Cason's Curvy Girl

By user02467758

146K 3.8K 109

Paisley Smith: -She is 26 years old -She is 5'3 -She is shy -She has a rough past -She is 360 pounds Caso... More

My Story
Celebration Takes a Turns
Learning Combat?
Learning More
Acting Cold
Shopping Pt.1
Shopping Pt. 2
Date Pt. 1
Date Pt. 2
Pool Day 18+
Date # 2 Pt.1 18+
Date #2 pt. 2 18+
Last Day Here
Trouble and Issue's
Recovery 18+
I'm Sorry
Wedding 18+


4.7K 135 3
By user02467758

It was the next morning and the first day of training and I get up not bothering with a shower this morning since I will be sweating all morning anyways. I get up and got to the bathroom quickly doing my stuff then I walk out and into my closet where I grab an oversized shirt, leggings, and a sports bra. After quickly throwing on my outfit I walked down the stair and I see Cason waiting while talking to my dad,

P--"Good morning" I say to them while throwing my hair up in a bun,

R--"Morning honey have fun" my dad walked off and I was left with Cason, and he looked at me for a second,

P--"What's wrong?"

C--"Nothing here take this and eat it and follow me outside we have to leave for the warehouse" I nod and slip on my shoes by the door, and we walked outside, and we walked to a bike that is all black just like almost everything in his room and he mounts it and he pat behind him, and I climb on,

C--"Hold on"

P--"Where?" I know what he meant but I am nervous to touch him again after our hug while I sat on the floor. He grabbed my arms and put them around his waist and where he had placed them, they were on his lower stomach.

C--Right there and hold on."

P--"Okay" he started his bike and I held on tighter, and he started to pull out of the club house and took off down the street for only 10 minutes but as we went on, I kept smiling at how free this feels. When he pulls in and parks,

C--"Go ahead and get off first."

P--"C-can I use y-your shoulders."

C--"Yes" I have noticed that he hates human contact with other but with me he doesn't care. I held on to his shoulders so it would help me get my short form off the biker and when I was off, he easily got off himself and we started to walk and I decided to tell him,

P--"I should probably tell you I used to take easy self-defense classes before the last two years" he looked at me with no expression on his face like usual and he said,

C--"And you didn't fight back?" I was kind of offended, but I just say,

P--"I did at first, but my level of training didn't tell me how to fight 2 or more guys at one time" I looked away feeling ashamed as we entered the building,

P--"And after I while I got so scared of them that I forgot how to fight in those situations" the building was huge and there were so many people in here, all wearing their club cuts and I look up at him waiting for him to walk and he does so I just walk behind him. Trying to ignore the people that were looking at me, but I couldn't help it I felt self-conscious, I mean everyone in here was tall and ripped, with tattoos outlining majority of their bodies and they were just looking at me.

C--"Back to work" his voice was colder, and I flinched, and I know that he noticed,

C--"Come on" he started to walk toward a door in the back. When we walked in it was a huge gym with a lot of people in it and when we walked in everybody started to stare,

C--"Everyone out" everyone started to file out and one girl walked up to him and was about to touch his arm and he stepped back and said,

C--"Leave Brittney and I am not going to tell you again" the girl huffed and left, he just walked away, and I followed then he walked up to one of the punching bags and said,

C--"Hold out your wrist for me" he pulled me closer to him and he started wrapping my wrist and hands so I wouldn't hurt them,

C--"Okay stand in your form and punch once then stop" I did and stopped and he said closer to me than before,

C--"That was almost perfect form just when you strike make sure you hand ends up straight at the target, say this was somebody's nose you want to make sure it is pointing straight in a horizontal way rather than a slanted way, now try it again" I got in my form and threw a punch at the punching bag once again,

C--"Perfect, now do that 10 times" after my 10 hits he said that I need to stretch before we start on what is next which is I forget wat he called it but it is where he hold up his hand that are protected with pads that I am supposed to hit, and I am a little nervous but I power through that and stand in my stance and did as he asks. He held up the gloves,

C--"Left" I punched his left hand and he said,

C--"Good but punch harder" I nod my head and punch harder when he kept saying,

C--"Left, right, left, right, left, left, right, left, right, right" we kept going for at least 15 minutes and my ribs started to hurt but I was afraid to say something because he will stop training me.

C--"We are going back to the bag for 10 minutes then we will go we have been here for an hour and your ribs are still sore."

P--"That felt like we did that fast, and how did you know?" I asked,

C--"You winced the last couple of hits are you okay to go to the bag for just a couple more hits to see if you improved from this morning?" I nod and say,

P--"Yes do you want me to keep the gloves on?"

C--"Yeah. Get in your form and punch as hard as you did on the pads. And don't stop until I tell you" I nod my head and I did it and I got 6 good shots in, and he said,

C--"Very good were done for today" I was instantly wet when he said I had done very good today and I don't mean the sweat that is dripping down my body I mean the wetness between my legs and I know I shouldn't like him, but I do, and I have since day 1 but he wouldn't like me back.

G--"Can you help me get these off?" I am out of breath from working out, so I sound a little breathless any ways but also a little bit of lust. He helps take one of my gloves off so I could take the other one off while I took it off he just looks at me and when I took it off I looked at him and he walks away and puts them back up and then walk back to me and I am covered in sweat and I am a little embarrassed but I am fat and just worked out for the first time in 2 years so I am proud of myself.

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