A Sith's Reawakening-- Male S...

By cooldude99by

251K 9.1K 4.2K

"War is all he's known, but with his return, a master of darkness shall rise once again". A Young and powerfu... More

(Prologue Part 1) The Deceived
(Prologue part 2) What could of been.
(Prologue Part 3) Introductions
1st day at the Jedi temple.
Zillo beast
Lethal take down
The outpost.
Battle of the sith apprentice and a daring rescue
Back to Mandalore
Visions of the future...
The Assault on the Spire.
Weapons factory
Plague on the lose.
Going to Naboo
Darkness in the slums...
scum and villainy
Not so forgiving
Heroes on the other side.
Trouble on Corulag
Showing Who's Boss
Full frontal assault
Explosive Chaos
Dathomir And The Night Sisters
Altar of Mortis (REMAKE)
Ghost of Mortis (REMAKE)
The Citadel
Citadel rescue
Clones and drinks.
The Hunted.
A New me.
Wookie ally
Revenge of the fallen lord.
The Brighton task force.
Loose cannon
Drastic measures
Finding a Balance
Tribal instincts
Taking a dive at it.
Not according to plan.
Unforeseen consequences.
Uncharted territory.
The Last of their kind
The dark Apprentice.
Back To Square One
Breaking the Line.
Fragile Friendships.
Recovering and the fallout
Arrival at Umbara.
The estrange Jedi.
The General and the airfield.
Pulling a fast one...
A sith's Anger
Lies and truths
From a different Point of View.
The carnage after.
Problems back Home.
Past mistakes...
Fight for it.
The Second Trial
The Archives
The Confrontation
A deadly power
Trip to Concord Dawn
The Siblings.
One enemy, for another...
Rogue Jedi.
Free for all...
Jedi Ambush.
A Togruta's Love | 18+
Vacation time
Short lived trip
Captured by the outlaws.
A Sith's grim reminder...
Restoration in the force.
Slavery Reestablished.
Slaves Of The Empire
Freedom for the weakened
A Copilot's Birthday | 18+
Mandalorian Heritage.
The more the merrier.

Assault on the Geonosis

4.7K 136 59
By cooldude99by

First Person POV

It had been a few days since we had returned to the temple, I had managed to work of the pain in my chest from been shot and was finally able to return to my normal self, that been me using my spare time to train Aliiza on a simulator on piloting, something I managed to got from Anakin which I had to pay for, 'Although jokes on him I'm rich because of the council' Aliiza was currently using this simulator which apparently was used by the clone pilots, Aliiza was having a blaster, however she wasn't doing what the simulator told her to.... 

Aliiza: This thing is Awesome! I can do so much with this headset! 

Aliiza was speaking through a helmet which was used to activate the simulator, I just so happen to have a live feed of what she was doing in the cockpit and she was not learning how to fly, but was instead messing around with everything she could touch, that been from the wing formation she was in, she was meant to be following a fighter squadron, instead she was flying away from the battlefield.

Y/N: Aliiza, are you even taking this seriously? 

Aliiza: (offended) Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?

Y/N: From looking at the screen here, you're not doing what you're suppose to be doing.

Aliiza: Well, I'm just... getting accustomed to the new controls, that's all Boss.

Y/N: (unamused) Aliiza, you started the simulation about five minutes ago, your entire squadron has been wiped out and the fleet your supposed to be protecting is under fire.... and now you just lost a medical frigate....

Aliiza: (shocked) What?!? You didn't say the simulation was a on!

Y/N: Aliiza, you said moments before this, (mocking her) "I could do this in real time" and that's what I did, and now you just lost both the Arquitens cruisers in your formation.

Aliiza turns her ship around in her simulator to see the fleet she was supposed to be protecting under heavy fire by bombers, fighters and star cruisers, at the beginning she broke formation and left her squadron behind, she seemed to lay back in her chair as she laughed a little, I looked at her confused as she spoke.

Aliiza: Didn't think this was a simulation of a battlefield...

Y/N: Well are you going to try and save them or--

I was cut off as the main venator of the fleet blew up, resulting in a large shockwave been sent to Aliiza, her ship was instantly destroyed and the simulator ended, I put the data pad down on the com table as I looked at Aliiza as she slowly pulled her helmet off and looked at me with an awkward smile.

Aliiza: Oops? 

Y/N: I am so glad I didn't have you flying on a real mission.

We then suddenly hear HK speak up from the side of us.

HK: Yes, it would be such a terrible mistake to let this... "child" Fly this ship.

Aliiza: That's not very nice, besides, I'm older than Y/N!

Y/N: Only physically Aliiza.

Aliiza: (huffing) Besides the point.

HK: Master has learnt how to fly many different vessels in his life time, and we only crashed once, and that was on purpose.

Y/N: We don't count that stuff on Rhen var here HK, besides, no one died...

HK: That we know of...

Just then, the holo table would light up as a call was incoming, I answer it to see Anakin and Obi-wan standing there.

Y/N: Kenobi, Skywalker, can I help you?

Obi-wan: Yes, the council have decided that you are to aid us on a ground Assault on Geonosis, they want to see how well you can lead with us.

Anakin: You ever been to Geonosis before?

Y/N:  I don't think so, as far as I can tell, it was never really a place to go.

Anakin: I don't blame you, the bugs there are horrible.

Y/N: You said it was a ground Assault, whats the reason for us going there?

Obi-wan: That will be explained when you come to us in the eastern hanger, we are leaving today.

Y/N: That soon?

Anakin: Many Jedi General including Masters Mundi and Unduli will be joining us, I presume your copilot will also be taking part.

Aliiza: Of cour--

Y/N: (interrupting her) --No she won't, she's still new to dog fighting, she wouldn't be much help.

Aliiza: What?!? 

Obi-wan: Seems like you two have much to discuss,  we'll shall see you shortly...

The call ends as Aliiza starts to complain to me.

Aliiza: (upset) You're not letting me go? What happened to getting experience in the front line?

Y/N: You can't simply not go into battle when I can't trust you to not follow orders, besides, you're not ready.

Aliiza: So I'm just been left on the side line here?

Y/N: You are, don't take this the wrong way Aliiza, but you need to practice a lot more before I let you with me.

Aliiza: What about when we went to Alderaan? You let me go there.

Y/N: On an escort mission, Not on a full out ground Assault. I need to get ready, and you need to practice a lot more.

I get up to leave but turn to HK.

Y/N: Make sure she does at least Two hours of training a day, and don't let any one on the ship.

HK Of course Master, I never fail to disappoint you.

Y/N: As always. (to Aliiza) Don't go anywhere in the temple, the Jedi will think you're up to no good.

Aliiza: How do you know that?

Y/N: Because I get strange looks every time I leave the hanger.

I say this as I go into my room, I started to put on my amour on and made sure I had everything, I clipped my lightsabers to my belt and made sure my com link was on my wrist, I left my cloak due to not wanting it to get caught on anything. I then looked over to my helmet and grabbed it from the base of it, I looked right at is I remembered my time with the mandalorians, 'A shame the clan I was friends with aren't around any more, would be nice to see their legacy continued....' I decided to clip the back of my helmet to my belt as I left my room and made my way outside the ship and to the hanger where I would meet Obi-wan, Anakin and Ahsoka, they all notice my arrival and that I was geared up, surprising them.

Ahsoka: Well you seemed to be dressed for the occasion.

Y/N: I was told it was a ground Assault, I take it we're going to be dealing with heavy ground defenses?

Anakin: That's right, and I take it you didn't want to bring your copilot?

Y/N: She didn't take the simulator seriously and got her fleet blown up.

Anakin: Oh, it's meant to be easy...

Obi-wan: That amour you're wearing, it's Mandalorian...

Anakin: Is that why you went to Mandalore that one time? To get new amour?

Y/N: It was actually damaged a long time a go in a great battle I took part in, I needed to repair it but didn't have the materials till I went through my storage, managed to get some black smith to repair it along with my helmet.

Ahsoka: It looks kinda heavy...

Y/N: It is due to the about used on the chest plate, but I can deal with the weight by using the force to boost my abilities.

Obi-wan: Jedi don't tend to use such armor, then again, if everyone had it they would likely use it as well.

Y/N: Pretty sure a Jedi made a lightsaber with Beskar in the past, besides, I managed to get shot by an assassin twice without this Armour,  I doubt any of them will get lucky if I'm fully suited up.

Anakin: Are you sure it can even take a hit?

Y/N: This amour can take a direct bolt to the chest, The helmet, the pads on my legs and arms are all covered, and my normal style I used to fight protects everywhere else.

Ahsoka: Seems like you really are prepared.

Y/N: Always have been, just wished I brought it on that damn escort mission.

Obi-wan: You saved Senator Amidala from been assassinated by taking the shot yourself, you could have died then.

Y/N: Wasn't fast enough, But I won't take these assassins we deal with lightly anymore.

Ahsoka: Shouldn't you be taking them more seriously? Were you even taking it serious with Padme when we were looking for her? (She said displeased

Y/N: To be honest, No, I wasn't, I thought just me been there would stop Arrua, guess she likes money and shooting people.

Obi-wan: Well let's hope none of us get shot at, but I highly doubt it, we should get a move on.

Y/N: Right, sooner we get there, the easier we can win control for the planet.

Anakin: Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that one.

He said this as we began to make our way to a gunship, as we got on I asked.

Y/N: Why's that?

Anakin: Because the last time we went there, I lost an arm.

Y/N: (laughing) Funny Joke, how did you actually lose it?

Obi-wan: It wasn't a joke Y/N. You should watch your hands closely if you don't want to lose them as well.

Ahsoka: Well that's real appealing master...

I Shook my head land look over to Anakin who had a smirk on his face, the doors closed and the ship set off towards the atmosphere, we would land in a venator which was part of a much larger fleet from what I gathered, when the ship landed the door flung open to the main hanger where clones were getting supplies around and preparing fighters and bombers to be used, I followed the Jedi as the men got to work.

Y/N: Seems like it's all hands on deck here.

Obi-wan: The battle of Geonosis was the first real battle for the clones, a lot of them died during the first battle.

Anakin: And I'm not sure about any of you, but I think they'll be better this time around, the geonosians however will also be more dug in considering we got the jump on them last time. 

Ahsoka: I heard it was a brutal battle, and from what records I've seen many Jedi also died during the first battles.

???: That is correct Padawan, many did in fact give their lifes during the battle.

I turn around to see one of the Jedi masters I saw in the council room coming towards us, he was one who opposed of me been at the temple, it seemed he was also been backed by two clones in different colored armor,  one been Captain Rex, and the other two been unknown commander. The Jedi turned to them as the clones saluted the Jedi.

Anakin: Master Mundi, it has been a while.

Mundi: Indeed it has, (to Kenobi) I see the council decided to allow this "sith lord" To join us?

Y/N: (steeping in, annoyed) This "sith lord" has a name, do I need to remind you, Jedi?

Obi-wan: Relax Y/N, Master Ki-Adi doesn't meany anything about it.

Y/N: I highly doubt that.

Mundi: At least we both know where we stand on this matter Brighton, you will never be trusted in the temple, your lucky the council agreed on having you remain alive.

Y/N: Your "council" Wouldn't be able to find anyway to kill me, besides, I have more kills under my sleave than the Jedi in the temple, What do you have that I don't?

Mundi: A better care for lie just to name one--

Rex: (butting in) --Perhaps we're getting of topic here, generals...

Obi-wan: Indeed Captain, we have a planet to take back, Me and Master Mundi will get briefed on the situation.

Y/N: You do that.

Mundi gave me a glare which I returned with a smirk, I could kill him instantly, but then I'd have to deal with all the clones and the other Jedi on the ship, not a chance, besides as long as he keeps his hands and mind to himself then nothing should become of it, Obi-wan and Mundi left with the other commander as I hear Anakin sigh, I turn to him as he had a frown.

Y/N: And what's wrong with you now?

Anakin: I wanted to see you two fight it out.

Ahsoka: (rolling her eyes) Of course you did.

Rex: I don't think having two general fighting in a hanger would do any good. 

Anakin: But it would be fun to watch.

Y/N: Oh well, (to Anakin) So what do we do now?

Anakin: Me and snips need to get ready, we're going to be giving the brief to the men before we attack.

Y/N: I take it I'm not invited to it.

Rex: No offence sir, but we didn't know you'd be joining us, I'm sure the other generals could give you the mission details.

Ahsoka: Oh, sorry Y/N, guess you're gonna be stuck with the Masters for the brief.

Y/N: (Sighing) No matter, I'm sure the ground assault brief will be more interesting than not getting shot down.. (I say this with disappointment, Anakin tries to joke about it.)

Anakin: You don't even know the half of it, You'd be lucky if you even landed in one piece.

Y/N: I haven't been shot down yet, and when I do, it will be for an offensive the galaxy has never seen.

Ahsoka: (sarcastically) Right, cause the Galaxy is going to love seeing you get shot down.

Y/N:  But I got ate by a Zillo beats and lived, I can get shot down as well.

Ahsoka: Sure you can. (she said not believing me.)

A alarm then starts to echo throughout the hanger as we hear a clone yelling for pilots to get to their stations, I see anakin and Ahsoka look at each other.

Ahsoka:  Well we better get the men ready, Before they start to think Y/N's their general (she said with a smirk)

Anakin: Y/N? A general? Are you out of your mind? I think he won't--

Rex: (loud and sternly) --Generals, you need to get moving, the men need briefing.

Anakin: Oh, right, (to me) Well see ya later Y/N, don't try to get killed till we get back.

Y/N: As If I'd die before any of you.

Anakin Rex and Ahsoka go their own way while I made my way to the command bridge, clones would rush past me as they were getting ready to either fly or arm up for the ground attack, after a few minutes of wondering about I would find the command bridge, there was a holotable which was been used for a map of some type, I went past it to the closed doors which opened to the main deck where Obi-wan and Ki-Adi-Mundi were looking out the window while we were in hyperspace, they noticed I joined them and turned to me.

Obi-wan: And I thought you'd be flying with Anakin and Ahsoka.

Y/N: No spare fighters, decided to come up here and see what's this all about.

Mundi: All you need to know is this planet was taken from us after the locals began to rebel we lost our foot hold.

Y/N: Very Animus, considering the Separatists are basically all rebels in the senates eyes.

Obi-wan: Master Mundi, Having Y/N know what we're doing here will help us.

Mundi: (looking at me) Not if he plans to betray us.

Y/N: And why would I do that? it's not like I have personal grudge against the Jedi-- Oh wait, I do...

 Mundi: You have a grudge against a long dead Jedi, we had nothing to do with your upbringing.

Y/N: You might not have, but your old friends did, maybe I should make you join them and have them explain horribly why I do hate your kind.

Mundi: You wouldn't dare, You wouldn't be able to--

Obi-wan: (cutting him off) --Both of you, enough, Y/N, your resentment to the Jedi is noted, now quiet down. We're nearly there.

Several minutes of silence would past till we dropped out of light speed, the entire fleet came into view of a planet with an nearby asteroid belt surrounding the planet, I hear Obi wan speak a little unsettled at the sigh of the planet.

Obi-wan: I cannot believe we're back here again.

Mundi: It is Unfortunate, The resistance from the native Geonosians was stronger than we anticipated.

Y/N: I guess serving Dooku must have it's benefits, If they're this loyal, then who knows what plans they have for us.

As we spoke the door behind us open revealing Anakin and Ahsoka who were speaking about something, when they got up to us Obi-wan looked over his shoulder to look at them.

Obi-wan: What took you so long?

Anakin: Just briefing the men, the Captain and commanders should be speaking soon.

Ahsoka: We were to busy speaking about how many kills our Squadrons got on our last mission, mine got fifty five kills. (she said lightly smiling

Anakin: Yeah, but mine had seventy six.

Ahsoka: (rolling her eyes) Show-off.

Y/N: But how many fighter kills do you all have all together?

Anakin: Why? You think you have higher than any of us?

Y/N: Fighter kills? (smirking) Definitely.

Obi-wan: Well, I'm glad you three are enjoying yourselves.

Anakin: Hey, it's just a little friendly competition, Master. Nothing to worry about.

Obi-wan: What I worry about is the way this war seems to be drawing out with no end in sight.

Y/N: I've only been here for a month, but I can tell you this invasion must be important to securing the sector.

 Anakin: It is, (to Ahsoka) Ahsoka, Contact the outer Rim Command, We're ready for our briefing.

Y/N: Wait, what's our briefing?

Ahsoka: We're about to find out, they're waiting for us.

Mundi: Let go find out what we're up against.

We all went over to the holotable as it lit to life to see Palpatine, Unduli, Yoda, Mace and the planet we're orbiting, we walked up to the table as Obi-wan spoke to the group.

Obi-wan: Our ships our in position and we are ready to begin our campaign against the Geonosians.

Mace: And what about Poggle? Any report on his location?

Obi-wan: It seems he's holed up at the primary droid foundry here. (he pointed at the base on the map) The factory is protected by a shield generator, Anakin, Ki-Ad and I shall attempt a three pronged attack through their defenses to line a staging area just short of the shield, once we landed we shall knock out the shield generator, that is our primary target.

Palpatine: Isn't it risky committing three generals and your advisor to one area of the attack? If something went wrong, we could be dealt a serious blow.

Yoda: To ensure that rise again Geonosis does not, capture Poggle, we must.

Palpatine: Of course, as always I shall leave the Strategy to you, Master Jedi...And sith...

He said that last part directed at me, causing me to fold my arms not impressed.

Obi-wan: Our thanks, Chancellor.

Mace: May the force be with you.

The call ends as the commander from earlier came in with Rex and another clone, Obi-wan spoke up.

Obi-wan: Cody, (as the table changed to the landing zone) These are the coordinates for the rendezvous.

Cody: Yes sir, When we hit the ground, we'll create a perimeter there, (he points out the landing zone) Out teams will split up into three groups, one from the north with general Mundi, we'll be going in the middle, while General Skywalker takes the south.

Y/N: Sounds like we'll all be joining up for a combined attack at some point.

Mundi: Yes, If we meet with strong resistance and are forced down away from the landing zone hold out until we join forces before attacking the shield generator.

Ahsoka: Their front lines are heavily fortified, (she nods at a dam) Look at that giant wall with all the gun emplacements. (to Anakin) That won't be easy to get past. 

Anakin: Don't worry, We're not going anywhere near that.

Y/N: Shame, seems like fun.

Obi-wan: At least someone still has enthusiasm.

Anakin: Don't worry about us, you just make sure you get yourself to that landing zone in one piece.

Obi-wan: Yes, I shall be waiting for you when you finally arrive.

Unduli: Gentlemen, If you are quite finished, we have a battle to begin.

Anakin: Agreed, Rex, have our troops meet in the hanger.

Rex: Yes sir.

Ob-wan: (to me) Y/N, your with me, everyone else get to your gunships.

Y/N: Fine by me.

Me and Obi-wan would go to the hanger with the commander, I learned his name was Cody and was serving in the 212th, also meaning I would likely see him a lot more often, we we're on our way to a gunship when Obi-wan asked Cody a question.

Obi-wan: Cody, Were you ever part of the invasion of Geonosis?

Cody: No sir, I wasn't involved in the first assault on Geonosis.

Y/N: What happened?

Obi-wan: You didn't miss much Y/N, Last time I was there, I was chained to a pole and attacked by several humongous monsters.

He said this as he got onto a gunship, I had my own I would used with a group of clones.

Y/N: Not a first, that's for sure.

Cody: That sounds... entertaining.

Obi-wan: It was... for the Geonosians.

 As he says this the gunship he was in closed, Cody then started to walk to another gunship, he turned to me and spoke.

Cody: You're in the gunship over there, (he nodded at a gunship with a couple of clones in) They're chatty, but I think you can deal with them just fine.

Y/N: Thank's commander, see you on the battlefield.

Cody: Will do general.

Cody then left to go to another gunship, I went over to the gunship I was told to go which next to a gunship carrying an armoured tank under it, I went over to the few clones that were there as they all noticed me coming over to them.

Clone 1: General L/N is it? Good to have you here sir.

Y/N: I guess we're flying together men, everyone set?

Clone 2: Yes sir, haven't seen you around sir, Take it your new to all this?

Y/N: Not exactly trooper, This isn't the first time I've invaded a planet of Aliens.

Clone 3: Uh, General, we've never seen you before, at least not in our battalion.

Y/N: Well I never lead any army in this age of time, but should we begin with your names soldiers?

Waxer: Name's Waxer sir, this here is Boil and Longshot, (he said pointing them out) We're waiting on our last man to arrive-

We then hear someone running over to us as we turn to see a clone running with a rifle in his hands, he seemed to have been the last clone to get here.

???: I'm here! sorry! Got stopped by a bunch of astromechs. 

He said this as he joined us in the gunship, the clones all seemed disappointed in this guy.

Boil: Blark, when in the blue moons will you finally be early for once? (he chuckled

Blark: I had things to do! And those droids were really slow.

Y/N: Make sure it doesn't happen again trooper, we haven't got time for delays.

Blark: Uh, what's with the armoured kid? (he looks at my belt) And he's a Jedi?

Y/N: Call me a Jedi and I'll make you wished you never got on this transport.

Boil: Whoa there sir, not nice to treat a fellow brother like he's trash.

Longshot: (muttering) Even if he does act like it...

Y/N: Then let it be known, I am no Jedi, nor a friend of their's, just a rival who didn't die...

Before the clones could respond the doors closed as we heard the pilot speak to us through the cockpit.

Pilot: We're launching now sir!

I felt the ship take off as we began to leave the hanger and make our assault on the Geonosians, I could feel that the gunships had all began to leave and descend to the surface, I put my helmet on and began to clear my mind, 'the battle is ahead, the mission is simple enough, capture ugly looking bug, blow up factory, and maybe-' my thoughts were interrupted by my com link going off, I looked at it and sighed.

Boil: Uhh, shouldn't you answer that sir?

Y/N: I guess... (I answer it) What is it?

Obi-wan: Y/N, the assault has begun, I need to know if you're ready for this.

Y/N: Obi-wan, I dealt with armies of republic soldiers in my time, I've killed numerous droids, hutts and most importantly, Jedi, prepared is something I always am.

Obi-wan: Don't be to confident in your abilities, your still not adjusted to the droids or the new technology.

Y/N: I am confident I could wipe out these insects, you should know this by now that I rarely show mercy to my prey.

Obi-wan: (sighing) Whatever you say, just make sure that you-

Pilot: --Incoming!!!

I heard this as loud explosions rocked the air as we came under fire from enemy artillery, I hear Obi-wan sigh again.

Obi-wan: Make sure you get to the landing point, Don't be late.

We then hear a few more explosions getting closer and closer to us, the pilot was doing his best to try and avoid getting hit as I saw through the gaps of the side door a gunship get blown up, I hear the clones start to chatter.

Boil: These bugs are getting too close for comfort!

Waxer: Didn't think it was this bad when we originally came here, this isn't gonna be fun.

Blark: You never know, might get tons of bug kills.

The gunships had started to move through some type of trench while fighters started to attack us from above, our gunners were doing their best to pick of enemy fighters while the pilot kept dodging the attacks, at one point I heard the sound of bombers doing a run on some artillery, I felt the right side of us rattle as we took a hit.

Pilot: We're hit! 

Y/N: How bad is it?

Pilot: Some surface damage general, engines and wings are still intact!

Y/N: Then keep going!

 The pilot did just that as more explosions were felt around us, we then heard the pilot for Anakin's gunship call out as the pilot sounded to be distressed.

Pilot 2: We're down! We're down! Our location is 5.-

 The pilot was cut off by a large thud, likely due to the gunship crashing and killing or knocking the pilot out, I called out to the other generals.

Y/N: Shouldn't someone check in on Skywalker's location?

Obi-wan: They'll be fine Y/N, we need to keep going no matter the losses we take.

Y/N: When you say it like that you sound like a sith lord.

Pilot: Sir, we're approaching the landing zone now!

We then hear Cody on the line as we hear blaster fire.

Cody: Generals! The landing zone is too hot! It's not safe to land!

Obi-wan: But we have no where else to go!

Y/N: Pilot! Double our speed and get us down now! Open the doors,(To the clones) troopers, hold on to something...

I say this as the clones grabbed on tight to the handles connected to the roof as the Pilot listened to me, I look out to see some type of fighters on their way towards us, I reached out with the force and caused one of them to crash into the side of another, causing three to crash and blow up, We then heard an explosion rocket through the air behind us, I turned around to see the gunship Obi-wan was just shot at by fighter behind us, we hear Obi-wan Yell into the com link.

Obi-wanWe're hit. We're going down!

I see behind us the fighters still shooting at Kenobi's gunship as it flew right past us heading towards the surface with fire coming from the damage wings, I tried to use the force to slow down Kenobi's decent but wasn't enough as I heard him yell again.

Obi-wan: Brace yourselves!

I saw the gunship he was in crash hard into the solid ground below, my eyes widen as the gunship burst into flames with smoke coming from it, the fighters behind us were still firing at us but the tanks on the ground began to fire at them, destroying them all and allowing us to land, we got off as I waved for the Pilot to leave which he did, I saw Cody run over to me.

Cody: Sir! General Kenobi--

Y/N: --He was shot down, it looked bad out there Commander, what's the status of our group?

Cody: We lost a few gunships and one tank, but we're still mostly in one piece...

Y/N: Alright, Set up a defensive perimeter, gonna need to wait till Mundi and Skywalker get here, meanwhile try and see if we can get contact to the generals.

Cody: Yes sir, (to the clones) Form up a perimeter! Don't let anything get in!

The clones started to move the tanks into a defensive circle, as this happened I received a call on my com link, it was from captain Rex, and it sounded like he was under fire.

Rex: General L/N! We're trying to get in contact with General Kenobi, but he's not responding, what's his status?

Y/N: I don't know his condition, but his gunship was shot down, it was rough landing, it's not to far from the landing zone, I'll go see if we can go get him.

Rex: General, we need support where we are, we're struggling to make a move.

Y/N: I'm sorry captain, but it seems without Kenobi here I can't do anything, If Master Mundi arrives then I'll consider leaving to help you.

Rex: Damn it, alright sir, good luck out there.

Y/N: You as well Captain.

I say this as I end the communication, I noticed in the far of distance there was a large amount of tanks, speeder and Bug soldiers coming our way, and we only had 1/3 of our forces here...

Y/N: Shit.


Next upThe Assault on the Spire.'

Also, four chapter coming this week, after that I'll begin to update again monthly, otherwise all my chapters will be out before October, trying to keep some spare just in case.

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