The Light After the Storm

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Klare POV

'This feels like when we were younger. I'm sure he remembers that time as well. Either way, it feels safe now.'

My tense muscles relaxed as the comfortable hug started to provide warmth.
We stayed like that until the storm passed and the sun shone out again.

"Zuky... Thank you."
"No, don't thank me. It's my fault for leaving you. If I hadn't, you wouldn't have been so scared or hurt your leg." He pointed to the new gash in my leg that had been caused by a sharp rock when I fell.

"It's nothing, and none of this is your fault. If anything, I was wrong to have used the intimidation factor to keep your crew member from questioning orders."
"Actually, now that I think of it, that might make some things a bit easier. So... uh... Th-tha-" Zuko cut himself off when he felt me shaking my head, chuckling. His eyes widen at the action before he raised a brow in confusion.
"Don't do it. That isn't exactly in your nature anymore. Just, do me a favor and stay with me." Zuko sighed in contempt, nodding even though she couldn't see it.

Everything was nice... But as a life saying goes, 'All good things must come to an end'.

A loud twig snapped behind the pair as a ravenette male walked up, unnoticed by the pair that was too much into the moment.

"Hey. I may hate her guts, but that girl is still my sister." The boy growled at them, finally catching their attention. When Klare looked over Zuko's shoulder, she had to force herself not to let out a scream next to his ear.

"Rin..." Was all Klare had to whisper for Zuko to quickly turn around and stand in front of her in a protective manner.

"Aww, look. Someone's scratched herself up a little protector because she knows that she's too weak to protect herself." Rin taunted, quick to verbally target his sister. Falling right for his words, Klare retorted. "I'd never do that. I've protected myself long enough, and I can keep doing so. If anything, it's you who can't protect yourself from my pain." Klare growled, practically hissing at him.

Her eyes quickly darted around, keeping watch for any other people waiting to attack. "Will you stop that already, wench. I'm here alone. Last time we met, it didn't end well for either of us. If I wasn't alone this time, it would end up ending the same way. However, unlike last time, I came to find you so that we can talk. So unless you'd rather keep running with your little banished prince boyfriend, we best get to talking. I don't have all day."

Klare stared at her brother with uncertainty, but Zuko, on the other hand, watched his actions with pure distrust. Slowly, Klare pulled away from Zuko and limped closer to Rin, stopping halfway as she tripped and began too fall. Though, before she could hurt herself even more with falling again, Rin ran the short distance left and caught her before she hit the ground. Rin carefully sat her on the ground and sat in front of her, keeping a constantly blank expression.

"Now tell me, Klare. Why did you refuse to stab me instead of stabbing yourself? I know how painful that felt, not to mention if you lost too much blood from that wound, it would have killed you instead of me." Klare's eyes widened as she remembered that previous encounter. (a/n: in case any one has forgotten about what this is talking about, it was in a flashback in Secret)

"I did it because you're my brother and I love you as such. No matter what you think of me, I'd never intentionally cause you harm." Her words left the ravenette speechless as he stared at his sister's sad smile. "If you'd never want to cause me harm, then why did you abandon me all those years ago?" "Abandon you? I was nine. You threatened to disown me if I didn't run. You were the most important person to me, I couldn't lose that. So, I did exactly what you told me to do. I ran. I ran and I trusted that one day you'd run after me and we'd be together again." Rin's jaw dropped in realization. "So they really were lying to me all these years... I can't believe it took me six years to finally realize all the things that didn't make sense about what they were telling me."

Klare tilted her head a bit while giving off a hopeful smile. "So..." "Can you forgive me?" In just seconds, Klare began beaming with so much joy, Zuko thought her smile would never stop growing. "YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES!!!! OF COURSE!! You gotta come travel with me and Zuky, though." "Hey! Who said anything about him coming with us?!" Zuko stared at his friend in bewilderment. She turned to him, puppy-dog eyes in full affect. "But he's my bwother. Pwetty pwease. He can have my room if that's your worry." Zuko sweat-dropped. "Then where are you going to sleep, idiot." Klare gave his comment a cute pout before a mischievous glint shown in her pale eyes. "Well... In your room, of course. I mean, we already shared a room before, so it won't really be a first time."

Zuko froze as his eyes flicked over to Rin, feeling a new aura coming from the boy. Rin glared at Zuko, his eyes were dark and Rin pulled Klare closer to himself in a protective manner. "Maybe it'll be best if I stay in whatever room you're staying in, Klare. Wouldn't that be more respectable, since we are siblings. Besides, we'll be able to catch up more that way." He beamed, resting his chin on her shoulder. Unaware of the look between the two boys, Klare smiled happily. "Sure! That would be great."

Zuko stared long and hard at Klare before sighing. "We should get back and clean up your leg." She nodded as Zuko started moving closer to pick her up bridal-style. However, Rin didn't seem too fond of that idea. "Hey, imouto. How a piggyback ride, like old times." " 'Kay!" Rin flashed a now irritated Zuko a sly grin as he helped Klare carefully onto his back.


Heya, lovelies! I hope you like it!

Sorry if Rin's entrance was a bit sudden... Uh, I don't know what else to say...

Remember, if you have anything special for the story or you just wanna talk, feel free to send a friendly message to:

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And, of course-

Until next time!!!!                             

  ~ Ali

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