Outer Banks Imagines

By WeasleyTwinsGirl__

352K 1.7K 223

You're favorite Kooks and Pouges.🤣 Requests [Closed] Started : 5/20/22 Ended: 4/26/23 More

Rafe Cameron
John B
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
John B
JJ Maybank
John B
Requests Are Open!!
JJ Maybank
John B
JJ Maybank
JJ Maybank
John B
Requests are Still Open
JJ Maybank
John B
JJ Maybank
John B
JJ Maybank
John B
JJ Maybank
John B
John B
John B
JJ Maybank
John B
JJ Maybank
John B
John B
John B
John B
John B
John B
Rafe Cameron
JJ Maybank
Thank you!!

JJ Maybank

4.1K 26 0
By WeasleyTwinsGirl__

Storyline: You were John B's Twin sister and JJ your brothers best friend has had it out for you since you were Freshman. But what you didn't know was that the only reason why he's so mean to you was because of you're brother.

Warnings: Angst, Fluff, cursing, fighting.

Requested: Yes

Word count: 1355


Y/n's Pov

Today was one of those days where we take a break from the Royal Merchant. We have been so fixated on finding out about what happened with my dad and the Gold that we decided to take a break and hang out as a group. But that means having to hang out with JJ Maybank. My brothers best friend.

JJ and I used to be really close up until our Freshman year. That's when he started being an asshole. It's like everything I do pisses him off. It started when I had told my brother that I thought I had feelings for the blond. Than boom the next day JJ was being a dick. Ever since than we have been at each others throats.

The only difference is that Rafe and his friends have been giving me shit. Worse then they treat the Pouges. They know that since JJ has a gun that they do it when they aren't around. Today happened to be the day of the drive in movie and Kie, JJ and Pope showed up early.

But I showed up a little late so I finally found them I could see JJ's smiles fade. " I thought you weren't coming." JJ spoke up. " Well I did so deal with it." I said as I put on a fake smile. " Why don't you just go home?" JJ asked. " Because they are my friends just as much as they are your friends. If you don't like that than deal with it and don't talk to me. I don't wanna deal with your shit." I admited.

" Well it's not my fault I don't like you." JJ told me. " Than so be it. I'm not asking you to like me." I told him. The more he says those things the more it breaks my heart. " JJ can't you just be nice this once."Pope told him. " I will when she leaves." JJ says looking at them.

" Well I'm not leaving, I happen to like the movie they are showing. So suck it up buttercup." I said. " Y/n why don't you go get us some snacks and something to drink." Kie piped up as she handed me some money. " What do you guys want?" I asked. " Pepsi and Popcorn." They all said at the same time.

I went to the concessions and luckily there was no one over there at the time. So I ordered and handed them the money. While I was waiting I felt someone cover my mouth and pick me up. I tried kicking but than someone grabbed me feet. They brought me behind the bit screen and dropped me onto the ground.

When I saw their faces I couldn't help but roll my eyes. " Really Topper, Rafe." I said getting up. " Well you shouldn't have left your friends." Rafe smirked. " Really? Because you have to wait until I can't defend myself to come after me?" I asked. " It's not our fault your Psycho friend has a gun." Topper explained.

" You don't get to talk about JJ like that." I said walking towards Topper. " What are you gonna do about it? It's 2 against 1." Topper smirked. " Well that depends. Are you really willing to hit a girl because since it's 2 against 1 it looks like you guys ganged up on an innocent girl." I stated.

" That's why we grabbed you when your friends weren't around. Plus do you really think JJ is gonna help. Yet here you are defending him and yet he is treating you like shit. For what reason, because you have feelings for him?" Rafe stated. " He wouldn't hate me if I did have feelings for him." I mentioned.

" He will and he is. Because I'm guessing thats the only way to get you to back off." Topper added. " Well I still have people on my side even if I don't have JJ." I told them. " No, they don't. You're brother is caught up with my sister, Pope and Kie have a thing going on and JJ hates you." Rafe spoke.

" Than whatever you plan on doing just do it." I tell them. " Don't worry we plan on it. But first you have to admit that it was Pope and JJ that sunk my boys boat." Rafe says. " What are you talking about?" I asked.

Rafe punched me in the stomach causing me to groan and fall to my knees. " It's going to be worse if you don't tell us the truth." Topper says." I am telling you the truth. I don't know what you're talking about." I tell them. Topper joined in with Rafe as the both of them started hitting me.

JJ's Pov

" What's taking Y/n so long?" Pope asked. " Maybe she decided to leave." I stated. " Her favorite movie is playing. She wouldn't miss this movie for the world." Kie explained. " Why are you so rude to her?" Pope asked. " Because John B told me that Y/n likes me back, but he doesn't want us together so he asked me to find a way to make her not like me." I explained.

" So you choose to put your best friends happiness over yours and hers? If you like her and she feels the same way than you should tell her. Not let other people tell you what you should do." Kie says making a good point. " I'll talk to her after we find her." I tell them." Than let's find her." Kie said looking around. " Um I saw Rafe and Topper earlier but now they Arn't in sight just like Y/n." Pope mentioned.

" But where would they be?" I asked. Kie was looking at the big screen like she had an idea. " You don't think they'd bring her over there do you?" I asked. " I wouldn't put it passed Rafe and Topper. Especially if they are angry at the two of you." Kie stated. Thats when we heard someone scream. We quickly ran towards the direction of the scream.

Y/n's Pov

" Aww can you not take anymore." Rafe Joked. I was now all bruised up and lying on the ground. " Now we are gonna ask one more time. Was it JJ and Pope that sunk my boat?" Topper asked. " Yes it was so leave her alone." I heard a voice. I looked over to see JJ, Kie and Pope.

" Now if you don't leave her alone I'll shoot you." JJ added as he tapped where he had the 'gun'. Topper and Rafe looked at each other before they walked away. After they left the Pouges ran over to me and helped me up. " Your brother is gonna kill us." Pope stated. " Who cares, what's gonna be bad is that they are definitely gonna tell the cops." I told them.

" Than we tell them what they did." JJ mentioned. " You'd really do that?" I asked him. " Why wouldn't I do that for you?" He asked. " Because you're an asshole." I claimed. " I deserve that." He stated. " Yeah you do." I agreed with him.

" We will let you guys talk." Pope said as him and Kie walked away. " I'm sorry for being an asshole." JJ softly smiled. " Why were you so mean?" I asked " Because we both have feelings for each other and you're brother asked me to find a reason for you not to like me." He explained. " So you did it because my brother said so?" I asked.

He nodded as he looked down. " I can't believe you listened to someone else rather than doing what you want." I say to him. " Kie and Pope told me the same thing." JJ mentioned. " We could be together we don't have to tell my brother." I mentioned. " Really?" He asked. " Yeah so everyone is happy." I smiled.

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