Invitation That'll Change Everything

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I step off the stage and was immediately engulfed in a tight hug from Ayaka.

"That was so beautiful! When did you make that one? You never told me that you wrote another one!" I chuckle a bit at her hyperness.

I stayed facing her, throwing glances at Zuko and hoping that he was the only one to notice them. "Well, actually, that song has been as much a part of me as my very own heart. It's something that I've always shared with the one person I cared for most. Heh, just thought I'd relive some of the happy memories, you know?"

"Is he that person? You two seem pretty inseparable according to anyone whose seen you. Honestly you'd make a cute pair." Zuko and I blush at her statement but quickly declined it being true, though for some unknown reason they both felt hurt by each other's denial.

"Hey, Klare, if we're done here, can I talk to you alone for a moment?" Zuko wouldn't meet my gaze no matter how hard I try, but all it took was me saying okay for him to finally look at me agin. He leads me outside by the hand and to the side of the building. Making sure no one's around first, he holds both of my hands in his and stares deep into my eyes. His fiery amber pouring into my icy blue.

"Will you travel alongside me in my journey to find the avatar and return to my rightful place?"
My eyes widen tremendously. This invitation was a lot to take in at the sudden moment. It took so long for me to give a reply that he had already become uneasy about asking the question. I relieve his unease with a soft smile.

"I'd be happy to help you by joining you on your quest. Afterall, what are old friends for if not for helping each other in times of need?" He cracks an excited smile and goes super OOC for a moment before retaining his composer and holding out and open hand for me.

Hand-in-hand we walk back to the tea shop. Zuko goes to his Uncle to tell him of the new addition while I go to tell my somewhat adopted family of my departure. They were smiling and very understanding of my decision, even though they were very sad to know that I'd be leaving them. "You better name one of your children after me." My friend and adopted sister responds bitter-sweetly. I smile at her. "No promises, Izumi. We're just friends." "For now." "Yeah, I guess that could be a possibility." She gives me an exaggerated eye roll. "The way you always talked about him? My bet is it'll only take three months, at most."

We smile at each other before I change back to my original dress and say my goodbyes. "Let's go." With that my new companions and I left and made our way to my house so that I could quickly get whatever I needed. Then we were off to their ship.

**arriving on their ship**

So many catcalls from all of their crew members. One man was nearly set in flames by both me and Zuko when he decided to touch my rear end.

With a cold glare, the guy backed off and Zuko continued to lead me to a room. "It's not much, but you can have this room. It's right across from mine in case you need anything, and Uncle's room is next to you." Zuko explained before retiring into his own room as I just sit my stuff inside my room.

Careful not to sound like I've left my room, I sneak back out to the area with the majority of the crew. They all stare at me and I stand proudly before them with a hard look. "Okay, let's get one thing straight. If any of you even come within 4 feet of me without my permission, you'll be lucky if you don't end up dead or paralyzed for the rest of your lives. Do I make myself clear? Also, if you don't believe me then just try me or better yet, I dare any of you to try to be a handsy flirt to me in front of Zuko and see what happens." I announce to them all before spinning back around and walking back to my room, feeling extremely satisfied with myself.

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