John B

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Storyline: Y/n was new to Outer Banks because of the history. She had  read about it  so when she found out  about the history of The Royal Merchant she begged her dad to move so she could hopefully find it but she meets a  certain group of friends who just so happen to be looking for the Merchant. Especially a cute John B Routlage.


Y/n's Pov

I had just moved to the Outer Banks. I had recently read something about the Royal Merchant and had begged my dad to move here to figure out what had happened to the Merchant.

I am a bit nervous though. Moving to a new place not knowing anyone can be very anxious. But also it was a good thing cause I tend to go all detective when I find something interesting and people tend to use that against me.

But enough of that my let me go roam around so that's what I had done. I had met this guy named Ward who let me barrow one of his maps so I can ' Make my around the island'. But for some wear reason he wanted to make small talk.

" So did you just move here"? Ward asked me. " How did you know?" I answer him with another question. He chuckled as he told me. " Because you asked for a map. Most people know their way around the island." I my face turned red with embarrassment as I turned away. " Oh a little advise, stay away from the Pouges. Especially John B, he's dangerous." He tells me in a serious tone.

I mumbled a thank you as I walked away from him. I already knew that today was gonna be a long one if everyone were like him. Plus I have no idea what a Pouge ment so that just made this place a little weirder.

When I got far enough away from Ward I opened the map and looked at him. I noticed that not far where I was there was a restaurant  not far from here.  There was also alot of water so I should probably go to the beach and go boating to see if I can find anything.

But what I thought was weird there was the word Kooks and Pouges written on the map. Which made me more curious on what those words ment. I looked up from the map and saw a blond girl walking with a two boys.

I went up to them and spoke up. " I was wondering what Kooks and Pouges ment. I've heard people talking about them and I just moved here." I explain to them. " Oh Kooks are people with alot of money and Pouges Arnt. I'm Sarah that's Pope and thats JJ." Sarah said as she stook her hand out.

I shook her hand. " I'm Y/n and thanks. I should go I have alot of exploring to do." I tell them as I walked away. I decided not to mention the Royal Merchant because I didn't want them to think that I was weird.

I didn't get far when Sarah stopped me. " Where did you get that Map?" She asked me. " Oh someone named Ward let me borrow it so I wouldn't get lost." I told her as I looked at it once again. That's when I noticed that it had the Royal Merchant on it. I quickly walked away and started heading towards the direction it was.

I could hear her while walking away. " We have to tell John B." She tells them as she pulled out her phone.

°°°°°°°°°°°°Time SkIp°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

I managed to to rent a boat so I could  roam the water to look around and see If I could find anything interesting or anything that would help me in the long run. But what I didn't know was that there were people their waiting for me to show up.

It was a group of kids my age. There were also a couple familiar faces. Sarah, Pope and JJ. " Asked the boy I haven't met before. I knew I couldn't lie. Being new I probably wouldn't know about any of this if I hadn't done any research. " Well You're smart so I think you already know." I tell him

They all looked at each other for a moment. " What exactly do you know?" The girl with the darker hair asked me. " As much as I was able to find." I explain. " Well I think you should just head back to where ever you came from cause we can handle it." Sarah told me.

" Yeah I can't do that. My dad doesn't have a lot of money and I already begged him to move here so we wouldn't have the money to move back." I tell her.

I didn't know what her problem was or why she didn't even want me to help. It would mean more help for them. Before I could offer to help them the boy I haven't met before offered it to me. " Maybe you can help us. But we would have to get to you know since we don't know you." He explains to me.

I smiled and gladly excepted his offer. " By the way I'm John B and this is Kiara." He told me. My smile dropped cause Ward had told me that John B wasn't someone who I should hang out with.

" OK I may not know you but whats up?" Kiara asked me. " I heard that I should probably stay away. Plus if my dad ends up hearing anything he's not gonna want me to hang around either." I tell them.

Kiara nods as she looked around. " Why don't we hang out so you can get to know us and we can get to know you. Then you can make your decision." John B speaks up.

I smile at him. " Sure, but where do we go to. We can't stay out here all day." I mention to them. " My parents own a restaurant." Kiara tells me. " I'll pay for your guys food." I tell them

They all looked at me. " Really?" Pope asked me. " Yeah my last place I stayed at I had a job and I saved all of it and haven't spent any so." I  explain to them. " Thank God! I'm getting tired of Penut butter and Jelly. No offense John B." JJ tells him.

I look at them Weirdly. " Are you guys brothers?" I ask them. " No, best friends. JJ's dad is abusive so sometimes he stays at my place for a little bit. " John B Explains.

I give them a apologetic smile. " Well it's a good thing you have friends that care. I don't think I could handle that. " I tell them.

" Hey no more sappy shit. We are trying to get to know you better." JJ says changing the subject. I could tell that John B was thinking about something. I just can't tell what he's thinking about.

I sit next to John B and give him a small smile. " What's up. I know Somethings up." I say to him. " My dad went missing looking for the Merchant. So it's important we find it because it may help us find my dad." He says with a sad smile.

" Its pretty important for you guys to find it huh?" I ask him. John B just nods as he looks at me. " Than I'll be happy to help you guys find it." I say to him. " Really?" He asks hopefully.

I nod as I smile at him. " If it means I get to help find your father than Yeah I'll help you." I mention to him. He gave me a hug and muttered a thank you. " So what information do you guys have and I'll tell you everything that I know.

After the short boat ride we all finally made it to Kiaras parents restaurant. " So how did you get all this Information?" JJ asked me. " The internet. I read something about it and just got interested." I explain to them.

They all nodded as Kiaras dad came out. " I'm guessing you want left overs?" He asked all of us. " Actually I'm paying for their food so you don't have to worry." I smile at Kiaras dad as the Pouges ordered their food.

Sarah looked at me after she ordered. " Are you sure you're okay with paying?" She asked me. " Yeah I really don't mind." I smiled at them as I paid for their food. They all started digging in as I laughed at them.

Word Count: 1429

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