transformers prime helluva bo...

By CJandxenaXenomorph

12.9K 125 101

this is a crossover between transformers prime and helluva boss featuring my OC'S when stolas sends two I.M... More

⚠️read first⚠️
chapter 1: the fugitive
chapter 2: robots!?!
chapter 3: meet team prime
chapter 4: suspicion
chapter 5: now everyone knows
chapter 6: Ratchet vs goetia magic
chapter 7: the demon beast hunters
chapter 8: keeping secrets
chapter 9: hatching
chapter 10: captive
chapter 11: Cash Buckzo
chapter 12: Ultra Magnus and Barbie wire
chapter 13: It's not spring but it's broken
chapter 14: the lie
chapter 15: the cherubs return
chapter 16: the past
chapter 17: haunted by the past
chapter 18: a single pale con
chapter 19: falling apart
chapter 20: the plot thickens
chapter 21: Alastor's Game
chapter 22: the wrath ring
chapter 23: gone too far
chapter 24: familiar
chapter 25: the demon Cybertronian alliance
chapter 26: backstabbing liar
chapter 27: the prophecy
chapter 28: the battle
chapter 30: restoration
what happens next

chapter 29: the endgame.

195 2 1
By CJandxenaXenomorph

Everyone was horrified at seeing what was in the sky coming towards Cybertron.

Megatron: it seems Unicorn has activated it's final plan.

Bulkhead: what does that mean!?!

Jetfire: before the three imps that has Primus's power disappeared Unicron had a plan if they ever died. He had a plan to eradicate all of Cybertron as we know it by ramming his corpse into Cybertrons surface.

Charlie: what why!?!

Megatron: fear... He's afraid of being destroyed of being irrelevant. He will do whatever it takes to defeat us and destroy Lucifer. If that means destroying Cybertron than so be it.

Loona: so what you're saying is THIS THING IS A GIANT SORE FUCKING LOSER!?!

Circuitjack: we have to do something! Does anyone have any ideas on how to stop CYBERTRONIAN SATAN!?!

Lucifer: I see... Then the prophecy has finally come to pass.

Smokescreen: Charlie mentioned this! What did it say?

Blitz: that me, Millie and Moxxie save Cybertron!

Millie: so what are we standing here for? Let's save Cybertron!

Lucifer: it doesn't nessasarily say you'll succeed. The prophecy isn't so much a prediction as it is a humble request for help.


Lucifer: this is my first time dealing with this prophecy, okay!!!


As Ratchet and Lucifer were fighting it was giving Blitz a panic attack making him think that he might not save everybody. Blitz freaked out so much that he covered his non-existent ears like a kid and closed his eyes, once he closed them the sound of the fighting started to fade away, once it was gone Blitz opened his eyes and saw that darkness was all around him.

Everything was pitch black but when Blitz turned around he saw a glowing figure of that imp that was in the ancient picture that had the power of Primus with him, the imp put their hand on Blitz's shoulder telling him something in an ancient Cybertronian language.

Blitz: who the fuck are you?

Blitzkrieg: I am your ancient ancestor Blitzkrieg and yes I know we both have Blitz in our names but I never thought my descendant's name would ever be Blitzo.

Blitz: the thing you said, what does it even mean?

Blitzkrieg: it means you are not alone. Primus's power does not come from you alone.

Blitzkrieg then taps Blitz's chest in doing so a blue phantom like projection of all the demons in Blitz's bloodline appeared behind Blitz.

Blitzkrieg: it comes from your family. You have to trust your family.

Blitz finally snaps back to reality to finally end Ratchet and Lucifer's fighting and go save Cybertron.

Blitz: shut the fuck up and listen. I don't know how this will end but if you think I'm going to sit back while Cybertron fucking dies you're fucking stupid as shit.

Everyone else then heads to the core of Cybertron, Blitz was about to follow everybody else until he was grabbed by the shoulder by Lucifer.

Lucifer: Blitz, the power of Primus is strong but just the three of you may not be enough to stop Unicron. If things look bad out there don't forget about the secret spell.

Blitz: fucking what?

Lucifer: didn't I tell you about that?

Blitz: No!

Lucifer: all three of the imps held a hidden power enough to defeat any fall and restore Cybertron but one of the imps summoning such power comes at a price, the life of the user.

Blitz: whoever uses the spell and calls the power of all three imps... Will die.

Lucifer: hopefully it doesn't come to that.

Blitz: how do I use it?

Lucifer: all you gotta do is ask.

Blitz and Lucifer then walked to the core of Cybertron to summon the power of the three imps. Blitz Millie and Moxxie were all standing in front of the core of Cybertron waiting to summon the power.

Lucifer: now the three of you close your eyes, focus think of your memories of Cybertron, of how much Cybertron means to you. This will allow the power to resonate with your hearts once again.

Suddenly a bright light sends a shockwave of the power to the I.M.P trio giving them the power. Once the three of them opened up their eyes they saw themselves completely covered in badass battle armor looking powerful.

Based on the calamity trio from amphibia

Lucifer: warriors of Cybertron, Arise!

Blitz: awesome armor.

Millie then tries to test her powers by creating a power ball then points it up and shoots it.

Millie: we could do that!?!

Moxxie: these powers fell too intense.

Stolas: what are you just floating there for? Kill Unicron!

The I.M.P trio then fly up into space and stop in front of Unicron preparing for their battle to stop and kill Unicron. Unicron then activated some of it's pet projects to attack them

Blitz: game on you ugly fucking space bugs!

Blitz then summons a blue ball of power and then creates a glowing blue baseball bat with spikes that he uses to hit the blue light. Once the blue light was hit and through mid hit it turned into the shape of a horse and once it hit the drones causing a blue explosion of light.

Millie summons two glowing axes that she used to slice a couple of drones at once and went giant murder metal fan at more drones and once she got to a huge drone she combined the axes to make a larger axe to completely destroy it. Moxxie watches in awe from afar.

Moxxie: this is the coolest, most badass thing that's ever happened to me. And I'm happy to be able to fight by your side!

Moxxie then summons a majestic glowing green guitar and pulls a couple of strings which create green balls of power that destroy the drones. With one huge drone in front of him he does a huge pluck on the strings which creates a huge beam of green light that destroys the drone.

After that happened Moxxie hugged Millie then the hug was immediately joined by Blitz then they all do a group hug together in space then turn back around to continue the fight.

A bunch of Stella's robots that attacked them before come at them from behind, Moxxie tries to attack them but trips on a random rock that's just floating in space, then the robots help them push Unicron away from Cybertron.


They were trying to push Unicron away from Cybertron with all the strength they had but it was not enough, Millie and Moxxie's powers were starting to flicker and fade.

Moxxie: even with the robot army it's not enough.

Millie: hate to bring this up but I think I'm fading fast.

Moxxie: me too, our bodies aren't as used to this as yours, Blitz.

Blitz: I know what I have to do. I'm going to call a three of the imps powers... I may die in the process but at least you and everyone else will be safe.

Millie: are you crazy!?!

Moxxie: there's no way we're letting you do that!

Blitz: I've made bad mistakes before I didn't listen but now I finally know what I have to do to protect you. Please let me do this.

Moxxie: Blitz...

Millie: but...

As the robots were exploding Moxxie and Millie gave their powers to Blitz and turned back to normal. Before they left they hugged Blitz while crying about the fact they were going to lose someone very important.

Moxxie: you better come back alive, Blitz! I swear to fuck you better!!!

Blitz sent Moxxie and Millie back to Cybertron to protect them both. Once Moxxie and Millie got back on Cybertron everyone else ran to them.

Wheelie: what the fuck are you two doing here? Aren't you supposed to be saving the world!?!

Moxxie: Blitz sent us back. He said he was going to stop it himself but...

Millie: he said he might not make it.

Stolas: my Blitzy, No.

Loona: No... No, No, No, No, we can't let him!

Stolas then proceeds to open a portal to outside of Cybertron to where Blitz is. Blitz was holding the three imps power while trying to figure out how to ask them for help.

Blitz: Lucifer said all I have to do is ask so I'm ask so I'm asking. Can you help me save the people I lt?

Blitz was holding the power close to his face crying hoping that it works. All the power goes into Blitz making Blitz's body start to glow a very bright white light while Stolas and Loona try to stop him from dieing.


Loona: BLITZ, PLEASE DON'T GO I'M SORRY FOR SAYING YOU'RE NOT MY DAD WHEN YOU'RE THE BEST DAD I EVER HAD! We don't know what we'll do without you you're our everything! You changed our lives!!!

Blitz: and you both have changed mine.

After Blitz sent them back to Cybertron he immediately started the spell sending the white powerful beam of light straight to Unicrons core killing them both and starting to restore Cybertron. Once the spell stopped Stolas found Blitz's body turning grey and floating.

Once they got back to Cybertron everyone got in front of Blitz and Stolas crying when seeing Blitz's body causing everyone to cry and be filled with tears.

Octavia: come on Blitz you'll be okay!

Blitz: don't cry guys it's okay. Saving Cybertron was the best decision I've ever made. My only regret was... I never did get to own a very beautiful horse.

Everyone sat there crying as Blitz started turning into dust, with the dust flying away into the night sky reminding the sacrifice Blitz made.

Everything was pitch black all Blitz could hear was everyone calling his name. Blitz woke up to see darkness but with sparks of light flying around him when he turned around he saw a door, once he got into the room it looked like the meeting room of the I.M.P office there he found an old computer with a chat room opened. The only person in the digital chatroom was a user that was named Allspark_pr1mus.

Blitz: okay *types into computer* who are you what's going on?

I am the life giver to every living being on Cybertron.

Blitz: okay? *Types into computer* what the fuck is up with this old-timey computer?

Old? Do demons using something else these days?

Blitz: sassy. *Types into computer* bitch, you're off by a couple decades dumbass.

Perhaps I shall try a different form... Dick!

The old computer then starts glowing a bright light and it's form changes into caddy's horse Spark plug.

???: How is this better?

Blitz: so much fucking better!!!

Blitz immediately started to try to find the horse until the horse kicks him of with a serious disapproving face.

???: None of that. I figured your response would be something like this you do love horses.

Blitz: so what is going on? Am I fucking dead or something?

???: Yes and no. I made a copy of you right before you expired a backup if you will. I intents and purposes you are the same Blitz.

Blitz: that's gonna cause some serious fucking PTSD later on in life. So, does does that make you Primus?

Primus: yes and a watcher and a viewer I've been viewing your family bloodline ever since your ancestor Blitzkrieg became mortal.

Blitz: And you look like Caddy's horse because?

Primus: my true form will make your demon brain explode.

Blitz: bitch, I've seen worse than...

Blitz was cut off by Primus showing his true form scaring the literal shit out of Blitz then after Blitz screamed he changed back to caddy's horse.

Primus: Blitz, I want to offer you a job to keep an infinite story short I've been doing this job for a very long time it's exhausting so I was hoping you would consider being my replacement.

Blitz: me?

Primus: yes, look I've been watching the demons of your bloodline after Blitzkrieg to see how well they could handle unlimited power turns out not that well. Would you believe after 10,000 generations you're the only one who used that power for good?

Blitz: do I get a choice?

Primus: Of course you do I'm not heartless.

Blitz: then... No.

Primus: No, I haven't even told you about bagel Fridays!!!

Blitz: I'm sorry but I'm just a 38 Year old imp for every "heroic sacrifice" I'd make a hundred dumb mistakes. I'd probably blow up Cybertron if you'd put me in charge?

Primus: But you're the only imp that qualified You're perfect!

Blitz: nobody's perfect in life we continue learning and growing and improving as we go.

Primus: so you're saying you could continue improving, maybe one day feel worthy of being Primus?

Blitz: maybe? I have my whole life ahead of me... Or at least had my whole life ahead of me.

Primus: about that.

The ground then opened up to show a bright light underneath Blitz while Blitz was being held up by an unseen Force.


Primus: I'm sending you back to life. You have shown me the error of my thinking. An if you can do that at age 38 Then imagine the Primus you'll be after a life fully lived? I will send Blitzkrieg, Moxxipherus and Mazzieleena

Blitz fell down towards the bright light underneath him falling down as his ancestor Blitzkrieg was falling next to him.

Primus: go live your life. I've waited thousands of years to retire. What's forty years more?

Blitz: Wait are you saying that in forty years I'm going to?...

Blitz screamed as he got into the bright light. Once Blitz work up he saw everyone standing there crying over his death.

Blitz: what happened?

Ratchet: not now Blitz. We're mourning the loss of a true hero and the greatest imp who ever...

Loona: BLITZ!!!

Everyone ran to Blitz crying in tears of joy and started hugging him being happy that he is somehow alive.

Blitz: what'd I miss?

Predaking: well Unicron exploded and then so did you.

Husk: but you're back somehow?

Circuitjack: now that you're back we can finally rebuild Cybertron and hell and bring back the demon Cybertronian alliance.

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