A Kingdom of Bloodshed

Oleh ElleMoore23

356 71 64

Althea Alinac is of fae origin, born into royalty by Fae parents, yet mysteriously has human healing abilitie... Lebih Banyak

Part One
*¬*Chapter One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Ten*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eleven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twelve*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Fourteen*¬*
Part Two
*¬*Chapter Sixteen*¬*
¬*Chapter Seventeen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eighteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Nineteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty*¬*
Part Three
*¬*Chapter Thirty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty Three*¬*

*¬*Chapter Fifteen*¬*

3 0 0
Oleh ElleMoore23

Magic. It courses through my veins, burns deep in my belly. It's warm and gentle, yet the power I feel hidden within is dangerous. It's uncharted and untrained. I'm a lethal weapon waiting to be used.

"Althea?" Arrow's voice calls out to me, her tone indicating worry and caution. "Can you hear me? Are you ok?"

I lay there in silence, breathing in the smells. Everything feels heightened. Each sense is now on high alert, it's overwhelming.

"Miss Alinac?" Kazimir's voice ripples to me, suddenly my body is tingling. Something reaches for him, aching to be closer.

Mine. It whispers. I've never reacted this strongly to his voice before. It's different. Everything is different.

"Thea?" Both of them call in usion. This time I slowly turn my eyes towards them, hearing the gasp from Arrow as she whispers, "By the gods Thea... your eyes. They're glowing."

Something rumbles in my chest, making my skin feel warm and my fingers curl into knots. "What happened to you?" She asks me. Kazimir remains silent. His face guarded and jaw clenched.

Finally opening my mouth, I let out a heaved sigh before asking "What happened?" Both of them regard the other before Arrow gingerly lays on the edge of my bed, her hand reaching for mine.

"You saved me, Thea. You pushed me out of the way so that Augustus's blast wouldn't kill me. You... you died for a moment but then Kazimir gave you a drop of his blood and suddenly the life was coming back to your body. You began to glow and then it vanished."

I blink, "You gave me your blood?" He's not looking at me but his hard gaze is trained on the wall as he grits out, "Yes. It was the only way I knew how to keep you alive. If someone with human mortality gains even a single drop of blood from a High Lord they become immortal. I did it to keep you safe."

He sounds defensive, almost like he's expecting me to freak out. But why would I? This is what I wanted, I wanted to feel like I belonged, like I was finally equal in power and strength.

"Thank you." I whisper. His eyes shoot to mine, their colour turning liquid before solidifying. "You're welcome." He murmurs in return. I'm about to say more when suddenly the door to my room bursts open.

"Where is she?!" Augustus stomps into the room, his face contorted into anger but then it 'softens' when he sees me. "Oh Althea darling, you're alright. I'm so glad you're alright." He pushes Arrow out of the way and takes her place on the side of my bed. His arms going around me as he tugs me tightly to his chest.

"You're ok. I've got you, sweetheart." I hate him. I hate this male with everything in me, but I remember Myra's words, how I have to play along. To pretend.

I would much rather not. The idea of sticking a hot poker in my eye is far more appealing.

Dark laughter ripples within my mind and when I turn my head to peer over Augustus's shoulder I see Kazimir smirking at me.

Are you inside my head again High Lord?

I wouldn't dare dream of it. Not after the scolding you gave me last time. The fake horror of being caught in his tone amuses me.

Hmm... seems you didn't get the message last time. I'll have to properly scold you this time.

His deep huff of laughter echos within my brain, sending goosebumps down my spine. Making the magic in my belly clench and stretch towards his voice. Oh Thea, darling... I missed you.

"Thea, sweetheart. Are you ok?" I realize Augustus was asking me a question and to play my part well I sigh, bury my face in his neck and nod my head. "Yes, I'm alright thank you for being here." But to Kaz I project, I have something to tell you in private. It's important.

But he doesn't reply. Daring to glance in his direction I see him glaring at his brother, at the way he's holding me.

Pulling away from Augustus, I clear my throat then toss the covers from myself, letting my legs hang over the edge of the bed. As soon as I go to move, I realize how much stronger I am. How every muscle in my body is more defined than it was before. How I could snap this bed, if I don't move delicately.

"Here let me help you." Augustus is playing his role of the concerned husband, quite well. I have to bite my cheek from spitting at him. "I got it, thank you."

But he insists, "You shouldn't be walking yet. I nearly killed you Thea. What the hell were you thinking?"

"What was I thinking? What the hell were you thinking? You nearly killed Arrow!" my anger bursts from me, sending a wave of magic crashing through the room. Everyone goes silent.

"Thea... how did you do that?" Arrow's voice is raspy. I blink, shit now they know. What do I do?

But before I can try to come up with an explanation, Kazimir speaks, "It was me."


"The reason for her being able to do that was because of me. I gave her a drop of my blood, not only does it make her immortal but it can grant her temporary access to some of my powers."

I blink at him, wondering if that's true of if he's making shit up. The immortality part is real, but I cannot give you access to my magic. It seems you do have something to talk to me about.

Arrow lets out a laugh, "Oh that makes sense. Goodness I was worried for a second that maybe something bad happened when she was recovering."

I'm slightly insulted by her remark but when I meet her stare she gives me a small wink. They both know something. They're acting weird and they don't want Augustus to catch on.

Augustus grips my wrist, "Here I got you. Let's take small steps. See how you do on your new legs." He's acting like I'm a child. Like a baby deer learning to walk. It's irritating. "Augustus, I'm fine. Truly."

"Please, darling. I insist." Knowing that I can't fight it, I smile and lean into his touch. I want to barf but I can't let him know that I'm aware of what he's done and what he's planning. Together the two of us take small, ginger steps across the room and back. It's a tiring process but within a few minutes I'm getting the hang of my new body.

Everything feels different, stronger, faster, more alert; almost like I could travel between two places within seconds.

Making my way towards the edge of the bed, after my second tour of the room, my stomach lets out a loud growl.

"Oh sorry. I'm famished, I haven't eaten since..." I pause, not knowing what day it is or how long I was out for. "Wait, how long have I been here?"

Augustus smiles, "Don't worry. You weren't unconscious long enough to worry. It's only been two days since I first brought you back."

So in total, I've been here for three days. "I haven't eaten since I was brought back here." I complete my earlier sentence. "Good thing dinner is almost ready. Why don't the two of you leave and let me help Thea get dressed." Arrow shoos the two males out of the room, letting the door click shut behind them before whirling around her eyes wide.

"What the hell happened to you?" Scrubbing my face, I feel myself crumple onto the bed. Exhaustion creeping in as I go over everything Myra told me.

"God Arrow, I'm screwed." I groan. "What do you mean?" "I mean, that after I took that hit for you, I...Oh wait you don't know."

I remember that the only person I told about the visions was Kazimir. She doesn't know. Won't understand. "I don't know what, tell me Thea." I shake my head, "It's too much to go over in such a short time."

"Then give me the nutshell version." Meeting her stare, I do. I tell her everything I can without trying to overwhelm her. "So you see, when I took that hit for you I saw Myra again. She told me that I was the only one who could save this world. That I had to do it with Kazimir. Because of my sacrifice, my powers were awakened. I'm now fully fae." She stands there in silence, her face still. "Arrow?" I murmur. "Holy shit. Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"Because I thought you'd laugh at me. That you'd think I'm crazy."

"Hunny, I'm working for the High Lord of the Dark Court. You're nothing close to crazy. I've seen it all."

"That's true." She strides for the bed and hugs me tightly to her, "Wow Thea, you were Created. You were born a fae, but due to the curse you couldn't be fully fae. Now, after your death, you were created anew." I nod my head still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I died briefly and then awoke as I should have been twenty years ago. "What am I going to do?" I whisper. "We are going to doll you up, make you look jaw-dropping and have those two males drooling over you. Then when you can, tell Kazimir everything you told me. We must never let Augustus know that we're onto him." Her face has contored into rage, eyes burning with fury at the idea that he did such a thing to me with the help of Tara.

"Ugh I really hate being dressed up." Arrow giggles, "I know but I promise, those boys won't know what hit them." Truth be told, she was right.

Ageless. I look ageless and graceful. Staring at my reflection in the hallway mirror just beyond the dining room doors, I feel swept up in the beauty of it all. My body has leaned out, muscles appearing along my arms, shoulders, and legs. The skin now smooth and flawless. My auburn hair falling in sleek, wavy locks down my back. My blue-green eyes now sharper, more piercing. That ring of violet extraordinary, almost like it's been encased in ice.

My mouth has become more full, my nose proud. Jawline sharp and soft cheekbones. I move effortlessly, every step light and silent. The dress that Arrow picked for me is like nothing I've ever seen. It's a dark violet/black dress that reaches all the way to the floor. The material is soft silk and lace, with a heart shaped bodice and two thin straps over my shoulders. The top of the dress is dark silver jewels that eventually trail off into the bottom half of the dress, twinkling like stars. It shows my figure and hugs all the right curves. I'm wearing black heels and have a light coating of make up on. My eyelashes done, gloss on my lips and some eyeshadow.

I've been staring so long in the mirror that I almost forget I'm hungry till my stomach reminds me. Blinking away the awe, I lift my chin, toss my shoulders back then stride for the dining room; my heels clicking on the floor the only indication of my presence.

Upon entering the room, I see both males sitting within their respective places and Tara hanging onto Kazimir's arm. The other girls are here too, but all I can focus on is her hands on him.

Mine. She's taking your mate.

The primal urges blooming in me are dizzying. I inhale sharply to bury that feeling, to hide those emotions. "Althea... you look stunning." Augustus murmurs. Coming over to take my hand and kiss my knuckles.

Gross. Please go away.

Smiling I give a slight curtsey, then take the only remaining seat next to him. Ignoring everyone else in the room I tuck myself into the table and reach for my plate.

"What is she doing here?" Tara's voice ripples through the room. The disdain in her voice evident. "Tara, she is my guest and you will be polite. She was a contestant within the games; therefore, she has every right to be here." Kaz's voice feels like melted butter sliding over my skin. The onvoluntary shiver that trails down my spine is difficult to hide. "Are you alright?" Augustus asks, I nod. "Yes. Just had a slight chill. I'm fine though. Thank you." To really play it up, I even reach across the table and squeeze his hand. The look of delight on his face makes me want to wring his neck.

Cling. Cling.

The sound of a glass being tapped on by a spoon captures our attention. Kazimir has stood up at the end of the table and clears his throat. "Thank you all for being here. It's been an interesting time. You all did your best and I am greatly appreciative of that. However, there can only be one winner. Since the games are over, I have to make a decision of who the winner is and whom will become my bride." Bride. He didn't say mate. Letting out a deep breath, Kaz continues, "So tonight, I would like to make a toast to the winner of the games and the woman I would like to make my bride in the near future. Here's to you." He raises his glass and meets every one of us in the eyes before looking away.

My heart is in my throat. I know who he's going to pick but that doesn't make it any easier. "Here's to you, my lovely bride-to-be, Tara of the Kingdom of Bloodshed."

She squeals and throws her hands around his neck. Placing kisses along his cheek before letting out a whooping laugh.

"Oh my gosh, thank you. Thank you so much, this is such an honour."

To say that the growl I wanted to let out in that room would have made even the High Lord shiver, is an understatement. But I had to hold my tongue. I had to keep that anger inside. Tara isn't right for Kaz, she's not the right fit. They're complete opposites. She might be a better fit for someone like Augustus but not for Kaz.

Mumbles of congratulations can be heard throughout the room. Tara and Kaz are standing there, one looking pleased the other looking ill when Augustus stands and makes a toast as well.

"I, too, would like to make an announcement. Tonight we are celebrating not one, but two engagements. You see, my brother has always been the chosen one; the lucky son. The one who got everything. But this time, I wanted that kind of popularity too. I wanted someone for myself. So, while you were all competing for his attention, I was keeping watch as well; noticing someone who was different from the rest of you. I became intrigued by her, by her beauty and grace. So I finally made my move. Ladies and brother, please give the same congratulations to my bride-to-be, Miss Althea Alinac of the Dawn Kingdom." The silence in the room is deafening.

Everyone is staring at me, but all I can do is keep my face stone-cold. Keep it empty of emotion. Augustus reaches for me, his hand gripping mine. On a cloud of numbness, I rise to my feet. This is insane, this day has been a nightmare. Trying to keep myself calm, I inhale sharply, hoping that I won't accidentally explode here at the dinner table.

Giving a tight smile, I bow slightly before letting my stare find a spot on the far wall. I can feel Kazimir's stare upon us, the anger that's beginning to pool from him. The air suddenly tastes of dust and ash.

"What?" Kazimir murmurs, his shock the snapping point within the silence. "She is to be my bride. Isn't this exciting?" Augustus lays his arm around my shoulder, pulling me to him.

Kaz meets my eyes and I push a message out towards him, I need to talk to you. There is something you don't know about, in regards to your brother and Tara.

The slight crinkle between his brow is the only indication that he's listening. "Congratulations brother. A shared toast is in order." Both brothers raise their glass and Tara and I simply glare at each other. This has been a shit show and somehow I thik it's only going to get worse.

Once dinner is completed, the other girls retreat to their rooms, to pack. They are to head homenow since a decision has been made and it will be announced publicly tomorrow. I say my goodbyes, hugging some and ignoring others, not going to miss a single one of them. After everyone has left, I excuse myself and stride for the kitchen needing some space. I've just made it down the dark corridor, when I hear hushed voices.

"What are you doing?!"

"What do you mean? Everything is going according to plan."

"No it's not! How could you possibly be marrying her!"

"Oh darling, are you jealous? You know you're the only one for me. But this is what we need to do in order to become the true High Lord and Lady of this court." Augustus's and Tara's voice echos through the silence. I creep closer, trying to hear more. To gain some info.

"But... I can't stand her. Please, me jealous of her? Ha! Hilarious Gus. You're too funny."

His hmmm of amusement reaches my ears. "Soon. Soon we can rule together and be mated. Just be patient my dear. Once we're rid of my brother and Althea, and we awaken my great uncle Xavier to gain his powers, we will be unstoppable."

My skin is suddenly covered in goosebumps. Myra was right. Not sticking around to listen anymore I book it to Kaz's study. Noting that he'd retreated there earlier. Knocking once on the door, I wait for his reply.

"Come in."

Bursting into the room, I slamm the door shut behind me, my chest heaving. "Kazimir?" I call out. The study is dark, not a flicker of light within this room. But with my new vision, my eyes adjust pretty quickly. I see the silhouette of a male in the far corner of the room, staring into the darkened fire place.

"Kazimir, I need to speak with you."

"Why are you here?" His voice is thick, raw with anger and what sounds like hurt. Blinking, I stride for him pausing when I'm a few steps away. "What do you mean? I'm here because you're insufferable brother dragged me here after threatening my people and then destroying a city."

"No, I mean why are you here? In my study, bothering me?" My head whips backwards as if I'd been slapped. "W-what?"

He snorts before turning to face me, our eyes meeting in the dark. "You heard me. Why are you here?" Kazimir closes the steps between us, his face contorted into rage. But I'm not afraid of him, in fact I'm quite annoyed. "Are you listening to yourself? You're being ridiculous. I wouldn't have ever come here if it weren't for your brother. Who by the way is plotting against you."

Kaz huffs, "Wow, so you will stoop so low as to try and rat on my sibling in the hopes to get back into my good graces?" I blink, "What are you talking about High Lord?"

He snarls, "You're marrying my brother?! How could you do that? After everything he's done to you, how could you ever say yes to a monster like him?!" His hands grip my shoulders, tugging me closer to him. I can hear the hurt and desperation in his voice. It makes my heart crack.

"You've misunderstood the situation. I told you I had something to talk about, so let me explain." Kaz's eyes soften for a moment before he releases me.

"Ok. Speak." I raise an eyebrow at the tone. Crossing my arms over my chest, I growl, "You're not the boss of me High Lord. You can at least say please." He smirks, reaching for a lock of my hair and tucking it behind my ear, "How I missed you." He murmurs.

The words send pools of warmth through my blood. Clearing my throat, I step away then stride for the fireplace and inhale sharply. Wondering where to start or how to.

So I start from the beginning, from what happened after I left.

I tell him that I saw his brother, as he came to my home and then killed my people. I tell him about the threat, Myra, the visions, the warning. I tell him about what I saw after their fight and the truths revealed to me. I tell him everything that Myra told me to tell him.

"You're brother and Tara are plotting to get rid of us, they are fated for each other and we're in the way of that. Augustus wants to raise your great grandfather, Xavier from the grave. If he's successful he'll gain all of Xavier's powers and strength and then no one will be able to stop him. Myra told me to tell you this. That we are to play along with our 'spouses' and wait till the time is right to make our move. She also told me to find the Blood Crown, for I am the rightful heir to it. I am a direct descendant of her bloodline and if I can find that crown, I can save the Kingdoms."

The only part I leave out is the fact that we're mates. That we're fated for one another. I don't know why but I want to see his reaction to this news first before I tell him. Kazimir is silent for a long time. I start to feel uncomfortable when I hear him shift behind me, his steps light on the floor before he whispers, "What the fuck?" I blink then turn around to face him.

"It's true. All of it. She told me this herself. What are we going to do?" Kaz remains staring at my face, his eyes taking me in. "My brother and my bride-to-be are trying to overthrow me? To harm you?" I nod. "This is ridiculous. I'm sorry about your people, your city. I wish I could make it better but the damage is already done." I swallow, recalling the faces of my people and the shock on their faces.

"It's alright I took care of it." He reaches for me, his fingers sliding along my cheeks before he hooks his hands around my waist and pulls me to him.

My face is now buried in his neck and his scent is overwhelming. A hole opens up in the pit of stomach and something reaches for him. Calling out.

Want. It's want. I want this male. I want him.

By the gods... give me the strength to resist.

Kazimir's arms suddenly tighten, his muscles flexing before he pulls me away then meets my stare.

"What else are you not telling me?" I blink. How does he know? "What?" He growls, "What else are you not telling me?" My stomach clenches and pools of desire begin to lick their way up my spine.

I can't seem to think straight. My mind if clouded, everything feels fuzzy. "Thea?" He whispers again. This time his voice is rasped, thick with caution.

"I... I.." I can't find the words to tell him. To make it make sense. To explain that I don't want to marry Augustus; that I want to be with him instead.

My heart begins to hammer in my chest, anxiety shooting into me and suddenly I feel like I'm choking.

"Kaz..." I whisper. He nods, "Tell me, Thea. What is it?"

"Why do I feel like you already know? That you knew the minute I woke up this morning?" He blinks, "I haven't the slightest cue of what you're talking about."

But you do. You know exactly what I'm talking about.

Reaching for his hand, I pause just before grabbing them; scared of what may happen but then deciding against it. When my fingers brush his the room around us fades away. Suddenly I'm transported to another world, another day, another time. We are outside, in a field, the sky is blue and the sun is shining. I'm standing in a patch of wildflowers and Kazimir is standing beside me. Together we watch as our little girl runs after butterflies and her laughter enriches the air with music. Then the scene fades and I'm taken back in time, to me being pregnant with our child, Kazimir the protective husband that he is.

Then I see our wedding, his proposal; which makes me cry, and then I see us consumating our mating bond. Sparks flush my skin at that. Then in a blink, we're back here. In his office where the words are dying to be let out.

Kazimir rips his hand from mine, his eyes wide and chest heaving deeply. "What the hell was that?" Angry. He's angry, why?

But I don't have much time to explain before he's whirling away from me and aiming for the door. "Kaz, where are you going?" "I need to be away. I need a minute."

"But..." "I'm sorry Althea, but I can't do this right now."

The tears that spring to my eyes shock me, what's worse is the quiet sob that slips free. Kaz freezes in place, his spine stiffening before he turns to me. "Please... don't cry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad." But I can't think beyond the fact that he's rejecting me. That he's pushing me away when I need him. He's the only one I can count on to help me but, he's pushing me away.

Wiping my face, I swipe the tears away then throw my shoulders back and slam a wall up within myself. Hiding the hurt, the pain. I don't need him, I can do this on my own.

Striding for the door, I reach for the handle when Kazimir whispers, "Wait, Thea I'm sorry this is just a lot to take in."

Wrapping my hand around the hand, I glance over my shoulder and murmur, "I know. I too had to take the time to process that we are mates. That we are fated for each other." Then I wrench open the door and slam it shut not bothering to wait for a reply.

I don't need him. But it's a lie because I do. I need him more than he'll ever know. 

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