Fire and Ice

By FemCanada1

58.5K 1.8K 288

Klare, an orphan that was taken in as a trusted young servant in The Lord of the Fire Nation's own home, was... More

A Young child
Meet again?
The Bracelet.
I'm sorry.
Invitation That'll Change Everything
Easter Special!!!!
You What?!
An Awkward Night.
A/N: 1K!!!!
A/N... Please read
Eploring Time!
The Light After the Storm
A/n: Wattys?
A/n: ...Whoops.
Trouble in Paradise
Something Hidden?
Legend, Not Myth
Klare's Not Klare
Holiday Special!!!!
Saying Goodbye
Emotions that Betray
Control Brought by Pain
Reunited at last (?)
A/n: Editing
Fire is So Much More
A/n: Struggle is real!
A/n: A Much Deserved Apology


3.4K 122 16
By FemCanada1


I look up and see Seahlynn standing at the side of the garden, beckoning me to come with here. This told me that I was done with this job for the day. I turned to face the two, mostly Zuko. I do a small curtsy.

" It was a pleasure speaking with you. I hope we can all become good friends or at least acquaintances." I say with a smile before turning around and running back to Seahlynn.

**Timeskip** (because I'm lazy)

Many days passed and I did my chores and spoke with Zuko and Azula quite often, even outside of the specific days that I was supposed to hang around them. I became rather good friends with the two, after adapting to their incredibly different personalities. I actually gave Zuko the nickname Zuky.

Also, as a symbol of our close friendship, Zuky even gave me a simple yet caring gift. The gift was a lovely bracelet that had a simple design, its uniqueness being highly noticeable since he had made the bracelet himself. I planned on treasuring it no matter what, for as long as I lived.

Unfortunately, though they both seem to adore me, that's one of the only few things that they have in common with each other.

I sigh. "Klare! Klare! Something's wrong!" I hear a familiar boy's voice from behind me, so I turn around, thankful that I've finished with all my chores for the day.

"Zuko? What is it? Is someone hurt?" I ask worriedly.

"Lord Azulon. Father. Cousin's dead. Argument. Punishment." he says through pants. I sigh agin.

"Don't tell me you ran all around the palace trying to find me." he nods his head, still trying to catch his breath. I put his arm over my shoulders and my arm on his upper back for support as I began leading him to his room.

"Maybe you should tell me the reason as to why you did something so foolish, after you rest. Whatever it is can wait until morning." he didn't object, but then again he seemed to be deep in thought.

As we came upon his bed chambers, I opened the doors and gently sit him on his bed. He finally seems to have caught his breath and attempts trying to give the information agin.

"Lord Azu-" he was cut off by me gently placing my index finger on his lips.

"Hush. If it's so important that you absolutely must tell me then it can wait until morning. You need your rest." "But!" "No. No buts, now go to sleep. It can wait until tomorrow." With that, I left the room with him still sitting there and looking at me sadly as I quietly closed the doors. I ran to the servant's quarters, needing to hurry so I don't break curfew. They all welcome me with wide smiles before we all go to sleep.

**Timeskip to dawn**

I heard that something terrible has happened. I was told to speak with Prince Ozai in the garden. There he told me that with the disappearance of his beloved wife, I must be out of the palace by dusk. I ran through the palace with tears in my eyes, trying to find Zuko and Azula.

I finally bump into Zuko (literally) and he stares at my tear stained face as I stare at his saddened expression. I can't hold back the urge to hug him, so I quickly step close to him and gently wrap my arms around his torso and softly hug him.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. The loss of a loved one is one of the most difficult to bare, and this is all I can do to help you." I cry into his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me even tighter, but he doesn't say a word.

"Im so sorry. I know how difficult it will be to bare this pain alone, but once agin, I have no choice in the matter. I know you're strong enough to pull through this though, Zuko. So please, pull through this for me." He pulls away from me slightly, enough so that he can look at me face to face.

"A-alone? What are you talking about?"
I frown up at him. ((he's about 3inches taller than me))

"I've been ordered to leave the palace, due to the disappearance of the beloved Princess Ursa, the one who originally permitted my presence here in the palace."

He looks absolutely devastated by the news and the tears he was holding back before finally began streaming down his cheeks. I smiled kindly at him and gently remove my arms from his waist and his arms from me. I pull an embroidered handkerchief from my pocket. It had an elegant design on it and in two corners on opposite sides there were letters. On one corner was a capital Z and the other had a capital K. I start trying to wipe his tears up.

"You need not cry, Zuko. I'm sure we'll meet agin one day. Until then, stay strong for me, kay? And please don't forget about me. Goodbye, Zuky." I put the handkerchief in his hands, turn around, and ran away, tears trailing behind me.

Seahlynn's POV (last time)

I watch as Klare speaks to Prince Zuko. After hearing the news of Fire Lord Azulons passing, Princess Ursa's disappearance, and Klare being forced to leave, I knew that Klare would come this way and try to find at least one of her dear friends before departing. More than likely she will be too heartbroken after speaking with him to come find me, so this will probably be the last that I see of the young girl.

She turns and runs, after giving Prince Zuko a handkerchief that I had watched her embroider herself. He looks down at the handkerchief in surprise and cries down at it.

'The poor boy has to suffer through first the sudden disappearance of his beloved mother, now the loss of his best friend on top of that. The poor child may be suffering from this for a long time now, with no one to truly comfort him.' I thought as I turned away and left the scene. I've also been told to leave, but instead of leaving just the palace I was told to leave the fire nation as a whole before the end of the month.

Published: Jun 24, 2015. 12:24 am

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