Ghost of the Tribrid's Past...

By SilverFoxxFire

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Tribrid Series- Book 2 ********************************************* The Blood moon eclipses had bought more... More

Chapter 1- The Rise of the Leader
Chapter 2- Peace Amidst Chaos
Chapter 3-The secret of two lives
Chapter 5- The Past- Part 2
Chapter 6- The Past- Part 3
Chapter 7- The Moon Blade
Chapter 8- The Secret of Shadowis Blade
Chapter 9- The Secret of the Shadowis Blade-II
Chapter 10- The Betrayal
Chapter 11- Temporary Goodbye
Chapter 12- Back to the Present
Chapter 13- Selene is also a part of the team
Chapter 14- The Woman in White
Chapter 15- Enchanting Dream
Chapter 16- The Mystery named Ilya Volkov

Chapter 4- The Past

193 6 0
By SilverFoxxFire

For a second there, I thought I heard him incorrectly. Did he mention something else and I perceived it as something else? Well wouldn't be the first time today when I perceived something wrong.

"Ok sorry to cut in but I think I misheard you saying that you're not General Kirigan??", I nervously chuckled and spoke.

He shook his head and replied, "Nope. You heard me perfectly."

I literally stared at him as if he grew two heads.

"I'm seriously shocked and confused right now but I'm still going to try and be patient. So start talking right now!", I replied to him.

He nodded and then took another deep breath before continuing.

"I was born in the 12th century. Back then humans were only considered as food source and slaves. The Supernatural ruled them. During that time the humans had started forming rebel group but none of them were strong against the Supernatural. So they had approached the White Warriors tribe for help. The White warriors were a tribe or rather a small kingdom of Esarosas. Ruled by their Benevolent and righteous Queen, Aiyana.", Xander explained and then looked at me.

"Queen Aiyana and her people agreed to help the humans and she went to the Council of Supernaturals wherein she was also one of the member. They somehow managed to form a peace treaty but the Vampire community wasn't exactly happy with letting their slaves free. Soon enough, the Vampire King's Younger Brother Augustus eloped with an Esarosa named Eliza, who was Queen Aiyana's First Cousin.", Xander continued.

"He did that as a revenge against Queen Aiyana, right?", I asked him.

He nodded.

"Didn't Eliza suspect anything? Why did she even elope with him in the first place?", I asked him.

He looked up at the sky, as if remembering a distant memory.

"They were in love once. Long before this whole politics and everything came in. They had marked each other and claimed each other as mates and she was already pregnant by then. Not even once did she doubt that her lover would change so much. Augustus Kirigan brought her to his home, the Vampire Castle. Soon, she gave birth to twin boys.", he replied.

My eyes widened in realization.

"She loved her babies. However she only got the chance be with them for a decade because after they turned ten, the age when a Vampire's powers are awoken, Augustus took them away from her. He and his mistress overlooked their education, schooling and everything else. No matter how much they would scream and ask for their mother, they wouldn't be allowed to even see them. The same was with the mother, who was imprisoned in her own room, afterall they couldn't let her go back to her tribe. Augustus tortured her and his own kids and since we were Vampire Royals by blood and have the ability like a wizard, he forced us to learn all kinds of dangerous magic", Xander spoke while looking distant angry, and in pain.

I slowly approached him and held his hand in mine, interlocking our fingers.
His tense shoulders relaxed a bit.

"I'm so sorry love, that you had to go through that.", I replied with a soft voice.

He looked at me and gave a sad smile.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. It was a long time ago.", he replied.

"But some wounds still remains fresh, no matter how many years pass by. Plus time didn't pass for you, for you those memories are of the same lifetime even though centuries have passed by.", I replied but he still seemed distant and then he continued his story.

"Through the years, my brother and I decided to free us and our mom from dad's physical and mental abuse. So once we turned 16, I realized that I had a wolf whereas my brother, Conan Xayden, despite being the one to have a wolf in his name itself, wasn't a hybrid. I still remember how pissed he was and threw tantrums for week after I discovered mine.", Xander replied, this time laughing at a fond memory.

"If only I knew back then, that things were going to go even worse than it already is.", He stopped laughing and replied in a soft and sad voice.

"What happened?", I asked him.

He sighed and continued, "Once my wolf was strong enough and almost finished our magical training, Xayden and I escaped with our mother to the White warriors tribe. Aiyana and mum's family was shocked after hearing our story. They gave us shelter and that became our home. Honestly it was the best time of my life because it was there when I met her for the first time. My beautiful mate, Serafine."

A smile came across his face as he fondly remembered her. I felt a pang of jealous inside but still I ushered him to continue.

"She was in her white wolf form. Such a beautiful wolf she was. Even though the entire tribe was of white wolves, she was somehow different and would stand out compared to them. Her wolf was bigger than others and her white fur coat shined bright in the moonlight while her beautiful blue eyes glowed. I still remember how she tried to attack me despite sensing that I'm her mate.", he spoke and chuckled at the end.

I was really so jealous by now that even though I felt something odd about the description of her wolf, I pushed it aside in my mind.

"It took quite a while for her to acknowledge me as her mate. Though she didn't accept me right away. Meanwhile, Aiyana wanted revenge with the Vampires for treating her favorite cousin and her kids that way. Xayden, on the otherhand, went away for two days to meet his friends, that he made in the Wizard school's Secret Magic section.", Xander spoke and then glanced in my direction.

I looked at him as if he grew two heads or like he's bluffing me.

"Seriously? Like that even exists!", I exclaimed.

"Yup. Why do you think it was called secret magic section? Xayden and I were schooled there along with 20 others. Though I just had one friend back then, who then became my best friend and still is.", he replied while looking at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, thinking who that could be and then it finally clicked.

"Alaric? Seriously, he's that old?! Heck, He's too cute to be that old!", I exclaimed while trying to make him jealous and given how his reaction is, by looking at his face, it's definitely working.

"Hey! You don't get to check some else out! And Are you trying to say I look old then??", he replied while looking jealous.

I chuckled.

"Baby, I'm just trying to say that you are ancient, afterall you are centuries old.", I lightly pinched the bridge of his nose while replied.

He gave me a stink eye while I gave a bright smile.

"Come on now, continue your story and don't deviate this time", I teased him.

He gave me the stink eye again and I giggled in return.

Xander continued, "So back to the story. I stayed back trying to impress my mate while trying to convince Aunt Aiyana, who was also Serafine's mother, to only target my father and not declare war against the Vampire Kingdom as they are biggest community in the Supernatural world. Two days later, Xayden came back but something seemed different about him. Since we were twins, I could feel if something was off about him and even though we've literally been through hell, this time it felt different. It was like there was something odd about his Aura and magic, but when I asked him about it, he brushed it off.
After deliberating over it, Aiyana decided to first go and talk to the Vampire King about Augustus and if it doesn't work, then to attack them. Xayden and I asked to accompany her as well. When we arrived there, Augustus came to greet us as if he is a loving father and missed us, but Xayden and I gave him a cold shoulder and ignored him the whole time. Aiyana addressed the whole situation about mum and us to the Vampire King, who seemed very angry about learning Augustus's behavior. He apologized and promised to punish Augustus while asking Aunt Aiyana to send us back home, where we'll be under his protection."

"So everything went well. Then how did you go from being a nice guy to this? I mean you even had a powerful mate? Right?", I asked him.

"If only it was that easy. Little did we know back then that the Vampire was the mastermind all along. My father, Augustus was merely a pawn, who was controlled like a puppet using dark magic by his own older brother to take revenge for being politically coerced to let the humans go. Augustus didn't even know what the hell he was doing. The Vampire King Lazarus was the pupper master, who made his own brother hate his mate and torture her and his own children. He used Dad as he saw it the best opportunity to not only extract revenue but to also create a new species of hybrid but he tortured me and Xayden because we kept my wolf a secret.", Xander replied while clenching his fists as anger build within him.

"That fucking Lazarus attacked us when we were leaving. They fucking surrounded us. Aunt Aiyana along with her Delta and couple other Esarosas lost their lives while trying to save me and Xayden. But despite all that we were completely cornered with no way out. Even though we used our magic, it wasn't stronger than Lazarus and Dad's. And then Xayden, he... h-he", Xander spoke as a teardrop slipped down his cheek.

I moved my free hand at his back and soothingly patted his back lightly.

"If it's too hard for you to tell, then you can show it to me instead.", I replied softly as I felt my heart sink hearing his story.

He gave a confused expression with those teary-eyes.

"Right... I forgot you probably don't know. Well Wizards can let their mates see their memories. It's like I'll see what happened back then as if I'm watching a movie. However to do that, you need to put down your mental defenses and let me in. So will you let me in?", I explained to him. Even though I haven't ever tried it myself and do not exactly how know I would see the memory, I still tried to explain as best as I could.

He gave a small smile despite clearly looking hurt with that sad memory and nodded.

I put both my hands at his head temples and closed my eyes. Then I incanted a spell,
"Incentiam feretia cintium cerebrium. Show me the memories that he wishes to share."

I felt the connection being formed through the mindlink.
After a few seconds of seeing a view of swirling downhill, my vision cleared.

---------------Xander's Memories-----------------

I saw Xander standing beside me and my hands were raised forward. We both were casting spells and fighting against the oncoming Vampires. No matter how many we kill, another just keeps coming. We were growing tired. I saw Xander in tears while I felt even my cheeks were wet and tears were streaming down my face.

We quickly put up a barrier and used another magic to replenish our energy. However what happened next not only caught my attention but also shocked me to the core.

The guy next to me suddenly gave a evil smile and somehow siphoned magical energy from me and the Vampire army around us and slowly started hovering above the ground as a dark aura formed around him.His eyes turned bloodshot red and his fangs emerged as he scowled. I saw my hand raising up to hold his.

He looked back down at me and said, "Xander, Let me go! They deserve it. I'm much stronger now! Maximus and the others have given me their strength now. The energy that I am siphoning from everyone here will kill them but it will only weaken you. Don't worry brother, I'll avenge for Aunt, Mum and you."

(Xander? What the hell! Wait then it means that the guy beside me, is Xayden, Xander's identical twin brother. And I suppose I'm feeling as if everything is happening to me because I'm seeing through Xander's eyes?...)

"No, brother. Please! You won't be able to return back if you give into the darkness! It's not worth the risk! We can teleport out of here instead", I/ Xander spoke weakly.

"It doesn't matter anymore! I'm going to end this here and now.", Xayden replied and he pushed my hand off him.

Due to the weakness his legs gave out and he fell on the ground. However dragging himself to the wall nearby, he sat up, still trying weakly to speak and stop his brother. But he wasn't able to speak anymore as his brother siphoned from him even more energy than before.

Xayden slaughtered all the Vampires that came to attack us. He made his way to Augustus as he killed every single vampire in his way. Then right in front of us he tore apart Augustus, his own dad, into two pieces.

Xayden was completely covered in blood now and looked even more scary and deadly than before.
But there was something else that soon caught my attention. The sound of clapping among the cries and screams.

Then I turned to look at a smiling Lazarus who spoke, which I heard due to my supernatural hearing,
"Good job! That weak Augustus was weak but somehow managed to resist and defy my control but now I finally made or rather found the perfect monster I have been searching for!"

I can't remember what happened next as darkness flooded my vision and I fell down on the ground, unconscious.

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