left their room, making his way toward the dining hall.

Once they arrived at the hall, Izuku was about to walk toward the kitchen, but he heard the sound of approaching feet behind him. Before he could turn around to see who it was, he was interrupted by someone jumping on his back, hugging his neck, and wrapping their legs around his waist.

"IZU!" Ruby said, hugging his neck tighter

"GAHH, RUBY!! What have I said about jumping on my back while I am carrying Eri!" Izuku said, looking at the smiling girl

"Uhhhhh, not to?" Ruby said, a bead of sweat rolling down her head while still keeping the smile on her face.

Izuku: "and what did you do?"

Ruby: "Jumped on your back while you were carrying Eri?"

Izuku:" exactly, and here I was going to make breakfast for you, but now, as punishment, no breakfast for you."

Ruby's face fell upon hearing this. The smile quickly faded upon hearing that she would not be getting to eat Izuku's food. "NO!! You can't do that, Izu! I'm sorry!! Please feed me!!!" Ruby cried out, hugging Izuku's neck tighter, almost cutting off his air, which shocked him slightly with her strength.

???: "does that include us as well?" Izuku turned around and saw the rest of team RWBY and JNPR standing there watching the three.

Izuku: "good morning, you guys, and no, it doesn't include you all, just Ruby."

"NO! Izu, please, I am sorry! Eri, please help your big sis out!?" Ruby said, looking towards the tiny girl with pleading eyes.

"Don't bring Eri into this, Ruby," Izuku said, looking away from the group before him and back at Ruby until he felt a tug on his shoulder. He looked over and saw Eri looking up at him.

"Papa, please forgive big sis Ruby?" Eri said, getting down and looking up at Izuku and giving her best puppy dog eyes, and was soon joined by Ruby doing the same. Izuku tried to resist at first and stand by what he said, but the onslaught of cuteness from the two wore down his resistance, and he slumped his shoulders.

"OkayOkay, I'll make her something," Izuku said, unable to overcome the cuteness of the two.

"YAY!!!!" Ruby said, jumping around in happiness with Eri

"It'll be okay, Greenie. You're not the first to fall to Ruby's puppy dog eyes, and it didn't help that the snowy joined in on it," Yang said, walking over and patting Izuku on the back while watching her sister jump for joy with Eri.

"Yeah, I believe it, but at least they're happy," Izuku said, smiling at the end while watching the two. Ruby ran over and jumped, hugging Izuku's neck.

"Thank you, Izu!!" Ruby said, kissing Izuku's cheek, causing him to blush slightly at the open affection. She quickly let go and ran back over to Eri, pickling her up and making her way to an available table, waiting eagerly for her food with Eri on her lap.

"well, she is excited," Izuku said, laughing slightly and looking at Yang and the rest, only to be met with pouting faces. "Uhhhh, I better get started." He quickly turned around and walked toward the kitchen, leaving the group to walk toward Ruby and Eri.

Thirty minutes later, Izuku came walking out of the kitchen with a tray of food in each hand. He walked toward the table where the group was sitting and started handing out food to each of them. They all started digging in as soon as he finished putting the food down.

"Papa, aren't you going to eat?" Eri said. The others at the table looked up to see Izuku still standing with a food tray in his hand.

Izuku: "not this time, snowball."

"Why's that zuku?" Nora said with a mouth full of pancakes.

Izuku: "Nora, please don't talk with your mouth full. The reason why I am going to check on the other person involved in yesterday's incident and figured I would bring them breakfast and check on how they were doing, seeing as they were in a worse state than Jane."

Pyrrha: "that's nice of you, Izuku. Let us know if we can do anything to help."

Izuku: "I will, Pyrrha. Also, could I ask one of you to watch Eri? I don't want her coming with me."

Jane: "why don't you want to bring her with you?"

Izuku: "she has trouble with hospitals or anything like them."

"ah, I see. Well, in that case, I will-" Jane started to say but was cut off by Nora, who jumped out of her seat, grabbing Eri from Ruby's lap and pulling her into a hug.

"I'LL WATCH HER!!" Nora excitedly said the sudden shout and movement startled Eri, but she quickly calmed down and returned the hug Nora was giving her.

Izuku: "that's fine. Just make sure to keep an eye on her. She likes to disappear when not watched for even a second."

"PAPA!" Eri said, looking at her father with a pout that everyone thought was cute.

"Sorry, snowball, but you know it is the truth. Need I remind you of when we were getting groceries, and I looked away to check the price of something? You somehow ended up three isles away," Izuku said, walking over and petting Eri's head, causing her pout to deepen but still nuzzle into Izuku's hand. "Also, there will be no classes today after yesterday's incident."

Yang: "how do you know that greenie?"

Izuku: "Olivia sent me a message while I was preparing food."

"Well, wasn't that nice of her," Yang said, a tick mark appearing above her head along with the rest of the group, hearing how close Izuku was with the headmaster.

"yes, but I better get going before the food gets cold," Izuku said, feeling the mood around the table shift. He quickly left, leaving the group.

Once izuku was gone, the two groups sighed and silently returned to eating what Izuku had prepared. They were all deeply thinking about the events that had just transpired. They were all silently sitting until they heard a small sigh and looked over to see that it had come from Eri, who was looking down sadly.

"what's wrong, Eri?" Pyrrha asked the small girl who looked up at her.

"nothings wrong," Eri said, looking back down at her food

"Well, now we know you are definitely Izuku's daughter," Lily said, petting Eri's head. "But we can tell something is bothering you. You can tell us anything.

Eri: "I sometimes wish Papa was more selfish."

Ruby: "what do you mean, snowball?"

Eri: "Papa will never do something if it means hurting someone else, especially if he cares for that person. He would rather deny his happiness if it meant sparing someone's feelings."

Nora: "that sounds like Zuzu, but what brought this on, snowflake?"

Eri: "Papa cares for all of you, and I know you all care for him just as much, and there are even more that I see care for Papa just as much as you all. But I am worried that Papa will never admit any of this because he doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, and he probably feels like he is playing with all of your feelings which hurts him even more."

Yang: "Snowy, it'll be okay, and none of us think he is playing with our emotions. We understand that he has been hurt many times, and it will take longer for us to get close to him. Ruby and I have known him the longest, and we still don't know many of his secrets. So don't worry too much, okay?"

Eri nodded, accepting this momentarily, but she still worried for her father. She did not want him to spend his life alone, and she wanted a mama that would make her father happy.

(Back with Izuku)

When Izuku left the cafeteria, he stored the food in his inventory to stay warm while going to the infirmary. As he started walking that way, Izuku rounded a corner and ran directly into Betty Oobleck and Peter Port, almost knocking the former over. But due to his fast reflexes managed to catch her by the waist and keep her from falling.

Izuku: "sorry about that Ms. Oobleck."

"It's quite alright, Mr. Sung," Betty said, adjusting her glasses to hide her blush. Izuku pulled her back up to help her stand, then looked back at his two colleagues.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry, Mr. Sung?" Port asked while stroking his mustache.

Izuku: "I am off to the infirmary to check on the other girl involved in yesterday's incident."

Port: "ah, I see such a dreadful thing for someone so young to experience. Hopefully, she will be able to overcome it and not allow it to drag her down into despair."

Izuku: "I agree, and it's our job as teachers to ensure that outcome happens."

"I could not have said it better myself, my boy," Port said with a hearty chuckle while betty was smiling while adjusting her glasses.

"Now, if you don't mind, I better be on my way," Izuku said, stepping by the two and rounding the corner. as soon as he was around the corner, he popped his head back around and looked at the two.

"Before I forget, I made coffee and left it in the caf-" before Izuku could finish his sentence, the two bolted toward the cafeteria, leaving Izuku laughing.

After that, Izuku quickly made his way toward the infirmary. He stopped by the nurse's station and asked where the girl from yesterday's incident was. The nurse informed Izuku that she was in the first room on the right Izuku thanked her and made his way toward the room.

As Izuku approached the door, he heard a scream from within the room. He quickly pulled out one of his daggers and rushed toward the door without a second thought; he threw open the door, ready to fight, only to be met with the sight of three women surrounding one on a bed. as he burst in through the door the four looked up at him in shock and one with fear until they saw who it was.

"Is everything okay?" Izuku asked, looking around the room and making sure everything was okay.

"Yes, everything is fine. She just woke up from a nightmare, is all. But why are you here, Mr. Sung?" The lady sitting next to the one on the bed asked. Izuku sighed and put the dagger back into his inventory. The fours eyes widened, seeing the dagger disappear into thin air.

"Well, Ms.Adel, I came to check on Ms. Scarlatina and the rest of your team," Izuku said, looking between the two and then toward the other teammates.

The first was Coco Adel.

If Izuku had to describe her in one word, it would be fashionista. Even in the infirmary, she wore top-notch clothes in the early morning. She was watching Izuku with a calm, calculating stare and watching his every move making sure he was not about to do something to her teammates

While on the complete opposite side was her teammate Velvet Scarlatina.

She was a rabbit Faunus with long brown hair in a tangled mess. Seeing as she just woke up, she was currently wearing nurse scrubs. When Izuku's eyes moved toward her, she seemed to shrink down and try and cover her ears as if to hide them. Izuku gave her his best and warmest smile to calm her down. It seemed to work as her body relaxed, and she let go of her ears.

Izuku looked away from her and toward the next occupant standing next to the door; Izuku had just burst through. Her name was Yatsashiya Daichi,

but from what Izuku knew, she preferred to be called Yatsa. She was taller than izuku, standing at about 6' 8" if he had to guess and had the frame of a professional bodybuilder but somehow still managed to stay slim.

Izuku looked away from Yatsa and towards the last occupant of the room. Her name was Foxy Alistair.

She was sitting in the corner of the room, head cocked to the side and eyes closed. She had mocha skin and long red hair that was put into a ponytail. Izuku could see tiny scars running up and down her arms and across her stomach.

"HMMM," Izuku said, rubbing his chin

"What is it?" Coco asked, still keeping her eyes on Izuku

Izuku: "Your blind, are you not, Ms. Alastair?"

"what gave it away?" Foxy asked, opening her eyes and exposing the milky white eyes.

"Well, the fact that you kept your ears always pointing in my direction was one way," Izuku said, walking over to stand in front of her. "Do you mind if I take a look?"

"I don't see why not," she joked, and Izuku chuckled.

Izuku crouched in front of her and cupped her face looking closely at her eyes. "Have you always been blind, Ms. Alastair?"

Foxy: "as far as I can remember, yes. What's the point of asking all these questions? Are you just trying to pity me?"

"not at all. I find the fact that you have made it this far in life simply amazing." Izuku said, standing up and taking a step back. "The reason for all these questions is I was wondering if you want to see?"

All four's eyes widened at this question, with Coco standing up and marching over to Izuku, grabbing his shirt, pulling him down, and looking into his eyes. She spoke with clenched teeth and an intense stare that would have scared anyone else.

Coco: "if you think this is funny ill kick your ass right now. What you're saying is impossible, and if you're trying to be funny, you can leave."

"But I am being serious," Izuku said, gently pulling her hand from his shirt and straightening it. "How about we eat some breakfast while I explain everything?" As soon as the words left his mouth, there were four consecutive stomach growls, all of which looked embarrassed. "I'll take that as a yes."

Izuku reached a handout and pulled out the tray of food from earlier from his inventory. The smell of the food quickly filled the room, causing the four's stomachs to rumble again, but three were too surprised to be embarrassed.

Velvet: "how did you do that?"

"magic~," Izuku said while handing out the food to the four, then took a plate for himself. They sat in silence for a moment, eating and enjoying the food.

"So what do you mean you're serious about helping her see?" Coco asked, breaking the silence.

"Well, before we get into that, let me first tell you that there is news about Cardin Winchester," Izuku said.

When Velvet heard that name, her breathing started to pick up, and her eyes started darting around the room. She was on the verge of a panic attack but quickly calmed down when she felt a hand on her head gently rubbing it. She looked over to see Izuku leaning in and giving her a calming and warm smile. Velvet felt herself relax And accept the touch enjoying the calm it brought.

Izuku: "you don't have to worry. He can't hurt you anymore."

Coco: "you better have a good reason for bringing up that piece of shit around me. If I ever get my hands on him, he's dead."

Izuku: "well, about that, you're a little too late."

Yatsa: "what do you mean?"

"Cardin Winchester is dead," Izuku explained the story he had told the investigators yesterday to the four while keeping a hand on Velvet's head, hoping to keep her calm.

Coco: "well then, good riddance. This world doesn't need people like that asshole. My only wish is I could have seen it happen."

Foxy: "I agree." Yatsa nodded her head in agreement

Coco: "now that that is out of the way, back to the main subject. How would you give foxy her sight?"

"Well, that requires another story," Izuku said while collecting the plates from the four and putting them back into his inventory. "A while back, when the year was starting, and I got put on leave after my altercation with the asshole. I met someone on one of my trips to explore the town. I met someone unable to talk through my time off. We would hang out and eventually grew close."

Coco: "what does any of this have to do with making her see?"

"Patience," Izuku said, "now where was I? ah, yes! Well, I wanted to do something nice for them. When my father passed, he left me with a few things, including a powerful potion that could cure any illness. Now I had no clue if it would affect her muteness, so I modified it, but in doing so, the singular potion split into five parts—eyes, speech, touch, smell, and, finally, hearing. So I gave her the speech one, but I haven't been able to see her again to find out if it worked or not."

Coco: "so you expect us to believe this special potion will heal her?"

Izuku: "believe it or not, that is up to you. I simply wish to give you the opportunity. I mean, in the end, what does it cost you? But in the end, the choice is yours."

Foxy: "can I think about it?"

Izuku: "of course! Take as much time as you need. Now on to the other reason I am here. How are you feeling, Ms. Scarlatina? And please be honest." Izuku's gaze went toward the rabbit-eared woman. Unlike before, she didn't shy away, but her ears drooped slightly.

Velvet: "I think I'm going to drop out of Beacon."

"Vel, we talked about this. You don't have to drop out, especially now that the bastard is dead!" Coco said, getting up and sitting next to her friend and putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I understand, Coco, but I just feel so weak and that I am just dragging down the team," Velvet said, tears coming to her eyes.

"I must disagree with you leaving," Izuku said. All eyes turned to him

Velvet: "what do you mean?"

Izuku: "well, there is no shame in being weak. Believe it or not, I was probably the weakest person you ever met before my father found and trained me. Having said that, I don't see a problem with being weak. My problem lies with someone who wants to be strong but doesn't do anything to get there."

Velvet: "then why do you disagree with me leaving?"

Izuku: "Velvet Scarlatina, do you genuinely wish to give up being a huntress? And once again, I ask that you answer honestly." Velvet looked down, not saying anything.

"Vel-" Coco started to say but was quickly silenced by Izuku placing a hand on her shoulder, holding a finger to his lips, and shaking his head, letting Coco know it was her decision.

"I still want to be a huntress, but-" Velvet started to say but was cut off.

"Then that is all that matters. If you're weak, then train and get strong." Izuku said, walking over and crouching informant of her laying his hands on her shoulders, causing her to look at him. "And to help you with that, if you're willing, I'll train you myself."

This statement shocked the four women seeing how far he would go to make her feel better.

Velvet: "why would you go so far for someone you don't even know that well."

"Well, I am a teacher. It's my job to make sure you reach your full potential." Izuku said, smiling at her "plus, I also just like helping people because I know how it feels when you have a dream that seems unreachable to you. Sometimes all it takes is someone to reach out a helping hand."

Velvet was overwhelmed and broke down crying and pulled Izuku into a tight hug crying her eyes out just saying thank you repeatedly. The others in the room smiled at the scene, silently thanking the green-haired man for helping out their teammate. Not long after, Velvet fell asleep, and Izuku gently laid her down and covered her with a blanket which she snuggled into, and Izuku thought it was adorable.

"thank you, Mr. Sung, for helping and keeping her here our team would not feel the same without her," Coco said, which the other two nodded in agreement

"no need to thank me. As I said, I enjoy helping people. Now to talk about the rest of you." Izuku said, standing up and turning toward the rest of the team

Yatsa: "what do you mean, Sir?"

Izuku: "you three will be joining the training."

Foxy: "do you really think that's necessary, Sir?"

"yes, I do for one, Yatsa," Izuku said, looking at the giant woman "you rely too much on brute strength to overcome your enemy, while in most cases that will work, you must prepare for the times it doesn't. Also, your defensive skills are amazing, so I mainly want you working on your swordsmanship while refining your defense."

"what would you suggest then, Sir?" Yatsa asked, looking intrigued

Izuku: "you will be training with two different people, which I believe you have already met."

Yatsa: "who is that, Sir?"

"Iron, Igris, come out" as Izuku said the names, two shadows rose behind him, shocking Yatsa and Coco. "Meet your sword teacher Igris and your defensive teacher Iron" both shadows nodded in greeting

Coco: "what the hell? Where did those two come from!?"

Izuku: "long story, maybe once we all get to know each other better, I will tell it to you. Now on to the next one, Ms. Ailstair. While you are mainly a frontlines fighter, I suggest increasing your stealth skills. It would go nicely with your semblance and allow for a more excellent range of dealing with your enemies, both Grimm and non-Grimm."

Foxy sat thinking for a moment thinking about what Izuku had just said. She finally looked up toward where he was talking and asked. "Who will be my teacher?"

Izuku: "that will be both Igris and me." She nodded and was excited to learn what she could if it would help out her team more. "Now for the last one, Ms. Adel."

Coco: "yes, teach?"

Izuku: "since you are a back lines fighter and the leader of your team, we will be doing something different."

Coco: "what's that?"

Izuku: "you and I will be holding mock battles where we command our teams. These mock battles will teach you how to strategize with a team you're unfamiliar with and properly manage your team while giving them enough room to think and adapt for themselves."

Coco thought for a moment she had always thought she was doing a good job leading her team but was willing to admit that she was not the best. So if she could learn anything from this, she would do it to better protect her team. Coco looked toward Izuku and nodded her agreement earning a smile from the green-haired man.

"Good, now I better get going. Meet me in Ms. Goodwitch's class after classes end." The three nodded in understanding.

Izuku stood up, dusted off the back of his pants, and was about to say something else, but before he could, the door to the room burst open, causing the four to jump in surprise and Velvet to wake up with a start.

Standing at the door were Ruby and Nora. Both were out of breath, having seemed to have been running for a while. When they saw Izuku, both rushed toward him and began talking so fast that he could not understand them.

"Girls, Girls, calm down and take a breath. I can't understand you when you're talking so fast." Izuku said, motioning for them to calm down so they could explain what was happening. Both took a deep breath and simultaneously said something that sent a cold chill shooting down Izuku's spine.

Ruby/Nora: "WE CAN'T FIND ERI!!!"

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𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 "𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐤, 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛...
92.9K 1.4K 30
An: Similar to the original but with a few twists. Izuku Yagi was a student of Union Academy. He was happy about his life within the school of his dr...